The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, December 14, 1916, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Delay in Gift Buying
May McanDisappointment
TIII2 last fow tlaya hoforo Christmas aro nhvayB daya
of hurry nnd niHh. Such conditions aro apt to
cuubo IndlBcrljnlnnta buying. A vtalt to our Btorc
now will Bottlo nil of your gift problems. Your money
will go further hero, because wo bought in largo quan
tities and aro giving our customers! the swlvantago of
the saving. Extra help litis been provided bo that
you may bo Buro of prompt attention when you come.
Tho early buycrn get t'ho cream.
( I
IS Town and Vicinity
I LnlcBt Roprlnls CO conti at Poory'n
0. A. Ooycau la down from Jasper
Lloyd McKay Ml or Oakridgo this
$ Horman Oak Is In from Cottage
(Irovo on business today.
'"',13. Whntnm of Kugono was In tho
.city on business yesterday.
Tho boat on onrth. Egglmnnn'H
'Menthol Cough Drops.
' Mri. Charles Walker and daughter
'troro In from Jnspor this morning.
M. C. Brosslor left Monday oven
Irui for a short business trip to Port
land nnd possibly other northoin
f -Xmns stationery bought boforo tho
rnlso ot Poory'a
Whllo practicing basketball Monday
evening, llay Bally received a nevero
If Bpralnod ankle.
Good, socond-grado potatoes for aalo
st, my warohouso for 60 conts a sack.
H. E. Morrison. 14-18.
Mrs. Wagnor of Junction City Is
Tlsltlng her Bister, Mrs. W. M. Don
nldflon. . Mrs. Marvin Duryco'B two small chil
dren aro Buffering nith tho whooping
- Mrs. McKaskoy of Wcndllng Is In
tho city for a week or bo for medical
Mr. nnd Mrs. L. W. Langton arriv
ed Saturday from Murehriold and will
locate horo.
Tho Ladles of tho Christian church
will hold u Bnwar, Saturday, Dcombor
Tho. llttlo daughtor of Mr. and Mrs.
"Percy Tyson Ir Buffering with tho
whooping cough,
Tho Noodlocrnft club Is bolng on-
tortalncd nt tho homo of Mrs. W. I'.
, Wnlltor thla nftomoon.
O. B. McDonald, ot Portland, vislteJ
Monday ovonlng nt tho homo of his
f;mothor-ln-law, Mrs. Suo Olio.
i' Horn: To Mr. and Mrs. Cnrl Car-
Inontor who roBldoa cast of Sprlngflold,
tyostorday monilng a dnughtor.
County Clork nuesoll ha8 paid tho
bounty on two bobcat pelts to O. F.
XTlmtchdr. Springfield No. 1.
t) MIbb Alberta Murphoy of Montaguo,
California, Is visiting at tho homo ot
hor aunt, Mra. Hannah Hill.
Bon B, Prater a Kingston, Oklamo-
nia, hardwaro in o reliant, nnd Mrs. Pra
J tor wore visiting In tho city TuoBday.
jjf Good, Bocond-grado table potatoes
J n Wr BUIU 4U7 W1UUUUUOU 1UI uu ivnm
a sack. B. 13, Morrison, 14-18.
A. J. Porklna loft for his homo In
Portland TuoBday morning after a two
wook'a visit with relatives and frionds
Now is the time
to buy the boy
some new shoes
before the prices
Hesey Tomsolh, thu small son of
Peter Tomsoth, who has boon sori
ously III with pnoum6nla, In Improv
ing slowly.
Joseph Jamea of Lebanon, W. A.
Heck, Hoy Iand, and Loo Land of
Vldn, wcro registered at tho Kllto ho
tel yesterday.
..Buy Useful Presents for your family
and friends for Xnias and pcoplo will
have n good opinion of your judgment,
1 have thorn. J. (J. Uolbrook.
Dora Kelson of Coburg, In staying
at tho homo of Mrs. Emily Slovens,
who Is con (I nod to her heme on ac
count of nine-no.
Mr. nnd Mro. C. C. Coblno wora
down from Wcndllng this morning.
Thoy report tho snow to be. 14 Inches
deep at Camp 10,
William Harnett of ThurBton wa8 In
town yesterday purchasing blasting
powder from E. E. Morrison which
will bo used on his farm.
