T" SCHOOL NOTES f by- S. E. NOTSON, Supt ' ;' The Governor has designated October 8 as fire prevention day. 1 AH schools are unfed to devote a - i. ..L. 4 i iL. 1. uhix ui me aay vu me biuuv ui methods of pre ven ting fires. This study should include the prevention of forest fires. , Every teacher should write to '". SecreUry of State Olcott, Saleror : for a copy o'f the new blue look for the school library. . This book contains mucfh valuable in formation and there should be a copy in every school library. The book will be sent free. isOnBiaeriiiK in aeawuii, uie club workers made an excellent ..-. ahowinor at the countv fair. . The clubs should . begin planning for the next years work. We hope to have Mr. Maris with us sometime this fall. We will not be so late in getting under way . the club work. However, we should not wait for Mr. Maris to come, but begin at once. Mr. Maris thinks that more attention should be given to the canning project We had some fine ex hibits along this line, but we can do better next year.' It is to be honed that- more attention will be given to the poultry club. "When we remember that in the year 1914 Oregon produced 19.000.000 busTielB of wheat which waa worth at the pre vailing prices 1H,50U,IXW.IW, we think that grain raising has some relation to our prosperity and so it has. But when we remember that in 1914 the Oregonhen pro duced 130,900,000 dozen of eggs,' - which was worth $2(1,000,000.00, we may justly conclude that the poultry business amounts to something. And when we add to this the $34,560,000.00 for the sale -of ooultry. we see that wheat is a side issue in our prcs- neittv as a state. No part of the State is more suitable for the poultry business ' than is this - county. Not only that, but this U a line of work well suited to both bovs and girls. The sew ing and mechanical lineB of work will undoubtly seceive much attention next year. Just a word as to motive. While it is not possible at thin stage of our industrial club to eliminate the oremium feature. m should not atre&s that feature too much. If the prize is over emphasized, only the few will attempt the work..'...We should emphasize the educational value -" of the work. Some of the work may be made to pay " liberally iri its products, but after all tht . learning "to do". is the best pay, Even those who have made an wr nonesi enorc anu nun uic have tailed should be encouraged ' by the thought that they have at learned by the effort When the winners of the trip to the Stale -Tair return and write up their accounts of the trip and their experiences at the camp, there will be a wave of enthusiasm concerning the work. We should tal(e advantaae of this imd begin planning for the future. - Basket social to be held in the Cecil Hail. Friday. October 2& 1915. The Droceeds to be for the aid of the piano fund. Everybody w el com. Art Pierce left last Wednesday morning for. Portland with a car load of stock for the stoek yards. He expects to be gone for a few day a. Have you remembered the old folks .back home with a years subscription to the lone Journal. re,- - A. B. Strait vat- in Ions last Wednesday on business and while her- called at the Jour nal office, . .. -- The Railroad carpenters have finished their ytak on the water tank. T. II. Benedict week on business. was in this Fine Charter List for the American Yeomen - Mr. Moffat the District Mana ger of the Brotherhood of Ameri can Yoemen reports that h ts well satisfied with the progress he has' made in securing some of Ione's most substantial people for the new Homestead, to be organized about the .middle of the month. - Among those al ready secured are: Doctor and Mrs. Chick, a W. Reynolds and wife. Prof. L. A. Doak and wife. Prof. Clifford: Perry and wife. W. K. Davis and wife. Chester Titus and wife, F. W. Sears and wife, Harrv J. Johns, W. F. Burger, Victory T. Phelps, T. B. Buffington" and wile, A. M. Moore and wife, the Misses Pen