The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, November 03, 1911, Image 1

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Portland. Or*. - One of the finest
locations in Portland has been secured
for th- Oregon ’Apple Tow, November
15-18. Il will be housed in the Yeon
building, corner Fifth and Abler street*
and there is every indication that it
will be a big success.
1 he premium list has just lieen issued
and is attracting a great deal of atten­
In addition to prise* offered for the
mo»: perfect apples, in almost any sized
exhibit, is a special premium for 100
box Iota and another? fw ID boa
open to commercial organizations of
fruit growers’ unions in the Northwest.
Cash amounting to *600 is offered in
the first class and *275 in the second.
Aulo Sparks
Dr, and Mrs Prill invited the New
editor ami wife to take a little auto
spin with them Sum Uy morning. A
run was mad* out to the country home
of Mr. ■•'argent where the doctor r«
moved the splints from the broken
limb of Mr. Sargent's young son. The
boy has been an unusually good patient
umi will soon lw able to get around on
Mrs. Sargent presented the party
with some fine |>ears which were much
enjoyed on the return trip Mr Sargent
is rapidly getting hi* -I«1 acre farm in
first das* sha|>e and has already made
a local reputation for the fine horses he
has raided. Mr. and Mrs. Sargent came
to Oregon from toe east a few years
The return trip was made past the
home of the Great American Pie Eater
and some effect* of the saver* hail
storm of some weeks ago were seen.
’So destructive was the hail that all the
fruit on this farm was destroyed ami
had it not been possible for the owner
to obtain a supply elsewhere, he would
have b.-en abort OR the "makings" for
some of hi* favorite pi«».
The trip furnished a chance to see
the condition of some of the Country
roads. For moat part they were in
exc. lent -ha; ■ but there were *|H,ts
of which on- could not conveniently
think Sunday thought*.
Washington county will ’have a
splendid display at poultry on exhibit
‘nt Forest Nov
23, 21 and
Experts have lieen secured to
judge tile fowls.
Tuesday and Wednesday of thul week
marked an important occasio.i for
Sherman. Morrow ami Gimmial counties
The State Fish and Game commission
for the tri-county convention was held has made arrangements to encourage
on those dates.
the raising of China Pheasant* in
I captivity.
The state is willing to co-nperate with
tho«e who wish to raise pheasants,
No matter what you build we want -ven to providing the egg», instructions
to furnish the lumber, rough or dressed. a* to rearing and personal attention us figure with you about prices ami when required.
Reeve»' Pheasant»
terms of paymanta. We also handle bring *25 for a trio, consisting of one
sash, doors, brick, plaster, and cement. male an I two hens. China Pheasant*
The Scio Planing Milla Co.,
readily sell for *2.50 for cock*and from
Scio. Oregon. *3 to *4 for female*.
Pheasant* thus raised may lx* sold, if
sold directly to the consumer. Full
: particulars may be had of the Game
The Santiam Newt one year and the I and Fish Commission.
China Pheasants
Hemi-Weakly Journal until February I.
Keep your feet warm ami dry by get­
1913 for 12. This given you the Journal
1.5 months ami the News 12 months ting your shoes and woolen' hose at
This ofler is good to November 15 only. Hibler A Gills.
Every customer to know that our STOCK
Should we
drugs is new, clean ant! pure,
have in stock what yon want, tell us, and we will
be glad to get it on short notice and without
extra cost to you. In addition to a general stock
of Drugs, we carry paints, oils, varnishes, wall­
paper, school books, school supplies, phonographs,
handle the best cigars. We supply you with the
best gasoline for your automobile. Tn fact you
will find us headquarters for quality in all lines.
orchard sprays, sheep dip and stock foods.
Sketches of the Lives oí Men and Women
I Live
I I a fclshipa
Albany, Ore., Oct. 28, 1911
Editor Santiam News.
Hear Mr:
In your notice of the apple fair this
this week occurred a slight error which
I wish to correct. The county court
has mad- no appropriation for our Henton and Linn Counlit Teachers ln$hh le
•I’l'1*’ f“ r ’bi* year, but recent^ they
Lastly llltnded List ol
>-• 1 in making
. ontributed
*350 • to assist
M illamettr valley exhibit at the Omaha
I.anti Show, and your informant has
probably got the two shows confused.
I am glad to see that you are taking
an interest in our apple fair, a* it
certainly 1« accomplishing a great ileal
The joint county teacher* institute
of gootl. At the four former fairs we which closed Wednesday wa* one of the
collected up samples of apples from all moat successful educational meeting*
section* of our county and demonstrat­ ever held in Linn county. Every school
ed to the people what can be done in in each county wa* cloaed and practi­
that line, ai d the direct result ha* been cally ever teacher wa* in attendance.
that 1« tween 601*) and SKMM» acres of An excellent program had lx-en prcpai
land have been Ixiught and are now be- ed ami a large part of the work was
mg made over into commercial orchard* done in section meetings.
