Spray courier. (Spray, Or.) 1???-19??, July 20, 1916, Image 4

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    " ' ' - i 1 --
.W-o II I
111 i 1 ii r iMUM" ! , II
By Training Yourself Profewionally
t the
Oregon's School for Oregon Teachers
You will learn what to teach and how to teach. The school prepare you
for elementary work in city and country schools. Every mem
ber of the faculty has professional preparation.
COURSES -Professional, Supervisor, Rural
and Primary.
First Semester Begins Sept. 11, 1916.
Learn more about your professional possibilities. The 1916 catalogue
tells. The Registrar has one for you. Write for it.
Complete House for Only $75
For a honrntvad, sMMkl. .nil mountain mm.
mr rwurts, thr I. not hint that will brat
our s-ruom bunralow. Thl. houM la mad. of
Itwri quality coast Mr himtwr, th. hous. twin
HOxlO fwtln .laa, divided Into two rooms to
uit th. rpuir.nwnt. of th. purchssor: haa
i uuora, t window., porch 4x4, and yalvanlud
sta.1 chimney. A hammer, wrvnch, and scrt-w
drivvr I. all that I. ndd to .racl. Our mill
pric direct from factory to you la only ITS.
Millmade Construction Co.,
604 Hood Straot,
Doable Trad Pnnctare Proof fires
M ad. from roar old om. Laat lon
aa Brand New TIRES Writ ua.
660 Wsshiwrtoo St. Portland. Ore.
To and from all point, on household goods, pianos,
and automobile. Information cheerfully lven.
Pacific Coast Forwarding Co.,
Portland. Ore.
Wi sitt d jm . Write for irlwi ni tUpM tip
The H. F. Norton Co. untied, on, stitne. wi
If you cannot come to
Portland to Bt your
eye. fitted. I will send
you my method of test
ing; eye. by maiL Not
aa deairable aa person
al aervice but much
better than Koine with
out fflaraea needed or
tryins to nt yooneu.
Outfit sent on application. STAPLES, th. Jew-sr-Oplicia.
2b6 Morrison U Portland. Oneoa
Oregon Hernia Institute
Rupture treated mechanically. Privata
fit tin room. Hiarhest teetimoniala. Ka
eulta cuarantaed. Call or write.
411-412 AWky Buildinc. Portland, Onto
Teacher, for all kind, of taachinc positions.
Prompt replies to all inquiries We furniah the
beat teacher, for all poaitiona. Send address and
we will mail you full particular.. J. N. ELLIOTT.
(14 Journal Bids. Portland. Oregon.
Bevcht. Sold. Rented and Repaired
Bumaida. cor. loth. Portland. Ore.
Letter from a satisfied Shipper.
Bull Run. Ore. March 4. 191S.
Dear Sira: I ham been ehippln to your
plant now nine on S yeara and have alway found
yoa satisfactory. Hare tried other plants but
found HAZEL WOOD THE BEST, and alwaya
read your lettera and pamphleta With in tercet.
Hop. yoa receive the S rale, of cream I .hip today.
RaapoctfuUy. G. A. C.
Orurina! on Me in oar office for Inspection.
Won't YOU become one of our Satisfied ehipperat
f Portllnrj Y.M. C. A. Auto School 1
Day and night eliini Expert trainin
hi repairing, driving- and machine work,
including- forge, lathe, ahaper, drill presa,
tractors, etc Time unlimited. COMPE
Hi Retort
"I wish yoa were more like Mr.
Brown. He gives his wife everything
sho sfiks for.
"Perhaps i could be If you were
more like Mrs. Brown anfi didn't ask
for everything in sight" Detroit Free
Press. .
An Accountant
"Why do you call Bliggins an expert
"Because of his assumptions of ex
traordinary wisdom. There isn't any
phenomenon in the universe that he
doesn't assume to be able to account
for." Washington Star.
Take pleasure In announcing that they are lo
cated at 468-459 Morgan bldg (4th floor), Wash
ington at Broadway, Portland. Ore., where they
will be pleased to meet their friend, and patients.
