Spray courier. (Spray, Or.) 1???-19??, October 19, 1907, Image 2

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    The Spray Courier,
SATURDAY. OCT. 19. 1907.
Published every Saturday by
C. F. French.
Editor and Proprietor.
Miihrrintion 81.50 ner year in
IClltlMVfl IO-
i r l mm th
ml-clnea mutter October
niwi office nt Spray Orwin
uui'ler tin- Act ill Ongresn ol Murch 8. 1
I Ol
Timber Land, Act June ? 1878.
Notice for publication. V, a. Land
utrlee. The Dalles or. sen. 9,1907.
Notice la hereby given ttmt In compliance
faith the provisions ol trie act m cnngre" w
iuoe 8. 1878 entitled, "au net lor the Mile or
timber landa In the atatea ol California, ore
nun. Nevada, nnd Waahlngton Territory,";
-extended to nil pnhllc land ntntea by net nl
Auguat 4. 18tt2. Sylvester B. Evima, Lntou
rell Fulla Multnomah Co. ore. hue on March
28, 1907. filed in this office his
aworn atntement no 81 for the purchase of
the N HbV4. arWagViot sec 8 and w V4wi ol
.eec it. Tp 11a, I'JMw m. and will oiler proof
to allow tlmt the lnnd aought la niore vnlu
nble lor Ita timber or stone tlinu lor agricult
ural purnuHw mid tn establish til claim to
nnld bind before the Register and Receiver nt
The Unlit Ore. Pee. . 1907.
He mimes ns witnesses: Jnmea hula, I. II
ei-Woll Portland Ore; .lnmea Pounder, Hnlth
Wnile. . Lntourrtl Fnlla ore. .
Any Hid nil peraona claiming ndveraely the
nbove-dcecrllied IiiikIh are requested to die
their claims In thl office on or before Dee. a,
1907. C. VV. Moore. Register. n30
Timber Land, Act June 3. 1878.
Notice for publication, v. s. Land
nfflce, The Dalit or.sep. 10. 1907
Notice 1m hereby given that In com
pliance with the provlslonsof the act
It Congreaa of June 3, If 78 entitled. "
.V An act for the utile of timber landa In
the KtiitoH of California, oregon. Nev
' '' -i atla and Washington Territory. " as
' ' f I tended tu all the public lnnd states
V PT net of August 4, I892. Chti rlea
Royae, Spray Ore. ban on Feb. I9I9O7
filed In thlaofflwhlsaworn atatement
, 110 UHI9 for the purchase of the wk
Ankhw are Tp Na. r24 k w M.and
.will offer proof to ahow that the land
1 ought 1h more valuable for IU tlm
ter or atone than for iiRrlculturul
iirpoaeB and to eatabllah hla claim
o wild Inn 1 la-fore 1). E. Baxter U.S.
lominr. at hia oftice In Spray Oregon
ov. 28 Ia07.He nanieii na witnesses
N Wade. J E Gllleaple. H D Hale,
3 W Meador ull of Spray Oregon.
Auy and all persona clalmlngadver
aely any of the above-deMcrbed landH
f re requested to ffle-thelr elalniH In
hla offllce on or before Nov. 28, I9O7.
n2o (J, W. Moore, Keglater.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
Notice for publication, u. 8. Land
prfica, The ualles or. Sep. 3, 1907.
Notice I hereby given that In com
pliance with the provlalona of the act
j if congress of June 3. 1878 entitled. "
ah act for the mile of timber landH In
ho KtateH of t'allfrnlM, ort'gon, Ne
yada and waahlngton Territory, "an
fXhmded to all public land utatea by
Iict of Aug. 4, 1Ku2, Udgar B. Knyort
if Spray oregou nan on thin day Hied
11 thin office hlH Bworu Dtahtmellt no
421)8 for tlm purcharie;of the kKnw
j,.. jiMec St -ri) . a .V..i'oifrt.e'UHiI lA
uhgt iRngKire Valuable for Its tlmlier
jtr Mtoire than for agricultural purp-
oxeH mm in eiauiitin ow claim to
mhiu land lielore u. b. Htixter. U. 8.
hiniinr. at IiIm office In Spmy Ore. on
Nov. 28, l)07.-He names aa wltnltwea
Jlarry 6, W arren, Thomaa K Smith
Hurry Myeia. William Templetou all
01 .-'iiray wii'.
Any 11 ml till Iici'hoiih clalmlmradver.
iti'I.v tm.v of the ahove-dem-rlbed landn
am retjiifHted to tile their claim. In
lliw ttnicc on or before Nov. 28, J07.
" nail -0. W, Moore, Hl'bIhut.
Timber Land,' Act June 3, 1878
Notice for publication, v. 8. Land
office, Theuullesor. sen. 12. 1907.
hotke la hereby Klren that In compliance
J'llh the pniTlalona ol the net ol Coiijrmii
I June 8, 1M7S, ntltled,"An net lor the le
n winiier muue in tun mate 01 California
UIVBOIl. -Nevada Hlld wnahlmrtiin p.i,ii.i
pa extended to nil public laud atate bv act
bl auk. 4, lMpit, the tollowliiK named per
fcona hare on April tiu, 1H07 e'nS In thla
ottlce their aworn autteuienta. to-wit:
Hubert M. Holmbaeh, HIierwood.VTnith.
