The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, January 03, 1916, Image 4

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(Continued from Pago 2)
parent cuiutHiity nuu muuu tiwuu va
. an Invariable SI per cent of all branch
organizations. However, he was not
ready for their capital.
Thoughtful figuring on -the part of
the Clnderburg capitalists.
The American Dnng Sun Engine
Manufacturing company was a differ
ent matter. It was a larger concern. In
corporated for a quarter of n million
dollars. It would, if nil went well, de
velop into n business of enormous ex
tent, perhnpi the most Important man
ufacturing proposition In the world.
Gentlemen, the main factory and the
headquarters of this monster organiza
tion were to be Instituted and held In
Clnderburg, making this beautiful little
city jone of the mot Important com
mercial centers In the middle west!
Wild applause.
There was no necessity for pointing
out the advantages of Investment In
the Clnderburg Bang Sun Engine.
Light, flcat and Tower comimny.
Equally obvious, he thought, were the
fcdrnntagw of luvestmoLt hi the Amer
ican Ban:; Sun Engine Manufacturing
company, for it would manufacture all
'the sun engines used In the United
States. However, he was not yet ready
for capital In this company. -A
magnificent suit of offices was
j t u vuui,-ft Mute AUVOt ,vvm
- and most Imposing skyscraper. In the
meantime Watllngford set Mr. Bang at
work upon some minute models of the
wonderful Bang sun engine, not over a i
foot In length and sis Inches In width
and two Inches In depth, neat and beau-
tiruny giiueu. ana tnese supported tue
tiniest Imaginable of buzzers mere
shreds of tongues which alternated be
tween tiny electric magnets and after
, these had been set in the sun for a
short while they each set up a keen,
sharp, small, high note, like an Infant
cricket's, which snoke volumes for the
Tronuers mat tue big macnines could
J Then Mr. Wallingford went to Mr.
Morley at the Commercial bank nnd
exposed the full breadth of his chest
and shoulders, the full pinkness of bis
round face, the full radiance of his
confident smile.
"Morley," said he In the pleasant
tone of one requesting n match from a j
boon companion. "I want to borrow n
checking account of $3,000."
"Glad to accommodate you," said Mr.
Morley, his gray face wreathing In an
. unctuous smile.
;Vell." said Wnlllngford. smiling. "I
' guess "I'll offer you some International
Bang Sun Engine stock."
if. ir..inM I . . t . i I. . , i
-Hi. .uuiic auvvn uis ui'uu uuu titl
ed Mr. Wallingford in kindly reproof.
"While that stock Is undoubtedly of
high worth, it Isn't collateral Mr. Wal
' ffinrih1i vnliin nml In ffi.f 1a lint rmi
issued by an operating concern."
"Oh. I see." said Wallingford. smll- i
Ing. j
"Xo; I don't believe you do,"- returned !
Mr. Morley. complimenting himself in- j
ternally for being a devil of, a sly fel!
low nnd an iueenlous one. "'Ei'en I I
personally woultl not care to loan mon- j
i, Mr. Wallingford's face apparently j
' fell. In reality he heaved an. Inward i
elgh of satisfaction. "You would not''" j
be inquired in a crestfallen tone.
"So," insisted Mr. Morley. nnd then
he smiled ingenuously and placed his ;
band In friendly confidence upon Mr. '
"Wallingford's knee. "I might, how- j
ever, consider the purchase outright of j
n block of It if the price were made at-1
tractive." . !
"The International stock is not for 1
U111L DUiU rill) .1 W, U -5 ... UUU
"Now. look here. Wallingford." pro
tested Morle.v. "sit down. Of course I
Know you ve roaue your money uy iook
ing out for the main chance. I under-
stand that you hold personally only
five shares of stock each in the local
company nnd In the manufacturing ;
company, but you hold almost 5.000
shares of stock m the parent company,
which will hold 51 per cent of the stock
In every other branch company ever
formed, which will In addition collect it
cash llAn?e premium from all other
branch companies and take u dollar
royalty for every" sun engine unit man
ufactured during the life of your over
lapping patents, which means indefi
nitely. Your patent company. Mr. Wal
lingford, Is a greit scheme for making
Standard Oil look tike a small retail
concern. But In the meantime the
Commercial bank will be In a position
to do a great many favors for all three
of your companies. For instance, you
say the International has no treasury
stock' for, sale." ,
"No." Wallingford assented.
