r:R03r!BSIXT.A.X. OABSS C. E. WOODSON. A TTORNE Y-A T-LA W Oltlca In Palace Hotel Heppner, Oregon Sam E. VanVactor. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on west end ol May Street Heppner Oregon. Children Cry for Fletcher's p S. E. Notson ATTORNEY AT LAW. Officeln Court House, Heppner, Oregon, F. H. ROBINSON, LAWYER, lone, - - - Oregon W.H.DOBYNS. ATTO R N EY-AT-LAW lone. - - - Oregon, W. L. SMITH, ABSTRACTER. Only complete set of abstraot booki in Morrow county. Hkppnkb, Obkqon J. P. WILLIAMS Justice of the Peace. 0 flice with S. E. Van Vactor OR. Ift. A. LEACH DENTIST Permanently located in Heppner. Offloe in the new Fair bnilding. Gas administered. OSTEOPATHY AND MECIIANO-TIIERAPY .Dr. Martha S. Arledqe, D. 0. Dr. J. P- Conder, itt-T. D. Treatmeut of all ?iseuae8 "99 per cent, of cases successfully treated without operation N. E. WINNARD lft. D. PH VNH'l AN it S1IIUEON . Graduate of: Lenox College, 1885. Chicago Homeopathic Med Collect 1890. KuHk Medical College, 1892. F. E. Boyden, 1ft. D. Physician & Suhghox Office in rear of Patterson & Son's , Drutr, Stoie. HEPPNER OREGON WELLS & CLARK. SHAVING PARLORS Three Doort South of Poatoffice. Shaving 26c Haircutting 36( Bathroom In Connection. M V n. IPS V , The Kind You Have Always Boaght, and which has been la use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of - una. lias been mauo unuer ms per yjS sonal supervision since its infancy. 1Y-UJu Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Countcrfc?.s, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trlllo Willi ana enuaner mo iiewiu w Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR1A Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Props and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other JSarcotlo substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys AY orrns and allays Feverishness. Tor more than thirty years it lias been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural Sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS ) Bears the Signature of 5 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THt CCNTAUn COMPANY. TT MUllWar aTWEIT. NEW YOWK CITY. 5000 EHlead of Thorough bred, Fine Wool Sheep FOil SALE The entire stud band of thoroughbred sheep of the NUNAMAKER LAND & SHEEP COMPANY are now offered for sale at a bargain. This band consists of 2000 ewes with their lambs, and 1000 yearling ewes, together with thoroughbred bucks enough to breed the band. This is the finest bunch of fine wool sheep " in Eastern Oregon. 2900'head of these ewes sheared 14 pounds, and they weigh on an average 140 pounds. For further information, address GAZETTE-TIMES Heppner - - Oregon PATTERSON & ELDER 2 Doora North ... Palace Hotel TONSOMAL ARTISTS Fine Baths ..... Shaving 25c J. H. BODE Merchant Tailor HEPPNER OREGON F H ROBINSON w. S. SMITH ROBINSON & SMITH. lone, Oregon. Real Estate Licensed Embolmer Ldy Assistant J. L. YEAGER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Heppner - - - Oreg'on 0 P P ORT U N I T Y TO SECURE LOW FARES EAST IS PASSING U 6, 1 8; II, 12, 30 ARE THE ONLY SALE DATES LEFT on whirh you enn secure reduced rates to Visit The Old Folks VIA O. S. L T. Soo line Union SvX l$HV$&y Minne.- Farms and City Property for Sale, to rent. Correspondence solicited. Farms Electric Bitters Made A New Man Of Him. I was suffering from pain in my stomach, head and back," writes II. T. Alston, Raleigh, N C., "and my liver and kidneys did not work right, but four bottles of Electric Bitters made me feel like a new man." PRICE 50 CTS. AT ALL DRUG STORES. to Oikat. Low Round Trip Rates To Principal Cities in the East Equipment and Service Strictly High-Class Let our Agent, J. B. Huddletton, aid you in outlining your trip. CITY TICKET OFFICES: 716 Second Avenue SEATTLE 601 Spraeue Ave.. SPOKANE Third and Wai hington St. PORTLAND 1117 Pacific Ave., TACOMA Miss Wilms Barrows, who has been visting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bell tbe last two or three weeks, left this afternoon for Helix, eastern Oreson. where shn will resume her work asnrincipal of the Helix school. Corrallis Gazette-limes. Walches The Railroad Time keeper of America. The timekeeper that Jewel ers place first among American watches, and that 56 per cent, of railroad men on roads where there is official time inspection endorse by their ownership as the highest type of timekeeper produced in the world. Let us show you this celebrated watch at var ious prices. OSCAR BORG Jeweler & Optometrist. IONE. Bill Cronk took the newly weds to Heppner Thursday night of last week. Bill makes a No. 1 chaperon. Mrs. Albert King, of Hepppner was , down and spent a dav in lone last j wees with Mr. and mrs. A. T. King, j Mrs. Chan. Young and her son from California, were guests of Mrs. ! Akx Young for several cays last week. Mrs. John Cochran was in from the cook house and spent Snnday with her if family. Monday. She went out again last Georgo Swaggart was a passenger -for Pendleton Wednesday of last week , where he will try and Lave a good, time for a few days. Muriel Oason who is in the post office at Lexiogton came down to lone last Snnday ant spent the day with friends and acquaintances. Y. Remmington went down to The Dallas Wednesday of last week to attend to some business matters, returned the ;ame week. He The Trials ! m Traveler. "I am a traveling salesman, "writes E. E. Young. E. Berkshire. Vr. , "and was oftu troubled