The Spray Cc,urier. j:MAT;QM ay jCf,ELDS . Ugu nil ssks vex tax QUESiioi'EHS;iumber 320 X Yes WEDNESDAY, 0CTC3EB 35,1912. published Every Wednesday W. R. BURNER, Editor and Proprietor. Subscription, $ 1 . 50 per year. advance. fy , After . Four Yenrs Hi j Abc-'t Cbndard Oil Incident I . Poc3 riot Ring I The lettcr.-r from Itoocevolt to Csna 1 tor bourne, demanding that the Ore gon Soaatcr ccaso In tils activity as Intermediary for the Stand ard Oil company, wero written In f'c' I ruary end July, 1008, over four yenra gSO- Th3 first ,ntlmatl03 0rcson pcp. f,ijtr) ii nfO'Mnl-i'iiimi niutrr (icmlMtr J 7 , ( i r,i , m tn (iijti-o.flntf Ht . r.y, Hi $tm, NOT? an4 COMMENT, Our two local candidates, W. B Totter for Joint Representative, and Peter Hartuian, for Assessor,, are entitled to the undivided support of th2 voters lf this precinct. While Mr. Potter has not held publjc office before,, his past record will show 'tliaf be is a man vho "does things," and in' the entire district there is no man better suited pr qualified for tlip office than W. n. Potter. Peter Hartman, as Assessor, has 'made good;" has proven himself well qualified for the qffice, and. is entitled ffl'a second term;. SCHEME AiP2AL3 TO C DECLARES WRITER Effort to Place Whole Eurdin Land Arouse Suspicion In Minds ef Many Confiscitlon Is Cols Aim and End. : The liquor question, supposed to be dead in Wheeler county, ; has nfjain been placed on the ballot; but after next Tuesday it will, be buried (.' again for all time. The arsumeut js 'advanced that Wheeler county might as well be "vet" as the way jt is; but as the .general triiid throughout the state '13 to enforce the laws in rfyiRl to the liquor traffic uipre rigidly in the future, it is sjfe to say that after election the liquor question will uot he the mcuuee in. the future thut it has Veen in the past. .;.';'; ." Political forecast for the week: Continued. Taft gains. : "Taft ar.d Greater Prrsperity1' Will be the verdict November 5. Oregon will spon be producing large quantities of salt., p'evelop nient work an Summer and Abert Jakes has been started, and it is expected tq produce. oo.oaa tons per year of sa't, potash and socio,.; There ai-e he 4dQoo.o6a tans of salts i these lakes and 9 40-year lease has been secured. More salt than is taken from Salt J,ake,Utah is expected to be secured oiumally frotu these Oregon waters. BOURNE'S CHARGE ABCURD No Violation of Corrupt Practice! Act 1 ' , In Wrltlno Letters. .' . The only excuse Sonator Bourno and tils friends attempt to offer for his. Independent candidacy is tho general and unsupported charge that Ben Soi ling. Bourne's successful opponent In the direct primary election, violated tho spirit Of tho corrupt practices act In securing tho nomination. It is Charged against Mr. Eelllnu that he wrote lotters to .many voters prior to announcing his candidacy for the nomination end failed to include the exponso thereof in his report to the Secretary of State. "But Mr. Selling did not vtclnte tho corrupt practices act," truthfully as serts a Portland paper; "The many letters ho sont out prior to his becom ing a candidate were a bona fide invi tation for an expression from tho poo plo. If the replies had been on the whole unfavorable, he would not have entered the race. They were favor able and bo became a candidate." What a charge for Senator Bourno to make! Before announcing his can didacy for public office, why should not an; man first submit his case to the people and ascertain from then their wleheB? Whom else would he consult? Why not tako the people Into your ronndencoT Tho uttn inconsistency of Conator Bourne's charge against Mr. Qelllns Is emphasised by the fact that Bourne lias admitted that he expended S75,t00 in tho primary campaign six years nso when ho received the senatorial no: lnatlon. But, of