The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, June 06, 1912, Image 5

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Local and Personal
All kinds of good ice cold sodas at
The Palm.
E. P. Day came up from Portland
last Monday.
J. S. Busick was in Heppner the
first of the week.
Go to the Bakery for yonr bread
26 loaves for $1.00.
Mrs. E. G. Noble is quite sick at
her home in Heppuer.
W; W. Howard was registreed at
the Palace Monday.
John Hughes came up from Port
land Monday evening.
Thos. Quaid, of Portland, attended
the wool tales this week.
Harry Duncan returned to this city
on the Monday evening train.
Jack Hynd of Cecil came up to at
tend the wool sales, Tuesday.
Geo. W. Ghapin was in from his
Bock oreek ranch on Tuesday.
You need not pay so much for in
euranoe. Talk to M. E. Smead.
Farmer Lou Davidson, of Goose
berry, visited Heppnei on Tuesday.
Haying is now in progress on the
creek bottom lands of Morrow county.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Simas, of Mon
ument, were at the Palace, Tuesday
Why not select that carpet from the
new lines at Case's Furniture Store.
B. F. Wiglesworth and E. D. Nelll
attended the wool sales last Tuesday.
Ralph Thompson, of Portland, is in
the city looking after business Inter
Nat Webb. Jr., of Walla Walla,
arrived on the local train Monday eve
J. H. Cox has just completed a
large lumber shed for the Beed Lum
ber Go.
H. I. Price, the concrete mixer
returned from Portland last Saturday
Highest cash prices paid for hides,
oelts and furs. Morrow Warehouse
Milling Go.
Dr. Winnard has taken a medal
course on eve jiseatesand is prepared
to fit glasses properly.
0. H. Bartholomew was in town
from Butter creek on Tuesday looking
after the sale of hla wool.
The neatest thing in the refrigeatur
line is the "White Frost." Sold by
the Case Furniture Company.
Mrs. D. V. S Bied returned home
from Lebanon Monday, where she had
gone to attend the funeral of her
It may be to your interest to get
r prices before buying watches,
nnlrB nr anfalorv fV R- JohnAOO .
"'J r
clocks or jewelery,
Mr. Cover and wife, of Portland,
is the Portland agent for the Cadillac
Too hot to cook on Sunday
Roast chicken
Ice cream
A good piano to sell, or trade for
horses. This is a good instrument,
in first olaag oondition. Inquire at
this office. tf.
Alex Greene was in from Eight
Mile yesterday. He is fast becoming
one of the leading wheat raisers of
that section.
The shearing crew at the Whetstone
plant finished their work there Satur
day evening. Many of the shearers
left for Montana.
Mrs. Dumas, of Jefferson Ore.,
arrived from Stanfield last Thursday
evening and is visiting with her cou
sin, Mrs. Frank Hall. -
The Masonic hall Is tbia week re
ceiving a new dress of paint at the
bands of Mr. Dan Engelman which
adds much to its appearanoe.
Raymond Wright and Eva E. Capon
were married at Hardman on Sunday,
June 2, Bev. J. L. Swft officiating.
The groom is a son of A. E. Wright.
Mrs. Frank Roberts and children
departed Monday for their borne in
Portland, after visiting for several
days with relatives and friends in this
oitv. .
Miss Winnifred Winnard departed
for Portland last Monday. She will
visit In the east before returniug to
Klamath Falls, where she will teach
next year.
AT THE BAKERY Gst awsy from
the beat of baking by boying your
bread. Cream loaf, plain loaf, whole
wheat and rye. Nothing better than
ear cream loaf. I
Prof. W. F. Allison and family ar
rive! from Golden, Colorado, as Fri
day evening and are visiting at the
home of Dr. F. E. Hoyden. Mrs.
Alllison is a sister of Mrs. Boyden,
and Prof. Allison has been at the head
of the department of civil engineering
in the Colorado School of Mines at
Golden for the past e'ght year.
Having formed a very farvorable opin
ion of the Pacific Coast he resigned
his position and has come over , on
this side of the Rookies with a view
to locating at some point here perma
nently. R. H. Webber, of The Dalles, was
in Heponer during the past week. He
is a member of the State Board of
Horticulture and Fruit Commissioner
fur Easern Oregon and was on an offi
cial visit to this part ot his dlstrct.
