Ice Cream Soda, Ras. Porter, Orangette, Red i Lemonade I Cigars and Tobaccos I In fact everything good to drink and smoke at J THE PASTIME i HENDRICSON & GURDANE, : : : Props. THE (fDOWEGS Easy Payments $5 Down and $5 per Month- With out Interest. SAM HUGHES Local FMEDIvI'ror:, OREGON AND THE PRICES ARE RIGHT. WE DON'T MAKE THE HARDWARE BUT WE DO MAKE THE PRICE AND WE KNOW THAT THE PRICE IS MADE RIGHT. AND WE WANT TO SELL YOU THE HARDWARE AT THE RIGHT PRICE. WE DON'T CLAIM TO SELL CHEAP HARDWARE AT ANY ERICEj BUT WE DO CLAIM TO SELL GOOD HARDWARE AT THE RIGHT PRICE. AND GUARANTEE THAT YOU GET ONE HUNDRED CENTS IN HARDWARE FOR EVERY DOLLAR PAID US. AND ON THESE PRIN CIPLES WE ASK YOU FOR YOUR PATRONAGE AND ASSURE YOU IT WILL BE APPRECIATED. Gilliam & Bisbee TYPEWKBTER EW MODEL O. - - -5 Agent An ttachmentfor hoe drills as illustrated here has two very valuable and impor ant features which evc-v progressive farmer will appreciate t once. They are made to tit any hoe, are easily adjusted and answer the double Durpoteof regu lating the depth of sowing and at he same time presses the soil tirmly around the grain thus insur ing immediate germination. ' !.,... Splendid results are obtained from their use, Manufactured by Pendleton Iron Works, n III1MI p THE GAZETTE-TIMES The Heppner Guette. Established March 30. 1883 The Heppner Timet. Established Nov 18. 1897 Consolidated February. 1012. VAVVTER CRAWFORD, - Editor and Proprietor Issued every Thursday morning, and entered at the Pottoflice at Heppner, Oregon, as second class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year, -S0 Six Months. Three Months ? Single Copies, OD ADVERTISING RATES: Display, transient, running less than one month, hrst insertion, per inch, 25c; subsequent in sertions. 12 l-2c; display, regular, 12 l-c; locals, first insertion, per line, 10c; subsequent insertions, per line, 5c; lodge resolutions, per line, 5c; church socials and all advertising of entertainments conducted for pay, regular rates. Thursday. September 5. . . . 1912 A BAD RECORD. ReDresentatiVR Mann, of Iilinlos, a republican member of the popular branch of congrtss, characterizes its work this yeai as disorsanized, inac tivp, inefficient and unprogresive. The characterization is never?, but study of the reco:d will convince the country that it is not unjust. An overshadowing question when the session oueued last "December was rhn revision of the tariff. The presi dent last snmmer had warnpd congress that, unless it based its future actinn on the report;, of the tariff board that it had itself created, he would repeat his vetoes of hammer-and-hatchet revisions made for politics only. But consress this year repeated tna tarin nerformancea of last year and the president kent his promise to protect American industries and wotkets fmm the effects of icnorant an! partisan dashing of schedules. The responsi bility for obientionable schedules re- mainine unrevised rests with the democrats Ihev also started with lofty pro fessions of purposes of economy, but this boast likewise went by the boura. Thev passed the largest grant ot money for pensions that has ever been proposed and afterward abandoned all efforts for economy. Ouiside of ex penditures for the Panama canal, which form special expenses, the ao proorutions of this session of congress exceeded those