"Then when It gcta. ready to extend
Its business it will need funds."
"Not at all," denied Wallingford.
"The premiums if receives for the es
tablishment of new local branches will
carry on all Its necessary expenses.
Later on patent litigation may take
quite a bit, but that cannot come be
!,.,.,. i t .. . .. u i -.. . .
may not know that 10 per cent of In
ternational's receipts from all sources
is to go into u sinking fund for patent
and patent litigation alone."
"Correct," said Morley. nodding his
uentt in ueciueu approval, "mat snowa
your shrewd wisdom, the fnrsigbted
business principles, Mr. Wallingford,
which have made you what you aro
and which huvo Inspired the con-
donca, at .business ineh in you,
and he looked anew at Mr. Walling
ford's well fed, vvlt 'Irrigated nnd well
groomed bum. "l will buy some or that
stock rlskt now, Mr. Walllugford. Fire
thousand dollars' worth."
"Von -will ne-U" decided tho great
capitalist angrily and Btalked out. re
fusing to turn at Morlcy's urgent call.
Morley followed hltu to the entrance to
tho bank.
Wallingford, listening comfortably to
his big auto chugging nwny down nt
tho curb, sat waiting for the time to
arrive when he should go to the train to
meet the girls and looked about the
magnificent olllces of tho International
Bang Sun Engine company with much
satisfaction. A visitor coming Into this
abode of commercial wealth found him
self In n splendid anteroom, (loo red
with n rich rug and furnished with
heavy riemlstl furniture. Beyond, sejv
aratcd by a Flemish railing, were neat
ly attired girl.. Indexing nt top speed
from huge Bradstreet book possible
promoter of branch Bang Sun Engine.
Wght. Heat and Tower companies all
jer tho United States. To the left was
a big board room with a long, green
topped tabl nnd heavy Flemish chairs
In solemn rows about It and neat llttlo
pads of bo. d (in per and a patent Ink
well nnd pens and pencils lu frout of
each chnit To the right were- two
splendidly fitted private rooms, lettered
resectlve!.' "Mr. Bang" nnd "Mr. Will
llngford." Here was n solid, golfg con
cern: one founded upon n rock: one
which was ousy with the click of type
writers and the Indescribable thrill of n
vastly successful enterprise; one that
Morley Follswed Him to the Entrance
to the Bank.
was an absolute and perfect picture of
constantly Inflowing streams of money
real, spendable money.
Into thl-j hive of golden activity
came, with n quick, nervous step, nn
extremely ministerially garbed man.
tall and slender; his eyes and hair a
black as his Prince Albert and as
siiluy as his silk hat. This gentleman,
refusing tp send in his name, pushed
breezily into the inner sanctum and
slapped J. Itufus on the broad back.
"You'ie pinched for loitering In a
KTaveyard." he announced.
"Ucllo. Blackle!" exclaimed Wal-
"Ready for the grand tableau." said
Wallingford. closing his eyes to chuc
kle. "You're tiie ted Ore."
"All right." said Blackle, "touch a
mati-h to me."
"I'll do that on tho' way down to the
tralir." returned .T. Rufus. "Tho glrV-i
are cdralng."
"That's, why I'm, hero, ahead of
time," grinned Blackle.
The chauffeur was not visible when
they reached the sidewalk, nnd after
honking the horn a few times. Wal
lingford nnd Blackle climbed into the
"How's the game. J. Rufus?" asked
Daw. "Good. I guess, from the front
you put' up. Any time 1 see too much
padded leather In n new o31ec 1 shift
my wad to an inside pocket and but
ton my vest."
"Tills town swallows "em without
pinning back the wings."- declared J.