with constipation and indigestion till 1 began to use Dr. King's New Life Pills, which I found an excellent remedy." For all stom ach, liver or kidney troubles there is nothing better. Only 25 cents at Slocum Drug Co. a ". i.it at 1 m. u. i-amweu ana latniiy are over i from Baser on a islt with relatives' here. L. P. Davidson's father came in on Tuesday evening's train of last week and has gone out to the ranch to visit with the folks for some time. Miss Bertha Morgan and Mr. Nel son, of Lexington, were married at Heppner last Saturday. Our best wishes go with the young couple. Med Akers, formerly of lone, but now located at Pendleton, is here for a few days playing with the weeds, and straightening things around. Mrs. Clyde Sperry and son Rhea went down to Portland Wednesday of last week, where they will visit with friends and relatives for some time. Mr. Huston and part of his family drove into one lsat Friday morning and tooB the train for Salem where they will enjoy the fair there for sev eral days. Professor Brigs. Ione's new school master, came in last Saturday and is getticg things in shane to start house keeping. Mr, Briges' family will be heie In a dsy or two. The Congregational church gave a water melon social at the home of W. R. Cochran last week. It was rather a poor night for the social, but' the melons and cake suffered severely any way. The way the wheat has started to roll into lone looks like old times once more. . The farmers who bought the Kerr Gifford warehouse have bought a new piler and the way they handle wheat is not slow. Tbe wet weather has laid up the threshing machines foi several days but we bone we will have enough dry weather to let the farmers all get through combining and finish no threshing . Those who can are al teady out in the fields preparing for the coming crop. Mrs. Oscar Cochran and Miss Agnes Pennintgon. who have been cooking for A. W. Luudell's outfit came into town last week, and will not bo out sgain as it is almost school time and fiere is always a little precaration to be made before attending school. LEXINGTON. Grandpa Wright is quite sick bis home in Lexington. Mrs. Beymer and Grandma Thomp son have been on tbe sick list. Mrs. Breshears visited a few days with friends on Sand Hollow returning Sunday. Mrs. E. J. McAUistsr returned Lexington after an extended trip Portland. Mrs. Fell is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Lawrence Reaney, for mer resident of Lexington. Grandma. Moyer has been on the sick list and Dr. Chick was called. She is better at this writing. Mrs. Gould entertained her .sister. Mrs. Scott and husband the last of the week. tors. Scott left Monday for a trip to Ohio. School commenced on Monday, Sep tember 2nd, with Mr. Doak as prin cipal and his brother as teacher for the 7tb and 8h grades. Mrs. Johnson, who was recently operated on at Heppner, has recovered sufficienly to be removed to her home on Sunday forenoon. There will be regular services at the Congregational church next Sun day. Sunday school commenced Sept. 1st. Mr. Reade, the pastor, returned last week. Mrs. Joe Dovine left lor her new home in the Valley. Mr. Device will ship his household goods and leave the latter part of the week. We hope Mr. and Mrs. Devine vrill be delight ed with their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wigglesworth and children, of Morrow county, are visitiug Mrs. Wigglesworth's mother. Mrs. Kittle Turner. Corvallis G.-T. 1 ED Van Waoil Arc you interested in getting hold of land for a home? Do you want a place suited to diversified farming? We have bargains to offer in the three tracts listed below. No. 1. Consists of 1100 acres, divided into 250 acres of wheat land, 30 acres now set to alfalfa, with 20 acres more that can be put in, and all under good ditch; 800 acres grass land. This is an ideal dairy and heg ranch, lying on the creek, with plenty of water the year around. One of Eastern Oregon's Best Propositions. $14 per acre; $8000 cash; good terms on balance. No. 2. 500 Is a creek farm of 950 acres; acres of good wheat land; 25 acres now growing alfalfa, and as much more can easily be put in as it comes under ditch. Small orchard, small house with water piped in from good spring on place; barns and other buildings. $11 per acre; half cash; terms on balance. A GENERAL PURPOSE FARM. No. 3. A BIG BARGAIN. 3800 acres, on which is now growing 65 or 70 acres of alfalfa, and 25 acres more can be put in, making nearly 100 acres that come under ditch. On this ranch three good crops of alfalfa are grown each year and 1. . . .... i -viir Alio i r-t-i n-n f i nn 1c fori i t t--l . . r,,l. irrigated by from 1 5 to 20 springs on the place. There is a good orchard of 150 choice bearing fruit trees; 9-room resi dence with water piped in from spring; large sheep shed and other outbuildings. About 1 000 acres of this farm is good wheat land with 600 acres now in cultiva tion. 1 1 miles from Heppner. Price $11 per acre; half cash; easy terms on balance. This is one of the best rural homes in all Eastern Oregon and is certainly a snap at the figure offered. To the homeseeker or the investor there are no better propositions offered than these; nowhere in the North west can such land be had at anything like such figures. These farms join and can be had all in one separately as desired. deal or For further particulars, call or address The Cazette-Times Real Estate Office HEPPNER .v. i eg