The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, October 27, 1911, Image 2

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(Ghc kantiani Jflfirs
I,. I,. < 14 )< > I > I N G
I '«or» I «Kl».
Entered at the postofflce at Scio, Ore .
aa second-claas mail matter.
U oui'. Items
Mr. and Mrs. McLeod, parents
of our primary teacher, have ar­
rived from Colorado and will
settle in this vicinity.
Robert Peery has returned
from his trip to the Quartzville
He went in company
of an Alaska miner. There mav
Ix> an awakening in the mining
On* year in ailvance
.................... 11 2» business there yet.
One year, nt eml of year................... 1 M
Mr. Raines has purchased eight
Six n on th* in advance.....................
of land from C. E. Soule.
Three months in advance...............
<X. It joins the town site.
Single copy in wrapper...................
Inspector Benner was around
A 1>V Kit TWIN«! KATWl
recently inspecting schools.
Cant of thanks................................ ..
Our newly married man. Mr.
Sfwcial obituary notices, per line
Raines, is building a house.
Extended Wedding comment*.
per line .... .............................. U'
Rev. Ix>ree returned from
Display ads, to be changed weekly
if dealrrd, one column wide
A. 0. Craft purchased several
each insertion, per inch.. .. Iß
Rusine»» locals per line ................. o hea«l of stock at the Sou|e sal«
Lmg time standing ads. contracts
and took them to his ranch on
made nn application.
Roaring river.
I^iwson Craft came up recent­
ly and favored us with o story or
In order that all doubt might two.
«•id good luck smiled on the old
man and he found M. C. Gaines
of Crabtree had plenty left after
putting away his winter supply
and I had the pleasure of picking
20 bunhels of fine apples for mv
winters use.
.Mrs. S. W. Gaines has 5 apples
off of the first apple tree ever
known to be in Linn Co., which
she is going to take to the Al­
bany Apple Eair. The tree’wss
on Unde Johnny Crabtree’s old
donation land claim, and bore it>
first crop of apples in 1H51 from
which they all enjoy an old fash­
ioned cobler cooked in an old
fashioned oven before the fire
Mrs. Eva Neeley of Albany,
who has been in the hospital at
Portland the past two months is
now ui> with us on a weeks visit
a'so Isaac Crabtree of Scio, is
v.siting with his sister Mrs. 8.
W. Gaines.
P ie E ater .
Shelburn Items
Mrs. Noscer and son moved
here lust week.
Mrs. Steidel and her daughter
Myrtle were visiting in Macleay
last week.
Wm. Ghur.'hill was sawing
wood for Ola Vernon ar d W’ H.
McLain the first of the week.
Inis and Homer Russell were
visiting in the neighborhood the
latter part of last week and the
R ex .
first of this week.
Glen Shilling returned last
Tuesday from Washington where
Mr <; . Ii<> Jones has rec ivrr-
he has been visiting.
cd from an acute attack of rheu­
John war« little boy about
matism which lasted for about
seven years old is ill with
two weeks.
Typhoid fever.
The report in a recent issue of
W ood B ee
this paper that E. B. Spangen«
burg had sold his general mer­
chandise store in Shelburn is not
true. He will continue business
The tcacher in ihr country »cbool
here in his new store building.
Expounding lewon, »um »ml rule,
Calvin and G. M. Trollingwr Ami tcaching children how to r.»e
and the Zink brothers returned
To height» wh«-r» laating hot.or liea.
from a short hunting trip. They th-»«-rve» a fat And hawinome wage,
For »hc‘» a triumph of thi» age.
reported fair success.
No bvttcr work than her» i« done
Grant Spangenburg anti Miss
Benrath the gooi old »hining »un;
Alice Piatt were married in Al-
l»any last week. Their friends She builds the future of the state;
She guides the youths who will be
gathered on the night of their
return and tendered them a very She gives the childish spirit wings.
warm reception.
And points the way to noble things.
And we, who do all thing» so well.
II. Steidel sold a jnirtion of his
Ami of our “inatitooshuna” yell,
farm last week.
Rewarl the teacher with a roll
Frank Gotch arrived in Shel­ That brings a shudder to her soul.
burn last w«M*k b it returned to
We have our coin done up in crate»,
the G«xich mill on Monday.
And gladly hand it to the »hates
A large crowd attended the
ho fuss around in politics
And fool ut with their time-worn
dance in Gooch's hall last Satur­
day night.
In congr«*». one cheap common jay
Mrs. Gex Blatchfor«! returned
" ill loaf a week, ami draw more pay
from Tangent where she had Than some tired teacher, toiling near.
Will ever «re in half a year.
been visiting a couple of weeks.
be removed concerning
purity of our water supply,
samples have been sent to th«
stat» board of health for analysis.