Mr. Webber is firmly of the opinion
that this Willow Creek Valley is an
ideal Dear country and that a lot of
money could be made by our ranchers
up and dowa the creek engaging in
this ilne of horticulture. Apple land
is plentiful but good pear land is not
easy to find.
The Morrow County Sunday Sohool
Association has arranged for a picnic
at the Lexington grove on Thursday
the 13th. and all the schools of the
county are urgently requested to join
in and make this a big day. Bev. O
A. fbipps, of Portland, will attend
and take part on the program, and an
interesting and enjoyable time is
Dean Carter is here this week from
Pomeroy Wash. , coming down to as
sist his mother in getting ready to
move to the Washington town where
they will reside in the future.
Mr?. Carter has disposed of her
property here to George Stevenson
and bought a five-acre traot just out
side of Pomeroy. They will leave
Heponer on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. .L. Keithly are
now located for the summer at Top
per Station in the Blue Mountain for
est reserve where they will be glad to
see their friends from Heppner who
happen to come out that way. New
buildinzs with nice surroundings mane
this an ideal place for spending a few
months of the heated term. '
M. F. Frenoh reached home on Fri
day from an eight months' sojourn in
Alaska. He was at the head of Cop
per river and reports that the winter
there was very light for tbe Alaska
country. He may decide to return
there a little later and continue min
ing operations.
Mr. Sparks, the Star Theatre man.
announces that he will show the
"Diamond S Ranch" on the 12th and
13th of this month. This pioture is
much better than any other buokaroo
film ever before exhibited in this
city. It will be a good one. Don't
miss it.
C. J. Johns ot, Baker, is in town
this week. Mr.- Johns was at one
time in the mercantile business at
Sampler and furnished many of the
camp tenders from over tbia way with
their suppieda during the summer so
joorn of the flocks in. the Blue moun
This office acknowledges a pleasant
call yesterday from Mr. and Mrs. R.
E. Allstott, of Eight Mile. These
good people are looking forward to an
abundant harvest of the golden grain.
The Eight Mile country never looked
better nor promised a more abundant
Frank T. Fnchs, the baker, will
leave on Monday for Oregon City,
where he is called to attend court. A
competent baker will have charge of
his place during his absence, a man
coming up from Portland for that
Robert Dexter was in town on Mon
day. He is rapidly recovering from
his severe spell of blood-poisoning
that came near ending his earthly
career. At tne present time ne is
suffering from an attaca of rheumatism.
Fred Knighten was down from
Hardman on Tuesday. He accompan
ied bis daughter, Miss Viola, to town
whee the latter took the train for
Pendleton to visit for a week or ten
days with an aunt residing there.
0. F. Waters and family, of Spray,
came ovet to Heppner on Sunday,
remaining until atfer the wool sales.
Mr. Waters had no wool to offer but
he remained to see how his fellow-
flocamasters fared at tbe sales.
Misses Virginia and Janet Craw
ford departed this morning for Port
land. They expect to be absent for
a month or six weeks visiting differ
ent points in the Valley.
Mrs. Taylor Dodson, who visited for
a fortnight with her, mother, Mrs.
E. Minor, retained to ber borne at
Bellinghame Wash, on Friday.
H. A. Duncan spent Sunday at tbe
farm home of Mr. and Mrs. E. M.
I. L. Howard was up fiom lone,
Tuseday, and "took in" tbe wool
Delicious sodas and lee cream sodas
at Tbe Palm.
Mrs. Tatum, of Pendleton, is visit
ing with her mother, MrarSmith.
Mr. Atrhur Rioe is enjoying a viist
from his mother, who came to lone
Friday of last week.
John Harbke. of Portlind. spent
few days in lone last week looking
ftet business interns.
J. A Waters and wife were down
to the E. M Shutt ranch last Sunday
where they had a nice visit.
Mr, Cronan returned to Tone one
dav last week atfer an extended visit
with his family at Portland.
Mrs. Joe Williams and ber mother.
Mrs. Chapman, left for Portland
Thursday morning of last week.