After a
A fact of very great importance to general session each morning and
your {leople is that most of these afternoon, th* Inatltute divided into
orchards are located in the forks of the five section* as follows Primary, inter­
Santiam und near Scio. This year in mediate. advanced, rural and high
order to get a guod displayof fruit. school. In each section were discussed
we have very materially increased our subject* of special interest to the
premium list. lhe be»t tot of any teacher* of those lines of work. The
-itandard variety of apple* gets a prize list uf instructor* follows:
of *5 ami the secund pr.z- is *3. The
I. R. Aiderman, Superintendent of
best community exhibit of ten boxes Public Instruction.
get* *'.0, the second *25 and the third
J. H. Ackerman, President of State
*15. It l* not a money making affair Normal School.
at all, as we charge no entrance fee
C. J. C. Bennett. Department of
fur fruit ami admission is free. Our Education, University of Oregon.
expenses are paid from voluntary *ub- Montana Hasting». Department Educa­
scriptiona from our public spirited tion, University of Oregon.
citizens, from the sale of the premium
R D Ressler, Department Industrial
fruit and the county court has hereto­ Pedagogy, O. A. (’.
fore assisted us to some extent. The
Olive Davis, Critic Teacher. State
good (teoule of Hdto and vicinity should Normal School.
do their best this year to »end over
Helen T. Kennedy, Oregon Library
some nice fruit, and if any one would Commission.
like a premium list, I will see to it
E. F. Carleton. Asalatant State
that they ran gel it |,y calling at the Superintendent.
News office. Don't forget the dates,
II M Crooks, President uf Albany
Novrmtier 8, 9, and 10.
Yours very truly,
Maude Laiughcad, Primary Instructor
C. W. Hoe tile her, Su|x-rintcmlent of
Albany Schools.
R. W Kirk, Su|>erinlcndenl C-orvallia
The New* is glad to make the correc­
tion altliough It seems to lie merely a Schools.
C. C. Baker, Superintendent la-banon
matter of date ami amount. The court
be boo I».
will I m - called upon later.
L. L. Gooding, Su|>erintendent brio
M. M Gilchrist, Principal Oakville
High School.
J. W. Ibdin, Sufiervlaor Linn County,
Joseph Benner, Supervisor Linn Co
The Albanv Herald has been trying
The boiling spring» with curling
The following account of the crossing
of the plain* was written by Mr. Miller A deep mysterious volume spoke.
himself in 1886 at 74 year* of age. We Convincing all who »total »round.
Of reeret mistries untier ground.
am ■ lei '■ d to. Mr. H Philippi for the
copy. Mr. Miller was the grandfather When next we met th- human race,
of Mr. Philippi's first wife. He lived A.! " • ' t to f ■
for many years at Miller station and it , The »Ight we saw caused all to blush
was in honor of him that the place was
thus named. Mr. Miller wa» a Baptist |
minister an<f
widely known by the
earlier settlers.
■ Snow, hail and rain, with mud to dread,
I Fearing our teams could never pas«;
When in my native land I dwelt.
With friends who for my interest felt, We turned aside for better gras.«.
I burst. thro ;gh ties that bind th­
Columbia's ttream we hail in view.
at rung
It seemed the only avenue
And turned my face towards Oregon.
Through which at last we hofwd to gain
The ’pro meed lami, the long sought
'T was thus I lift my "atue li..m>-
I lain.
Through a wild desert lami to roam;
And as my team moved slowly on.
It rainol and stormed, ami tossed our
My thoughts flew swift to Oregon
And when we crossed the last state O’er rock* and sand, ami wave* afloat,
' At length on shallow sands we found
Of well armed men we numbered nine. Our flour derinp t ar . l ad ran aground.
Numbers increased the way along—
With young ami old five thousand The one thing needful now to do.
Was pack ashore the frightet > d crew ,
Keniaccaa soon brought us ashore,
Whose snow white sheets all in a row, And set the boat afloat more.
With crooks and straight* made quite a
Ami down the stream our Ixrtitmcn
Much like the swan, a passage bird;
(Except the lowering of our herd*
In gaining land some time was spent
I only thought of raving life.
Pleasant roads made a joyful crew.
My dearest care was a sick wife
Who fancied Jileasutes alway through.
We ate. and drank, ami went our way,
O'er brush ami log* | ha-l to puck.
Slept sou ml ail night, ami moved >11
Her feeble form Upon my back
While two sick children g i ar ped my
Except the sentinel on guard.
'T was thus at length we rearbed the
Whose fortune here was rather hard.
Just half the night one put of three,
Maud rain or shine, was the ilecree.
It somewhat calmed and ceased to rain
Our sick were fed ami dried again;
Th- buffalo looked with surprise
Whose frightened herds outstrip) ed And with a light ami buoyant heart
All hands got ready tor a start.
our ryes—
The antelope stamped as he {Hired,
At such strange sight all sUxxi amazed. Soon down the stream with »peed we
Too soon alas, all pleasure fled.
With full spread sail and joyful crew.
