TEE HC1 cmmASA' vv n ( crr- n n DO YOU REMEMBER WHEN YOU WERE LITTLE? DID YOU EVER GET ENOUGH ICE CREAM THEN. . BUY AN ICE CREAM FREEZER AND YOUR CHIL DREN WILL LOVE YOU MORE AND BE LESS TROUBLE TO THEIR MOTHER. ICE CREAM IN HEALTHFUL. BUY A FREEZER FROM US AND HAVE PLENTY OF IT. WHEN YOU WANT HARDWARE. REMEMBER WE HAVE IT. COME AND SEE US. Gilliam & Bisbee Elmer Beaman FUEL DEALER Fir, Oak, Pine and Slab wood, Lump Coal and Nut Coal. PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE. From now on my business is to be strictly cash; leave money with your orders. Orders left either at yard or with Slocum Drug Co. will re ceive prompt attention. it. Marred Surfaces f Made New A scarred or scratched table, or a cnair on which the finish is marred, or any woodwork where the finish isn't what you would like, can be made new with ACME QUALITY VARNO-LAO It's also good for floors. It will stand bard wear, because it's made from the best floor varnish. Varno Lac not only renews, but it also stains and varnishes at j one application. You can change oak or pine to a mahogany or walnut or dark oak finish, or any of the expensive hard wood finishes. And it's easy to do ' you can do it yourself. Our book, "Home Decorating" tells you how to do ,' all kinds of home painting at trifling cost. Ask for a free copy. Case Furniture Company, HEPPNER, OREGON Farmers Attention! Old Pap Simon's blacksmith abop open with a good crew. General re pairing, wagon work and horseshoeing specialty. All work guaranteed. J. W. HAYNE3. Repair work cf all kind! dona. LEE CANTWELL. Go to the Bskery for yoor bread. 26 loaves for fl.OO. Spray Now. Spray yoor acplea and pears with arsenate of lead, 2 pounds to 50 gal lons cf water; ore two bars yellow laundry soap and pound concentrated lye. Spray before fruit evts larger than hazel nuts; soray again in three weeks, and apray from firts to tenth of July. HARRY CUMMIXGS. tf. Fruit Ioepector. LEGAL NOTICES. SUMMONS. tiih Statu Col'NTY ll'- I.N TIIH CllMTlT Ool'UT OV UK OliHlidN FOU TMK JloKKOW. John IIknhy iiouk I'lniiitiff vs Anna E. 1oii: Defendant To Annii K. lUidt", defendant: In the name of the State of Oivu-on you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of plaintiff tiled against you in tiieaioveentitled Court and Cause on or before six week from the first date of publica t ion of this numinous, and if you fail to so appear or answer the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in his complaint as fol lows, to-wit: That the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now ex latins' between yourself and plaintiff lie dissolved and forever held for naught. This summons is publiwhed by or der of Hon. (illbert W. Phelps, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the Sixth Judicial Dis trict, made and entered on the 3rd day of June, IS)13, and the first date of publication being June 12th, 11)13. ULENN Y. WELLS. Attorney for rialntiff. Guardian Sale. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, by virtue of the order uade by the County Court of the Scato of Oregon for Multnomah County in the matter of the Guardianship of Belinda' A. Parker, insane, May 23, 1913, foi the purpose of paving the debts, taxes and other claims against me estate oi saia wara ana the sup port and maintenance of said ward and the costs and expenses of these proceedings, will on and after Satur day July 19, 1913 at 10 o'clock A. M at the place of business of L. P. Dav idson, at lone, Morrow County, Ore son, offer for sale and sell at private sale to the highest bidder all of the right, title and interest of said Belin da A. Parker, insane, in and to the SWi of Sec. 15 and Tp. 2 N. of Range 23 E. of the W. M. , situated in the County of Morrow, State of Oregon containing 160 acres more, or less. 'the terms of said sale will be one third cash at time of sale; the balance of said putohase price to be paid one half thereof one year from date of sale and the remainder in two years from the date of sale with interest at the rate of 7 per cent per annum, pay able semi-annualy, secured by first mortgage on said premises. Bids will also be received at the office of the undersigned Attorney, 619 Cham ber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon Mary E. Garfield, as Guardian of Belinda A. Parker, insane. A. Appelgren, Attorney for Guardian, Portland, Oregon. Date of first publication of this no tice, June 19, 1913. j 19-j 17. 