; A ; 'At ,,' Qf VOLUME XIII IONE, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1924 NUMBER 18 if 1 1 - W . . . ........ . . Tf ; Notice of Sale of Stock Under Agister's Lien . ' Notice Is hereby given thnt the ; underlined will on Friday the 10th day of October, 1924, at the .hour of 2:00 o'clock In the after- to 0 victory for Lexington when noon of aaid day, at the farm of Sherer accomplished the unex E. H. Turner, about two miles 'pected in the last half minute of . North of lone, Morrow County, 'play. 'I Oregon, tell, to the highest I Uu until the laKt tmw mlnuten Didder lor casn in nana, the following described animals 1 bay mare, weight about 1300 lbs. not branded. 1 black mare, weight about 1100 lbs. branded C on left shoulder. 1 gray mare, weight about 1U00 lbs. not branded.- ' The above described animals being the property of Sam Bar netteor Magnuc Sedlund. such sale is for the purpose of satis fying my claim for pasturing and keeping said animals since the 21st day of June, 1921, amounting to the sum of $28 00 and for pasturing said animals from the date hereof until the day of sale, and for the costs of said sale and this advertisement. Dated at .lone, Oregon, thjs 24th day of September, 192 J. St E, II. Turner. Mr. and Mr C. M. Berk, Mrs. Weer 'and Mr. Stevi Wsrd, all of Cleveland, Watth., visited with Mr. C. A. Beck and family this week, arriving Saturday and departing for their homes Tues day morning. The camf to lone "from Board man where they have been visit ing relatives. Formaldehyde $2 25 per gallon at Dullard's Pharmacy. Why ipay more? Bank of lone CAPITAL and SURPLUS K S35.O0O.OO Stated County and City Depository 4 Per Cent On Time and Savings Deposits Safe Deposit Boxes 10NE, ORECON 1 Everybody Likes Chocolates We Feature . Johnston's Box Chocolates Nationally Advertised We wouldnt offer it to you If it wasn't ' Absolutely Fresh. There is nothing nicer for a "peace offering." We also have a nice fresh stock of Bulk Chocolates. Bullard's Pharmacy Don't Forget "Candy Day," Oct. U. Lexington Defeats Boardman ' ; . ; - i What promised to be a tie game between the Lexington high ichool and Boardman foot- bull leumn was turned into a 6 of the game the contest raged back and forth from one end of the field to 'the other. Neither team seemed likely .to score; no advantage favored either side. The break came in the last min ute of the game. Lexington had possession of the ball and but one half minute to play. In a last effort the team resorted to strat egy. lileno Sherer took the ball on a fake end run reversed, and leaving the Boardman line in confusion raced fifty yards for a touchdown. Only five seconds were left to play and a kickofT ended the game. Lexington was without the services of Walter Kowell in the nek field which greatly weuk.n el tna eleven. The Board of Control tms since declarep him eiinthie and he .will play in all the luture games. Oddfellows Hold Conference I At Pendleton, October 14 1'endleton Oddfellows have invited lodges of lone and vicin ity to attend a meeting for the promotion of the interest of the order. , .-,.. The meeting will be held Oct. 14. and will bt attended by the Grand Master, Grand Vvarden. Grand Secretary and other state officers. Tte program and entertain ment will be furnished bv the Pendleton Lodge. Biennial Report of County School Supt., Morrow Co. During tho last blerinium, not. withstanding the heavy tax burden and crop failures, our schools have shown a tendency1 for betterment of all educationa facilities, ' 4 In comparing tho Dast twri years with th preceedmg two years and basinir our fi the disbursements for elementary schools and the number of child ren in attendance, we find a decrease of $29.00 per pupil in- cost of maintenance. Thin however did not in the least cause a reduction in efficiency. In some districts salaries were lowered, in others raised bo that the average salary paid teachers in our one room rural schools shows an increase of t4.C,r De teacher. All teachers emDlovea were certificated befoie the opening of schools so that temporary certificaies were not granttd. School boards were more careful in the selection of their teachers and with but few exceptions pupils passed their1 examinations successfully. i A new school district was formed last fall comprising 63J sec. valuation $297,930, census 18. This district has not built a school house yet. Pupils are attending the Heppner school. In place of furnishing transpor tation the pupils board will be payed by the district. At Alpine, District Nc. 27, a high school was organised. The requirements for a standard four year high school have been met and they are waiting for the Ct..,.. I . oioio isepuruneni to declare it a standard school. This will make seven standard high schools and one Unior. High Sch.-ol which i is also a four vear utun,iur,i school. We feel proud of the fart that Heppner High was recognized by the Northwest Association last spring, making the 28ih hiirh school in the state to meet its standard. The Alpine district was hnnH. ed for $10,000. A two room building with basement has been erected, one room will be used for high school and one for th. grades. Part of the funds were used for equipment, part for water and part for converting the old building into a teacher- age. (continued on page 2) iiimm Independent Garage E. R. LUNDELL. Proprietor. 'I' 1 . J .