The wagon was the sick man's bed
Too soon ala*' we danger saw,
The wilderness our only home
The Cascade fall» Ix-gan to draw'
Where savage men ami wild tx-a- t
Just as we gave up all for lout,
I for some time to take the county fair
A mighty wind the current cyont.
away from Scio and now l)oug Hamilton
Notici For Publication
Our Si-reeking wheels moved slowly And drove us to the destined shore
claims that some of Albany'* fair sex
In safety reached the land once more. urc casting sheep* eye* at him each
Department of the Interior
Where sedge and sard so much a' our.d
time he gix'S over to »ee the moving
S. I .a nd Office at Portland, Ore.
The lieetle ami the gadfly reigns
picture shows. Scio might possibly bo
Ami wandering up and down I went
Sole monarchs of the sa sly plains.
October 14. 1911
able to get along without the fair, but
To seek some (>as»age round the falla.
that Fred A.
if they take l)oug we may a» well close
But when we left the sand behind.
Five mile» o’er rock the current rolla.
Strode, whose postuffiee address is l.'OVi
Our road with ruck, or dust was lined;
Rixlncy Ave., Portland, Oregon, did. on
O'er rapid streams Ixith deep and clear. Three-quarters of a mile or m ire.
I *t day of May. 1*11, fib- in this
I lugged our package down the shore,
Our winding course we had to steer.
office Sworn Statement and Application
[O'er locky steeps and alippery ground.
No. 1)3087, to purchase the N'| of NE|,
Volcanic piles on every hand.
The sick, the weak 1 carried down.
hen I l<>race Mann macle a fa­
Section 24, Township 10 South, Range
Oft made me think of Sodom’s land;
2 East, Willamette Meridian, and the
mous «pee. h for the dedication al
Ami wonder what unchristian race.
As winds came howling through the
a very cosily huikiing demoted to
timlier thereon, under th- provision* of
Had brought this region to disgrace'*
lhe reformation oi bad boys he
the art of June 3, 1878. anil act*
The rain increased its heavy drops;
Where none but reptiles lare to live;
sa <1, " If all this winch has Iwen
known us th« ''Timlx-r
Thq drenching torrents overhead,
An-1 poisoned stream* their v -num giv«!
«{>ent spoil this building results in
and Stone Law,’’ at such value a*
Reached all on foot, and all in bed.
Of fallen man there wan no trace
the reformation oi one boy it it
might tie fixed by appraisement, ami
God's vcngence had removed his rare. Although we’d passe I a fearful placr.
money well qx-nt
Somebody said
that, pursuant to such application, the
to him. " Mr Mann, do you think
Fresh dangers he iged our only pass!
land and timber thereon have been
God’s curse on every thing we saw;
one boy is worth all that money >“
the timber estimated 46O.UUO
Hung like the Mede and Persian law,
I le replied. "Ye*, il it is my boy
The angry waves daihed high their
I board fret at 50 cent* per M. and the
The rain foreook th- barren ground;
or your boy "
land nothing, that said applicant will
The mountains were turned upside
offer final proof in support of hi»
(Continued next week)
Finding Mora Material.
application and sworn statement on the
"Ilow Inrga 1« »our Mammoth cavtF' .'tilth day of Decemtx-r, 1911, before the
asked the foreign tourist
Register and Receiver of the U. 8.
’ Nobody know* exactly," »aid the I .and Office at Portland, Oregon.
"It'* eo large, though, and
Any person is at hlx-rly to protest
l>eople get lost In It ao eaally. that this |>urrhaar before entry, or initiate
Mis* Elsie Bartnik gave a Hallo-
George Irvine, the ID-year-old son of when a man 1» about to czplore It he
ween party Tuesday night, About Mr. and Mrs. I-cc Irvine, residing near makes hla will and wlabea bla WPtp a contest at any time before patent
issues, by filing a corroborated affidavit
forty invitations were sent out to her Thomas, was instantly kill-daliout II .W Ing friend* good by "
in this office, alleging facts which would
young friends asking them to join in Tuesday by the accidental discharge
"Moat astonishing! I never ben rd
the ontry.
the festivities ami game* of that night. of an old shot gun with which ha ami that before!"
She was assisted by Nita Bilyeu and hüt 7 year old brother were playing in
"Ob. well, of couree. It Isn't quite
Lillie Simms, who dressed a* ghosts the yard at the farm home.
ao bad a* that I wa* only joking
received their friends ami later in the
The charge of shot struck the lioy
(Entry In foreign tourist's notebook:
evening served cake amt pickles.
near the right temple ami nearly blew "Another rnrloua custom among Amer
Mamma, make me a nighty out that
All gam-s appropriate to the occasion his head off. How the gun was dis­ lean* I* that when they tell an arnal new outing flannel at Kibler A Gill*.
were engaged in and the young |>rople charged is a mystery.
Ing lie they call It a joke.">—Chicago
departed at an early (?) hour, having
After hearing of the facta an inquest Tribune
spent a delightful evening.
was considered unnecessary.
Halloween Parly