Rufus with enthusiasm, "it H com
posed of the direct descendants of the
Jonah that swallowed tho whale."
"They sure did need you, then," re
sponded Blackle with conviction. "In
that particular line you're the greatest
throat specialist on earth. I've seen
you make people swallow a line of
bunk that would gag a hippopotamus."
Further intimate conversation was
stopped by the appearaneo of tho
chauffeur, who camo through a nearby
swinging door, hastily wiping his mus
tache. When the 10:30 camo thundering in
a few moments later tho two knights
of Industry hurried back to the Tull
man, from Which thero emerged the
two beautiful Wnrden girls In exqui
site traveling suits, Fanny In brown
nnd Violet in blue. Aunt Tnttio In
gray came last, with n face full of con
cern. Thero woh no hilarious greeting, how
ever. The Warden ladies were demure
ly courteous to Mr. Wallingford, who
Introduced himself, and they suppress
ed the dunco in their eyes as Walling
ford In tho eight of such Clndcrbur
glans as wero thero assembled gravely
Introduced tho Boston millionaire. Then
tho Ovo climbed into tho nuto, nnd
tho chuuffeur, his ears reddening from
their intent listening',' drove Up' Main
street, past tlio", Commercial hank, to
tho offices of Mr, Wnlllngford and Mr,
Banc and wont over Irampdlntulv to
tell mum l. Money m cluuiuuiir ifmi
those were tho name New York women
Who had bought the option nnd that
they had come o sell tho Sun Engine
company eomo laud ntul that there was
n millionaire here that wanted to buy
the privilege of lighting and heating
and furnishing power to Boston with
Bang Sun endues and that his (the
chauffeur's) head was so full or patent
company talk Hint he didn't dure tnko
another drink or ho'd bo too dUxy to
A man so bald Hint a nearsighted
porter had onco mistaken him for tin
are lamp came Into the Commercial
Just nt the close of business and pre
seated a check drawn by Mr. Daw on
the Guarantee and Fidelity of New
York. The check was intide out to W
O. Jones, was for$100 and bore the In
Jorsement of J. Itufus Wallingford.
"This guy Daw says he ain't got any
account here." explained Mr. Jones,
"but 1 guess this guy Wulllngford's all
The names of Mr. Daw and Mr, Wnl
llngford brought Trcsldent Morley
straight over to the paying teller's win
dow. "Tho check Is perfectly good,"1 he ob
served, but he looked dubiously nt W.
0. Jones. "Do you know Mr. Daw or
Mr. Wallingford!"
Say. I know this guy Dnw like a
thief knows a fly cop." growled On-
I,.,. .Innnt. "Km- Hmn.'a 11 imp hn
bo much motley that If bo drops any
he kicks It out of the road. Say. you
f.?n i!uaLt"JiyronL ?? rn., 5S'
, him and this
' chummy ns
. otie of those
Jget two-thlrt,
jir. .Money
half hour nftcr Mr. Jones had left him.
then he walked slowly out of the sldo
door of the bank and went over to
Wallingford's hotel. In the bar he
walked slowly over to Mr. Wnlllng
ford and received nn Introduction to
Mr. Daw nnd greeted that Bostdu mil
lionaire with great effusiveness, nnd
hivlted him to dinner, nnd hastily de
clined an Invitation to a drink.
lie was not a drinking man. Dana T.
Morley: ho wa3 a teetotaler, but ou hla
way homo he bought some whisky nnd
! bid It from his wife, who was moro of
guj vwiiiingroru nro as .... m , frnu'im . . . ' . . ....... .!... .t... i kt on ir..t.... mi 1 i
n nnlr of sines Sav snllt ... . ............... ........... UCCcnscu, oy DOlllg SlfUClt y UtU '" ihuiiiokivuib
n pair ui apes. rjj, spue forL-nt to st hit i in for the ex-1... ,.....n.. l,i,i I.. m. t,...i...
bills, will you. so I cnu ' " ,.,! i vcnver s nuiomoone, uimiiy.ue- ' tv ninnwi.
