V -am t,ul PBOFESSICHTA.L CABS3 You will find everything necessary to quench that thirst at T23I2E3 IEjILiTE Thoroughly propareil to 'furnish all kinds of Cold Drinks, lees and Ice Cream. The installing- of the new Optimus Fountain places us in a position to offer up-to-date service. Your patronage earnestly solicited C. E. WOODSON. A TTORNE Y-AT-LA W Office In Palace Hotel Heppner, Oregon Wo Guarantee That tha Royal Standard Typewritar i ta roaoa of uj niznajt rnulo ma. taiiala obtainable and by the moot .kiUul workmrn r "nay can hira: Sam E. VanVactor, not it will do work of tho fcttl quality for a rTt Itmgth of timo at l5 ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office ou west eud of May Street Heppner Oreeon. psnae tor upkeep man any other typ.wrlt.r, rffjjardjisaa of price. u. Ttrrwaira cowurf S. E. Notson Heppner Farmers Union Warehouse Co. A TTORNE I AT LAW, Jfflcelu Court House, Heppner Orego. a. neaa me r m. I 4MMM ttw;. r'is . Guarantee ! a ft I IF Wool, Choice Flour Grain $5.00 per bbl. Wood, Coal, Cedar Posts and Rolled Barley Best prices paid for Hides and Pelts Iiill II 9 If 3 B GLEN1N Y. WELLS Attokney at Law Heppner - Oregon Office ou May St. opposite Palace Hotel. F. H. ROBINSON. L AWYEB, lone, - - - Oregon IV. L. SMITH. ABSTRACTER. I liif ft w A I ' 'One of the greatest mechanical geniuses of all times" a world famed maker of a high priced car so refers to Henry Ford whose great accomplishment is the Ford car. You'll want the me chanically perfect Ford this 'as- )n and to avoid disappoint ment you should get it now. "Everybody is driving a Ford" more than 200,000 in service. New prices runabout $525 touring car $(100 town car $800 with all equipment, f. o. b. Detroit. Get particulars from ALBERT BOWKER, Local Agent, at i ill Only complete set of: abstraol booke to Morrow county. Heppner. Oregon 1 1 HEPPNER GARAGE Jjj HEPPNER GARAGE MIKE HEAL Y, Proprietor Telephone Livery Stable - TELEPHONE 201 THE HOME OF THE SPOTTED HOUSES F. DYE, D. M. D. Dentist ""Permanently located in Odd rellovvs building. Rooms 4 and 5, Five Important New Features of New Model 5: Two Color Ribbon Back Spacer H. T. ALLISON Physician A Surgeon Office Patterson Drug Store HfcrPSiKIt, OK EGO.- OSTEOPATHY AND MECHANO-THERAPY Dk Hkttik P.ARXE3, M.D., D.O. Dr J. Perky Con dek, M.-T. D. Treatment of all diseases im per cent. 01 cones sncceeRliuiv treateu without operation Drs. Winnard& McMurdo I'llVSKIAJiSt M ,l;0S Heppner . Orkgos I COURTEOUS TREATMENT AND FIRST-CLASS SERVICE. T WE $ PAY FOR ALL TELEPHONES FOP RIGS. LOWER MAIN STREET '. I HEPPNER, OREGON Grand Celebration at lone, u re. July 3rd, 4th, and 5th $500.00 Cash Prizes for Horse Racing, Bucking Contests, and Baseball Games. Half-mile race track now being constructed. Foot races and sports of all kinds. Everybody in Morrow County is invited to come and enjoy the greatest celebration ever given in the county. Full particulars will be advertised as soon as bills can be printed. WELLS & CLARK. SHAVING PARLORS Three Doors South of Postofflce. Shaving 25c Haircutting 35c isatnroono in Connection. PATTERSON & ELDER 2 Donra North Palace Hotel T OX SO HI A L A H T I S T S Fink Baths Shaving 25t J. H. BODE Merchant Tailor HEPPNER OR EG OS Dr F. N. Christensen, DehNst IIKI'IWKK, lllti:i,ll Officss wilK Drs. WinharJ & McMurJ II Tabulator I Tilting Paper Table Hinged Paper I Fingers I end Other 1 Improvements , THE New Model No. 5 Royal comes to you with the unconditional guarantee that it will do highest grade work for a longer time at less upkeep expense than machines usually listed at 33 lA per cent, higher in price! Think what that announcement means to typewriter users! Here you have typewriter insurance something; you have never before been able to buy and this insurance costs you nothing; in fact, it saves you money! With this big money saving;, you deal with an organization that is willing to stake unlimited resources on its claims and on its machine. Thesa are the powerful facts that have led large concerns every where, and important departments of the United States Government, to adopt the Royal, for the same reason YOU should at least investigate it, and by all means learn about the new improvements. 