The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, September 18, 1913, Image 4

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r'W Carets. E!blihed Ma rch 31 B, 1883
:'Jt!.'ml Time. Lstabliahed Nov. 18, 1897
CoiMolid-Med February 15, 1912.
V'.4"M K CRhWFORD. Editor and Proprielor
VwwKk tiwv Thurt.lay morning, and entered at
i.v.- .attice t Heppnrr, Oregon, a aecond-
' V uA i
' T WWIV UT?6,
i j-Xe C-.V'-,
t "..- nnicjit, running lew than one month,
., jkriolwin, per inch, 25c: ubequent in--kw:a
12 i-2c: display, regular, 12 l-2c;
iacm. I".rt laiMtion, per line, 10c; ubequent
. jam Kr line. 5c; lodge retolulioni. per
t-charrh aocuU and all advertiung ot
tMyaejwrfoi conducted for pay, regular ratea
Skem, Sept. 18, - - - 1913
Doai-Vj Beloved : The Spirit moveth
i(htil to inauire if tou are
iisitinp: du preparation to contribute
iur fa(I portion to the euccesa of the County Fair? Men may
-J.jswIi the live stock, the horses
pigs, chickesn, etc., also the
. Fan ?irl "oarden sass. " all in the
tot when it comes to the fiuished
saict, that is where yon shine Bnd
- tiei't of the "hull biznues." you
" iv.ouc, j-pends upon you. So get
iter? srsd bring yaur canned and
:a.w fruits, jellies, cakes, pies,
t w1, on flowers, needlework, paint-
i trail anv other prorluct of your
Ciuivroft that will swell the volume
f s&ibits. Anything you nave
..ntta look in at is just what is
sri&L'A. N. B. Don't forget the
'Yavo cm' tv hss just completed a
&3 jivjit hoti-e at The Dalles.
19! Im ga convention of the
, a I 1 1 !'fcts I rtunas may db nein in
Z.ePii-t.n4 -f oiKS to be considered at
wjxi i!i.t ee-Vinti of the grand lodge of
: :ivszim in Portland. October 14, de
.'! 'SBtisf-ieiorily.
tiiff rty, representative in
bim tha 2nd Oreeon district
oefutnid t the republican purtv
sf;.i a two years switch to the pro
.jf He eavs he will 6eek re-
iK-iioa ftnm the republican party.
ment made by C. C. Moore, assistant
chemist in the United States Bureau
of Chemistry who was a visitor at
the Portland Commercial Olob last
week. Mr. Moore It on a tour in
vestigating the potato production of
Oregon with a view of securing in
formation as to what is being done
with the surplus tnbor. Approxi
mately GOO.000 tons of rIucoso is con
sumed in the United States a year and
10.000 tons or more is the demand of
the Pacific Coast states. Practically J
thre is ro starch or nlucoe factory
on the Coast, Mr. Moore explained,
and the department is desirous of
encouraging the industry. That this
is a manufacturing enterprise of con
siderable dividend onying is plainly
shown by Mr. Moore's figures, that
between ."i00;000 to 75O,O00 18 sent
annually into the corn belt for this
With the opening of oolleae in 10
days, a movement to raise $20,000 for
a Y. M. C. A. building at the Uni
versity of Oregon will he inaugurated
among the college men. It is pro
posed to erect wthiu two years a brick
building on property already owned
hy the Y. M. C. A. for permanent
Headquarters. The Y. W. O. A.,
composed of college women, has just
completed a $2500 bungalow for
women's headquarter, which is com
pletely paid for through the efforts of
the co-eds.
If I Ml tiling ' I if-'"' ' '"' " '-'li,M
pM40fW'W(rlaJfapfll '"J1P. "'W'l
When the flocks and herds of people
come crowding Into town to atteud the
Fair it will be ne"e?sary to have
some regularly orcanized body to look
after them. They will want to know
where to go for entf rtainment or to
find a suitable place in which to sprend
their tents and camp. It is too much
to expect of the Comittee on Arrange
ments to hick after such details, and
other provisions must be made. If
no definite program has been outlined
and this EDecial phase of the service
provided for, would it not be well for
the business men of the town to take
no the matter at onco and see that
Bailable commitees are appointed to
take charge of it
Heppner, Oregon, Sept. 25, 26, 27, 1913
rHAiTLr,oe IE5Ig Days
ftM et ites are going into good
xmj a an advertisement. This is
v -rtf well, but H is bettor to go into
riT. as an investment. It ia not
wecbory that wants to sell ont
IVf tke a road to keep, not to sell, and
T4a are mnm likely to mate it right.
I;r an order from the State library
5- vchnol district in the state will
raive books. This order peitains
tk nn" t school libraries exclus
: it. The order amounts tn 30,481
'vuik.. Ihey will fiction,
li-'juvKif. Irmrpls and nil sorts of
tits cf g-n-rs! interest.
Walter B. Manning, a fireman in
Yu datid coucocud a fake rescue story
: i a ardor t'rat he might gain promoticn
i c fcte dtpnttmtnt According to
I3.zmiim, he rescued a man ' from
s-i-'Wiling hy d.virg from Broadway
tr ? r- ibot in re-ilitv he was at the
' i.wt: of n wrn-.iu friend of his helo
ixig ler can neuches at the time he
-jsid he performed the tfscue act.
'J . laigest c;uo of lumber ever
wflnRt in the world was that of
yfw l'acific Mail Steamship Algoa
H-ttc laft lo tinni, September 7th.