of the so-called ' 'ex travagant" last session of the pre ceriina republican congress. This extravagance of congress was balanoed bv refusals of appropria tions absolutely essential for efficient administration of national affairs. The treatment of the nav.v is a cse rn point, and the killing of the tariff board another. The lower house o-lsb tried to des trov the merit system in the civil service of the federal goverumeni, and employed the trick of putting" riders" on legitimate legislation tn an extent never known before. Spokesman Review. " PAYING THE PRICE. The Blue Mountain Eagle, of Can yon City being somewhat agitated over conditio'S in Grant county, has this to say : "Since Sheriff Collier has been in office Albert Green was killed. He was drunk. Oliver Snvder was killed. He was killed by drunks. A Greek man was killed at Dixie. He was killed by a drunk. Sweek was killed, and he was killed by a drunk. Barnes was killed when both he and his slayer were drinking Crowley was killed. He was drona and was killed by a man who was drunk. There are five men, Elmer Shields, Earl Shields, Bert Green, Ben Hinton and Joe Oasseday in the penitentiary for life, and they were drunk when they killed Snyder. These men we-e either heads of families, fathers, hus bands or brothers, and those upon whom the sorrow or shame fell rep resent more than one hundred of Gant county's citizens. Gov. West Is stirring things down at Portland and some of the municipal rottenness is being exposed. The governor may be somewhat of freak, and his activity in cleaning od some of the towns and cities of the stat? is very much out of the ordinary but be is showing those who are elected to uphold law and decency that there is something for them to do, and he expects them to do it. Portland rosjr not be as bad as some other cities, but there is certainly enough coming to light down that way to show that things are rotten enough. We can't help but think that Gov. West is doing a lot of good even though we do not a't gether nlore h a methods. It takes radcial movements of this nature sometimes to arouse our citizens, and if those who are elected to enforce the laws in the local communities will not do their duty and allow conditioni to exist and illigitimate businesses to flourish in which it is provep tbey are profit sharers, then it is time for some higher authority to step in and call a halt. The goveinor is "doing things"to some of the smaller towns, as well, and the crusade may not be confined to just the large places. Notice is served upon o Hirers that they must da their duty or be re moved by executive power, and not a few have tilready stepped down and out noon the rqueat of the governor. Election returns from both Vermont and California this we-k are strawn sliowi:ig which way the wind blows. The Bull Moosers were a poor third in the former state, and in the latter their hopes have gono down before the big Taft vote. There is ro reason to believe that Roosevelt will be any wl ere near a wiuner in the Fall elec tion. His attempt to wreck the Re publican purty is doomed tn fail. many Urlveu Iron Home. Every year, in many parts of the countrv, thousands are dm en from their homes by coughs and lung dis eases. Friends and business are left behind for other climates, but this is costly and not always sure. A better way the way of multitudes is to use Dr. King's New Discovery and cure yourself at home. Throat aid lung troubles find quick rolief and health returns Its help in coughs, oolds, grin, croup, whooping-cough and sore lungs make it a positive blessing. 