InKtou Co. Ore. aworn atntement n umber
vwart. ior ine purciuiMe Ol tne lot l.eNM
Malile 0, Helinbacli, Hllerwood. Wanhllls.
1110 eo. ore.,aworn atntament no. 4H7, lor
file iHn'iinee 01 WftBWft HW. I, NWViNWU
aee. 1W. NaWNitV.iiw. m.tiii. u;.
And will oiler proof to allow that the inude
aoiiKht are more valuable foj the Timber or
iuu -i nenuii Tumi tor HKnciiiturnl purpoe.
P. and to ealnbllah Their elaliua to aald landa
J.ifore The Heitlater nnd Kerelrer at .he
'Thar mime the lolluwliia; wltueaaea: A C
E".f ..r""' Houeri 11 iieiiubneh.
M 0 Hhowu. Muble 0 Heliubucb, uud J r.
fledoea, ol Portland OreKOii.
Anjr aud nil peranna elalinlnv ndrenielr
u ol the abore-deacrthed IuiiiIh are niiiic.l
r'. T0 J" Their clalnin In Tlila ortllre uu or
Jwtarc Deo. la 1W07.-C. V. Moore. Jteitlater.
timber Land Act. June 3, 1878.
Hotice for publication, v. 8. Land
Office, The nalles or. Sep. 12 1907.
Notice la hereby given that In compltauce
With the provl-dona of the art of Cougreaa of
June 8, 187N. entitled "An act for the aale nf
"tlmlMr landa In the atatea ol California. Ore.
ton, Nevada, and Wuehlngton Territory" aa
extended to all the nubile land atatea by act
Id Auguat 4. IHVJ, George L. Uudaley, Port
pnd' Multnomah Co. Ore., haa on April sin,
1907, tiled in this office his sworn
Statameut no. 400k. for the purehage of the
M of eec Vn rp lo a a 114 w u.
Aud will offer proof to ahow that the land
ought la more valuable for Ita Umber or
Eioue nan lor agricultural purHaea, and to
tabllah hla rlalin to aald land befora the
negiater nnu itecelver at The UaUea Or., uu
line. 18. 1U07.
' He nainre na wltueaaea: John F. Shlelda
and K. 1 Ih-Kentrr ol Portland Or.. S. H
Viibb of Foaall Or. and w. S. Morelaud of
Vlehntonil Or.
Any aud nil peraona claiming ailveraety the
above deacrlbed landa are requeated to file
heir elalma In thla office ou or before the 18,
M Ueo. 1907.
4?. W. Moore, Rexister. d7
nmber Ijind. Act Jan , 1878. No-
tilce tor I'ulilication. V. . lnd
Oflien. The Dalle. Ore. Oct. ft, 1807.
notice ui hereby idvea that In annnlot-M
with "he provlakina of the u-t ot I'uageeaa nf
Juna It, ikiH. entltkd."An ath.rth"aaleof
tiiuwer lenwe iu m. ataiea tn lurorula, tiregon
ieva4a and waehlugina Terrlterv. aaextead
M to all public land atatea by act of Atur4, 1 HUH
ndrew J. warren, tight ulle Morrow cn. ore.
Baa oa thla day Died In thla otnoe hla aw urn
atatement no. 480.1, fur the purehaae ol lb etc
It aeo 1, Tp 7a, u 28 a w m, aud will offer proof
tu ahow that the land aought la more valuable
tie Ita Umber or atone thau hir aarnculiural
hurt-oaee and to eatabllah hla claim io aald
"before J. P. wtilaama. U. a Coram at Heu-
tiner. Ore. Oee. 17, laot.
' He hamee aa wltuowea; Herbert funulno
fiam. Luaerork. are; John Cnulle, aleiander
V arren alglit Mile ore; Oaprga w Wama
one ore.
- any and all peraona cltilmlng adwmaly the
amw ueerrioefi innoa are riHiueareii to n
iqeir ciaima in tnij. omi-e ou or before Uec.
ijgyj. C W. ilootc, Kcglaler. d.U
Iienler in general houne furnlahlngii.
Undertaking nupplles a specialty.
Timber Land Act. June 8 1878.
(1. 8. Land Office, The nallea. Orciton.
Auaiai if, iwi
Notice la hereby nlven that In compliance
with the urovleloua of the net of Coniireaa
of Jane 8 1H7S entitled An act for the aale
of timber landa In the atatea of California,
OreKon, Nevada and WaahlnKtou Territory,
an extended to all the public land atatea by
act of Aaguat 4 waiter C. Koaeu.
haunt of I'oaall. Wheeler Co. Ore. hna on
uhi Oil. 1uo7 Hied tn thla ottlce hla aworn
atatement No. 4112for the purehuee of the
sr.Vt sty. ol aec. 2 Tp. a a c w m.
