FRIDAY, N'OVFMBKR 3tl, 1914. HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON. PAGE THREE & CO (GOOD GOODS) Don't fail to come and look over our line of Xmas Goods which are now on display. Xmas is fast drawing near and the slogan is SHOP EARLY BLANKETS This cold weather naturally makes a person think of these things. We have an elegant line which we will be pleased to show you. All Wool Blankets $7.50 to $12.50 " Cotton " . $1.00 " $3.00 LOCAL AND PERSONAL O. M. Yeager, Architect and Builder. Henry Gay was in from Rhea Creek yesterday. Car of Yakima potatoes just ceived Phelps Grocery Co. Attorney C. E. Woodson went to Portland Wednesday on a business trip. W. B. Finley, the Sand Hollow rancher, was registered at the Palace Wednesday. WANTED Girl to do general housework in small family. Apply at Herad office. ROBELAND FLEECE Just the thing for that Bath Robe you have been thinking of. All desirable colors. 35c yard Co Deputy Sheriff McDuffee re turned home Wednesday even ing from his trip to Salem. jSfocictu Bcfas FOR SALE I have a few choice Lincoln liucks in Ileppiu-r for Kale. See Frank Roberts. Those parties desiring turkeys or NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ISOLATED TRACT Public Land Sale Department of the Interior, United Aaron Peterson, the Goose berry rancher, has purchased a Ford auto from the lone Garage. Vic nen Ice uiu beer, Either Bottle or Draught, To Quench The Thirst These Hot Summer Days Heppner, Oregon Mr. I- C. Sanford, of the Northern Grain & Warehouse Co., was a business visitor in Heppner Tuesday night. I am an agent for Mrs. Summers' famous home remedies. Samples sent on request. Mrs. Hardesty, Morgan, Oregon. The Pendleton Commercial Club has launched a movement to send a carload of flour to the starving Belgians. The Phelps Grocery Co., hs installed a new confectionery case in the front of their busy store. It is a noticeable improvement. For rag rugs and rag carpet weav ing and aiso rugs from old ingrain carpets, see the Heppner weaver just south of the Catholic Church. W. P. Prophet returned to his home at Cottage Grove Wednes day after having spent several days in and about Heppner and Hardman. Mrs. Glenn Y. Wells entertain ed a score of Heppner's Society leaders at a delightful "five hun dred" party yesterday afternon, her spacious home on Church street being the scene of the gathering. Mrs. L. E- Bisbee carried off the honors at cards and won a beautiful cut glass bon bon dish. During the lat ter part of the evening the guests were treated to some ex cellent music, furnished by Prof. Otto and Mr. Otheo Crawford. The hostess served a delicious lunch consisting of chicken salad, two kinds of cake and chocolate. Home made candy was also served during the af ternoon. Those who were pres ent were: Mesdames W. R. Irwin, S. W. Spencer, W. S. Pruyn, E. B. Ayers, M. I). Clark, J. J. Wells, J. W. Vaughn, Roy Glascock, H. T. Allison, L .E. Bisbee, C. C. Patterson, Delbert Ward, Hanson Hughes, L. N. Christensen, B. O. Patter son, Fred Lucas, Earl Gilliam, S. E. Van Vactor and Miss Mary Farnsworth. Heppner people are invited to attend the benefit entertainment at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Y. Wells, Saurday after noon, the 21st, between the hours of 3 :00 and 6 :00. Coffee and cake will be served, all you can eat for 10c- The proceeds go to the Heppner Library Asso ciation. A musical program will also be rendered free of charge. other poultry for thanksgiving are States Land Office at The Dalles, Ore requested to leave orders on or before gon, November 2 1914. next Saturday, November 21. ..De livery will be made on the day before Thanksgiving. The undersigned will appreciate it if his customers will com ply with the above request. People's Cash Market, Henry Schwartz FARM MACHINERY FOR SALE. ! 1 have rented ray ranch and have I the following articles for sale: 2 wagons and racks; 1 Superior' drill; 2 hacks; 1 buggy; water tank; several sets harness; blacksmith out fit; 1 double disc; 1 single disc; 1 header; also have 1(5 foot Holt com bine which I will sell at a bargain. A number of good work horses and a 4-year-old Percheron stallion. If you wish anything in this line meet me at the ranch or seo me in Hepp ner and I will take you to the ranch in my car. tf. SPENCER AKERS. White aver MADE FROM Flour Morrow County's Finest Bluestem th; Best Milling Wheat Known. For Sale by the Sack, Barrel or carload lots. PHILL C0HN, Heppner, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Crockett Kirk left on Wednesday for Eugene, where they have business mat ters to look after. They will al so visit several other places be fore returning. Notice is hereby given that, as di rected by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under provisions of Act of Congress approved March 28, 11)12 (37 Stat., 77), pursuant to the application of Patrick Curran, Ser- l'rop. ; ial number 013273, we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not less than $2.00 per acre, at 9:15 o'clock A. M., on the 18th day of December, 1914, at this office, the fol lowing tract of land: EV4SE, Sec. 10, T. IN, R. 25 E. Willamette Meri dian. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above-described land are advised to file their claims, or objec tions, on or before the time designated for sale. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register. The frame work on Buster Kiethley's new house below town is about completed and work will be rushed on the re miander of the building. Budget for the City of Heppner for 1915 Heppner, Oregon, November 12, 1914. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR, AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF HEPPNER. Gentlemen : We your committee, appointed to prepare Budget of expense, for the City of Heppner, for the year 1915, respect fully submit the following itemized estimates C. B. Sperry, the wheat buyer from the Egg City, made one of his frequent trips to Heppner Tuesday evening. Mr. Sperry has already bought over 75,000 sack of grain this fall for the Northern Grain & Warehouse Co., of Seattle. Methodist Church South Rev. W- A. Orr, presiding Elder, will preach at Lexington Saturday, Nov. 28, and Sunday the 29th; Saturday evening at 7:30 and Sunday morning at 11:00. Quarterly Conference at 1:30 p. m. Rev. Orr will preach at Hepp ner on the same Sunday at 7:30 p. m., and Monday evening at the same hour. All are cordially invited to at tend these services. J. D. CROOKS, Tastor. East Oregonian Mrs. Lillian E. Cohn who makes her home in Portland now but who formerly lived in Heppner, has been a house guest during the week of Mrs. George Fell at her home on Bush street. For the past several days Mrs. Cohn has also been visiting Mrs. W. C. E Pruitt on Alta street. Be sure and call at the Palace Hotel Parlors, Friday and Saturday, Novem ber 27-28, or at The lone Hotel in lone, Sunday or Monday, November 29-39, and let Drs. Lowe & Turner, the well known eye specialists of Portland, show you the Kryptok double vision glass, which has no unsightly lines or seams, to catch dirt, strain the eyes or come apart. One light solid piece of glass which looks like a single pair, yet answers the purpose of two, j enabling you to read or do close work 1 and see distant objects perfectly. Be sure and see them. Free dfm- j onstration, satisfaction guaranteed. Remember the date, Scores of refer ences. Drs. Lowe & Turner have been located In Portland for 20 years. We do not go from house to house and we have no agents. S U M M O N S . IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF Till, STATE OK OREtiON FOR MORROW COL'NTY Viola Jackson, ) Plaintiff. ) vs. ) SUMMONS George Jackson, ) Defendant. ) To George Jackson, the above nam ed defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby re quired to appear ami answer the Com plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before six weeks from the 20th day of November, 1911. o-wit: on or before the 1st day of January, 1915, and if you f:iil to so ippear or answer the plaintitl will apply to the Court for the relief de manded in the Complaint herein, to wit: for judgment and decree of the Court forever dissolving the Bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant and for the :are, custody and control of Ada Jackson, the minor child of the plnin- tilt and detendant, and lor such other and further relief as may be equitable imi just. You are therefore, hereby notified 'hat if you fail to so appear or answer the complaint as above required the -aid plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said Com plaint. This Summons is served upon you by publication thereuf once a week for six consecutive weeks in the Heppner Herald, a semi-weekly newspaper of general circulation in Morrow County, Oregon, published at Heppner, by virtue of an order made and entered herein on the 19th day of November, 1914, by the Uoium.?i;o C. C. Patter son NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, Abigal Van Horn, has been duly appointed Administratrix of the j estate of Robert Van Horn, deceased, j by the Honorable County Court of Morrow County, Oregon, and has duly qalified for such trust. All persons holding claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to me at the office of Sam E. Van Vactor, my attorney, in Heppner, Oregon, on or before six months from the date of the first publication hereof. Dated and first published this Cth day of November, A. D. 1914. ABIGAL VAN HORN Administratrix of the estate of Robert Van Horn, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed by the County Court of Morrow County, Oregon.administrator of the estate of Michael Mulvey, deceased and has qualified as such. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby nouneu ana required to present the same to me duly verified as by law required at the office of C. E. Wood son in the city of Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, within six months from date of first publication of thia notice. Dated and published the first time this 30th day of October, 1914. P. J. O'ROURKE, Administrator. FARM TO SIX HUNDRED ACRE RENT Six miles from Olex, Gilliam County. County Judge of Morrow Coun- id wheat land good water good ly, Oregon, and the dale of the first fences no buildings will pun icution ol this Summons is I , . . , N,,v,nl,nr () 101,1 ,l thn nfitw0 ""I'8 K for improvements the lust publication of this Summons will be January 1, 1915. SAM E. VAN VACTOR, Attorney for Plaintiff. let first place. L. (). RALSTON, Owner, (iOH Market St., Portland. 1 Lights and Lighting City of Heppner . . . .$1750.00 2 Regular Marshal's salary 900.00 ?, Extra Marshal and Police 500.00 4 Recorder's salary 420.00 5 Treasurer's salary 100.00 6 Fire Chief's salary 120.00 7 Board of Health, salary 120-00 8 City Attorney's salary 100.00 .) Cuntv Fair Board , rf0.00 10 Incidentals 490.00 11 Bridges, Streets and Public Property .... 5600.00 TOTAL $10,600.00 THE FLORSHEIM SHOE IS GOOD ENOUCHFOR YOU -AND The Holeproof Sox Just Hits the Spot and the wearer too, wherever he goes, will see people wearing (he name kind of Hose. THE PLACE TO BUY IS AT Sam Hughes Co. SCHOOL NOTES , ! FEDERATED CHURCH Rev. Will N. Ferri Minister. Our Motto: With thyself practice the utmost strictness as touching the things that j neighborhood may be forwarded thou ahult believe and do. Unto all others grant the utmost liberty. Bible School at 9. 45 a. m. Preaching at 11:00 a. m. Theme: "Am I My Brother' keep er?" j Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. m. I Thanksgiving service at 7:30 at the Christian Church. Hy Supt. S. E. Notson. The following clipping from "School News" published in Illinois, is appli cable in this state also: WINTER APPRO U'ilFS. In the Northern States, a few days more will bring the storms und frosts of winter. The winter season is one of the best for study. The confine ment within doors is not so irksome. The work upon the farms is tint so exacting. It is a time, especially in the rural communities, in which the intellectual development, of tin- entire I he conditions for good school work t-hould be provided for teacher anil pupils. If the achoolhouse and premises have been properly looked after before the opening of school, there is little tliut will require the attention of tin- hoard. However, it frequently happens Unit not all things are made ready for the opening of school. Sometimes brok en windows are not repaired. I'i entail it Sale of Street and WE RECOMMEND: , That a the mill Tax be levied on all Taxable property in the city of H( p"ir. to cover the general expenses; And further, that all nv in v net ived from Saloon License, be it more or lens than the S.H'.otl.OO now received. ic set asi'ic ior me uuiiuiiig Uridyl, the improving nt and maintainence oth..r r.ul.lic r.r.!H-rtv of the City of Heppner. monevs now in the hand of the City Treasurer nd all moneys that mav - .Unveil from fines and additional lictn-e. lm consider ed as rcenc for the of oilinjr streets, and defraying the Kxn.ral expends of the City of Heppner. until January 1915. and the period intnet.injf Utwecn the first day of January 191G an.l the time when the taxes will be forthcoming, for which time the City will U- without apparent funds. RF-Tl-VTFU.LY SUBMITTED AND SIGNED. GEO. J. CIKIUN. A. L. rOKNKTT. W. B. BAKU ATT. many instances the foundations i.f Midweek prayer acrviee, Thursday, th buildings need repairing l f re the llr(,r,. lllim in fl.pi ll'iriMr led to in time, there is dimmer of cub) , floors, with the attendant re k of cold-, 7::!( p. m. A cordial invitation la extended to all, Mratigcni welcome. ( hrisliin ( hurrh. I The churrhen of Heppner will Join F irther, that all in union Thanksgiving service at the ( hristian Church next .Sunday evening. The sermon will I preached by Kev. Ferris. A union choir will furnish music, C. F. Swander, Corresponding See. 'retary of the Oregon Christian Ml. sionery Convention, will speak In the Christian Church next Sunday morn inir. At 2 M o'clock in the afternoon he will speak at Liberty School House and in the evemr g at lone in the j Christian Chimb. ore throats, and l imbed hiIiih i t The hcatirg plant may not h: e I n tml in ftrst-rla s rotuht'on. The f J supply mav riot be ul'icn i t fur t!.. inter. The provisions fur veiid'u tion may not l.e in nrl n i' ool r. The thermometer may have In m en during the more p'eiciii.t wentbei. No provision may ha. e I ., wml" for the introduction of rtioiinre n to the atmosphere of the si boo1 room, it m" r of importance hn tlie room imWkl 1 heated. Arid there rimy 1-e other things wheh hme liiu nvif. looked. If any of tbex tntirr require lit lention in order to n.aVe the t,.i! f rriom pleasaM, rorrifortjiMe m.d .iru tary, they should I a'tindid to n once If ar.V omuls ride or dri-.e to school, the hed i or stable for tin hnrx-s should I in fo npuir. 1 l.e e , hiatrrs should recede the prntiipt a 'trntion of the w hool hoard. A one and one-half horse power Stover Gasoline Engine at this office. Has been replaced by electric motor. In good condition. Used only five months. Price is cheap and terms will be given to any responsible party. THE HERALD