50o and $1.00. Trial bet' le free. Guaranteed bv Slocum Drug Co. The Davis Lone Star Washer Is now in your town. I want to come to your home and do a wann ing to show you the work I can do. It has no equal. See it wash collars and wristbands of shirt and bottom of skirts without washidg other parts of the garments. It will wash, rlnce and blue from 3 to 5 dozen jar meats In an hour; a quilt from 3 to 5 minutes. It speaks for itself; see It wash and be convinced. Inquire at Star hotel. J. E. Uibhs. Farmers Attention. I will represent the Pacific Coast Elevator Co on the Heppner branch this season. Please notify me when you are ready to sell your grain. If you haul to lone see J. A. Waters. O. R. .JOHNSON, Heppner, Oregon. No Wonder That Friedrich The Tailor is busy even this dull season,. Of course he is turning out the best made and shape-retaining clothes for less money than any other concern. tf. Lost, somewhere between the depot at Heppner and Blackhorse Canyon, a coat. Finder please leave at this office. tf . FOR SALE--A span of work mares with colts. See J. L. Yea ger. tf. Notice to All Fruit Growers and Dealers No scaly or wormy fruit will be permitted in any market in Morrow couniy. HARRY CUMM1NGS, Fruit Inspector of Morrow County. Al-em. SULLY'SSHINES ARE THE BEST AT 1 WELLS f5c CLARK Chicken Dinner v SUNDAY Chicken Supper THURSDAY PALACE HOTEL Oregon Agricultur al College. This great instiution opens its doors for the fall semester on September 20th. Couises of instruction include: General Agriculture. Argonomy Ani mal Husbandry, Dairy Husbandry, Bacteriology, Botany and Plant Path olovg, Poultry Husbandry, Horticul tuie, Etoniology. Veterinary Science, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engin eering, Mining Engineering, Highway Engineering, Mechanical Engineering. Domestic Science, Domestic Art, Com meice Forestry, Pharmaoy, Zoology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, English Language and Literature, Pub lic Speaking, Modern Language, His tory, Art, Architecture, Industrial Pedagogy Physical Education. MiliUry Science and Tactics, and Music. Catalogue and illustrated literature mailed free on application. Address: Registrar, Oregon Agiroultural Col lege, Corvallis, Oregon. SCHOOL YEAR OPENS SEPTEM BER 20th. New Calcutta GRAIN BAGS Ready at PORTLAND. SEATTLE or TACOMA for immediate shipment upon receipt ot order ET. B. MILLS Agent tor Importer Imperial Hotel. PORTLAND. OR. Writs) for Price Delinquent Tax List 1911. Notice ia hereby given that the first half of thd taxes for the year 11)11, on the property hereinafter described, which was assessed to the respective persons herein named, have been delinquent since the First Monday in April, 1911, that if said taxes are not paid within six months from said date, a Tax Certificate of delinquen cy will issue thereon, as provi.ded by law. A penalty of ten per cent, interest at one per cent per month and the cost of this notice will be added to the respective amounts as herein given. Akers, Matilda, lone, tract No. 1 11.00 Alexander, T J. et al nw sec 16, Tp3n, r -U , .. o.o Ashbaugli, Henry Heppner, Looney s Add, Jots I aim is. blk 1. Ilnrdnian, Ferguson's Add, lots 5 & ti, blk'4 38.5S Austen. J N lot 4, blk 34 west, sec 2!!, tp 5 n. r 26. e w m . . . . 