;ir" vtneT, ehi having aboard mnre
ian G.OOO.iiOO feet of lumber. The
iTiO is 1.00 0M feet in excess of
,trr ochr leaving the Willamette or
rjhfcwibia Rivers or any i-ort on the
a,Ga Coast. The value of this
u-vco is estimaed at ai proximately
-Thi t, nnodtinn of building 125
vrJlf-t of hard surfaced county roads at
; trial xnense of $1,000,000 is being
-rt': -uly cjns-idered in Walla Walla
The ida of a hard surfaced
jiaUway Jrom the Columbia river to
Wall Waha, theu via Prescott to the
rut brd from Frescott up the Tou
.tfeC liver to Wtitfbun, is in itself
stir"t ve -dia. thouuh the
xtt mef-mi almott prnbibitive. It is
rtRori ly some rts derts of the terri-tr-
tta' i' iu-l reijuire an interest
iuxsnnnrt of f"r.r cents ppr aire per
-liire the annual maintenance expense
. rtv detote.1 torois, thp tax distri
,! ovtr a lung ttricl of jears
vnia n t a-voJt.t to rf v mu-h while
avinsr in Irirsoortaiion fharges
, ttvvi:i would te many times
i.v. ,r vi' al cert of the read Muni-J-snil
The citv park board of Denver has
established a "Neighborhood House"
in connection with a suburban muni
cipal play grounds where yoong lovers
may till and coo to their heart's
content, under municipal regulations.
The house is known as the ' 'Municipal
Spoo. ery." a very amironriate. title.
We own some of the finest improved
farms in Minnesota, Wisconsin and
North Dakota that we can sell on
croD pavments. If you want a home
we will help you. it you nave a
pieoe of city prootetv or a small farm
which vou wish to ex?hang for other
land, we can use it. We aho have a
new stock of groceries and chinaware,
dry goods, hardware and millinery to
exchange for farm land or cir.y prnp-
ertv. Write us for particmars. In
formation cheerfully given. Agents
waated. C. A. BEBKINS.
P. O. Box 12 St. Paul., Minn.
S 18-0 4.
t 1 s -iVi . a , ""tH
i - . . . i 1
.'....' v- v w ft-.- v .,..', V
jyllr Aeroplane Jligl.t;
in Acts of Magic, and Punch
and Judy Shows
for Agricultural, Horti
cultural and other l'ro
ducts of the famous
Morrow fount v soil.
Every pioneer of Morrow
county expected to be pres
ent on that day. Prizes for
the old men; prizes for la
dies well along in years.
Cnihlren's Parade, Auto
Parade, Children's Ex
hibits, 'Baby Show, and
nianv otlier attractions
Suitable Prizes
will be given for
Articles not listed
in the
Premium Book
MAW IS the time to get exhibits ready. Farmers must get busy and aid us
lill W by a good display of exhibits or the Fair cannot be what it should be.
M W. E. LEACH, President
E. R. HUSTON, Director
W. W. SMEAD, Secretary
Have Had Prosperous Year
Last Sundav closed the first year's
pastorate of Rev H. A. Van Winkle
with the Christian church at HepDner
and he has been called to serve the
church for anoth-n year. The year
just closed has been a prosperous oue
for the church, 44 new members hav
ing been received into the fold, and
all financial obligations have been
met. The pastorate of Rev. Van
Winkle has been very satisfactory and
we are glad to announce his retention
for another year. Anaogement shave
been cmpleted for a revival to begiu
at this church on Dec. 9, with the ooy
vanaelists, Jesse Kellems and Harold
Humbert in charge. These two
young men are very successfol in
their work, aud Heppner can look for
ward to one of the biggest revivals
in its history tinder the leadership of
these workers.
hnilib all irtl IBawrtu
'It '
M f HOf?iFuneral Director
Lu Lrl5Hi and Embalmer
. 1
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Xotson nd Mrs.
C. E. Woodson of Hanpner. who had
been attending, the M E. conference
at Walla Walla, came down on the
local passenger and left on No. 1 west
bound for their homn. Mr. Xotson is
the county school superintendent of
Morrow county, and cojld not stop
over for the Iiaond-Uo cn accoont of
so many of the pubile schools opening
up. Live Wire Pendleton.
H. V. Gates, president of Heppner
IJk:ht and Water Co , has been in
i Heppner during the week looking;
I after the affairs of the company in !
I their reconstruction work. Two csr
I loads of new machinery will arrive in
a few riavs and the worn of enalrying
j the power plant will be started at
jonce. The lot jos-t sooth of the
' present plant has been purchased and
I the new buildings will be constructed
Practical Horseshoers
Have opened up for GENERAL BLACK
SMITHING at the Prennaii shop two doors
north of the Fair building.
Horseshoing a Specialty
An Announcement
Correctness in Style, in Workman
ship and in Fabrics are fully guaranteed.
An unlimited collection of samples has
just been received.
Come in and select your New Suit
or Overcoat.
-at rd" n common potiro can
-e 'turned into a money i.iyuein
... t anufsctnrirg the iurulus
A W aW I
,Bk. Icihol. starch, glu. o.e and
potato, is the acucunce-
WaHer E. Donnelly, manager of the
Morrow County Fair went down to
Portland Saturday. He attended to
some business pertaining to the fair
and returned to this city Monday
Heppner Farmers Union Warehouse . Co.
Choice Flour
$5.00 per bbl.
Wood, Coal, Cedar Posts and Rolled Barley
Best prices paid for Hides and Pelts
i HM "a! I Wl'''
Livery Stable
MIKE BEALY. Proprietor
Main lOl
Licensed Embalmer
Lady Assistant
Phone Residence. Heppner. Oregon