The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, December 28, 1922, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    THUKHDAY. Ir:(TMM:il 2.1. 1022.
American Legion Auxiliary
Harmony Jazz
Jan. 1, 1923
ner at the John Price home.
Kardine Caruther. who tt teach
ing school at Cannry this year. Is
(pending the holidays t her horn
M:m Ruth Schafer. who t teaching
near Oregon City. Is spending tlw Loll
Jnys with her parent here.
welt 4.09 rhatnt, thence south 36 69
chalng to the south line o( the said
William Miller O, L. C. No. 6fl. thence
east along said south line 16 52 chains,
and thence north 44 ST ch:lns to the
place of beginning, containing 70 acres
of lanj more or less In section 17 anil
IS township 19 south of range S weal
Edgar B. Luther. Pastor
The flu or grippe ha again made ( of the Willamette Meridian, In Lane.
its appearance in our neighborhood. , County, Oregon. And decreeing that
The latest victim re Cora Calvert . jsald real property be sold at pnhlU
Mrs William Raruett. Mr. and Mrs. auction for cash In hand, and being i
Terry Edmlston. Ilerold and Howard 'he real premises particularly de-j
Baugman. John Edmlston, Carl riatt. scribed In that mortgage executed by j
Herold Bennle ha been visiting )the defendants. J. 11. Uartiell ami i
his sister. Mr. Eugene Ooff. at the Mary K. Hartiell. his wlfv. to I. N . j
fish hatchery ( Miller, recorded October 17, 191S. In
Alex Mathews. Belmont Russell and Vol. 46. page 27 of Mortgage Record
Jack Harbert returned to Wcndllng of I.ane County, Orvgon. and that the
to work Tuesday after spending said mortgage Is by said decree fore
Christmas at home. j closed In favor of plaintiff.
Mrs. Charles Taylor wa called to I Sow, therefore, by virtue of ald
the home of her parent. Mr. and 'execution. Judgement, order, decree
Mrs. Morgan, north of Springfield. nd order of sale, and In compllanc
Tuesday evening to help care for her(w'th the commands of said writ, I will.
father, who Is 111. n Saturday. January 37. 1923. at lb
hour of 10 o'clock a. ni.. at the front
door of the l.ane County Court Mouse,
at Eugvne. Oregon, at the usual place
V. S. Land office at Roseburg. Ore j for holding such execution sales, sell
gon. December 21. 1923. I at public auction (subject to red em p-
Notice Is hereby given that Waynj'tlon) to the highest bidder for cash In
E. Jenkins, of Crow. Oregon, who, on hand, all right, title. Interest or claim
The success of the White Gifts
Christmas program last Sunday even-,
log was seen in the presentation of
May 10, 1920. made homestead entry.
Serial No. 012C93. for NWVi, Section
25. Township 1SS Range 6W, WUIa-
that the within named defendant,
and each and all of them, hail lu the
above described land on the 24th day
gjlfu. both. In money for the needy, mette Meridian, has filed notice or.oi j-eptemoer. is is. me date or the
intention to make unai mree year i iae nmin loret-ioseu. or since
to establish claim to the land. that date haw In or to the above d-
naatnr rbov described, before E. O. Immel. scribed property, or any part thereof.
. -. i i , .. A
at luumi inu iu uir iuusciinwj wii
lite to Christian service. proof.
, Next Sunday morning
will apeak on "Surrender But Not De- C. commissioner, at nis omoe.
and In the evenin the aubtect Eugene. Oregon, on the 2nd day
will be "New Tear Resolutions." At February. 1923.
the eioae of the evening services there Claimant names as witnesses
will be a short business meeting fot-i Walter E. Bont. of Crow. Oregon;
lowed br a orogram that will last 'Adrian K. Kraal, of Crow, Oregon:
..n l virwb A t.ti. ! Hubert V. Jenkins, of Eugene.
... .orwio. -nil r..tnr. ih. rWin fon; Elvln Lewis, of Crow. Oregon
at .in order to satisfy said execution.
of .Judgement order, and decree. Interest.
costs, and accruing costs.
Sheriff of I.are County, Oregon.
Date of last publication Jan. 18. 1923.
momenta of the old year.
The Baptist church held a White
Gift program Sunday evening. The
gifts were all to money, each Sunday
acnool class bringing a gift in some
aalqris parcel form. The
W. H. CANNON. Register.
C. S. Land office at Roseburg.
proceeds. on- Ienber 2L 1922.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Lane County.
B. A. Kllaks. plaintiff, vs. J. R.
Hartiell. Mary E. Hartiell, hi wife,
Elbert D, Allen and Clara A. Allen, his
wife, Frank C. Popham and Edith
Popbam. his wife. Eiven Kerns and
Black Face Commedians, Singers, and Dancers
Featuring Miss Olive Milo
Positively the.only lady playing the cornet and piano at the tame time.
Don't forget the date. Playing Here ahead of Eugene
Prices Children 25c Adults 55c This includes war tax
Continou Show Start 6 o'clock. Picture also on program.