- SL J g A complete stock of Kelley-Springfield and United States TIRES Come in and see me before sending your order away. Standard and Union Gas. t Repair Shop in Connection Under Management of J. H. Bryson. Independent Garage lone, Oregon. Oddfellows and Rebeccas Combine in Surprise'Party Saturday evening, October 4, was the sixty fourth anaiversarv of Frank Griffin's birthday, and the Kebeccas and Oddfellows united in tendering him a surprise party in honor ot the occasion. The plan for the party had been a well kept secret and Mr. Griffin's surprise was complete. He rallied, however, and entered heartily into the spirit of the evening. As he lighted the sixty. four candles on the six story cake that had been pro vided for the festivities, he told the company that the year 1861) had been distinguished by two events of prime importance-the election ot Abraham Lincoln to the presidency of the United States and the arrival of Frank Gritfin in this vale of tears. Personally he had long been o opinion that the latter event was" more important and he was pleased to note that the trend of fraternal sentiment in I:ne was in the dirfction of the same conclusion. The birthday cake had been built o:i the same generous proportions and on the same lines as Mr. Griffin nimself, and when the candles were lighted it seemed a veritable lighthouse of fraternity, illuminating with it3 friendly radianca every corner of the lodtfe r om and every heart present. After a most enjoyable pro- ; pam of game,, refreshments consisting of cake and coffee, sandwiches and conversation were enjoyed. The gathering brolte up at a late hour after wishing Mr. Griffin the enjoyment of the good tbii.gs of life through many years to come. Rye at Swanson's Feei and Supply Store. A carload of ntw cropVye just received. FOlt COUNTY COMMISSIONER A vaeancy hitving lwon rrentrtl In tlio ollli-e of enmity vonmitiwioiH'r liy the rcHluiiiitliiii ot It. I. llt'iiiTi-. I licrvtiy n it nou net" mywll hh a cnnilU iluto fur thiUollK-f an nn Imli-tH-niK-nt ltt-itttljlien.il. Mini hIikII iu)iivclitt the "iippiirt of the people of Morrow County at the poll tn the giMierul election thin tall. U. A. ItLEAKMAN. Hnrilimm. Reunion Held at Hermiston A very pleasant reunion of the family of Mr. and Mrs. E. G, Frank was held Sunday, October ith, at the home of their daugh ter Mrs. D. A. Gibbs of Hermis ton. . Those present were Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Frank, the Misses Mary, Edith and Hazel Frank, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Frank and children, Mr. and Mm. Gibbs and little Miss Phyllis, Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Helms, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Calkins and children, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Calkins and children, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Calkins and infant son, Mr. and Mrs. Bachelor and their son Alvin, Mr. Stoops, Miss Daisy Calkins and Miss Hazel Akers. Chicken dinner with all the trimmings was served to thirty two people. The only absentees were Mrs. L. I. King and daugh ter. I have a full stock of furniture which 1 am selling at 10 percent reduction. All kinds of furniture repaired. S. E. Moore. Re;.! Estate Exchanged Through Local Eroker It L Eckleberry of North Powlerh-s made a trade with B. F. Sorenon and is now owner of the old Seal place, five miles west of lone. This ranch con tains 810 acres and Mr. Sorenson taHe in- exchange a 400 acre 3to;V rAnch at North Powcer. Mr. Eckleberry has rented the ran.-h to Fred Pettyjohn and it is un erstood will make his home in or near Ionn for some time. H. C. Woid, local real estate broker h tndled th deal. For Rent-Siii ill house on sec ond slreer, fu- rooms, water, electric lights. See Mrs. Sper'ry at th Carle lodjjinif house. 3t !WWW'Ht" ' SCHOOL School will and you should buy supplies J before the opening dav. I t have a large assortment of J articles needed in the school room and can wants at right prices. Please remember that ii School Books must be i SOLD FOR CASH BERT IONE Local High School Eleven Wins Opening Came 25-0 The lone High School football team went to Hardman Satur day and won their first game of the - season from the Hardman team, by a score of 25 to 0. 'For the first yame of the season and for most of the lone team, the first game ever played .the.boys Jid exceeingly well. Hardman outweighed the lone boys on the' average, but this was more than ma le up by the playing of the lone back field, which at times played more (ike the last than the first game of the year. ' At the opening of the game Hardman won the choice and chose to defend the east goal. and kicked off to lone. On the first play Graves went through left tackle for eight yards; Bris tow made about the same dis tance on the next play through tackle. A forward cass bv Bristow to rwin was incomplete. After a few plays lone lost the bull to Hardman on a fumble, but Hardman was held without any gain and was forced to kick. After a few plays Bristow made about twenty, yards on a crisa cross play and Graves made the first touchdown on a, tackle play in which he got away for about torty yards. Linn missed the if uai kick after touchdown. , In the secon.l quarter lone scored two more touchdowns, on on ti crisscross by Bristow, and .the next on an end run by Bristow. Linn kicked one aroal but miaaed the next. The last score by lone came in the middle of the third quarter when Graves made ,ten yards and a touchdown on a criss cross. At no time during the game did Hardman threaten to score. iiic uuijr uim yniiis wmi Vile made were on criss cross plays with Knighten carrying the ball. Once in the second qaarter he got away for thirty five yards, and in the third quarter he made about thirty yards on the (continued on page 4) MM SUPPLIES 1 begin Sept. 8, supply your j MASON ORECON , 1 MM IIIIMM 7 MMMMIIMMUMIMMI