Mrs, Susan Olio returned yesterday
aftor nn extended visit In Ohio, Kan
Ban, and Montnna, where hIio visited
with relatives and friends.
Mrs. Mary C. McQlll left for Donna
Monday whom sho Is caring for Mrs,
Homer Gntku who Is recovering fro.n
a recent Illness.
I. K. Hebmen, circulation manager
of tho Kugenc Dally duard, was a
buslneBS visitor two or threo days tho
first of tho week.
A rango, heater, rug, rocker, sow
ing mnchlno and many other articles
in my storo will make your wife hap
py and homo brighter. J, C. Holbrook.
Miss Hazel Glndcstona who Is tho
regular planolst at tho Boll thtatre, as
sisted Mr. White In Marcola Friday
night nt tho formal opening ot tho
Normnn Byrne nnd Clinton Conloy
mombor8 of tho'Unlvorslty of Oregon
band, wont to Croswoll, whoro a con
cort wax given, by the organization,
lust evening.
Mrs, I. II. Blgelow of this city who
underwent nn operation nt the Kugono
hospital Tuesday morning, wag), re
ported at tho hospital this mornllig
to bo doing nicely.
Cupid Klour"f2.00. Othors ask $2.40.
Johnson's Boat $1.70. Others nuk
$1.80. Every sack guaranteed. Why
pay moro? Springfield Food Com
pany. W. C. Miller, John McGec of Lobn
non, A. D. Harper of Wcudling ,nnd
Mrs. H. Smeod and small son of Wal
torvllle, wore Btaylng at thu Spring-
lold hotel yesotrdny.
A baskotbnll gamo will bo put on
by a Sprlngflold Christian church team
and -a team from tho Atlas club in
Eugene at tho Y, M. C. A. building
The gamo bogins at 9 o'clock.
A genoral Invitation is given to at
tond u dance nt (ho Jasper hall on
Saturday ovonlng, Docombor 30. Tho
bills, which aro out today, announce
"boat of music, and frco supper."
Evorott Wllkorson who has boon em
ployed by tho Booth-Kelly Lumbor
W. A. Hall
Fifth and Main
company for the past six months,
signed his position and will Icavo iff
a fow .days for tho uppor McKcnzld.
John Owens of Hambrook, Califor
nia, who has boon Btaylng at tho ftllto
hotel for tho past fow days, yester
day monilng left for Washington, I)
O., whoro ho has a govormont position.
Good roltablo flro Insurance. No s
sossmcntn; no membership foo. Pay
on co and you aro deno. II. E. Walker
t Uio City Wall.
O. W. Carson is putting in two back
windows and tinting tho Inside of tho
Fry nnd Itankln building on Main
ttroot between Third and Fourth. Tho
halt will bo used for dances at times,
during tho winter,
Xmns Seals nnd Sllckeri. nt Poory's
J. S. Bcntloy, who was unfortunate
In breaking bin leg while employed In
tho mill at Corvallls tho last of July,
Is now nblo to walk with tho aid of
Mis Mario DoPuo of this city Is
among tho 34 musicians that have re
cently signed up to play Instruments
In the Eugeno Symphany orchestra.
Miss DoPue plays tho violin.
Tho Emanon Ladles will servo a
ton cent tea at tho bazaar on Satur
day, Docombor 1C, one door west of
Swarts and Washburno's meal mar
ket. 2L
Mrs. W. E, St. John, a farmor resi
dent of this section, Is visiting at the
homo of her sister, Mrs. M. C. Dress
lor. Mrs. St. John now residing on
a homestead near Crcsscnt.
F. G. Adams, of Lebanon, who has
been employed as Interior decorator
nnd stcncilor on tho now Methodist
Episcopal ctiurch building during its
construction, has gono to Marshfleld.
Dalse Beckett Mlddloton of this city
Is a member of tho qunrtet for the
beautiful cantata, "Tho Christ Child"
'by Hawley, which Is to bo given at
tho Methodist church In Eugene on
tho evening or Sunday, December 24.
..... , . , , ,
Nifty perfumes In boxes at Pccry i
' '
Clarence Fandrem has resigned his
position" as dollveryman for George B.