course, the corrupt (.rocticea net was nut on the Oregon ctatute books thenl Boridcs, Bourne says he was fahtlns tor a principle? New he eeeks to overthrow that prin ciple for his own selbsh personal and political ada 4 Ban Selling believes in the direct rr'.nnry law and insists that It should be maintained. It Is one of the many rrorxcsr.lve !w Mr. Selling hs fousht for and sss'sted to .ennrt. He ! f. rmly erPosed to tha violation of toy tt( Ce Uts, ttwclcd ty Ui veofle. k - pie had that Bourne was serving as the representative of tho Rockefeller corporation cams in September, 11)12, tecs than two months ago, when ftoosevelt caused his tv;o letters to Bourne to be published in connection with the Standard Oil controversy. Even then Oregon's "Coal Oil John nie" Gcnator did not give a satisfac tory explanation. Neither did he un dertake to cxpla'n until after C. V. Fulton, cx-United States Senator, in a public address in Portland two weeks aco, directly charged Bourne with becoming a representative of the Standard Oil Interests before he had been in the Senate a year. And then Senator Bourno spoko. Listen to his explanation. ','".; ;: V''...' ' Bourne said that in forming inti mate relations with the Standard OH company, he was undertaking "to pre vent a panic". Sound3 goci? Yea, but remember Bourne was carrying on these negotiations n 19C3. . The only "panic" with which this country was threatened sinco 1892-3 had come nail passed awny nearly a year before Rootovelt wrote the letters to Eourne. But If Bourne was actually striving to "prevent a panic," why this belated admission? Why did he wait four years before taking the people into ills confidence and telling them of the'' service he was rendering. Bourne has noveV boen chargad with diffi dence in acquainting the peaplo with his work as Senator, when thut publi city would redound to hia credit. But v.hy this long silence? We hnr Eournn s own word for It that fio was Lob-ncblilng with Archbold and 01 her Standard Oil officlils In crdcr to tr- rest an Impending "panic." V the last four years, Senator Eourne has sent thoucands of letters and printed addresses to Oregon vot er l:i the Fame period he has caused to be ublichcd many magazine arti cles. Bui all reference to the Roose velt lettora and to Bourne's Bcrvico os intermediary for the Standard Oil wcra praltted from his communion- - tlons to the voters and his magaaine 1 Tin very fast contributions. If he was trulv en. means a tir on Caged trying to stop a "panic," why did he not frankly let the pccplp knonjj l" ; ; v :'.':.' -,' But Bourno'a5 explanation does not ring true. If he was earnestly cock ing to "prevent a panic," why should he not have .told the people about it? Did It take -four yean to "hatch up" the weak explanation he has offered?, The incident simply goes to show Eourne up In hia true light. Within a year after becoming Senator, Eourne is found acting as go-between for the Standard Oil Company and various oiTlcials of the Federal gov ernment tt to also significant that the representatives of "big business" in Portland and throughout the state are lining up solidly in their support of tho candidacy of Senator Bourne. They would have him sent back to Washington farther to serve, not the people but tho big Interests of the country. Support of Bourne by these ! forces Is Indisputable evidence that , "t ig business" recognizes the fact that Bourne "has made good." He har 1 "delivered the goods," and Is desired j In tho Senate for future "deliveries. , EV CHARLES tl. SHIELDS, i ' 5erotciry, O.