And will offer proofa to ahow that the
land aouirht In more valuableUirthetlmber
nuu atoue tuereon man tor aKncunurui pur
iM,aea. anil to eatubltah hla claim to aaltl
fund before J a 8 tttewart. U BC'onimlaaloner
nt hla ottlce lu roaall, ureRon, on Oct. no
He namea ill ' wltneaaea.Geoorffe W MC
wllla ol Richmond Ore. and Jatuea n Fetin
er Joaeph Davla Alblou Kahler all of Foaa
II Ore. Any and all peraona clalmlnit ad
Teraely any of the above-deacrlbed lamia tire
reuueated to file their rlnlina lu thla office
on or before aald 110 of October 1U7.
a 10 iltl C. w. Moore, neglalar
Timber Land. Act of June 8, 1M78;
Notice For Publication, Land Ottlce at The
Dnllea, OreKOU. May ItN, 1U07 Notice la
nereby given tnar. liicoinpiiuucewiininepru
vlalona ol the net ol Conirreee of June 8. l7b
entltleil An act for the aale of timber lamia In
the atatea of California. Oregon, Nevada and
Waahlngton Territory, oa extended to an tne
Subtle laud atatea by net of Aug. 4, InVJi
iiuau K MlmiHion of HeDDiier. uorrow cunty
Oregon, hoa on thla day tiled In thla office her
aworn atntement No. 4iaB for the purehuee
of the awViNKM of aee. 10 Tp a 25 w M
and wUI offer proof to ahow that the land
aought la more valuable for lu timber or
atone than lor agricultural purpoaea. and to
eatnbllah her claim to aald land before J. P.
Wllllauia. U s Commlaaioner ut nia omce in
Heppuer, Ore. ou Nov. H0, ltH)7.ahenimeaaa
wltueaaea:eorge McDonald, John McDonald
George w Cliapln all of Hnrdinua -jf. will
taut Bechdolt ol Heppner Oregon.
Any and all peraoue claiming adveraely the
above-deacrilied landa are retiueeted to Hie
their clalma lu thla otttce on or before aald -to
of Hoy .1U07. C. w. Moore, lleglater. K 10
Timber Land Act June 3, 1878.
Notice for publication U.K. Land
office The Dalles, Or., Sep. 121907
Itollce la hereby given mat in compliance
with the urotlaloua of the net of Cougreaa of
June 8. 187H entitled "An act for the aale of
timber Innile lu the Mtatea ol uaiiroraia, Ore
gon, Nevada, and waanuigton Territory" na
extended to all the public land atatea by act
of Aug. 4. lava. Edmund L. DeKeuter of
1'ortiaua Muitnouiun 10. or., naa ou Apr. -ao
1907, filed in this office bis sworn
atatement No. 4010 tor the purehaae of the
Lota ,awV4Nwy, aee li eV.ni;14 aee II Tp
111 a Kite u w u, uud will offer proof to ahow
that the land aought la more valuable for Ita
timber or atoue than foragrlcultural purpoa
ea, ana to eatnoilen nia claim oeiore r,ne
Keglater and Receiver at The Dullee, Or Dec.
13 1907. He names as witnesses
H a cobb Foaall Or., w H uorelnnd Richmond
Or. John F Shielda and J P Llpaeomb Port,
laud Or. . . t
Auy and all peraona claiming lulveraely the
above dearrlbed lunda are reqneated to tile
their elalma In thla office on or before auld
13 of ilec 1907.
Timber Laud Act, June II. 1878.
(Jolted State Land Office, The Pallea Ore.
(ept 10, 1V07.
Notice la hereby given that In compliance
with the pruvlalona of the uct of Cougreaa of
June 8, 1878, eutltled"An uct for the aule of
timber lunda In the atatea of California, Ore-
uou. Nevada aud Waahlnutou Territory"
evaended tu all the public land atatea by act
or Auguat 4, ll'.iz, Arcliy Hunt or siiriiy.
Wheeler Co. Ore. haa on February lib. 1V07
Hint In thin ottlce hla aworn atntement no.
874.1 lor the iHi.'i.w.i,aJ-NK,.til4.Hi:WNlc
vTsUKKaTVlli oBer prooavSj BoVfti.
the .itilu aouglala more valuable- forthe
-.iiinier or atone t Hereon than lot agricul
tural purpoaea, and to eatnbllah hla claim to
aaiu inuii ueiore u. E. Haxter, a V. M.Uoinmr.
at hla olllce In Spray Ore. Nov. SIM. lull".
He numee na -wltneaaea; Thonioa J Mote
Lrfiene n ioniraii, ueorge t uutea, John M
uuiea iui oi spray lire,
Anv And all nerenna etulnitniF nrfveFaalv
the above deacrlbed landa are reiueated to
me .iivir -4TUUIII m tuia omce on or Ueiore
me eitiii nt, uay 1,1 ,iuv, zn luoi .
n-til C w. Moore Keglater.
Timber Land, Act June 3. 1878.
eniUln.nnki;..,,,:.. j
NOtiCe for publication. V. S. Land
tlffirp TllP IHlllpM (lr Hon ft 1 0il? I to ahow that the lund aought la more vnln
Uiiice, I lie UU1IHH or. Sep. 0,J.ltU.. able ,, ita tlmbe or atone than tor Agrlcul-
Diouce in nereuy Klven that In com.
pllauee with the provlalona of the act
of Congri hh of J une 3. 1878. entitled'
All act for the aale of tlmlier landa In
California, oreiron. Nevada and wnati.
ingtou Turrltory," tus extended to all
public land atatea by act of Aug. 4,
Sarah I, McKown Portland
Multnomah co ore haa on Mareh. 4.
1SMJ7 died In thla office her aworn sta
tement no 3858 fortlieimrc liiLHHiif the
hknkX, aec lit. sX.Nw&NwJiMwK. aec
i t ma.Ki-t rs-w M.iinu win oner proof
to anow mat tne land aought la more
valuable for Ita timber or atone than
for agricultural purpoaea, and to ea
tabllMh her claim to aatd land before
the KeirtHter & Receiver at The nallea
ore ov at WOT,
She namea aa wltneaaea: o M Stafford
Nettie Jennlnira, w I. Powell. Pearl L
poweii oi portiana ore.