DoitIb, of Brook Farm dairy, and
will lenvo for California in tho near
future. L, A. Hoover, ot West Spring
field, will tako charge of the milk
Mrs. M. W. Balrd, a visiting nurse i
of Eugene, was here this morning to
'nttend llttlo Douglas Hatch, the son
of Mr and Mrs, W. D .William Hatch,,
who la 111 with nnoumonln. The oth-
i "
or children nro Buffering with whoop-
I ii i- cnnpn
... w... i iio, me vuuiiiiuu uuuuii jjubtsuu ur-
dlnnnco No, 432 Iovylng an assess-
Four girls, members of tho Metho- ment for the Improvement of the said
dlst Episcopal church sunday school ' Mreot by grading and macadamlz-
class, of which Mrs. IL G. Van Valzah ' ,nB-the, san;- and he said assessment
. ' , . was entered upon the Docket of Town
is teacher, aro tho proud possessor ; LIens on tho 13U, day of DecemDer
of now Bibles which they received 191G.
Sunday ns gifts for regular attendance I By the terms of tho Charter tho
and well prepared lessons. . j W assessment Is now due and must
' bo paid on or before the 13th, day
Tho Ladles of tho Christian church of January 1017. or Uie property .will
.... , , ..,, . o, , I bo sold for tho payment thereof; Pro-
will hold a bazaar and food sale Sut-v(,ed( howoveriV BllnlI bo ,awful for
urdny, December 16, one door west i tjl0 owner or any property so assess
or Swarts nnd Washburne's meal mur- j od for such Improvement in the sum
ket. 2t,
After an absenco from his pulpit
or sovornl weeks, Pastor V. N. Ferris
will speak at both services on tho
coming Lords day, December 17th.
Sco church announcements for topics
to be discussed .
Ed Lovulctt, who has been an in
mnto of tho local hospital for the past
six weeks, was down town Friday for
tho first tlmo since his injury. Mr.
Lovulott had a narrow escapo froia
' losing big arm, which was struck by a
bolt while a woodsaw was In operation,
Mr. Wilkinson of Croswell Is mov
ing with his wlfo nnd children to the
ranch recently rented from Hugh San
Bathe by E. E. Morrison. Tho plnco
lis above Haydon Brldgo on tho Mo
'Kenzlo river, nnd hns boon rented by
!Mr. Morrison for a term of three years
Xmns boxes at Peery's
A. Mlddloton, who attendod the fun
eral ot his father at Lancaster, Ohio,
land haa since been visiting with hU
relatives in that city and at tho homo
ot Mrs. Mlddloton's parents, Mr. nnd
Mrs. F. M. Beckott, in McConnolsvlllo
Leather is
the upward trend
Have some good
values for
7 v
Ohio, Is ozpectcd homo about Decern'
bcr 10 or 20, Mr. Mlddloton will
havo been absent six weeks.
U. G, McKlhancy, who resides near
Sprlngflold, on Kugono rural route
No.' 2, who went to Watertown, S. D.,
with his family somo tlmo ago, la re
ported to havo undcrgono a surgical
oporatlon In a hospital there recent
ly. Gcorgo Levlsay, It Lebanon has rJ
colved tho contract to Install tho heat'
Ing plant for two now houses of Miss
Margaret Morris on Second nnd B
stroots. Mr. Livcsay Installed tho
heating system in the new Methodist
Tho Methodist Ladles' Aid held Its
regular weekly meeting In tho church
yesterday afternoon. At that tlmo
business planfl wore discussed which
will ho made public as soon as some
thing definite Is decided. About 15
ladles were present.
I have somo beautiful oil hand paint
ed pictures, on heavy canvass at a
very rcawonablo Christmas price. S03
them. J. C. Holbrook.
Tho Epworth League of tho Meth
odist church will hold its annua) busi
ness meeting and social at tho new
church Saturday evening at 7:30. All
of tho young people or this commun
ity are Invited to be present. There
will bo entertainment and amusement
for all.
James Mundcll, whose homo Is at
Waltervillo, and who has been work
ing In a Booth-Kelly camp near Wend,
ling, was brought to the Eugene hos
pital with a broken arm and a bad cut
on his face. The breaking of a.
logging lino was the canse of the ac
cident. Oregon Now Has 36 Counties.
Oregon's 3Cth county camo into e
lstcnco yesterday, when Gov. Withy,
combo proclaimed the result of the
voto on a measure constituting De
schutcs county out of a portion of
- Cook county. Tho measure decree
i . ... , . , .
:Ing the change was adopted by the
'voters of tho area affected at the
November election. Bend will be the
countj seat ot Deschutes county.