nington, P. J. Linn, Miss Muriel Cason, W. Guy Cason, Everett Ritchie, Elvena Davidson, Jessie Roy Buyby and a number of others whose names wilt appear at a later date. Among those who have applied fcr member ship is some of the best musical talent in-the. county. ( The girls Mandolin Club and many fine voices. This organization promi ses to be a -social success, and its worthy object deserves the a assistance ox every one, we are glad to see our name among those who will ride the goat It is a good thing boost it along. Are you ever in need of "a small alcohol stove, they are on sale at the lone Pharmacy at a very , low price. Practical Dry. Farmer, wants position for himself and wife ; on some ranch where owner wants, to give full charge of the place. Will handle 160 acres and up. Can furnish an extra man. Apply Journal, . lone, Oregon. t - 17-20 SHOE POLISHER. Hwiwmidi 'Artiste That WIN Km the Seats Sate mt4 Spaa. It Is not always convenient ta carry a box of polish to om'i traveling bag, but "strip polisher," wbleb can not tbar npMt nor smudge to contents or one's' bag, imwi too purpose quite wall for a abort jourajy.. In tut, It's not a bod thing to bar tucked la tba co roar of ona'a bedroom aboa bos lit boma. To make tba poHaber take a atrip of velvat or pluab about foor lac baa ldt and eighteen hhaa long and at tach to tba an da two ttttlo sticks, round or aqoara, about a half lack thick. Tba sticks should bo glran a coat of floe and tben rollod Into aaeb and of tbt eloth sufficiently to sever tba wood with tba material. Thla ta to kaap tba sticks float atb ptnf out of tha'opea ends. Then saw tba sticks in tightly to kaap tbam from bains palled oat whan tba pollahar Is balng aaed. Have tba nhoes polls had bafora leaving boma, nnd for aaTaral days on can bring thatn to a bright polish by simply rob blue tha pollnbar back and forth over ihem. For pollahlng tba backs and heals, placa tha strip back of tba sbos and rub It brlakly back and forth br (Milling Srat on bandlo and tbae tba ithr toward too lost aa tba aboa. Mart dose. Tha rtafit aldo af tba vol. or plnah aboold always of coarse, ha naxt tba aboa. -. CU CUM BISJ SANOWI0HBS. Taka ona enpful W'ereeav whipped arHT: ona small eueom r. cut vary Sua; tbraa tsaspooo ruta of powdered gelatin, salt to laata. also paprika to taste. St tiihMpuuofula of Tlnagar. Soak in gelatin la a nttle cold water hm piHwihia and dilate to as tittle h. water aa possible. Mil to vther and aat on Ira to eooi Then spread on thin. aUcaa af htvad HtlMMMIMMMMII ' Kwpsaelvs. m said tba young wtfe proodb. "father alwars fives aomathing axpaa alTo whan ba makos prcaantt.- Vo I dtarorarad wnon he gave m way.- raJoUMd tba joune hnabnaal.- Ezehang. v OuHa n Chanoa, "Porpy hj gattlag apaaklng. Isn't bar to poottt "Ob, yaa, I roaBombarrhoa oa omM feardlj ga him to stoad aa and now roe can hardlf gat hlai to att dowa.- - ' Owaa an Intaptd Baa. ft Is tba eontoatJon of gasluglaui taat the Madttarranaaa wna ones a groat Inland oaa and that tha tonontstoaan racks soparattng m illanlhT wars In tba coaraa af agoa wra awn by tba force at tba water - w . Social Card Party Organi zed for the Winter. ' A number of ladies and gentle men met at the home - of Bert Mason Tuesday evening and or ganized e Five Hundred Club. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Bender, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Buffington. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Davidson, Mr. and Mra. J. H. Wilt Dr. and Mrs. Chick, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Puyear, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Knappenbety, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mason, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Pennington, Misses Woolerv, Hotchkias, Schmidt Muriel Cason, W. F. Burger, Joe Mason, and F. L. Christenson. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Bender Oct. 15. The club will meet every two weeks during the winter, the members of the club taking turns alphabeticly in entertaining. Light "refresh ments were served and every one was highly pleased with the prospects of many more pleasant evenings in store for the club. Dr. Davis will be in lone the first week in every month. All work first class and guar anteed. 1518-tf. Pare drags and sundries at the lone Pharmacy all the time; Yearly subscriptions for the Journal are $1.60. How about it? BANISH ROAD SIGNS. " Waadan aaH ftsplaaad WMh Artta titJtttal Indleatara. The day of tha lopalded old wooden algn. wllb Its fharartara a I moat waati ad out b maaj saasons of wind and waa I bar. along with the day of no algna at all, wherein one waa left to wander back a ad forth for an htdeo nlta period until some native eama along and gars direct lona, to gone. That la. tnoao doja at least are past In Uarton. Pa. At a large cost tba Uarion Crrte aa aoclatlon la setups up In tba baaatiful Ualn Lino district a nnmnar of artistic metal algna that will ba claarlj read at a diataoce and will add besides to tn appearance of tba spick and apan roads of the aoburba. Tnere wUI be Srtj-alx doable fcnd twentr-four elngla oues. Tbej will be set up on posts, which bare tbemeetTe been csra folly dMlgnad. Basldas gbe treat signs the -aeeodatioa la prepar lng to erect a lavge number of simitar metal signs glrtS warning to ante moblllatB. In addition, a design for a q oa hit broune street lamp I adopted, THE MALTESE DERBY. ., ,'i Its Curlaua fEaee Course With Go at Yaw piaaee Rules. Florae racing to a taTorlte sport the world oror, but It la doubtful wb ether any nation oan boast of sucb a curies race course or claim mors remarkabti' Ideas of the sport than tba afalteee. One a jaar tba road aklrttng Slleaon harbor Is raaerrod aa a raea course, anil tba poopld turn out la thousands There hi no regulation of the course The crowd, simply dears out of tt way aa the horses come along. Tha jockeys rid without brtdleTer saddles, and each oarrlee a whip lii either- band ono for bis own mount tba other to keep back any bone whicl may try to orertahe him. We aaw aa of tba spectators deliberately trip horse up by putting bis lag out at grave risk to hi motif. - These t hinge, boweTor Incredible a they seem to sportsmen la tbta co try, are taken aa quite a matter ot coarse, ane conseeoonUy hardly a yoai goea by without a fatality of soant kind- All things considered, tt le ao likely that the "go aa you plena" relet of this Maltese derby are likely to com anend themselves to other torf author! es.-Wldo World Magaalna, 4 Aa Uwraarasiwaathjo M Ona of tba nMot aU borate ealewhi ttoaa of tba eeeapoalOoa of the aoosa or eommoaa a bondrsd years ago to Uvea la Dr. OMfleurs taprasentatleo Hlatory." Aeeonllng to this, tig atom bora wore returned by ST pssra la amg land and Wales, SI BMmbers by SI psora la Scotlaod and ftl awmbara kg M psora ta Ireland. Tbaa jaat MO menbara wore rotnrnaS by pears, la addition 1ST member wore leisirt ay SO eoeneia si smgtand end Wales, 14 aassabsra by 14 la Bcotlaaji and SO atom bars by IS com manors m liaaaod. wail the tresav ary eowmandad U aaata. tba admbwlty 4 aat ta ordaaaoa t naaimaallj hi a awnse of 404 mambsrs 1T1 cuum a a mora or la Dally-We bad ta practice Chopbi for three boare ksay. aaaawa. Mra par vauaa ReaMy. my dear. asjoppbV si a vary wall bat year papa seat yea to tea Motor sawedemy to learn as that east tbaag. "DM yea hav a $ fartr -Oeaatt We goal far a IRRIGON NEWS U las Gertrude Johaeon left Friday Sept 24 for Pendleton to eater St Joseph's Actulvmj. Petef Sosbaner's sister and daurfh tor that have been vlsltlnu; here left last Monday for their homo In. the east. C. L. Ro&dmc baa gone to Salem for a visit with bis daughter Mra. David Wright. ' Bam L. Shannon baa returned Iron) the harvest fields of Wash. Tha Irrlsron school board ehouM consider themselres very hicky tn sepurlngtbe services of Mr and) W. L. Suddath, M they