Any and atliajraonselalmlnarndver.
aely any ol the ubove-deacrllaid landa
are retnieateu to tile their clalma 1
thla ottlce ou or lief ore Nov 2lt llto".
H2 C. W. Moore. Keglater.
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878
Notice for publication, u. s. Land
office, The Dulles or. sen. 9. 1907.
Notice is hereby riven that in
! ' ' . .
compliance with the provisions
oi tne act oi Longress of June I
i, eignieen seventy eigne entitled
"An uct for the sale of timber
lauds in the statet of California,
Territory, " as extr-nded to all
the public land stat by act of
Auguss. inwa, Mien May wade
Latourell fails Multnomah col
ore. has on March 28, 1907 Hied I
in tins omce her sworn statement
nn JfUItf Inn thA niimha. nl Ik. .
.... yv.y.ya v, c ,
Tp lis, U Z.t E W M, ana Will OBer
proof to show that the land sou-
gnt is more vaiuaDie tor its tim-
oer or stone than foragricult-
urai purposes ana to establish
hT claim to said laud before the
liwister and itpoeiver nt -rhAiinll
ZrL rL? iSTt
WJ ore Dec b, 1907.
oub names ns wir-uesSKS: James I
Ellis, L U l)e Wolf Portland ore;
. l a a- a. . I
nyivester m r.vaiiH, James 1'ouu-
.1 . i H l , - uuu
der Latourell talis ore.
Any and all persons claiming
adversely th ahaivtuluau'riLui
g lands are requested to file their
"I Itec 6, 190 1.
ii23 ('. W. Moore. Register. I
Timber Lund Act of Juoe8,1878-Nt1ceFor
Pubncutlon - V. n. l-uiiu omce Tne nallea
rieptfuo-Auif. 34. lo07.-NotH-elaherebvirlven
that lu compliance with the irovleloueoftbe
act or tougreaa oi euue oioio vuuum au
act for the aula of timber landa lu the ntatea
ol Calllornlii, Oregon; Nevada and Wuahliig
ton Territory: ua extended to ull the public
laud atatea oy act oi ug. , i-ivi; iiiiuiu a
owen.of Portluud. Multnomah Co. Or. ou Feb-
JO, 11107 hied In thla olllce hla aworn atate
ment no. sum lor the punuuee oi tne H
awVi. wV,.wV4 aeetlou 1 a k.Vtk14 aectluu li
tii 11 a. u -14 k w H. uud will offer orool tu
ahow that the lund aought la more valuable
lor Ita timber or atoue wan tor agncutiurut
uurooaea aud to eatabllah hla claim to aald
land before the itegleter uud Receiver at The
Dull en; ore. on Auv, ia ioi. tie nanuoi ua
wltneaaea: lu liewoll, Albert oee, offortluud
Ore. ouy J atulth, churlea T amlth.titourell
FalMtor. Any and all peraona claiming adver
aely thenbovedeMcrl lied lauila are requeatedtu
file thelrcliilma In thla olllce ou orueforeeulil
a.'i. ol Mil. 1HU7.--C. W. Moore,KogbltMr.nil8
Timber l.un.l Act ol June 3, l7.-Notlce lor
Publication, Ij. b. t,and omce, Tile uallea
1 1 rf ii in . Heuieiub. u 1UII7. Notice la hereby
given tout m compliance with tlieprovlelone
of the act of Cougreaa ol June 8, lei7ei, en-
titled" Au net for the aale oiumoerinuue lu
the atatea ol Culilorulu, Oregon, Nevada and
M'nahlugtou Territory' na extended to ull
the public land ntatea by uct of Aug. 4, letVil
Uruaeltou lledeuulol l.oueruck GllllauCo.Or.
haa on April H 17 hied lu thla ortlee hla
aworu atatement no. awaalor thepurcliaeeul
the KVaNKViANieKyi ol aec. l z t.o a, a lwi.
Ana will ntfer orool to ahow that the laud
aought are wore valuable lor the timber or
atoue thereon than for agricultural purpoaea
uud to eetnoueu .Ula eiiMiu io earn lanua be
hire theCo.Clerk ntCoudouOr. Nov. U8..1W07.
He nuiuee aa wltueaaea; Audrew Nuel, Henry
Neel, Morgan Wurd. r-d Jouuaou uu of Laiue
roch Oregon.
Any land all oeraona claiming udvereelv thea-
lHive-deaerllH-il lunda are reuueateil to ble their
clulma In thla ouice ou orociore aoreiuueris
luui. v, n , loore.nvguiMir. ' u ai
Timber Land Act, June 8, 1878.
U. a. Laud Oiilce, The Uallea, Oregon
Auguat. 24. luoi.
Notice la hereby given tnut lu couipiluuce
wlin tlie urovleioua Ol tne oca oi iouicreee
ol June 8 10, eutltled. Au act lor.theaule
of timber lunda iu the atatea of California
OregoU, Aevauu liuu r, uauiugvou i emiory
oa exteuded to ull tne public laud a la lee by
act ol Aug. 4, 18U. rjeleu it. tluriuou ol font-
lAUb Muliuomuu CO. ore. iiaawu reu. na ivoi
niMldn uiiMoiueeueraworuatuteuieut uo.aozV
lor tue puHcnuae ol me awi ol itec.14 Tp. lo
B 1:1111 a. Aud will ouzr erool to auow
lliul lue luuu aouau. i u.v,c
timber or atouu muu lor ugrlcuiturul purp
oaea, and ' to eatubllau Ilia clalui to aulo laud
belore the Uegialur a Hvcetver at The Uullea
Ore. Nov. z& l'joj. Wile uulueaua Wltueaaea
r ,1, rlurmou. r twenty ore. m oiauoruat
t i, Harmou. portluuu ure.,iuarieajiuner
ly, Italiuioua Ore.