'Phone or Write for "The Royal Book," and Get a FREE DEMONSTRATION '. Typewriter users of all classes are having the New Mode! 5 demonstrated in ttheir oinces. Let us do the same for you absolutely without obligaiion Model 5, $75.88 asaS' No Extras VAWTER CRAWFORD, Heppner, Oregon, LOCAL AGENT 4 Heppner Lone Rock Stage Ifeppncroflice with SWuni Drag Co. Tirrs flT.ltiK IF. WES UKPl-SEI! T7 U A .V.. Tl'ESIfA iS, TlfCRShA rs AMI SA wh oa VS. AI.L PACh'AOES AXfl PAKfELH TO noorr os this rhi te snori.n r.E left A I In r. nrnt;i HJIEHE THEY CAS HE WA Y --HILLED. 7 Your Printing is done at the Gazette-. 1 lmes rnntery, it is done RIGHT, i Better than Spanking SnankirK will not cure children of wetting the bed, because it is not a habit bot a dangeroua disensn. The O. H. Rowan l)ru Co. , Dept. 1471. Chicago, III. , have djscorcred a strict ly harmless remedy for this distress ing disease and to make known its merits they will send a 5oo package securely wranped and prepaid Ahn lately Frpe to acv reader of The Gazette-Times. This remedy also cures frequent desires to urinate and inability to conrtol nrine during the pight or day in voung or old. The O. H. Rowan Drnz Co. in an Old Reliable House; rite to them todav for the free medicine. Cure the' afflicted members of vonr famiiy. then tell your neighbors and friends about this remedy. LEXINGTON ITEMS. Mr. Sturgill is visiting in Ilepnner a few davs. Awful hot here bat it makes our gardens erow. Mrs. Wright and little son are vis iting relatives here this week. Bert and Annie Cork of Monument are visiting their sister, Mrs. Glenn Davis. Mrs. L. L. Van Winkle is up to Heppner doctoring her little son with Dr. Conder. The ball came Sunday afternoon between Lexington and Eialit Mile was won by the visitors in a score of 7 to 11. Mr. and Mrs. Bell left for an ex truded visit to Maryland. We wish that Mr. and Mrs. Bell thoroughly enjoy themselves while gone. Mrs. Williams came up from Port end Wednesday night to visit her brother. Mrs. Williams expects to return in time for the Kobe Festival. By the amount of harness and dotti ng strewn along the road outside of town si me one must have had a runa way on Saturday night. We wish to correct a mistake made in last week's issue. The announce menl should have read "to Mr. and Mrs. Pinkey Butler a son," instead of "Mr. acd Mrs. Pinkey Burchell." A lot of young men disturbed the Sunday night peace by yelling and hollowing. I wonder where our city marshal was at that time so he conldnt' put a quiet on these youngsters. WILL BE IEELD AT THE IRRIGON NOTES. The river is tin and at it. It ig about 3 feet higher now than last yeai. The first crop of alfalfa is now ont of the way, and everybody busy poll ing peaches. Mrs. V. M. Castle went to Cor vallis to visit friends and relatives, also to take in the "Festival." The wedding bells rang this morn ing, and by the performance thereof Mr. H. I. Walnole and Miss Leonora Corey were united in the bond of wed lock at 10 o'clock, by Rev. Emmel of Hermiaton. Ibe toung parties took the local immediately after the ceremony and departed for Portland, ; where tiey will nojnnrn during the Kp Festival. Line and old si i j ppra sold at m premium this morning. 3 Ses West of MaMmm, SATURDAY, JUNE 14 Beginning promptly a! 9 a. m., when the foHow Sng, among much other property, will be sold: ureig-IIl IK'iKl jgoOU IMIltM'H Sixteen head cattle One 3-yenr-old steer One 2-yenr-old Hteer Three 1-year-old Hteers One yearling; heifer Five inileli cows with cnlven One McCormlek mower; 1 hay rake Two gang- plows; :i Iwhtowh Other implements too niniieroim to lint. One .'S-ini-Ii wagon; one hack. One wagon with hay rack. Four NettM hnrnenH. llounehold and kitchen furniture Terms All miiiiH up to and Includine SI 0:00. tt.iu UI1TII (jfv 1aWiti l,u 1. ... tit t n . able notH. at 8 nor cent. S FREE LUNC&fl AT NOON E. E. MILLER, AUCTIONEER DAN RICE OWNER Uuiversity of Oregon Summer School. JUNE 23, AUGUST 1, 1913. Tumnfiirfitr. i f f wu j -II i C WdU U tlUl 5 Fifty Courses Distinfruished Eastern Educators Added to Regular Faculty. University Dormitories Open. Board and Room at 83.00 per week. Reduced Railroad Rates. For Complete Illustrated Cata logue, Address THE REGISTRAR, University of Oregon, Eugene. lit 0IOT-1E5 $1.50