"Ut ' -Oh. no we mn-ir and Violet gig- M"!'PwraB M
was iiiuugiidiii lornioug
"Tho check is pcrtoetiy oood ho ob- mate, a girl of 9, from drowning flulfed in election of E. 13. Mor-.Lo"?' , ,
served. iin tho Santiam river. rlsoii over C. L. Scott incum-1. T !l,yoar closctl with five
a teetotaler than he. When tho Boston I The logs from the Coburg mill , bent, for mayor, and the re-elec- ,1,lcl,es of frc8h BQW
millionaire came Mr. Morley dragged ,to be hauled here. jtion of Councilmen J. W. Cofiln Motiro ft Wntor rnnollmo
him into the library nnd jiroduted tho Aug. 2, County Superintend- and M. M. Peery, Recorder II. E. t'co t0 Wator Consumers
whisuy and poured two tumblers nnd 'ents' report shows 12,044 pupils (Walker and Treasurer, Miss Lil- Water consumers aro asked
emntied his drink into a tall vnso When 'in Lane Countv. ' ,llnn P.rtrrlo Tlio nr.llnniinn rnr- nt t IOaVO faUCOtS OpCll to lirC-
Mr. Duw was not looking. Mr. Duw !
took one Kip and choked nnd emptied
his drink lu the vnso when Mr. Morley
was not looking. lietwcen them they
emptied two bottles in this fashion,
and both men wero very drunk that
is. to tho outward eye. Then Mr, Mor
ley leaned flabbily on the arm of Mr.
Daw's cbnlr and said:
"Is there no way, friend Daw, , in
which a man with money to Invest
could secure somo of that parent com
pany stock?" , ,
Placklo Daw grinned loosely. , FJo
cast an unstable eyo at the celling nnd
winked his profound, wisdom. IIo
snickered, and ho smacked Mr. Morley
a resounding smnck on tho top of his
head a resounding smack with bis
open palm.
"Becher life," he mumbled thickly,
and ho winked again. "Goanu buy it
myself." Another prodigious wink.
Classified Ads
For Sals, Rent, Wanted, Etc.
FOR RENT Furnished house
keeping rooms. Call E. E. Lee,
Second Hand Store, 88'tf
LOST Signet ring with letter
"B". Finder please leave at
News office. 91
LOST White kid glovo! black
stitching. Finder leave at the
News office. ' .94
"Tho WArdeti Kirht took phfont com
pnny stock for Ihotr land. But they
wanted each." Another while, "Scot"
Another wink. "Tin goatm buy it my
self." Laughing hilariously nt this good
Joke, Blncklo Daw roo and wandered
out Into tho night nlr. Morley grabbed
his hut. At tho library door he met
Mrs. Morley, whose iioso wont straight
"DntM." she shrilled, "what Is this
I smell?"
"Whisky!" he snapped, and danhedj
out or tue rront door.
Ho was on tho dead run when ho
overtook nnd pawed Blacklo Daw, nnd
ho was out of breath when ho sent up
his card to the Warden ladles nt their
hotel. When he came down ho had
that stock In tho parent company!
"Fine work!" chuckled .1. ltufim Wnl
llngford as Fanny Warden vigorously
crossed tho name of Dnnn T. Morley
from tho little hook,
"It was tho Boston mllllonnlro who
did tho trick." exulted Blacklo.
"Yes, It was." admitted Wnlllngford.
considering the matter from a ttclontlflc
standpoint. "Without that Morley
wouldn't hare bought tin much ns $70,
000 worth."
"Ho wanted $100,000 worth," suggest-
1 Auijt Tattle thoughtfully. "But I
wouldn t hare sold him moro than the
WHUUlll lie IIWCS UIO UliniCH CNiniO
I von If we had had It."