1-58 Baker, Leonie sese, sec 23 swtfswtfsee 24, and nnw sec 25, all in tp 5 s, r 25 e w m 9.12 Baker. Ida setfnetf. sec 23, sl-2 nwJ4, M-28WJ4 sec tp i n ro o.v Balfour-Guthrie & Co, ( A. F, Young, owner) ease sec 18, tp2sr 23 7.05 Barlow. Mary E se sec 2, tp . 3 h, r 24 e w m 21.3a Barlow, Oscar ( E R Huston, owner) bhw see 20, nl-2nw sec 20, tp 3 s, r 25 e w m o 63 Barnes, Dwight A seswl-4 sec 3, nel-4iH'l-4 sec 9, nl-2n w sec 10, tp 1 n, r 23 e w m 10.02 Barlow, I) S i sec 3, nvr sec ll,tp3s, r24;styieV. w "$ nv. sec 22, sw$ih snw , nwl-4swl-4 sec 23; nei -4s wl -4, nwl-4sel-4 sec 23; ,swl-4swl-4 see 23, tp 5 s. r 26; sec 34, swl-4 sec 35. tp 2 s, r 24 e w m 148.oJ Benson, Win L nw& sec 32, tp 2 n, r 25 e w in 8.00 Bergeron, J A w, snel-4. n-wl-4nel-4 sec 36, tp 3 s r 23 e w m 40-3l Beymer. Thos C Lexington, lots 6-7. blk 5. Lots 9-10, blk 5 6.40 Beymer, EffieB Lexington, lot 3, blk 16 9 0 Blalock Island Harden Co All . fractional sec 36, tp 4 u r 27 10.88 Brenner, Peter wl-2el-4, nl-2 sec 19. tp 3 s, r 24 52.0. Breadly, G W Lexington, Pen land's add, lot 2, bU 26 80 Briyles, Sarah Castle Rock, lots 1-2-3, blk 10 12 Brown, David nwl-4 sec 12, tp 2 s, r 26 e w in . "-21 Brown. Chas L hwl-4sel-4, n l-2swl-4, nwI-4sel-4 sec 15, tp 3 s, r 23 e w in 26.52 Brown, .John W sl-2sel-4 sec 18, nl-2nel-4 sec 19, tp 5 s, r 27 e w in. Heppner, part tract No. 69 16.71 Buchanan. Mary E Irrigon, lots 11 to 14 inc. blk 16 .38 Brown, Eftie Miller nl-2nel-4 sec 21, nl-2awl-4 sec 22, tp 3 s r23ewm 10.14 Burney. W. F. All of sec 16, tp 5 s, r 29 e w in 35.84 Burroughs, French swl-4nel-4 wl-2sel-4, sl-2swl 4, nvl-4-swl-4, swl-4nwl-4, sec 24; nw l-4nel-4, sec 25. nel-4 sec 26, tp 1 s, r 24; ,nwl-4 sec 19, tp 1 8 r 25 e win 117.83 Burroughs, I. H. Irrigon, lots 1 to 3 inc. blk 32 27 Campbell, John A sel-4 sec 3 nwl-4, nel-4 sec 11, tp 2 s, r 26 e w m 55.50 Campbell, Win A wl-2 sec 16, tp 4 n, r 25 e w m 7.68 Clarke. N. A Si sec 10, sw sec 11, Be.lne sec 24, all in tp 3 a r 24 e w m.... 101.24 Clark-, Leona WJs'nwJ, se!nw, swjne sec 14. nei sec 15, tp 3 s r 24 e w m 40.71 Clarke, John NJnei, sejnej eeo 23, nwn J see 24, tp 5 s. r 26 e w m 7 67 Cochran, Alice lone, Cluff'a 6th add, lots 5 and 6, blk 1 16.50 Cole, Allen L seine J see 29, elneJi sec 38, swiswi seo 28, tp 6 s r 25 e w m 10.24 Conser, Lillie Nisei, seisei sec 86, tp 4 a i 28 e w m HeDoner, lots 9 and 10, blk 7. n 27 ft lota 13 and 14, blk 7. N 27 ft lots 9 and 8 blk 14 18.97 Cook, Wm T Wi seo 16, tp 2 n r 26 e w m 14.08 Cox, Ed S lone, lot 6, blk 1 6.60 Culbertson. Geo D WJ, wjel sec 19, tp 2 a r 23 e w m... 43 96 Cummings. E H Heppner, lots 9 and 10, blk 2, ' Loon ey's add : all n creek, lot 11 , bit 2 ; Shipey's add, part 1 to 4 inc. bis 2; 6 to 8 inc. blk 2: 1 to 3 inc, bk 3 ;5 to 8 inc. blk 3; 7 and 8 bkl 2.. 20.30 Gyms, Margarette ri E w tec 4. tp 1 n r 28 e w rn.... 6.S6 Davidson, Jessie M lone, lot 5, blk 1. duff's 5th add 88 Deshon, II Hardman, lot 4, blkH -43 Doan: J Nl sea 8. tp 1 n r 25ewm 15.45 Dohertv. Julia M Lexington, lots 9 and 10, blk 16 10.00 Ericksnn, Chris, & M T Elliot Swi seo 31 tp 5 s. r 28 e w n 896 Ellis, 0 P Irrigon, lots 34 to 36 inc blk 25 2.07 English H S Lot 0 b'k 15 west sec 25 tp 5 n r 26 e w m : lot 6 blk 1)3 east seo 21 to 5 n r 27 e w m: lot 17, blk 37, Irriaon 4 14 Fairbanks. P H Henoner, lots 40 x 132 ft, 5, in blk 6; lot 6 x in blk 6: Avors 2nd add ; lot 1 in blk 2; lot 12 in blk 2: Tract No. 11 I?