are provlntf tbemselvoa very efficient teachers. Among the Irrlgonltea attending the Peiaileton Round-Up were; Mra. Suabaner and her nelco Mtss Smith; Paul Stoecard, Herdlce Oeorre and father Tom Rice. Mr and Mrs. Earl Bancom and others. Yon can notice a broad grin on moat of 'the Irrloronltea since the fair at Heppner 'aa ..they carried awav a are at number of the blue ribbons " A. C. McCufflna a former resident of this place waa seen Td our atreeta Thursday. ' 1 Knap pen berg for sale. has Danhhra packer W, R. Cochran and daughter Ltllle were In town thla week on bualnesa and the party left the next day. F. H. Robinson waa visitor thla week. Heppm r Born to Mrs. and Mr. O. A. Lundf I of Cecil a son Friday October 1. Ir. Chick waa the attending phyelclar. Blake and Davidson delivered 204( lanuba to Jim Catty who has a ranch near lone. The price paid waa 18.75. Ktappeoberg has a Campbell surface packer to sell. Bill McBee, tfynde and Oeborn bouglifc acarload of lumber of tlieTuin A Lnm Lumber Co. thla week J. B. 'Soaria to remodelllnir 11m1 Walker Rink and bought quite blU of lumber from toe Tum-A-Luu Lumber Co. Tuesday. Frank Youns; was in town last Monday on business. D. C. Clark of Portland was in lone the past week. Dan Barlow was in Saturday doing a little shopping. Wm. Barlow of Liberty was in town on business Tuesday. How did rain? you like Saturdays Emil Lundel was in tha City ths week on business. Egg Frank Hopkins and Victory T. Phelps are working for J. B. Sparks fixing up the Rink. ' - Walt Smith was a Heppner visitor the put week. . . A few repairs have been made at the depot the past week. Jo Mason has rearranged his counters and made his store look much better. . Elmer Griffith has laid m a heavy supply af gasoline and distilate for tha use of tha deaieaa. local ,..,....., . Set Knaneuberg for males or hoV saw He baa Bold ranches and mtfat sell stock. Statement of the ownership management, atrcnlatloa, etc., re quired by roe act of Aagnst 94 1911 of the lone Journal publtabed weak ly at lone, Oregon, for October lei 111. B lltor, F. Wallace Sean, lont- Oregocv managing editor, name, business anaaagers, same, publisher ne. Owners: If a corporation. aive lie name and tba names and ad eem of stockholders hotdlag J per eat or more of total amount of it. If not a eorporatloB. give namee aad addraeaea of tndtrldaal mora.) Noam Known boodhoM- atw. BKrtgageea, ajuL other eeeurlty boMara, bokling 1 perneatt or mora of total amount . of bonds, mortga gas, or other sacaiitlea. Nonflr. Wallace Brave. Swore to aad eub serfbod borore aae ttla 1st day of October, lata. F.. H Boblasoa, Noeary Nubile for Oragoa.Tfy Ooaamtaatoa axplroa Mareb lata. w. ww AUCTION SALE Wednesday Oct 20th I win eel at the A. M. Mllla place IS iulles aortheaat of Lexington and S miles nwth of Soatb Springs, the following property. 14 head of horses and colta. ' 1 mare age weight 1300 lbs. " 1 man and colt age 4, wt. 1150 ' 1 mare and colt age 4, w 1000 . 1 mare ago 6, wt 1100 ' . 1 mare age 10, wf 1160 ' 1 galtllng age-S, wt W00 . 1 gelding age wt 1200 1 gelding aged, wt 1300 - - . lgeldlngagot, wt 1160 . 1 goMlng age S, wt JI00 Syearltngs 1 milch cow Jnst fresh 1 yearling heifer 8 ahoats weighing about 60 lbs each 1-8 wagon and rack almost new l-3)f wagon and 600 gallon water tan A, the tank lanew - , 1 buggy la good shape 1 1H disc drill 5 seta of harness In good ahabe. 1 iS la. 3 bottom Mollne plow 1 12 In. 2 bottom Mollne plow. 1 set of buggy harness 1 4 section Iron barrow 1 12 foot tar weeder. . Iead bars, chains and other thlngH to numerous to mention. ' Terms ot Bale: All auine of 910 and under, cash, all over f10 bank able notea with Interest at 8 per cant and due one year from date of sale, rive per cent off for ash. Sale begins at' 10 o'clock a. m. Lunch E. P. Berry-Owner ' E. E. Miller-Auctioneer. Mr. and Mrs. Whitehead have been visiting at the home of Mrs. Herbert Olden. T Earl Thonipaon who waa In from I Heppner Mt for Loa Angeles. - ! 