A.ty and all peraona claiming aaveneiy tne
abote-ueavrlbeii landa are reiiuealeu to Ule
tuelr cluliua Hi tha olllce ou or ueloreNov.iib
1V07 . C w. atoore, negiater. bm
Timber Land, Aetot June 3, 187S, Notice For
l'uullcatlou, C. B. lmuii urace, l ue uauea,
OnHion. Aim. 2'J. Iuo7.-oltcelhereby given
thai lu compliance with the provialouaotthe
act otCougreee ot Juuett, 1870 entltleil Aa act
lor the aale ol timber landa lu the atatea otCal.
oregou, -Nevada uud Wuehlugtou Territory,
aa extended to ull the public lauu atatea by
ui i in., a. laVJ. tue lulluwlug named
peraou hare tiled lu thla oltice their aworu
atatamenta, to wit;
a na Kiitfirtni Portland Multnomah Co. Or.
wrii atatemeut no. 8tf J7. tiled April 1. 1P07
lor the purehuee ol the 'Wlwy, ol See -JV A
bsniloiaec. oo, p. AO o. .o a w m
i.i.,u. MhuriiH.ii 'nl Anoka fiord Co. Neb.
Mtiitinmt NoASJH hied Aurll 1. lo7
lor the purehaae otthe SKVi ol aec itf r 10 B
U !ill B W M
inn. n I'amtn Atklnaoh Holt Co. Neb.
aworu atnteuieut uo 8U4W Hied April I 1U07
forthe purchune olthe KWiWiaaec KHN w
Ya aec oil l i v o a w m.
And will otter vrool to ahow that the landa
aought are more valuable for their timber
or atoue thuu tor agricultural purpoeeae uud
to eatubltah their elalma to auld luuda belore
the lleglater uud Itecelver ut i u uuuea ore.
.i,M f Miiv. 1U07 They . uume oa wlt
ueaaea; a a Cobb & 0 W Knox, of Foaall Ore.,
UUtuund Mcfett,.c w uuatiuga, auuu a.iuot,
ii u Mti.ff,,l av F P Vauirhau. Jumea J Pull-
ton ol Portluud Ore. Ida K sli ermun Anuk
MU Amu, it IvMlrmin ALltlnaiin Neb.
Any uud all perauAa claiming lulveraely the
abovii.deVlhed r-ce U o7boret'hV.ulu
uat ui aur.inui.1
C.W. Moore, Regtater.
: Lu
Notice For Publication.
The Ualleg. Oreicon. Sent. . 1907
Notice la hereby given that In compliance
with the provlelona of the act ol Coogreaa
oi euue n; xoio.euuiieu -an or i tor tne ante
ui timber innaa in tne atatea of California,
oregou, Nevada, and waHliliigtou Territory"
na exteuded to ull the Pupllc Laud Ntatea by
net ol AuguHt 4, lNWa.Willluiii p. Prophet of
J 19(,T m ,n w" uni hl wa'
I "teat no 41 14 for the purehaae ol the nVtnM
aee 18. to a a a an a w u and will oiler orou)
ture Durooaea. uud to eatnbllah hla claim to
I '"'J1. "" b'"u J P- w,l"1,,m u,.Si .""H"-
He nuiuee ua wltueaaee: w a rrenchThomoa
Muairrove Churlea Hama ol Hardman Ore -
Jumea J McUee of Heppuer Ore.
Any and ull ueraonaKlalmlug adreraely the
above-aeacrlbeil lunda are reuueateil to file
their clulma In thla office ou or belore Nov.
31, 1907. C. W. Moore. Ruglater. N16 .
Timber Land Act June 3,1878-Notlee
If'nr Pnlillrn tlnn. II. 8. l.ululOtfW
The Dallea. Oreiron. Aug. 24. 11107.
Notice la hereby given that In com
pliance with the provlalona of the act
of Congress of June 3, 1878 entitled"
An act for the sale of timber landa In
the states of California, Oregon, Nev
ada and Washington Territory", aa
extended to all the public land states
by act of Aug. 4 laiKf.lioae K Pamela
ot Portland Ore.fhas on Feb. 23 1907
tiled inthlaotflce ner a worn statement
no. 3831 for the purehaae of the NX
SEV of aec. 14, WXSWg of aec. 13 T 10
S. K 23 E W M. and will offer proof
to ahpw that the land aought la mo
re valuable tor Ita tlmlier or atone
than for tiarrlcultural purpoaea and
to eatabitah her claim to aald land be
fore the Keglater and Receiver at The
unites Ore. Nov. z nt07 sue namea aa
wltneaaea: E L Harmon, O M Staff
ord, of Portland Ore : F I. Harmon.
t alls 01 tyore. ;C'barlea Matherly, Klch
t nimviifjuivi
Imond oregon,
Any and all persons claiming ad-
vrreeiy any or tne anove-ueacriued
v" ,Z.2rY' u 'Z. rZJTJZ
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
notice for publication, u. s. Land
office The Dalles or.sep. 12, 1907.