-t'Kon Equal Taxation Lesru. From ell over Oregon I fcave re coived Inquiries a3 to what Single Tax really., is. Widespread and ex pensive 83 the campaign in Its favor l:a3 been, tiioro is yet much lgnoranco regarding it. This I propose to dia pel herewith. -Single Tas is offored 83 a system of tasatica. It is effored 03 a tax reform. It Is offered as a ranasca for all tho ills of society. We -are tcld that Under tho maglo influence of Slngla Tax, tho inequalities bo apparent In society will completely disappear: that crime, want, miBery, and even physical Imperfections twill vanish with the Introduction ofthls pooui. ' ' , j It pmviUii ftix-tpiitha of A mill tax for ' I support uf AirriuHlturul College aimI L'ni ilOTIOXS j vci'Nity of Oi-i'jion, givitiff them puntm- rtnr- Miipport 11ml inking tin'iii utit m pnlmcH. It ulxo pnivitli-s ttuo Hnnnl vf llttiitH, liiiis aolviit Ihe jinililfini ot eoopir;itio!i, coiiHoliilHtiuii, liviMion of Couik uud emtuuDiy oi iii.,ut(geuiuut. It doe not Increase the average rate of taxation. It reneala the 830O.OC0 C2!ver- I fl!y apprppria lion bill. ' Tim Bill Is endorseil bv Covernor West: "Tins Bill ih in t!i niturent ui pood biiBim as and should puss." Cy K. Alderman. Stuto Siipcrin temlmit Piililio Instruction : 'Exiwiieiire in otlior allows uiilljgu bUl prm Siilu to be correct. w , ESTVIII Hi a!y, Primlili'iit, Oregon ptaio FiMlermion ol Iiibor; ".No uru-BM-nt cull HiircesHfnllv I'omljiit the lieitt-tit to tlm sl,l that will follow thu udoptiuu tf the wiUnaa tux pluu.'V Endorsed by Portland Tsr fS7 crs League, N. S. NELSON AI,I. KINDS OP ROUGH AND DRESSED LDEI) SAH. UOOUHMGA. DOOE8, 8HISOLB8. , Md WliiDOW 8TVPA, Bill prepnrarl by committee of Clover nor a ( oiiiiiiihkioii, BoiimIm of B-goiit4, ami mlmiiiiolrutive uuicers uf the tnu iuHlitntioiiH. - . WIN LOCK. OREGON. V. K. NEWELL ciua es 11. 8:;iods - . -w-.a,.i.u uw CIIAir.MAX illf OOVKIl.MHI ., . , . , Appeals to Emotions. Cinslo Tax appeal? to the cmotlors to those whose onvy and prejudice are casMy awakened. nd, most gen erally, to a class who are ret direct ly interested in the class of property affected thereby. Even Jo3oph Feb, lha multi-millionaire of Philadelphia, 8 CtlilMISSlUjf A Log On the Track uf the expitss means serious trouble alirad if not removed, so does loss of appetite. It intntis lark of vitality, os. cf stiengtll mid nerve weakness.' If appetite f.iils take ICltc trie Hitlers quickly t overcome Hie cause by tunmg tip tle Ktomaeli nurl enni'gtlie iiKligesliiin,- Michael lies--liemier, of Lincoln, Nth , had liter su k ovt f three j ears, but six bo tie1 f l'.lectrie ililltrs put hi 11 iijlit uii hia feet hkh'"- . hey ''"ve belpffi tliousHiiils. Ti'ey give pure Ij1i,ih1, Mron nerves, ijiioiI iligesiioii. nly Sili ts. ai all li nudists. ', - ,, , SELLING A PROGRESSIVE Record Chowa Life-Long Support the Oregon Cyeism. Tho record of Ben Selling Republi can dlrcat primary nomtneo tor United States Senator, Is that cf a Ufe-lcng and consistent progressive and a true friend ot the Oregon System. Sixteen years aero, cs a member of the State Senate, ben Selling was HsUtlng for wl"' th,s R1,1!! Tax movement in progressive lawa when many of the who la financing tho Single Tnx movement in Oregon, owns but I'rtle Tnd. He lias maJe hia millions from tho fa-Mifaeture -of sra. and ruder the Single Tat system lio would pay l.tllln rr no a-ns. Einirle Tax mema what the term inures one tavr-a s'ngle lav- lax on but one Claris of nroertv. Jint rj-'e s-urce'ef ra's'n? revenue to sua. tain tho , government. , . , , - . Suspicion le Aroi'tsd. f h't Sinc!ev Tax i"i dais of V crty choula bo suMIc art to aroiHe susniclon ei the p-t rf n-iv thinit'ng I nan rr woman-. It shoull at 'ones be clear to ten t!-nt th'sro'waa some snesif'e deafen i'i thus raliov- inn from tavitlon al fniris of pron- frlv, excem land, rrhcr than mere rofom in t e syiten of taxation. A t3x rtifo-'ti mesire would s?ek to bie a!l Tho are for'nnafe enon-rh In this gwat strmjtle for xlste, to pos'osi , n:-inc:'tv to. pav ... their shiro of the ow&'.'