-50 Finley, A EK sec 27, tp 2 n, r 26 e w m i-8j Fitzgerald, Margarette Lot 7 blk 24 east, seo 25 tp 5 u r 27 e w m l-3 Fitzaerald, Josephine Lot 6 blk 24 east seo 20, tp 5 n r 27 e w tn 135 Fleming, Walter W S i sei sec 19, nwjtfnwi sc 29, e)4 ne4 seo 30, all in tp 5 h r 26 e w in.. 7-58 Floren, Mary A SwJse sei swi pec 15: nwi ne, nei nwi sea 22 tp 5 s r 28 e w m 12.22 rrazer, R F W? sec 14; a sei, swisei sec 15: nwi seo 10, all in to 3 s r 23 e w m 65.43 Freeland.EL Henpuer, Ayers 2nd add: lot 3, blk 3; s 26 ft lot 4, blk 3; Ayers 4th add, lot 2, blk 3 10.93 Forlong, John Hardman, Fer guson's add, lots 1 and 3, blk 1; Adams add, Tract No. 1 3.84 Gilbertson, Martin, Lot 11. blk 23 east, seo 20 to 5 n r 27 e w m. 1-53 Gilman, Bertha D HenDner, Ayers 4th add: lot 6, blk 1 72.80 Gist, J E All sec 3 tD 2 s r 24; nnwJi sec 10 to 2 s r 24 e w m 71.08 Gilman, D E N seo 6 tp 1 a r 26; sei, sei nei seo 8 to 3 s r 25: sn, less 106 A, sec 9 tp 3 s r 25; sw, sw-4 sei sec 10 tp 3 s r 25 selsvtinei sec 15 tn 3 8 r 2b; all except swjswi sec . 16 tp 3 s r 25: rs nswi sec 22 tn 3 s r 25; seo 17 tp 3 s r 25; nei, nelsej seo 20 tp 3 s r 25; n. excert nei nei, nsj sec 21 tp 3 s r 25; wjwl seo 8 tp 3 s r 26 ;)4 sec 4 to 3 s r 26 ; swi sei seo 6 tp 3 a r 26; njnei, neinwl-4 sec 36 tp 3 s r 29 e w to ; Heppner, ( Looney 'a add: pt lot 13, blk 2 382.60 Green, J W EJeJ sec 24 tD 1 n r 26; ejej. swl-4sel 4 sec 17 tn 1 n r 27; sel-4, lots 2-3-4 sec 18 tp 1 n r 27; nel-4, s eeo 8 tp 1 n r 27: nel-4, nsel-4, twl-4sel-4, el-2-wl-2. lots 2-3-4 sec 30 tp 1 n r 27 o w m 76.67 Grimm. R C. & P C Hunter Tract 146 acres sec 22 tp 5 n r 26 e w m 3.94 Grotkopp, ETC. El-2 sel-4, nw 1-4 sa 1-4 less 4 1-2 rds, sec 22; nwl-4 sel-4, eel 4 nw 1-4, e 1-2 sw 1-4 sec 24; n 1-2 ne 1-4, nl-2nwl-4, less 4 1-2 rds, sec 25 tp 3 a r 25 b1-2hw1-4 sec 10 tp 5 s r 27 ; 1.3 acres tract in nwl-4 nw 1-4 seo 33 tp 2 n r 23.. 4Q 61 Gunn Est. , A M Hepuner, n lots 4 & 7, blk 2; Johnson's add, lots 6 & 7 blk 1 28.00 Haines. Etta Heppner, lot 2 blk 6 Ayers 5th add 42 Hale Emma nel-4gel-4 sel-4 nwl-4 sec 85 tp 3 s r 26; swl-4 seo 4 tp 6 a r 29. . . . 16.51 Hall, W E sel-4sw-4, swl-4 sel-4 seo 8 : ni-2nwl-4 seo. 17 tp 4 b r 29 e w m 8.96 Halvorsen & Mason lone lots 9-10-11 bit 3 447.48 Halvorsen, Mathias Sl-2nei nel-4sel-4 sec 9; iwl-4nwl-4 nwl-4swl-4 sec 10: sel-4 nel-4. el-2sel-4; swl-4sel-4 sec 10: nnwi. swjnwj. wj swi. sel-4nwl-4 sec 14; ne l-4nel-4. el-2el-4, swl-4se 1-4, sel-4swl-4 sec 15; all : of seo 16: wl-2el-2. el-2w 1-2; swl-4nwl-4. wl-2swl-4 eo 22; wl-2nwl-4. sel-4 nwl4, awl-4nel-4 sec 28i nel-4nwl-4. nwl-4nel-4 sec 28; all In to 1 r 24 e w m. Iona lota 1 to 3 inc blk 2. Lots 7 to 10 ino. blk 2. Tract No. 25. Tract No. 3 B. Tract No. 2 304.95 Hammer, S L Lexington, lot 3, blk 15. Lot 1, blk 18... 9 60 Hanson, Chas E Swl-4 sec 16 tp 4 n r 27 e w m 4.32 Harbka, Martha lone, Tract No. 4 & 5 6.16 Harney, J N Lot 1, blk 2 east sec 80 tp 5 n r 27 e w m 1.62 Hsryu, Arvid Sel-4 seo 33 tp 6 a r 27 e w m 10.11 Hasbrook, Mrs L Irrigon, lot 14, blk 39 09 Concluded on Page 6.