In order that a test of this kind
may lie of much value great care
must l»e taken in securing
In the present case the bottles
and corks were boilci in water
for some time and then put in k
hot oven and subjected to dry
heat for an hour or more. Then
aamples of water were taken and
Ixittles securely corked without
allowing cither th«? m iuth of the
bottle or cork to come in contact
with the hands.
One sample wax taken from
the creek at the entrance to th«*
mill race; a second, from th«
race where the witer is taken
into the city pipes; a third from
th«* drinking fountain in th<‘
school building; while a fourth
sample was taken from one of
the wells of the city. The differ­
ent samples were numbered and
sent to the state board of health
by express and returns may lie
expected in a week or ten days.
The one making the test will not
know from what source any
particular sample was taken.
As the News stated a couple of
weeks ago, we believe our water
H ub
supply is a fairlv good one and
the pur|»o«e of the test is to avoid
any ¡»ossible chance of sickness,
especially of the school children
Mrs, Relrecca
who have no other supply than granddaughter. Miss Velma Nee­
that which comes thru th«* city ly of Albany, came over Sunday
for a two weeks visit with her
Such tests should be made at sister. Mrs. Elizabeth Gaines and
least once each year.
old time friends.
The proprietor of the City
Scott Turner went to Portland
Meat Market informs us that he Eritiay to take in the sight* and
will either move the slaughter visit his sister Mrs. Lula Muligan.
house or change the drainage to
Mr. and Mrs. P. Wallace went
empty below the entrance to the
to Crabtree Saturday on business.
mill race if there seems any
Jessie Wiley of Cedar Flat,
chance of the water being pollut­
called at the Santiam Farm Mon­
ed from that source.
day night. He is looking for
Another step which should be
hands to cut shingle bolts for
taken to safe-guard the purity of
their mill.
the water in the mill race, is to
Miss Ella Smith of Wal'a Walla
prevent st«k from being water-
who is a subscriber to
ed from it
There are a few
sent the Pie Eater
places where stock can find access
that hs items are
to the water and at one place
than all the rest
stock are taken into the race to
be watered. No one cares to
After the b g hail storm the
drink water after stock has been
wading in it, or worse, yet many Pie Eater was sadlv up against
are doing so unknowingly.
i for apples . So providence
Th« Start 1» Ea»y.
•That young man »evtu» to think
•rerylbiiig la ea»y."
"It'a a coannuo trait at bla ag*
Lite up to a certain point la Jn»t a»
ea>y h » writing a letter down to the
Un« INmr Sir ——Waablngtuu Hur
Wh«t Ware.«* M.r.
Daughter Oh. momma. I do wi»h I
Mot ber-You needu't.
were pretty!
dear. beiialtH« men «hink I er y litt!«
at milt brnnty. Daughter—But It hin t
•enalble men Im thinking about, mam
ma; It'» Cbartl»!
Ike Isciiskttr
Who ha« cried »al«-» successfully, who
know» current value«, and who is other­
wise well qualifi«-d aa a salesman. ia the
one who will get the moat money for
your product*.
I have had the experience and believe
1 can render »uch »ervice« a» will
B. T Sudtell, Halsey, One. I
of Portland
Samples and Estimates on Request
Camera supplies, etc
Drug Co Albany, Ore
Expert Truss fitting
nriK rs*
J. J.('..irne», W. F. (»Ill,
J. A. Bilyeu, J. R. Barnes,
C. A. Warner.
PacatprxT, W F. Gill.
MnUgrtaT, C. A. Warner
The following arc c»»h price» quoted
on Thursday of each week by our
Wheat, per bu»h< I .........
Oat«, |wr bus bid ...............
Flour, per »ack .................
Bran, per ton. .....................
Shorts, per ton. .................
Chop, per ton .....................
Hutter, (Country) per roll«, per doxen . ...............
Cbickeaa, per pound.........
Chickens, per pound, young broiler»
Geese, per pound . .....................
Turkey», per |»und .....................
Duck», per pound.........................
Beef, per pound, live weight ...
Pork, dressed ................................
Veal, [>er pound, for »hipping .,
Notice ol Guanfian s Silt
141-143 Front St.
Ouilt •« alwByt Personal.
I wou d vet. for a R.publican for Un t.d Stat.» ..nator If th» pwpl«
■by ’h•r®dj Up ■ H.publ
oan, ___
and __ I w«uld b. pr«ud t« d« At,
k» 4«'"« lb« will •( th« p««pl».
Th. party .mbl.m in municipal «lrcti«na ia an aid t« th« ignorant
• «nd th«,, wh« Corrupt vot.r. ,nt(
h.lp t. upr.ght and ,nt.II,g.nt «|«e.