?ttfA la 1ioiaYiv Hvon tr tftn nvnoro .
0f property liable for the Improve-
jnentof South Second Street from
tho center line of South "E" Street
.. u nit.. t c?
flcW 0r'egon t,mt Dccember 12tlt.
! n.M . . n r- . , 1 -. '
of $25.00 or more, nt any time with
In ten days after tho first publication
of this notice, which ten days will
explro on the 25th. day of December
1910, to file with tho Town Itccorder
a written application to pay the said
assessment in ten annual installments.
In accordance with the Bancroft Act.
The owner ship, description of pro
perty nnd amount of assessment are
as follows:
Carrie Olness and G. E. Erickson.
Tho east 1G0 foot of, Tract "A", Will
ametto Heights Addition to Spring
field, Oregon, $10G.4G.
Carrie Olnes and G. E. Erickson,
Beginning at the northeast corner of
Tract "A" Willamette Heights Ad
dition to Sprlngflold, Oregon; thenco
north 33 feet; thence west 1C0 feet;
thenco south 33 feet and thence east
1G0 feet to placo of beginning, $15.54.
Sadie M. Perkins, Tho irnst 160
feet of the North 249.3 feet of Tract
"B" In Wlllametto Heights Addition
to Springfield, Oregon, $117.43.
Herbert Derrick, Lot 3 In Block
2, $8.43.
Herbert Derrick, Lot 4 In Block
2, $GG.93.
William and Junla K. Deals, Lot,
5 in Block 2, $33.17.
F. S. Allen. Lot 0 in Block 2. $33.72
All of tho flhnve beln'c In Wlllametto
Heights Addition to Springfield, Ore
gon. Fred It. Waters, Beginning nt tho
northwest corner of lot 1 in block 4
ot the Willamette Heights Addition
to Springfield, Oregon; run thenco
east 130 feet; thence south G3 feet;
thenco west 130 feet and thenco north
iGSeet to the place of beginning, $33.54
J. A. Youngrecn, Beginning at tho
southwest corner of lot 1 In block 4
Wlllametto Heights Addllon to Sprlng
flold, Oregon, jun thenco oast 133
feet; thenco north 63 feet; thenco
west 133 foot; thenco south G3 feet
to tho placo ot beginning, $31,72,
John C. Mullen, West half of lot
1 in block 4 in Willamette Heights
Addition to Springfield, Oregon, ex
cept tract sold to Fred It. Waters,
described in deod record Vol. 91, page
196 pt Lnno County, Oregon, $.56.
C. A. Machen. Tho north ono half pt
the west ono half of lot 2 in block 4
In Wlllametto Holghts Addition to
Srrlngfleld, Oregon, $31.36.
All of tho aforesaid lots nnd Blocks
are In Wlllametto Heights Addition
to tho Town of Springfield, Oregon.'
Date of first publication, December
14th, 191G. '
Town "Rocordor.
Doe. 14, 21.
I will open a general
Saturday, December 16,
with good supply of best
Flour, Feed, Hay, Grain and Seeds
Creamery Block, Between Fifth and Sixth on Main
Your patronage will be appreciated
Christmas Suggestions
We have on display many articles that make ap
propriate Xmas Gifts.
Look at some of these
Solid Gold Rings" -
Scarf Pins
Cuff Buttons
Tie Clasps
Gold Filled Pencils
Lodge Emblems
Hand Painted China
D. W. ROOF, Jeweler
Springfield Racket Store
Is open for business. Here is the
place to purchase Dolls, Toys,
China, Crockery, Kitchen Ware
and Candies for Christmas.
Come in and look around.
Springfield Racket Store
Main Streot'Between Third and Fourth.
"Kepner Building"
Dress Up for Christmas
All $15.00 Suits now $9.50
All $12.50 Suits now $8.00
This is your chance to get a good warm dress suit.
Big reductions on hats and shirts. Nqw snappy
ties for Christmas Gifts.
j ,
Beef Boils.., J..1.10 and 12 oents pound., j
Good Steaks , , 12 Wt cents pound, j
Pork 18 o6ia' pound.
Sausage 15 cents pound, 2 pounds J?5 cents.
Veal J...12, and 16 cfcnts pound.
PEOPLE'S MARKET Chas. Hardt, Prop.
. Ivory-Sets
"Watches ,
Cut Glass
Silver Ware
Waterman Pens:
Pearl Knives