14;i8 La Grande 113, List No. 012175. Notice tor Publication. Unitrd States Land Office. La Grande. Oregon, June 26th, 1913 Notice in hereby given that the Northern Pacific Railway Company whose potd.oilice addretm is St. Paul, Miunesota, has this 26th day of June. 1913, filed in this office its application to select undei the provisions of the act of Congress apnroved July 1, 1898 (30 Stat. 507, 620). as extended bv the Act of Congress approved May 17, 1906, the SEJ SWi Seo 17 Twp. 2 South. R. 27 East, W. M. , Serial Nu. 012175. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the land described, or desir ing to object benause of the mineral character of ihe land, or for any other reason, to the disposal to anplicant, should file, their affidavits of protest in this office, on or before the 16th day of August, 1913. F. C. BRAM WELL, Register. Published in Gazette-Times, Loca ted at Hepppner, Oregon. J 3-A 7. Notice For Publication. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 10th, 1913. Notice is hereby given that John rj. McMiIlian, of Heppner, OregoD, who, on June 5th, 1909, made Homestead, No. 04954, for WJ NWi, Seo. 26, EJ E., Sec. 27 and NEJ NEJ, Section 34, Township 2 South. Range 25 East Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above des- ribed, before C. C. Patterson, U. S. Commissioner at his office, at Heop- ner, Oregon, on the 19th day of July, 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: William H. Padberg. John Padberg and Nathaniel Shaw, all of Heppner. Oregon, and Louis Freidlev, of Lex ington. Oregon. j 19-j 17. C. W. MOORE, Register. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande Oregon, June 18th, 1913, Notice is hereby given that Robeit Van Horn of Hepp ner, Oregon, who, on May U3rd, 1907 made Homestead Entry No. 15458, Serial No. 05044 for SEJ Secton 18. Township 2 South, Range 27 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Five-Year Proof to establish claim to the land above described before 0. C. Patter sou, United States Comissioner, at his office, at Hepnner, Oregon on the 30th day of July 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: Dayid Brown, Daniel H. Hanshaw, Frank N. Moyers and Joseph D. Moy ers, all of Heppner, Oregon. F. C. BRAM WELL, Register. J 26-J 24. 1442 La Grande 114 List No. 012196. Notice for Publication. United States Land Office. La Grande, Oregon, July 1, 1913. Notice is hereby given that the Northern Pacific Railway Company, whose post offiue address is St. Paul, Minnesota, has this 1st day of July, 1913 filed in this office its application to select under the provisions of the act of Congress anproved July 1. 1898 (30 Stat. 597. 620). as extended by the act of Congress approved May 17. iQflfl Hio Sft'l KEU Sir. Pft Tmr, a I ' ' ' " v' J " l South, R. 27 E-ist, W. M. Serial No. 012196. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the lauds described, or desir. ing to objeot because of the mineral character of the land, or for any other reason, to the disposal to appli cant, should file their affidavits of protest in this office, on or before the 20tb day of August 1913. F. C. BRAM WELL. Register. Publish in Gazette-Times Located at Heppner, Oregcn. jl0-al4 If you want to save money on your Fire insurance, see Smead. tf. Insure yonr auto. SV. W. Smead nan give you cheap rates in a good company. Good horse pasture 5 miles from Hoppner on the Stalter place. Goo I fence, fine water $1.50 per head a month. See Dr. Winnard. Parties wanting coarse bucks this fall will do well toseeVValtei Kilcup. ." lm Morrow Warehouse Mill Co., are now making a fine lot of flour out of Morrow county rye. No need of sending away for the flour now. tf. FOR SALE. A second-hand ice box. Palace Hotel. . tf. Found On streets of Heppner a pair of ladies tan shoes, also another package. Shoes new. Owner can get same by calling at residence of Jess Hale, and paying for this notice. 