20. 1932. and In favor of the above the Intersection of the center of said Ijine County. Oregon, and which said
named pUintlff and against the above county road 22! and county road 116. ' mortgage I by said decree foreclosed
lamed defendant, and which decreed thence north S3 degree and 4J mln .In favor of plaintiff,
that there I due and unpaid to the jute east along rer.twr of said county Sow. therefore, by virtue of nal.t
plaintiff the total sum of $779 46. road number 116. 2P 65 chain to execution. Judgement, order, decree
plus the further uin of 1500 00. attor- point on the outh line of ald
ney fee, and the ciiets and dlbure-1 1'hllllp D L. C. No. 5S.
ments of the action, taxed at 3S 40. aald point I 19 25 chain
with lnteret at 6 per cent per annum degree 45 minute west
from an Id date, and
and upon this writ, and make such
and which
and order of sale, and In compliance
with the command of said writ. I will,
"9,00 Saturday. January 27. 1923. at the
.hour of 10 o'clock a m at the front
aUo the cost of most westerly southeast corner of said 'door of the l-ane. County Court Mouse.
and make such J. R. Phillips U I.. No 6.S. lhemv'B(
S44.SC were sent to Astoria to help! nreD' 'u lami
rahalld the church recentl deatroved B. Bont. of Crow. Oregon, who. on
Uthe big Ore there. The building November 30. 1920. made homestead 0noe Kerns, bis wife, defendant.
was net earned bot was completely T. senai no. uijmj, ror r. By Ttrtue f an eiecutlon. Jodge-
w recked by dyaamit.
Serial No. 013513. for EVs
NW4. sw n v 4, ecuon o iown fflen, order i9crtt) and .j,, of M,
ship 183. Range W. Willamette Merl- uei out 0f the above entitled Court
dlan. baa filed nolle of Intention to(,n(1 coie. t0 tire undersigned, sheriff,
make final thnee year proot to es-1 directed, which execution bear, date
et December 17, 1922, based upon
tsbliaH claim to the land above des
Henry McKlin. of Sprlngfiell spent r n i -i rr a r-.
l( IVCU, WtWaV S3 V. IHIIHGl! W V. X V
everai days last wajak with VUr
mlatM and family,
stasia Renale. son of Mr. and Mrs
misslooer. at his office), at Eugene.
I Oregon, on the 2nd day of February,
William Raoaia. of THaraton. and Miss, culm,nt n a m ea aa witnesses:
NatU MUiner. of W.fW married Wlyn E JenkJnfc of Crow Oregon.
in Eacena Tueaday. pber 19. by aQ RrftU of Crow 0fefon.
Ror. Stiver. Tkey left in the even wm.. r rr..nn .
as ixi m m cm aa iiidi wa wa iv t
Louis Kogan, of Crow, Oregon.
W. H. CANNON, Register.
sums a first charge and lien upon the north 29 45 chain to stone monument,
following described real property. to tnenc South 89 degree 45 tuluut
wit; I west 27 39 chain to a stone monu
Beginning at the monument mark "1- Unra south 14 minute eat
tr. the northwest corner of tbe J. R.'' cbln ?- of bwglnnlnf. con
Phillips donation land claim No. 1 tlnlng 99 73 acre And de rng
Notification No. i76 In Townahtp ." "I property be sold at
nineteen Sown of Range Three weat public auction for rash In band, and
of tb Willamette Mertdlaa. and tn ln ral premises particularly
Lane County. Oregon, running tnenee described In that mortgage eaeculed
south 13.15 chains to aa Iron defendant. J R Hartiell and
thence west 60 chain to the renter. Mary K HartaelL his wife, to I- W
of the county road number 339. thence ! FxMnr. reoorded October IT. 1918. as
south 22 degree 55 minutes east along Instrument 14943, recorded Vol. 6.
Judgement order and decree
above entitled case, dated
In theitlM center of said coanty road 1 24 page 132. Certflcate of Titles. In the
Decembtr jchalns to a point.
which said point la office of the Registrar of titles, of
Eugene, Oregon, at the uaual place
for holding such eiorutlon h. nll
at public auction Oubjm-t to retnnip
tlon) to tbe hlgbeat bidder for cash In
hand, all right, title. Interest or claim
that the within named defendant,
and each and all of them bad In tbe
above described land on the 24th day
of September, 1118, the date of the
mortgage herein foreclosed, or slmw
that. date have la or to tb bov de
scribed property, or any part thereof,
la order to satUfy aald execution.
Judgement order, and decree. Interest,
cost and accruing cost.
Rberlff of Lane Coanty, Oregon
tng foe Portland on a wedding trip.
The yuuag coop Is will make their
noma, at Oak-ridge, where Mr. Rennle
manage) tk fish hatchery.
Mr. Joo aad Prank Campbell at
tended the shooting match at Lowell
Friday. Mr. Joos was fortunate
enougfc to win a 15 pound turky.
Mr. Waite. of Marco! wa In Thurs
ton last Wednesday and bought Fred
at Murcola last Sundav.