Beth part..« would tM «Mtt.r off if thoy w«r* out «f puroly
i municipal •lection«.
Th« prnpt« who »upp«rt th« gov«mm«nt hav« *« oconomi»«,
Why <>
, »hould th«'» public ««rvanta not Jo tho tamo!
Il i» not th. «..atone, or di.cov.ry of wrongdoing that bring, »ham«
to a .tat«, but failure to put a »top to it.
W. mjit rnako th. »tat. govarnm.nt moro broadly uaoful, for Ha
pon.r, ar« amp « to grappl« with many thing, hav. boon dovol-
, op«d by new condition*.
Thor, can bo no roltof »o long a. tho int.r««t» which profit through
«•rtf! law« aro allowed fa frame th«m.
A lawy.r*» honor .» h.i crown, aad no hand but hi« own can over di»-
crown him.
*♦♦♦♦♦*’*'♦♦•*"*•♦ •*•♦■*■*************** * n-t-T-ftf 11 I II IIKKU
Largest Stock
State of Ohio, City of Toleilo. I
Lucaa County.
Frank J. <'henry make» oath that he
hi »enior partner of the firm of F. J
Cheney 4 Co., doing burineo» in th<
City of Toledo, county and »late afore- I
-anl, and that »»id firm will pay th«
•um of One Hundr.-d Itollar» for «-a-h ;
and every caw of catarrh that cannot I
lie cured by the u»e of Hall'» Catarrh '
Frank J. Cheney.
Sworn to before me and »ubarribed in
my presence, thi» 6th day of December ,
A. D. 1*«.
A. W
W. Gleason,
Notary Public
Hall's Catarrh Cur* i» taken inter-
rially, and act» directly -on the b
ami mucous surfaces of the system.
Semi for testimonials free
F. J. Cheney & Co., ToledoO.
Soi I by all Druggist». 7’>c.
Take Hall's Family Pill» for cor »ti-
Notice ia hereby given that the
undersigned, the duly appointed, quali­
fied anil acting guardian of the eatatr
of Edwin J. Holland and Glen A. Hoi
land, minors waa by the county court
of Linn county. Oregon, on Septenilier
IS. 1911, duly llcenaed to acll th«* follow­
ing real proj.-rty, to-wit; The bEl of
the SWJ anti the W| of the SWA of the
NEA of Sec. 32 in Tp. 9, South Range I
Weat of the Willamette Meridian; and
the F«EA of the NW| and th«- W|of the
NWA of the NEA of Sec. 5, in Tp. 10.
South Range 1 We»t of the Willamett
Meridian, containing 120 acre« more or
lea» all in Linn county. Oregon.
That on and after Monday. Octalur
If I was running thia old land,
30. 1911, the umieraigned will proceed
I’d have a lot of statesmen canned.
to »ell at private »ale to the high«-»!
And rongr«--»men, ami folks like those, bidder all of the intereat of »aid minor«
Would have to work for board and in »aid premise» for one-half caah and
balanc* »ecured by mortgage.
A indi­
I’d put the lid on scores of snaps
cation. to purchase may be made at
And pour into the teachers' laps
the office of It. Shelton in Scio, Oregon.
The wealth that now away ia sinned.
Maud E. Holland
For words and wigglcjaws ami wind.
Guardian. I
C. C. Brvant,
1 Good Position
First publication Sept 29, 1911.
Last publication Oct. 27, 1911.
Can he had by ambitioua young men
and ladle» in the field of “Wirrleaa" or
The beat plaster. A piece of flannel
railway telegraphy. Since the H-hour
law became effective, and since the dampened with Chamberlain’» Limmrnt
Wirelc»» com pâme» are establishing and bound on over the effected part» i»
stations throughout the country there I» superior tn a planter and costa only one
a great ahortage of telegrapher». Posi­ tenth aa much. For »ale by all dealers
tion« pay lieginners from |70 to 190 per
month, with good chance» of advance­
ment. The National Telegraph Insti­
Farmers Attention
tute of Portland, Ore., operates under
Ship all your poultry, egg», veal
»u per vis ton of R. R. and Wire lea» offi­
and pork direct to the largest and
cial» and place» all graduate* into posi­
olde»t produce dealer» in Portland.
tions. It will pav you to write to them
We pay highest price» quoted in
for full detail».
"The Oregonian" fur fancy stock.
can supply coop» and egg case».
I>on't trifle with a cold ia g<»«l advice
Tag» free, ( heck »ent by return
for prudent men and women. It may
mail. Paid up capital stock 110,000.
be vita) in case of a child. There is
nothing better than Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy for coughs and colds in
children. It is safe and sure. For
«ale by all dealers.