We saw the Goosbeerry brigade
veiy busy the other evening. I guess
they were stemming the berries.
Mrs. William Padberg, of Lexington
was down to lone one dav last week,
visiting with her brother and sisters.
He My father weighed only four
pounds at his birth.
She Good gracious! Did he live?
Mr. Irvine Blake deuarted for Port
land last Thursday where he will visit
for some time with his daughter. Mrs.
lone and Lexington crossed bats on
the Lexington diamond last Sunday,
resulting in a victory for lone, tbe
score being 14 to 9. ,
Augustus "I'm not fond of the
stage, violet, but I hear your father
on the stairs and I think I bad better
go before the foot lights.
Misses Agnes and Linnie Penning
ton were passengers Tuesday morning
fir Pendleton, where they will visit
with their aunt who lives up there.
Mr. Louis Padbreg was a passenger
for Portland last Saturday morning.
We understand that Louis is contem
plating boying an automobile. Noth
ing like it, Louis.
Born at the Jordan hospital, Tues
day, June 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wal
ter Robinson an eight pound daughter.
Mother and child getting along nioely.
Walt with good care will be around
in a few days.
Mrs. Watson and her brother, Roy
Akers, returned to their home at
Winona, Idaho, Tuesday of last week.
Mrs. Watson took her two sisters back
with her, so that they would not be
without a mother's oare.
Alex Lindsay has purchased him a
new hay stacker and buck rake. Alex
says there are so durn many pieces
to one of these machines that he thinks
hew ill have some pieoes left aa he
can hardly see where there is a place
on the machine for them.
All tbe creek ranchers are busy
making hay these days. They report
a fine crop but owing to hard winds
and heavy rains itt will all have to
be cut one way. What's the differ
ence so they get that dandy green stuff
in the stack before it spoia.
Tbe dance held at Walker's rink
last Fridav was a swell affair. There
was a nice crowd in attendance and
the musio was fine. Supper was serv
ed at the lone hotel where everyone
ate to tbier hearts content. When
you want a good square meal go down
and see Beech, he will treat you right.
Tbe farmers of the surrouonding
community, met at the Gooseberry
school house last Saturday where they
had a dandy good time. There was
a lagre crowd in attendance, several
parties from lone being out to enjoy
the meeting. They all said that they
had never sat down to a finer dinner
than was furnished to them out there.
Some one said that E. L. Padberg and
J. A. Waters ate so much that they
made themselves feel miserable for
a good part of the afternoon. I tell
you there is no goody goodies that
go to waste when Lee and Joe are
For Infants and Children.
The Kind Yea Hare Always Bought
Bears the
Claud White sold a fat cow and
Mr. Coppock is making rye hay this
Mrs. B. P. Doherty has returned to
Pendleton. -
B. S. Clark intends cutting hay
next week.
R. B. Rice took in chickens for
tha Palaoe.
John Kilkenny sold some sheep to
W. J. Bisks.
Farmers are getting their machines
In running order.
Mrs. O. S. Hodsodn is suffering
with tbe rheumatism.
B. P. Doherty started some sheep
to the mountains this week.
14 off
Minor & Co.
Summer Dresses
14 off
Embroidered Lawn dresses in blue and white
Black and white stripes - - $3.75
Striped Lawn dresses made in surplice style
with embroidered collars, and trimmed
with Ball trimming - - 6.50 & 6.75
Allover embroidery dresses trimmed with linen
lace and insertion, crochet buttons - 7.00
White Voile, trimmed with silk fringe and
crochet buttons -
Cotton Corduroy with lace collar and black
velvet tie - - -
White Voile dress trimmed with Cluny lace,
Irish crochet yoke, Ball trimming - 18.00
Light percale dresses made in surplice style,
and Gingham dresses in tan, pink and
lavender, trimmed with embroidery
and lace - - - 2.50 to 5.00
1-4 off
Shirtwaists at half price
1-4 off
Ohas. Hynds was home a few daya
last week also went to Coeil.
Arthur Ashin hurst wsa helping B.
S. Clark several days this week.
Sundav school will continue during
harvest but will be in tbe afternoon.
W. J. Blake, deputy assesor, of
lone, was around finishing up his
Preaching Sunday by Mr. Powell.