.!ig eyponss of the go,-ernmit In tha farm of a tax upr'n rhelr holdings. Slnele Tr.-c Ignores this nririclnlo entirely.- There mutt, then, bn some other motive in orar'ig ita a-ioritlon in thi state of Orsgon. other th-n a dssirn o reform tho present system of taxat.on. Object la Apoarent. The fand?menl rr'ncfnle of Sin- pie Tax Is positively nt vnr'nnce with thn aocentel nrlncliles of tva- t'ca and la cond-nnod ai a si'tem cf t-ratlrn by p'1 economic writer3. wrrthy rf the t'tK ' ': 1 The rh'ect ef Riii Tar, or a tax on lail pilv, shn-ild nt mco rinareT. to those whn wrmld elve the Biih?p!-t n momont's- fbo'.iht discrimination aralrgt land. But whv rllserlmicato asalnst land? Let us son. . Aa Henrv Gfflhrffo ivnj " tn a rth"f rf S'lrle Tut pnd a? his mmter wnrk en this Bi'V'aet Is h' book. "Pro rfsi en1 Pnvorty." frnrn wMrh. all Slnele -Tax d-vtti da- their In nnlration HTir to tht fundnwtnl prin ciolna cf wb'nh they enhisrtbe: s-"d rs Joseph Fp13. who ia fl-anc'ng the present Slngla Tax ca-nna'srn In O-e-ron Is an avowed Fenr-y O?oree S'n pie 'rixer, openly deelarire for ih nbclltlon cf nr'yste nrcportv In land, lit 113 cnnrrit Henrv G'wriM In 'Prngre'i r-d Peerty"' a-'d learn Oregon means. Clatior.s From Cjorge. i 'The truth Is. rrd fixi-n tMs tnrth t-ero oin be rn e-v?a-i. thst ter ia and em rn luat ti tle tn no e'ctu-i,"e r"-s-nloTi pf tbe B'l. rrd tbat pr'v-9 prf-n-eriy in land It r bel". ener-rona w-p- Via Cat of n"ol Ma-erv" , v Ags'n he ?svs: , ' . '- - '"' "If the lari bMi-n to the tco-V. why eeit'nna to - trnH lunil owners to tnko th rant, or comrpafte tr-cm In uny maaner for the kas cf rent?" , Na Fossiblj Cuesllan. 1 Is tfce- reo-n for f ir-ther fin-it'.tn s to wnat S'n?:e Tax moin3? ran ! i-mi nrr spi thir tha nhlfkt In hlaM. "It seemtil thut my 14 year old biy ine1 all the b trden cn land Is to would have to lose his leg. 011 account ! destroy land values, to drive the da? of a,, ,.,ly nicer, caused by a bad dn hruise,'" wrote 1). R lloaid,Aquone. Us ts'ien In the fom ."f 1vei N. C. "AH reine.lies i.n.1 rloctort:! Thei S nie Tax all have -eo-n. . ..... , , -, 1 .-, . . . ,, , rl;she-t the dea'h cf prlva'a rrp. treatment ;rty , !,-d-ihe ie f,-r -Veh len'a Arnica Salve, and curerl liim It w.a dei"?d. The s'a'e will then wiiii one bo.x." Cnrra Imrns, boils, ' wa the lan Orera w'H hae ra . , .. ., , . . tt from a state rf bn-n ownsrs to kin er.ipnons, piles. SJcts, a ah ol tora-tl rQu, Co yon pr0 near-progreuslvea of today were ac tively playing machine politics against which the people were rebelling. Mr Selling is just as much a progressive today as he was than. Hit $ :or J has been eonr.istcnt. He asslsteu in secur ing to the people of this etate tha direct primary, initiative and referen dum and recall. Presidential prefer nee primaries and other measures of popular legislation that go to c-.ak up the Oregon systerC lie mcr.'is tii. support of every progressiva voter. Saves Leg of Boy. 1370 The Dlles 2fil, List No, 010810 NOIICK I'OIJ PUIll.iCATIONV United States I.nnd ( ifTu-e. t The Jlallcs, Oie.Octolier 15, l'J12. Notice i herehy uiven that tin S'orlliern Pacific UaiWay Cmnpaii) nhovf pusl ollice address is St.' Kaui Miniiesot.i, lias this I illi ilav i f Ocio iur, 1UI?, filed in tliisollice its apli caliou Ui se'eet under the rovifci n of 1 lie Act of Cougreas, 'appioved Jui I, 1!J8 (HO Stat.. 1520). s xtciic ed Uy Ihe Act of tongrcs", approve' t .y J7, VJ C Hi1 N SV j Sec. 3.. r p. t0 S., R. 20 lias!, -NKJ NKJ Sei 10,. i'.vp II S., K. 2S East, V. .u. t 1 ial No. 010810, . ' ; ' Any and all persons claiming ad verst ly the lands described, or desn iug toonjejt because of llic iniueiti character of the land, or for any oll't reason, fo the disposal to nppliesfi t. should file 1 heir sfinlavits of prolesi in I his oliice, on or belore Ue d,n if lJeeeuiuer, lit 2. ' i '. V. Moonn, Register Spray 7later Works .. ,'....11. 