Notice la hereby given that in cum.
pllance with the provlalona of the act
. ' eau-iea
wv -.i iwiu.
tne 8tJltCH of t '-allfornla. OivirJin.
Nevada, and WaahlngtOn Territory,"
tta estentiea iu au lue piiDltc land
t.-'X Em"- tv3.JJyh
h(V8 ttn Apr,i 24, i,, nM iu thls
twice his aworn statement N04013. for
tne purehaae ot the awXNwjfj, sw)(sw
. , aec 30 tp io a. b 24
1 w n(1 will Otter proof to ahow
i5.Ht the 80uhl ta valuable
for ita tlmlier r atone than for agrl-
cuiturvi purpoaea. and to eatabllah
)f claim t aald land before the Keg.
lMTAUr M rial U aha haa I Vm u 1 l..a I 11 .... a .
iui. L " " " r.
itec. 13, 190i. He nanaaa wltneaaieH-
o M staffo'rd. w Newman. iTtutie'
Shaver of cortlnmi ttr. A Sarah c
Engliah of HoHt Klver ttr.
office n or before Dec ,3. 1907
L". V , Moore, Keglater.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878
Notice for publication, v. s. Land
offliee, TheDallefl,or.eep.l0,1907
Notice la hereby given that In cont
pi lance with the provlalona of the act
of congreaa of June 6, mis entitled. "
An act for the aale oi timber landa In
the atatea of California, oregon. Neva
da and Washington Terrltory,"aaex
tended to all public land atatea by act
ot Aug. 4. 18pJ. f lora l.. ishoun, spray
County of Wheeler, State of Oregon
haa on April II IIX'7 Hied In thla off
ice her aworn atatement no 3oH4 for
tne purcnaae oi tne nkhw ccnwsr
of aec 11 rp 10a, it 2-1 K w M, and will
oner proof to anow that the land
aought la more valuable for ita tim
ber or atone than for agricultural
purpoaea, and to eatabllah her claim
to aald land before 0. E. Baxter.U.S,
L'omnir. at hla office In Spray Oregon
Nov 2. 1907. She namea aa wltneaa
ea: Robert Wright, .lamea Froat. HC
Shown. Spray Ore; Kmll Straube.of
waterman ore.
Any and all peraona clatmlmr ail
veraely tiny of the above-deacrlbed
landa are reuueatedtofiiethelrclaima
in thla omce on or before Nov 281907,
n23 C. V. Moore. Keglater.
Timber Land' Act June 8, 1878,
Notice for publication, v. s. Land
office The Dalles, or. eep. 6, 1907
Notice la hereby arlven that In com
pllance with the "provlalona of the act
ot conureaa ot Junes. 1878 entitled "
An act for the aale of timber landa in
fajlforula. oregon. Nevndaand waah-
lliaton Terrltorv." aa extended tn nil
the'pulilc land atatea by act of Aug. 4
William a. Kelson, ot Portland
Multnomah co. ore. haa on March 1
1907 tiled in thla office hla aworn eta
ternent no. 3844 for the nurchaae of
tne WKNEK, UKVSY7V&. NEVawU of aec,
29 T 10a 24 k w M. and will offer
proof to ahow that the land sought
la more -valuable for Ita timber or
atontfthan for agricultural purpoaea
and to eatabllah ha claim to aald land
before the Keglater and Receiver at
The nallea. ore November 29 1907.
He names aa wltneaaea: Joseph Do-
an. Loui8 swanaon. Portland ore: w
H cobb. Foaall ore: w a Moorland
tuenmona ore.
Any and all peraona clalmlnir adver
sely any of the above described lands
are requested Ut tile their clalma In
tola omce on or before Nov. 29 1907,
n23 C. W. Moore, Keglater.
J. A. Prophet,
Contractor and Builder.
Office and Shop ' First Door
North of Courier Office.
Special Attention ' given to
- Plans and Estimates.
Spray, Oregon.
Howard Gove. D. M.D.,
Next To The
City Hall ;
Jfthn A. Collier.
LegaJ business promptly attended to
Fossil, Oregn
H. H. Hendricks.
v - Fossil, Oregon.
Careful attention to Office Counsel
and,. .Court, Practice., Also Collect-
lonsFlre Insurance and Land Law.
i Notary Public.
' Walter Burner. Prop,
Shaving. Hair-cutting and
Suits cleaned and pressed
David E. Baxter,
United States Commissioner
also Notary Public.
Filings. " Proofs and all other
Land Business, a specialty.
Deeds and Mortgages carefully
drawn. A large supply of legal
blank kept on band.
Spray, Oregon.
Blub Prikt
Township Plats
corrected up to date, showing
names of all entrymeu, vacant
lurhl. rivers and creeks. IV) cents.
For securing title to all kinds
of Government land without res
Idence or Improvement, at low
eat market prices. Write ua for
full particular. All kinds ot
land business a specialty. 23
years experience.
Reference French ft Co.. Bankers
Hudson Land Co.
1 tSfSSS
S. E. Carr. Pres. B. F. Gulp, Vice Pres.
Bank of
Loana made at eight per cent Interest.
Four per cent paid on Saving Deposits.
Four per cent paid on Time Certificates.
Money may be withdrawn at any time.