These offices will be conducted on a policy of serv
ice at moderate price, to the best of our ability.
We alway. stand behind our work, aa wa know
that a satisfied patient is and .hall always bathe
best asset.
Dr. EIofT. HaflunA, Dr. Seymour S. Skift
Dr, J. Howard Miller,
. . . . Telephone, Marshall 98.
Parts over 60 makes and models, at half the reg
ular price. Buy your used auto parts from an
old-established and reputable dealer, who haa a
reputation to protect and conducts the largest
parts store and carries the largest complete as
sortment of used auto parts of any company this
side of Chicago. . Our prices are less, and for this
reason we outsell all others. All parts are guar
anteed to be in first-class condition.
Veal, Pork,
Beef, Poultry,
Butter, Eggs &
Farm Produce
To the Old Reliable Everding house with a
record of 46 years of Square Dealings and be
assured of
Top Market Prices.
45-47 Front St,
p. n. u.
No. 30, 1816
WHEN writing to adrertisers, pleas ausv I
" tion this paper. I
Oregon Agricultural College, Corval
lis. Managing a business without ac
counts is like steering a ship without
a compass or driving a horse without
reins, said Dean J. A. Bexell In a lec
ture before the graduate school of ag
riculture at Amherst. Massachusetts,
on July 10.
The secret of success was said to
lie in a knowledge of past events and
ability to utilize the knowledge in bus
iness operations. Every successful
farmer is involved in a variety of fi
nancial transactions and mast observe
established business methods, la or
der to be most aoefjil farmers ac
counting methods should be standard
ized. The key note of modern business
efficiency is standardization. This is
seen in the Interchangeable parts of
machinery and other articles, and con
trol of railroads and other publie util
ities through uniform government re
ports, and conservation of human en
ergy by scientific management. It is
Just as necessary that business meth
ods, of the farm be standardized and
uniform as the business methods of
factory. .
If the production of farm commodi
ties Is going to keep pace with the in
creasing demand, farm accounts must
be kept and kept in a systematic, uni
form way.
. If accounting systems are standard
ized they will serve as a basis for com
paring success and failure of neighbor
ing farms with a view to correct the
mistakes. With the young farmer just
starting in business the standardized
accounts would serve as a partial sub
stitute for experience.
Contrary to the usual understanding
of the matter the subject of farm ac
counts is not new, but was discussed
frequently by the ancients, especially
Pliny and Cicero.
How Delia Managed. '
A great deal of noise arose in the
nursery one morning, and since it
gave no promise of subsiding, Mrs.
Odell hurried in that direction. She
found the baby howling with might
and main and the new nursemaid sit
ing calmly by.
"Well, Delia, this is a terrible
noise!" cried Mrs. Odell angrily.
"What Is the matter? Can't you keep
the baby quiet?"
"Shure, mum," replied the girl, "but
I can't keep him quiet unless I let him
make a noise, mum."
Secret Worth Buying. '
Mr. Rounder (at police station)
Can I see the burglar who was arrest
ed for breaking into my house last
Chief (hesitatingly) Well. I don't
know. What do you want to see him
Rounder Oh. there's nothing secret
about it. I just want to find out how
he managed to get into the house with
out waking my wife. Boston Trans
cript. OucK.
They were sitisB tm a secfaded cor
ner ef the Tcraada. Far fcwig time
wtxher of t&eza had s?efcta- Saddealy
ke took her LkI fcaad ta his. Hss
voice was c&cfced wills eaaocca as ke
"Do ym tifslr ysa cad ever fears
to love a au
Tea," she fsterrxptM fa a sort
whisper. "Brfa oa your max."' Jw
I Tori World.
Cook Would Stay Awhile.
"John, are you sure It is safe on this
"Yes, my love."
"And you know how to sail it?"
"My sailing master does."
"How long will it take us to cross?"
"About two weeks."