2t. For Sale. Ten good mules eight 3 and 4 yrs. ; two 2 yrs. Four horses 6 yrs., broken. Box 28, Monu ment, Oregon. jl2-6t Stray Hogs. Five head of shoats weighing about 140 pounds each, and marked with crop off right ear, strayed from my place in Rood Canyon. Four of these hogs are white and one is black. Com municate with me by phone. T. H. Williams. Stray Mares. I have at my place on Balm Fork, two stray mares. One a dark iron gray, 4-vear-oli branded NS ou hip; one a light gray, 2-year-old with same brand. Owner can get these animals by paying cost of adv itising and pasturage. Have been at my place the past two months. JAS. FARLEY, tf Heppner, Ore. You will find everything necessary to quench that thirst at Thoroughly prepared to furnish all kinds of Cold Drinks, Ices and Ice Cream. The installing- of the new Optimus Fountain places us in a position to offer up-to-date service, Your patronage earnestly solicited i" Notice of Cancellation of County Warrants. NOTICE is hereby given, that the following described County Warrants have remained in the hands of the County Clerk, un called for, more than seven years. To-wit; 1840 to Ed Browning for $ .50. 1127 to Orval Cox for $1.50. 993 to H. J. Cannon for $8.00. 1)92 to L. M. Canfield,for$2.00. 2495 to Geo. Cane for $1.20. 1408 to Chas. Howe for $2.20. 1757 to John Houseman for $5.50. 1957 to T. D. Matthews for NOTICE OF SALE OF IMPOUNDED ANIMAL Notice is hereby given that I have taken up and impounded the follow ing described animal: One white mare, unbroie, five or six years old, branded D on left shoulder. In pursuance of the oidinance gov erning such matters, I will proceed to sell the said animal at public sale at the City Pound in Haponre. Oregon, on Monday, the 2ut day of Ju!y, 1913, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, to the highest bidder for cash in band, the proceeds of said sale to be applied as bv law provided. MACK SMITH, Ciy Marshal. Dated at Heppner" Oregon, this 10th day cf July, 1913. 2t. $2.20. 2636 to M. J. F. Morgan for $3.00. 1036 to I. N. Prater for $1.20. 2081 to Coleman Roberts for $3.50. 2056 to Chas. Sorber for $2.00. 2179 to Geo. Summers for $2.20. 1908 to Chas. Sorber for $3.00. 1059 to Mary Stewart for $1.00. 1026 to Mrs. J. Shipley for. $1.00. The following warrants have been called for payment by the County Treasurer more than seven years, and have not been presented. 1721 to F. M. Ward for $35.00. 1591 to W. L. Smith for $120.00. 809 to Dan Rice for $6.00. 497 to F. M. Griffin for $19.60. 455 to W. O. Hill for $100.00. 1945 to Jas. Mitchell for $126.- 00. 1893 to J. W. Shipley for $156.- 73. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby; given that it said warrants are not called for at the County Clerks office, or presented to the County Treasurer for payment, the same will after SIXTY DAYS from the date of this Notice be cancelled by the County Court, and delivery and payment of the samewill thereafter be refused. By order of the County Court dated July 3, 1913. W. O. HILL, County Clerk. FRANK GILLIAM, 4t. County Treasurer. NOTICE. As I have bought the jewelery stock and watch repair business of Mr. C. R. Johnson, I wish to inform his many friends and patrons that I am a practical watchmaker and jewelery repair man of 23 years experience at the watch bench. Whatever kind of watch you may have that fails to keep time if intrusted in my care will receive my personal attention. All mail paokages will receive prompt attention. Trusting I may meet you one and all at the old stand of C. R. j Johnson, , I am respectfully yours fori good time, WM. HAYLOR, The Jewler. Kit r N 3 1 i i i ft i j I ) 4- - v 7 X J - f ft i:iJ2tftsf unworn. fiMxmm TELEPHONE S Livery Stable 1 MIKE'BEALY. Prop.ieior CofKTEOlS T11EATMHXT AND KIIINT- ; (LAWS KKHVU'K. Wfi PAY KOK j' ALL TKI.EI-IIONES KOR RIOH. i Phone Main lOl HEPPNER. - OREGON S BEST MEALS IN TOWN EVERYTHING FIRST CLASS thorn Restaurant MEALS ALL HOURS Fresh Oysters all the Time Fish Every Day Can supply the trade with meats and fishthe choicest in the market. Call outside meal hours. If You want Kf .1. II. 'J.. your liouw moved tf Licensed Embalmer Lady Assistant J. L. YEAGER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Phone Residence. Heppner, Oregon