1 1 - V. W. Schriver ono of the Willam ette Valley residents has bought the if alberg place and Is here with his things. " i a. uiw reporxs mat ne aa a i-iura tree in bloaaom. This apeakw well for the climate. The Lexington Lodge of Yeomen will be Instituted next Tuesday even ing by R. N. Moffat, District Deputy. Ernest Coburn of the Holt Mfg. Co. accompanied by Judge Robinson and Walt Smith were out to Goose berry Tuesday on bualneaa. Cbas. March vard. of Lextngtoa left this morning for Portland. Dr. C. C. Chick and Ueorge Me Duffee were passengers on . the train this morning to gj to Coyote to hold an inqueat on the body of an unknown man who was fouod with a bullet hole la his head. The body waa forfnd Id a badly decomposed condition. Ho' futber detaUa could be learned up to tba time of going to press. " Mrs. R. F. 'Wtlmot left this morn Ing for Portland on a business trip. Mra. Robert G. Wilson and son of Cecil were visitors In lone today. Laat; Friday Everett Laughlln, Empire Investment Co. of Port Bar! Forbes and Larry Lonlgan re-. ian a u h. keen noma time all the boys bad a nno time.. The party made the trip In a hack. What TheTum-a-Lum Method Means To You You've often wished you had a friend or a relative in the lumber business to help you a,nd give you counsel when you get ready to build. You have spent a good deal of time goin through magaxitkea and furra papers looking for suggestions to help you solve the problem of getting is easy to get this very building when you build by the Tum-a-Lum Method. Our all waste with its Material Saving Lists. Your lumber is all used in the building. We fore not a "dumping place" We buy from the beet markets put comes to out yard without one cent of added selling cost. You pay the one right price lor your lumber .The result is that yov get the best possible building for the lowest cost. "Building Your Next Buildinft By The Tum-t-Lum Method" Tuma-Lum Lumber Co SUm PvAatV nr Rwwl ihnat it at their offieea at .- lone and Lexington, Oregon. Art Pierce arrived from PorV land Saturday evenins after a abort, business triplo the big citi R P. Kidder was in from busi- Portland last ThursdaT on ness, H. C. Stock well made a trip tier lone this week from Los An geles. California. A. Welch made a business trip to lone last Thursday from Port-' land. . -r : ' 4 " . D. J. Butcher of Portland was a visitor at lone this week, trans acting a :nue Duainess. . K. W. Pettingill of Walla Wal- . la, Washington was in lone the past week. Frank Wilson was in Monday on a shopping trip. He looked a trifle dusty after his ride .from the ranch. ' Gub Liebel attended the horse sale at lone Monday and also did a little shopping. . " ' H. .0. Dennis was, in from the ranch Monday and attended the horse sale. . , ' Samuel Dennis was down from the ranch looking around this week, - ' ' E. H. Turner was in town this week getting sr few things for the house. His wife is away on a visit and baching comes kind of natural now since he learned to cook. , Watt Bustiers came down from the ranch Monday to get a little medicine for the folks at home. Wate Crawford was down to lone this week from near Mor gan. He says the roads are very dusty and full of ruts. Frank Griffin was down to tha horse sale last Monday and, brought in several horses. May Calkins, wife of Ray Cal kins of Toledo, Oregon passed tnru lone Tuesday morning on her way home. She has been visiting with her sister at Monu ment for several weeks, John E. Cronan. President of the Cronan Mortgage Co. of Portland left Tuesday morning iOTnome alter a snort vibii. wuu his father J. E. Cronan, presi dent of the Bank of lone. He: was accompanied by his brother L. W. Cronan president of the tine L- W. Cronan hu bfen in I Ine nd he was kept busy greet, ing old friends. service Department cuts out own no mills and are there for any undesirable surplus of the world. Their out. ' xalft. i