"Oh, dear. There's so much to wor
ry about on a yacht"
"There's one thing that needn't
cause you any worry."
"What's that?"
"The cook can't leave until we get
to port." Brooklyn Citizen.
Father's Tip.
"Wish to marry my daughter, do
you? Take my advice, don't."
"But why, sir?"
"I have noticed evidence of insanity
in her lately."
"Good heavens! What evidence?"
"She says she wants to marry you."
Boston Transcript
Knew Her Ways.
"Well, I must be going, old man.
I've an appointment to meet my wife."
"She probably won't be there."
"Oh, she will, just about I'm two
hours late." Boston Transcript
The market value of "silk" socks
manufactured from sawdust In the
United States during 1915 was equal
to the total appropriation for admin
istering the national forests.
N.w and Second-hand
. Burlap and Twine,
Tail your dealer you
want WINKI.R.
BKCONDS." th. Bags
for Service.
Have him writ our
nearest bouse.
1T1 Front 8t.
Tacoma. Wash. Portland. Oregon.
Oldest and Largest Second-hand Bag
Dealer in the Nur lowest.
Special Summer Rates
Court Room, Single, 75c; Double, $1.
Outside Room, Single, $1; Double, $1.50
(Bath privilege Included)
Room, with Private Bath, Single,
)U0 Double, $2.00.
(When you Regieter Ask the Clerk for
8ummer Rates.)
Aato-Bna Meets Trains.
All Can from Union Depot Pass Our Door.
Cor. Washington A Fifth Sts.. PORTLAND. ORE
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pe&ets are the
original fittie Ever piila pttt c? ) years
ago. They regulate liver and bowtua.
True View.
The late James J. H1IL the railroad
king, was a man of buoyant optimism.
"Failure," he" once said in an ad
dress to railway men, "failures are al
ways pessimists. Successes, on the
other hand, are optimists. Which Is
He paused, then added :
"It's easier to slip down hill than to
climb up, but the view, remember, is
at the top." .
Sometimes Apply It Lightly.
For cuts, burns, scalds, sores and
open wounds always apply Hanford's
Balsam lightly, but be sure that it
covers and gets to the bottom of the
wound. A few light applications are
generally all that is needed to heal
this class of difficulties. Adv.
I ov,
f , A '-
To Lydia E. Pinkham'i Vej
etable Compound
Washington Park, UL "I am the
mother of four children and have suf
fered with female
trouble, backache,
nervous ' spells and
the blues. My chil
dren's loud talking
and romping would
make me so nervous
I could just tear
everything to pieces
and I would ache all
over and feel so sick
that I would not
want anyone to talk
to me at times. Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills re
stored me to health and I want to thank
yoa for the good they have done me. I
have bad quite a bit of trouble and
worry but it does not affect my youth
ful looks. My friends say ' Why do you
look so young and well 7 ' I owe it all
to the Lydia E. Pinkham remedies."
Mrs. Robt. S topi el, Moore Avenue,
Washington Park, Illinois.
We wish every woman who suffers
from female troubles, nervousness,
backache or the blues could see the let
ters written by women made well by Ly
dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
If yoa have any symptom about which
yoa would like to know write to the
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn,
Mass., for helpful advice civen free of
Portland Wheat Bluestem, 79c
per bushel; forty fold, 7e club, 80c;
red Fife, 80c; red Russian, 86c.
Hay Eastern Oregon timothy, $28
24 per ton; valley timothy, 1 12)22;
alfalfa, $1415.
Mlllfeed Spot prices: Bran, $26CJ
28.60 per ton; shorts, $29(tf29.60;
rolled barley, 881.80(882.60.
Com Whole, 837 per ton, cracked
Vao-etahlas Artichokes. 75e(Z$I per
jn..n tnmitnM. il.B0rtDl.6B per crate:
Vve wse
cabbage, $22.28 per hundred; garlic,
lo per pound; peppers, oe; eggpiam,
le; horseradish, 8Jc; lettuce, $1(01.25
ruie rata mirumbara. tlrtl.25 per
box; rhubarb, Hffi2o per pound; peas,
3e; cauliflower, $1.26 per crate;
beans, 67e per pound; celery, $1.10
1.25 per doien; corn, 5B)eo Pr
Potatoes Old. $1.6001.66 per sack;
new, 22Jo per pound.