I v. a. uana orrtce at noseonrg.
gon. December 21. 192!. j
I Notice is hereby given that Adrian :
E. Kraal, of Crow. Oregon, who, on ,
May 10. U20. made homestead entry, '
No. 012394. for Nfc SW'i. :
SWK SWV.. Section 25. TownshiDi
Last Thuralay evening the young HS Ran(?e 6W wiliamette Meridian,
people of th3 neighborhood met at has notfc(l of iDtentlon , make
the John Edmibton home to pop corn fjna, ,hw year proof t0 tabluh !
and sack the candy and cuts for the t.ul(n t0 the ,an(1 above descrlbed. be-'
Christmas tree. ,nre K q immei f g. Commissioner. '
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W-is apent at n 9 offj(.e af EuK?ne, Oregon, on
Cnr s'maa at tue Hoks Mathews tome.
New 7
Investment For You
Convertable Gold Notes
Mr. and Mrs Hoy Eimlst'in spent
Christmas In Springfield.
Ms. r:ia Baughman an1 son H-r
old, of Eugene, spent Cbritmus with
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Piatt.
Clifford Weaver, who has been In
Washington for several months, re
turned to Thurston Saturday evening
to spend the holidays. j
There was a C'brUimas tree and
program at the church Saturday even
ing. . A larg crowd was in attendance
and Uiore was treats for all.
MIhhib Marie and Thelma Hastir.g
of Eugene spent Christmas at Thurs
ton. Mr. and Mri. Charles Hasting and
family. Thelma and Gladya Hastings,
and Frank Campbell ate Christmas
dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gray.
Earncot West and family took Sun-
the 2nd day of February. 1923. ,
Claimant nam eg as witnejw
Wayne E. Jenkins, of Crow, Oregon; j
Walter E. of Crow, Oregon; i
Lloyd B. Kraal, of Crow. Oregon;!
Hubf-rt V". Jenkins, of Eugene. Oreon. j
W. II CANNON. Register, j
In the Circuit Court of the State of (
Oregon for Lane County, j
C. K. Norcotr. plaintiff, vs. J. Tl. j
Hartzell, Mary E. Hartzell, bis wlf e, j
Elbert D Allen and Clara A. Allen,
bis wife. Frank C. Popham and Edith!
Popham. his wife, Eiven Kerns and
Graie Kerns, his wife, defendants.
By vl.-tue of an xecutlon. Judge-'
ment order, decree, and order of sale,'
Imued out of the above entitled Court l
and ca'ise. to the undersigned, sheriff,'
day diuner In Eugene with Mr. West's directed, which execution bears date,
parents. Dec ember 27, 1922. based upon a Judge-
EimfjMt West and George Wlllian ment, order and decree In the above j
and families spent Christmas at Do- entitled case, dated December 20, 1922, 1
reaa( where the Wlllian families had and in favor of the above named plain-j
' fatal) reunion dinner. tiff and against the sbove named de-1
Tbsdtna Blanton. Ethel Harris and fendants, and which de;reed that'
brotltar Buddie, of Brooks are spend- is due and unpaid to the plain- j
In; th holidays at Thurston. tiff tbe total sum of 12920.54, plus thej
Frot Cray, Jr. who has been to further sum of $250 as plaintiff's at
Kla04tb .Fall for seval months, torney fees, and tha costs and dls-'
returned bamp Saturday. burteinenta of the tlon, taxed at
Mia. Alberta Weaver and chl'dren I3S.40. with Interest at 6 per cent per:
ara appending the holidays with Mr. annum from said date, and alo the
and Mra. A. B.- costs of and upon this writ, and make'
Tsddy Wilfret, who makes bis home s'ich sums a flrnt tbirge ana ..Ven uroc
with John Price. penl Cbritma with the follow. ng deacribea r ai property,'
bis parents In Eugene.
Mn . Perry Boaman and n.
B.rt,urr and Mr. Jeun'e Beaman and of a rolr.t In the north line of the
children, cf Coburg MVPt Cbrintma V" I' am
at t'ti J. T. Ifarbot hama.
Mr. nad Mr. Bert Wearer apent
Cbrtatiu wlU Mr. Weaver par-
MU, Mr. aad Mr. Moore, near jtm
ls aad' Mra. Arch S bough and
Maude Edialatoa took CUrUtinaa dlntbenca south 84 dogree
to wit:
of Hen'nnii' t rofnt
20 feet sou'b
Miller donation 1 md claim
V- 10 !n Town fh'- II South f Rang
1 Weat of the Wi!'melb MerWVan
20.09 cbali west of the northeast cor
'ner of ssld claim No. 60, and running
Ithence west 8. 54 chains, tbence south
4 82 chain, thence west (.65 chains,
15 minutes
A large number of our customers are already investors
in this Company, and receive substantial interest payments
February 1 and August 1 of Each year,
New construction to serve a large amount of new busi
ness enables us to offer you this splendid
Investment Opportunity
The present issue of Notes is only $200,000 and it is
anticipated that they will be all taken within a short time.
Place Your Order for Cash or the Monthly Investment Plan
Price Par and Accrued Interest
New Illustrated, Descriptive Booklet Sent on Request
Mountain Slates P oner Go,
Springfield, Oregon
Eugene, Oregon
Telephone 58
Telephone Eugene 28