We will credit at par any check mailed
to ua. Accounts by mall solicited.
aBBi mm -
For Fruit,
The Dalles Nurseries
R. H. WEBER, Proprietor,
The Dalles,
Timber Land Act, .Tune 8, 1878.
kotice fob publication.
Land Olllce at TbealM. Oregon.
1 1. ..Ivan l,t In rmn nlllilU't
.1,11.-0 ia , ;, . , ,-...:...,.,
with the provlalona of the net of t-ongreae 01
June 8, 1878, entitled "An act tor the mile ol
timber' landa' in the atatea of Calllornla, Ore-
., nnriU nn,t Vah nirton Territory' ns
extended to nil the public land atatea by net
of Aug. 4, 1891t:Chnrlea T. Smith, ol-Latour-ell
Folia Multnomah Co. Oregon has ou reb..
2H.1H07 tiled In this ofBce hla Sworn etnte
meht no. 8822 for the purehaae ol theaV4BKJ4
aaV4awl4Lot7 aec 6 Tp 11 a, a 26 a w .
Anil will offer proofs to show thattheland
sought le more valuable for the timber or
atone thereon than tor ugrlcuiturul purposes
to eataniian tits cinima 1.0 emu
belore the Keglater and Receiver at
Dalle Oregon, on Nov. 20, 10U 1 .
n, nnmo. na wltneaaea: L O DeVVolf. Will
iam A Owen, Portland Ore; Guy J Smith Lat
ourell t nils Ore; J IV Montgomery, onum
VeU Ore.
Anv nil luHAn, flnlmlnc ndveraelv the
above described lamia are requested to tile
their claims lu thin office on or before eaid
2fidnyot Nov., 1907.
n2ii v. w . juoore. liegiewr
Timber Land, Act .fune a, 1878.
Notice For Publication.
p. S. Laud qffiee- TheallesOr.
. . .' iiio-iia 91 10117
' Notice ia herely given that in com
pliance with tne provisions oiine act
of Corigre8B of June 3" 1878, entitled
"An act for tne sale 01 timuer ianaa
in the States of California, Oregon.
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
aa extended to all the Publid Land
States by net of August 4. 1892, Louis
Swanaon of. Portland. Multnomah
county Ore. haa on March l,1907,flled
tn this office his aworn atatement no
3846. for the purehaae of the e)4bw of
section 19 & tiNW of section 30 Tp 10
s, R 24 B w m. and will offer proof to
show that the land sought ia more
valuable for Ita timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to ea
tabllHb hia claim to aald landa before
the Rea-ister and KecelveratTheDall-
ea, Oregon, November 27, 1907.
He names aa witneasea: W B Nelson.
Joseph Dolan. Portluad Ore; S H
Cobh, Fosi! re: W S Moorland,
Kichmond Ore.
Any and all nersonsclaimingadver-
ely any of the above-deacrilied lands
are requested to tile tlielr claims in
this office on or before Nov. 2". 190t.
n23 C. VV. Moore, Register.
iraber i-nnd. Act June 3 1878-S otic
For I'Ubllcation. U S Land Office,
The Dnllea, Ore. Sept 9, 1907-Notlct la
hereby given that Incompliance with
the provisions of the act of Congreas
of June 3. 1878, entitled An actforthe
aale of timber lunda in the states of
Otllfornla. Oregon Nevada and wash
ington territory, aa extended to all
the public land states by act af Aug.
1892. William Hendrlx of Heppner
Morrow Co. Oregon has May 22 iit07,
filed In this ottlce his worn atate
ment no. 4117 for the purehaae of the
NJrawK & wK of sec 15 rp 6 b.r 25 K
w M'aud will offer proof to ahow that
the land aouicht ia more valuable for
Ita timber or stone than for agricult
ural purpoaea and to establish his
claim to said land before J. P. Will
lams. U. 8 Commlasloner. at his office
In Heppner, Oregon on Nov. 21. JtKli.
He namea aa witnesses: Albert A
Steers, Richard Steers. Samuel Mc
Daniel, James H Allen Hardman Or.
Any and all peraona claiming ndver
aely the above deacrlbed landa are re
quested to file their clalma in this
office on or before said 21th day of
Nov 1907.-C. W. Moore. Register. n!6
Timber Land Act, June 3, 1878.
V. S. Land Office. The Dalles, Oregon.
Aug., 13, 1U07. j
Notice la hereby given that In compliance ,
With the timrlMlitna nf the .-t nt r-nnvnud ..f ,
June 3, 1878, entitled "An net for the aale of I
uinoer lanua in tne atatee ol calltornlu. Ore
gon. Nevada nnd Wuehlngton Terrltorv" aa
extended to all the public land etntes b'v net
of August 4. 1SHU, wllllam C. Olllllntid of
KK-niuonu wneeier t.o. ore. naa on April 22
ltH)7tlleil In thlaotuce hU aworn atiltemeut
no. 4IHI2 for the purchase of the SV8wl4 of
25 Tp ltl S H2H E W M
and will iin.p nnwil tn ah n v .t.n
the land aought la more valuable for the
timber or atone thereon than forajrrh-ultut-Ml
purpoaea. and to eatabllah hu rlnin. ...
aald land before Jna. 8. Btenart U. 8 Comm.
at hia ottlce en Foaall Ore. Oct. 80 1907. Hi
namea aa wltueaaee: D C Glllllaad w 8 Moor
land ot Richmond Ore. 8 H Cobb Foaall ore.