Onions California red and yellow,
$3(83.25 per sack.
Green Fruits Apples, new, i. f(ff
hflT? cherries. 4rtZ)7o Per pound;
cantaloupes, $2.75 & 3.75 per crate;
roaches. 76cffill Der box: watermel
ons, ll2c per pound; figs. $11.60
per box; raspberries, . iiji.80 per
crate; plums, $1.16rtJ1.50 per box;
prunes, $1.251.60; loganberries. 60c
$1 per crate; blackcaps, $1.600$1.76;
currants, $11.26; pears, $2.76(3 per
Eggs Oregon ranch. Exchange
price, current receipts, 23 Jc per dosen.
Jobbing prices: Oregon ranch, can
dled, 25c; selects, 26c.
Poultry Hens, 1416c per pound;
broilers, 1718c; turkeys, live, 20
22c; ducks. 1216c; geese, 9(8 11c.
Butter Cubes, extras, no bid; prime
finitii. sic Jobbing prices: Prints,
extras, 2729c; butterfat, No. 1, 26c;
No. 2, 24c; Portland.
Veal Fancy, 1212,e per pound.
Pork Fancy, 1010c per pound.
Hops 1916 crop, 8(3)1 le per pound;
1916 contracts, nominal.
Wool Eastern Ore eon. fine. 23(22Ce
per pound; coarse, 8032e; valley, SO
Cascara Bark Old and new, 4c per
r.attl Steers, choice. 87.60rt8.SO;
good, $6.76(37.26; cows, choice, $6.25
6.50; good, $5.60g6.Z5; heifers, S4
&6.60; balls, $3B; stag. $4.6Xj$6.
Hoes Prime light, 18. zo m B.su;
good to prime. $7.75(38.10; rough
heavy, $7.60(37.75; pigs and skips,
Sheep Yearlings, I66.60; wetn
. $5.50(5:6.50: ewes. $4.75rt5.25;
lambs. $638.25.
Xsrttwsst Wheat Crop Estimated
at 55,000.000 Bushels
The wheat crop of the Pacific North
west is eiwimated by grainmea at from
It. 000, GOO to 66.000,000 bushels. The
rexBarkabi Improvement made in the
past frw weeks justifies them in rals
iac their estimates to these figorea.
At the present time the weather could
not be better for filling oat, and glow
ing reports are coming in from all
As to the future prices, the situa
tion is as uncertain as it ever was,
bat one thing seems sore that Is that
the market will be on the basis of Chi
cago. The tendency now is to get on
a parity with the East, The late Chi
cago bulge put that market up about 7
cents, whereas prices here have ad
vanced only about 3 cents. The coast
market is not yet on the Chicago par
ity, but it is not far from it.
Ship 12 Cars Fruit Daily.
Puyatlup, Wash With more than
8000 berry pickers in the valley and
the berries ripening very fast, Presi
dent W. H. Paulhamus, of the Fruit
Growers' association, said that the
association will ship a dozen cars of
berries a day for the coming week.
About 2000 pickers can still be used
in the valley, Mr. Paulhamus esti
mate.. Ranchers In the vicinity of
Puyallup are in greater need of pick
ers than are Sumner ranchers, because
most of the Puyallup berries are Ant
werp and Marlboros, and ripen much
faster than the uutDDerxa.
Umatilla Crop Promising.
Pendleton, Or. With harvest in
Umatilla county a week or two late,
predictions are that a much larger crop
wtu oe narvestea man was expecteu
ahnrf. tlma nmt. The cold Drin? was a
great hindrance to growing grain, but
recent rains, loiiowea ny warm aays
liana hrnnarrtf nut. tilA rrnns wonder
fully, especially in the lighter grain
sections. Wheat ana nariey are ripen
ing rapidly. Usually cutting begins in
most of the wheat sections shortly af
ter July 10, but it is reported little
will be cut this year before AugUBt 1.