Everybody come out and hear tbe good
Mr. Scott, who sold his property
here and moved to Salem this spring,
was married last week.
Mrs Copenhaver, with her sisters
and brother, were in Heppner Decor
ation Day fixing up their mother's
Claud White went to Hermiston tbe
first of the week after the well dig
ging crew and he hopes to have plen
ty of water for harvest without hav
ing to haul it.
Mmu roach mmm Breaks Ribs.
After a frightful coughing spell a
man in Neenah. Wis., felt terrible
pains in his side and bis doctor found
two ribs broken. What agony Dr.
King's New Discovery would have
saved him. A few teaspoonsful ends
a late cough, while presiatant use
routs obstinate coughs, expels stub
born oolds or heals, weak, sore lungs.
" I feel it was a God-send to human
ity," writes Mrs. Erne Morton, Col
umbia, Mo. "for I believe I wuuld
have consumption tods v. if I had not
used this great remedy." Its guar
anteed to satisfy, and you can get a
free trial bottle or 50 cent or 11.00
size at Slocum Drug Co.
The grass in tha foothills is very
fine now.
Wililam Ridgeway is doing some
plow log for Albert Matteson.
Charlie Ridgeway went to Heppner.
Monday, hauling a load of wood for
Jack Devore.
Frank Gabbles bonght a mare re
cently from Chas. Ridgeway. Frank
is very proud of this animal.
Anyone wanting a big lot of wood
hauled abould enquire at tbe offices
of either Alonzo Raid or Edd Brown.
H. P. Long and 0. A. Hnekina are
very busy tnese dsys making posts.
They cava a contract calling for 9ve
5000 Ulead of Tiioro
bred, Fine Wool Sii
The entire stud band of thoroughbred sheep of
are now offered for sale at a bargain.
This band consists of 2000 ewes with their lambs, and
1000 yearling ewes, together with thoroughbred bucks
enough to breed the band.
This is the finest bunch of fine wool sheep in Eastern
Oregon. 2900 head of these ewes sheared 14 pounds,
and they weigh on an average 140 pounds.
For further information, address
Elmer and Loreh Matteson broke
the record reoenty cutting wood saw.
ing, splitting and cording five cords in
one day. Tbey didn't work all of tbe
next day.
There was a big bucking contest at
Ridgeway 's corral last Sunday. El
mer and Loren Matteson were tbe
riders. Ihe two vicious animals did
not buck much but they made an aw
ful bluff. A big attendance and Jes
sie Ridgeway got up tbe big feed.
The boys also hived a mammoth
swarm of bees.
House for Sale.
Owing to the fact that we expect to
move into our new home aoen we will
sell the bouse and lot and three acres
including chicken house and cow barn.
Near site of tbe proposed Catholio
A brown mare weighing about 1300;
branded EE on right stifle; white star
in forehead. This animal disappeared
froaa tbe cattle and hore reserve near
Hardman in October lest. A reward
of 10 will be paid for information
leading to tbe recovery ot thia animal.
St Eight Mile Oregon.
J. L. Howard, of Portland, spent a
few days with his Morrow county rel
atives this week. For the past two
months Mr. Howsrd has been farming
on a ranch that he now owns in the
violnity of Ana tone, Wash., and says
that the work has done him a lot of
good. He thinks the country about
Antone is one of the coming wheat
sections of the Northwest and has a
very bright future.
It is now well known that not more
than one case of rheumatim in ten
requires any internal treatment what
ever. All that is needed is a free ap
plication of Chamberlain's Liniment
and massaging the parts at each appli
cation. Try it and see bow quickly it
will relieve the pain and soreness.
Sold by Patterson & Son.
Paul Hisler this week disposed of
3000 acres of his Butter creek rsncb
to W. E. Wiglewsorth who will move
onto the ranch at ortce This leaves
Paul sufficient land and range for one
good band of sheep to which he can
give his whole attention.
wmas, mum
IMMiwr 8g 8qrtrrta, Gopher, nd
rrine Poet. Require mo mixing or pretwr..
Uo. AIwt rdr for Bsc. Le1 lwt ol U.
Vowr motff back if ft claimed.
CuULsa, Voou Save Col. rorUta4, Oi.