George McCoy Waterman Ore.
Any aad all peraona claiming ad veraely the
above dearrlded landa ant reejueated to die
their clalma In thla office oa or belore the
0. oi Oct. lifW. f. . Moore. Kecteter aotfti
VV. S. Wharton, 'Cashier.
I Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
Notice for Publication, U. S. Land
, Daljeg gep g m)rJ
I . . ... .,
I nonce H nereuy Kivt-ii tiiai in vuiiiiiiiwun.
j ( h h provlalona ol the act of Cougreaa or
Jme 8 ji((78 eIltltleu ..An llct (l)r tue ,ieor
timber lanua lntlieatntcBotculiioriiia,oregon
Nevada and Washington Territory" aa exten
ded to ull Public I.hikI Stati-H by net of Aug.
4,189i, Kdwnrd H. Bollinger Portland Mult
nomah Co. ore. haa on March 10,11107 filed In
title o Hi Ice hla aworn atatement no. IISHfi lor
the purchase ol the NEswy4, NMi'aViAaKVia
KY, aectlon 20 Tp 6a,n 24 a v M.and will offer
proo to Bhow that the land sought la more
valuable tor Its timber or ntone than for agri
cultural -purposes. ami to eatabllah hla claim
to auld land before the Reglate and Receiver
ut The DulleeOregon, 011 Oec.-J.1B07 He na
inea aa witnesses: J W Heed, Florence Rlchnrda
EatacadaOre. Herbert CuniilnBhamLonerock
Ore. O it Stafford Portland Ore, Anv and all
peraona claiming ndverseiytlie above-described
lands are requested to llle their claims In 1
this office on or before Dec.2, 1907
bHO C. w. Moore, Register
Timber Lan'd , Act June 3 1878.
. Notice for publication; U. S.
Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon,.
: v Juno 3, 1907:
Nntie? la hereby given that In eoiu
plance with the provisions of the act
of Congreas of June .'1, 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber landa
In the States of ('allfornla. Oregon,
Nevada, and Waahlngton Territory"
as extended to all the Public Land
Statea by act of August 4, 1892. Mary
J. Graham, ot Hardman. Morrow Co
Ore, haa this day filed in thla office
her sworn atatement no. 4136 for the
purchase of the rcsn ot aectlon 23ft
wsw of section 24 Tp 6 8, R25KWM
And will offer proof to ahow that
the landa aought are more valuable
tor the timber or stone thereon than
for agricultural purposes, and to ea.
tabliHti her claim to aald landa be
fore .1. P. William U. S. Commr. at
hte office lu Heppner Or. Nov 20, 1907.
She namea aa witnesses: Albert A
S eers, Sylvanua wrlght, w u French
Viator Heath. Hardman ore.
Any and all persons claimlngndver
sely any of the above described landa
are requested to file their clalma In
this office on or before said 20th day
of November, 1907.
nl6 0. W. Moore, Register
Timber Land, Ac June 3, 1878.
Notice for publication, v. s. Land
office. The Dalit or.june . 6, 1907
Notice ia hereby given that Incom
pliance with the provisions of the act
of congress of Sept 3, 1878 entitled, "
An act for the sale of timber lands in
the states of California, Oregon, Ne
vada and Washington Territory, "aa
extended to all the public land states
by act of August 4, 18a2, William L.
Powell, of Portland Multnomah co
Oregon has on March 4, 107 filed In
this office his sworn statement no
3856 for the purchase of the nwV of sec
13 Tp 10s. r 23 e w m, and will offer
proof to ahow that tlielandsought la
more valuablefor its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and
to establish his claim to. said land be
fore the Keuister and Receiver at The
Dalles Ore. Nov. 2g I99".
He namea na witnesses. O M Staff
ord, Sarah I McKown. Nettle Jenn
lugs. E M McKown of Port laud Ore.
Any and all persons elaimintradver
aely the ab ve-d"seribed landa are
requested to file their claims in tbla
offfe on or before November 29, J307.
n.o u. w. .Moore, Keglater
Timber Land Act. June 3, 1878.
C 8. Land Office, The Dallea, Oregon.
Alio-. 2 1Q.I7
N otlce la hereby given that In compliance
Ith the provisions of the act ot Congreaa of
jne 8. 1M78. entitled "Ad jbt fnr th bilIm nf
June a,
uuiuer miins in tne states ot California, Ore
gon, Nevudu and Washington Territory" aa
extended to all the public land atatea by act
of. Auguat 4. 1892, Jdnry M KMey, waehou
gal Clark County, wash bason March4. 197,
filed in thla office hernworn statement no 8854
for the purchase ot Lou 1 2 84 ol see 81 1
10 s u24 a w a.
And will offer proofs to show that the landa
aought are more valuable for the timber or
atone thereon than tor agricultural purposes
and to eatallliah hr eluim ,n
aald laoda De-
lore the Register and Receiver at T
Ore. Nov. 27, . 9u7.8he namaa aa i
L O DeWoll. Joaeiihiue Hickev Pon
The Uallea,
i wltheaace:
nu,,hliid Li..L-uw Pnl.n. Oh
mmes cina i routdaieore. c T Buutfe LaUsi
rell Fall. Ore.
Any and all peraona claiming ad veraely tha
above deacrlbed landa are ratjamced (a Hie
their clalma lu this office on or before aaitl
0,u( NoT. laoT, l'. W. Moore, Bi-f,-4awr. n2