Hay Harvest Starts on Coast. 1
Marshfleld, Or. Haying season,
which comes later on the Coast than
elsewhere in Oregon, is in full swing
and the crop is abundant. The ranch
ers on Coos river have been busy with
their mowing machines for the past
week, and the Coquille valley farmers
are also harvesting their hay. Many
Coos county stockraisers depend upon
corn ensilage rather than hay and that
crop will be gathered later in the year.
Roseburg Shipping Sheep.
Roeeburg, Or. More than 1000
sheep were brought here Sunday by
George Kohlhagen, preparatory to be
ing shipped to the San Francisco mar
kets. As many more were shipped to
California Saturday by Pelton & Selec
mann, local livestock buyers.
Blasted Out
I f fy ..ii ii Lyraa i ;
Vmi L-rtnvV till t iffimltv of ccttine the roots
of stumps out with pullers, by burning, or by
using explosives that merely shatter. You
needcxp'osives that not only shatter but also
lift and heave that tear the roots and make
clearing easy. You can save work, time and
money by using
made by a Pacific Coast company, with 50 years'
: ... . I),..:r. f'n ntrrii'iilriirut rnmlif inns.
More than 2,000,000 pounds used every year by farmers
who have proved they reduce stump blasting costs.
There are two Giant Powders Lureka Stumping
Powder, for use in dry work, and Giant Stumping
Powder, for wet work. Ask your dealer for them.
Test them alongside of any other explosive. Write us
and we will have our nearest distributor supply you
at lowest market prices with a trial case that will
prove to you the economy of using Giant Farm Powders.
Five Valuable Books Free
Weistue five hndome, illuirtrd book to httn you to llit
cheaper and better bookion Stump Waitine. Boulder Ulsfrinc,! ree
l'lanting. Suboil Malting and Ditih Waiting. Any or all of thete
written by weitern men for wettem farmrri will be ent on
request. Choows the booki that you prefer and write for them today.
THE GIANT POWDER CO., Con., 01W San Francisco
"Everything for Blutirg" '
BRANCH OFFICES i 8rtUa. SpJaa... Portland, S.H Ua CHr. Dwar
stlmulsiaM th. amratt. arcana and U a pow
erful brMltna- tunle, Insum assy calvlna- and
rlraninir and nmmU milk (v.r, InllanMd
lutK and In fact any diMss. that may atui-k a
row whn In a wmkanwl sondlUon. Kxw
Kundillunw will lnnasa tha lUiw of milk t
tu II par oant without an litcraaas In Amlinc.
Dr. Korlack'a Calf Sraar sad rtuikra JUsi
dy will liuur. your ealvr. aaralnat saif seours.
whiu sooura and calf chuUrra. and make Owm
Dr. Kwtaak'. AaM Cm Bloat '! I aav. humlnd. of cowa ysrly from dirlnf of alfalfa
ilmrbsat. A.k your dealer fur KOKINkK'S HI.MMIIU, uwy ar. Kuaranuwu. or wnw.
KORINEK REMEDY CO., station, Portland, Oregon J
Words Failed Her.
The budding sutltoress bad pur
chased s typewriter, and one morning
the agent called and asked:
"How do you like your new type
writer, madam T"
"It's wonderful!" was the enthusias
tic reply. "I wonder how I ever done
my writing without it."
"Would you mind," asked the agenU
"giving me a little testimonial to that
"Certainly not," she, responded. "I'll
do it gladly."
Seating herself at the machine, she
pounded out the following:
"After Using thee Automatld Back
actiom atype write, er for thre emonth
Iban d Over, 1 unheslttattliiKly pro
noun ce it tobe all ad more than the e
Manufactures claim! for It. Du'lnb
the titn e been In myy poesHlo nl
three month it had more tha an paid
paid for itsef In thsee saving off
time e anD laborr?" Kvery body's
Magazine. ,
For frostbites use Hanford's Bal
sam. Adv,
Adjustable Mathematics.