1- it ,) , .I, ,1 j, ..uf ij -1 1 -ii . 1 in' 1 1 - ii ' 1)' ; ' - r ' ' . 'Dwelling, $, SO per month. Srrigatfon, $1.50 pormonth, for J-2 in fawcet 2 hours a day. SPent payable to 9tyiV, 5.jC. Cross or S.C. JoMitf, , tafara tA 20th e tacA montA. fire Protection to ail SPatroitS. M. S. Corrigall, President. . J. H. McHaley, VktPmirlrnt J. B. Natter, Vice-President T. J. Mahoney, Gtshier. Clyde Brock; Asst. Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, HEPPNER, OREGON. CaDital Stock, $100,000.00 We transact a general bankiner business and confine bur operations to this business. Wo are prepared togive exceptionally good bank ing service. Foreign exchange sold on important points Df the world. 4 per cent, interest paid on Savings Accounts nd Time Certificates of Depos t. f INDIAN CREEKSAW MILL i n Mi'e? Soullieat of Spray i-i ai fine a belt of .'nu Jti as ilicie is in VV heeler County. .... KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER SOLD AT LIVING PRICES. " lend Us Your Orders. I'ostofficc, Ricliuiond. HEXRY TREJJt. . Proprietor, 4.- ' nnPAHTMRNT OP THR INTRHIOR. -t V, S. LANUOKHICK ut The I il en, Orcffnn October 8ih. 1912.,., NOTICE is hereby gjveu tlmt Julia F.Beeson formerly Jnli . H -Jtt of Fastifl, Oregon wi o. o - November 20th, M. ttittde Home leud pplimtion. No. 15112 Serial Nn.ND4(i for Lot tf.Sh X y NK4 SW, NW SK Sec- tio i 18, Tow in hip k South, Knuue 18 Ktmt. Willamette Met idl'in, has ftld notice of in- tptitiun to tun ke Mtnl flve-ypnr I'roor, to e.-tab- ih c!i-im to the land above describe i, b for 'rott cesser, County Clerk, at Ills office, Fossil rrreiroit. on ihe 16'.hdy .tf Jiovcmber I9L Ciaiitiaiit namei na h itiieR ea: ' Chat lea L. Mid.', Kl en fiil ium. fir nest R ties uud T i Joiic., all of Pr mit, Oregon. SoV. It C. W. Vn'17H Rnr e NOrtCK FOR PHBMCATION. I)rpar;niriit of ? he lutfi-ior. Li. S. Ltiittl Office, at Th psllea, v reR -n, Octeher 1. l:t!2. Notice U hereby triven thtit Harry B. Warren. uf Portland, ikrt eOn, who o'i A' HI Sth. linn, mnde Ie erf l.and eutrr No. 0-7, Serin, Sn. t2S9rt, for WJi NVVSret On 1 1, Townnh ft South, Rang 2 aat. V ilimrii tte M. rl itun ha filed nolloe of Intctt'ion tn mnka Pltta oof, to entubllfth clrttni to the land ah-ve 1ectibrd before Uvid U- Hurler, U. S. Com itliHioiie-, at his office, at Spray, Oregou, on he'Jtli Any of Noreinhf, Mli. Claimant n.-itimaae wltne ae: ' Hamp McClntiU. f,. A. Kim her I y, Ctiarlet Soya and EJwnrd R. G I a 1 of Spray Ore. UruggUtif. NOTICE FOR P!Bf.fC1IO, Depnrtmiii of the Int Tlor. ' , US. loiiid tlfRee,ntTK OaUev trrf n, 8itl h, 191 . Kotioe It herehv uiven that L. Vh. I joho- 'Oi, wlioftf po t ffls.N ndros-ti4 prny.Oretto i, I d.oW tltat Jrd day t.f N tvember. l- I, fi m It ttriioHee Sworu St itemeirt and A nplicntto: No. to purchnaa tl.ei SH N'W'i niid W' Sertim K, 'InwiaM. Iff South ll.ttsKe 2t Eiat, , Willamette Meridian, ttid ih timber thereon, ua tpr the provi d tho act of Jtiir", W7,atf nc.s .tmendttt .ry ttti-wn tiiat TltnH.-r a i Law," at "aoh Y tlaa n ml ht bs ( hy pr.,i mrn,atl thit. pnriiat to atif h apl eition the la d and ttrah r thereo-t hare heei ap !rtteiL the tl nber etln trd SiK Hoard feet at 1.00 pee M, a. d tt a Urwt ttfi.W: tli t snld ftlp!i ant witl off r Unnl mto in atMprt nf hW application an i awnrn tateme"t on the nday rf N t., tfiij, be- t lrid B. faarer. IV ft Cm atuafouer. ar KB.iatS r s . A - y P'ron Uat lbtrty to pmlwt tld p i :haa b foe ntry,o- inilmtr a emit' at itv tlm brf -re o ;t nt i-iMa, by fit-n if n Corroho r .rd effid rtt in th'a nBt nlk-flna; faet Lick woa.d k, feat hf itry C. W.MOO.Ut. Hejimr. HOTEL CROSS Tfoteet as One of the S&est in Snterior Oregon. Q SPECIAL ATTENTIOfTciVEN TO TRANSIEHTS R.E.Wilson, Proprietor, SPRAY, - - OREGON. THESE NUMBERS WlCL BAR SINGLE TAX IN OREGOU .308 3