"Figures prove" began the statis
tical expert
"Walt a minute," mierrupieu sena
tor Sorghum. "You tell me what ques
tion inn am dldciiHulnir and which
side of it you are on and I'll tell you,
without the trouble or going mrougn
the calculation, Just about what your
figures are going lo prove." Wash
ington Star.
Aiming High, But Surely.
Tha now ntriit watchman at the col-
inra hail nntli'prt some one using the
big telescope. Just then a star fell.
"Begorra," said me waicnman, ium
fellow sure Is a crack shot!" Wind
sor Magazine,
M Granulated Eyelids,
flirt Eyea inflamed by expo
V ....... c.. n...t..wlaJ
E quickly relieved by Marine
VG9 Eye ResM No Sinking.
4 ww just Eve Comfort. At
Vour DnirRlat $0e per Bottle. Marino lyt
SalveinTube 25c. For Dtokal Ihef yefreeuk
DrugUu or Murine Eye Remedy C Cakago
Kill Al! Flios!
Ftaewl tuiywhr.0lr 't Ulltar ttf. . rftAdintordt
aiM. Kil, thtH, ttniMtamaUi, MCivmiinnt, mmd tapa
r WK( (MK Mil SHT
anrtMna (JHet
ImU'i. Aealasf
Daisy Ply Killer
f MM
u. ti.w.
UNOkS SOMCRS, ISO BsKalk mqBM.klya,a. V.
Maintaining Discipline.
"Discipline," said a government of
ficial at a dinner in Washington, "na
val dlnclpllne must be maintained at
all cost.
"They tell a story to illustrate this,
"A naval officer said to a seaman:
"What idiot told you to dump that
pile of dunnage there?'
" 'It was the captain, sir,' the sailor
"'Humph! said the offlcor. 'Let It
remain there, then, and take 12 hours
in irons, my man, for calling the cap
tain an . idiot.' "Washington Star.
Pneumonia? Apply Hanford's Bal
sam. Itub it on and rub It in thorough
ly, until the skin Is Irritated. Adv.
"Pa, what's the difference between
a patriot and a Jingo?"
"A patriot, my son, is one whose
bosom swells with pride of his coun
try while in a Jingo the swelling ap
pears in his head." Boston Transcript.
If you Suffer from Backache, Lum
bago, Kidneys or Rheumatism,
Take Hot Water and " Anuric."
American men and women must
guard constantly against kidney trou
ble, because we eat too much and all
our food is rich. Our blood Is filled
with uric acid which the kidneys
strive to filter out, they weaken from
overwork, become sluggish; the ellm
lnative tissues clog and the result Is
kidney trouble, bladder weakness and
a general decline in neaun.
When your kidneys feel like lumps
l A whon vnnr hark hurts or the
urine is cloudy, full of sediment, or
you are obliged to seen reuei two or
three times during the night, when
you suffer with sick headache or dizzy,
nervous spells, acid stomach, or you
have rheumatism when the weather
is bad, get from your druggist "AN
URIC." Because of uric acid in over
abundance in the system, backache,
pains here and there, rheumatism,
gout, gravel, neuralgia and sciatica re
sult. It was Dr. Pierce who discovered
a new agent, called "Anuric" which
will throw out and eradicate this urio
acid from' the system. Dr. Pierce be
lieves "Anuric" to be 87 times more
potent than lithla, and consequently
you need no longer fear muscular or
articular rheumatism or gout, or many
other diseases which are dependent
on an.accumulatton of urio acid within
the body. Send Dr. Pierce, Invalids'
Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., lOo. for trial
package or 11.00 for full treatment
Dr. Pierce's reputation Is back of
this medicine and you know that his
"Pleasant Pellets" for the liver and
hts "Favorite Prescription" for the ills
of women have had a splendid reputa
tion for the past f0 years. j