'We'll Instruct Kd Bong to come
. . , ',, .. ainnnrt
i wortb" ,,uk,,w1 Wniiiwrfoiii. "Then
gtcd as she uiiHiiapped her hand bag
"I'm getting tt be n llnaneler myself
it was my happy little Idea to sell
Dana T. Morley Ihe.liMl.ince of our op
tions ou future sun spots!" And she
triumphantly laid lu WnlllngfordV
tin ml. which already held i Morley'
check for $70,000. his further check
for S20.000.
"RhnVe. pal!" shouted Blackle. mid
she dodged him.
See this Story Pic-
ran cxtieriment nn rest or n s lire, mio n nm i... r,n u i.-,.iiv a unn nt tun imniii- vn v tiitinnr u iv
tnnVrlWrlnp;rlav;nnrl12ast Springfield for shops.
lUHZea Weanesaaysana g t 27b w s , c
nrUiircrlnvc nf onr-k krfpr
1 1 nursaays or eacn weeK
!at the Bell Theatre.
1915 a Busy Year
(Continued from Tago 1.)
buried here.
I The home of Tad Tomllnson
of Douglas Gardens was destroy -
ed by tire. Knott, West Springfield, entirely winror.
Springfield passed a quiet destroyed by fire. I Dcc 1 J M. McPhoreoh, a
Fourth. I Oct. 7. Lane County Voter- veteran employe of tho Booth-
July 8. Rev. R. G. Callison, a ans met hero in a two-days re-;Ke,1' company, a well known
pioneer minister of the Christ- union. ; citizen of Springfield, died on
Ian church, tat ono time county I Oct. 14. O. W. Johnson, for- ,,m of heart falluro soon
superintendent, died while ad- mer bardware merchant hero, nftor nn nltorcation with n fel
dressing a congregation at Tur- bought C. W. Walker's lnterest .,0w workmnn.
ner on "The Pioneer Minister." Jn the hardware firm of Walker' Dec- 20- A V Skelm of Eu-
Thos. Smith, civil war veteran & Holbrook. ,rll n telocraph lineman, on n
died at Jasper, aged 80. I Cliff Lybarger sold his restaur- speeder, collide with an S.
July 15. Hundreds of Spring-'ane to Mike Edwards, of Fall traln no,ir Snringfield Junction,
field people saw the Liberty Bell Creek. "ml (,,etl " Cottage Grove that
at Eugene. I Oct, 21. Ileniy II. Smltoon, ln,'lt', ,
July 19. Levi Revere, for civil war veteran, for 30 years a ' ,R,ey val weotlnga begin at the
many years a resident of this Resident of this county died at r,r,c't" "irch undo" direction
city, engaged in the house mov- his home hero, aged 71. of u, Pastor, Rev. E. C. Wig-
ing business, died at. the county j Nov. 1. Win. II. RIcGilvray a "10r a,ul Singing Evangelist
hospital, aged G7. , farmer near Walterville, former- i" ,
Unpaved streets of the city ;lv in railroad work hero, found ; D?27' .Edward Dradloy.
oiled . dead on his doorstep. Supposed "J"-'1 'J9- woyklng on tho ground
July 2G. Annual reunion of to have died of homorrhace from nt V.' ncw n- K- burner, struck
the Seavey family at the home
of James Seavey on tho McKen -
zize River: 42 present.
July 29, Joe Clark, a bright;
Sprinefleld boy. rescued a nlav-l
Auk. 5. Snrinefleld Flour Mill
Aug. 9. In the month of July
733 cars of freight handled in 'span, for loading heavy timbers "t gmiran too fire protection un
tho Springfield yards. ! authorized for the Booth-Kelly , IoBtB tho Pmct,c0 of leaving fau-
Aug. 12. Council wrestling 'mill. lcetB 9n.on t0 Prevent freezing is
with the billboard problem. I
Aug, 19. In nursurance of
plans adopted at a mass meeting
a free camp ground for automo-
one tourists was opened. Simon
Kiovdaiu. of JSngene, tendered
his garage building and half
block of ground for the purpose,
zi'e river: 42 present..
Mrs. Louisa J. Scott, of Lan
dax, connected and well known
here, died there,' aged 83.
abottko pTJhh JYehe n aqaJt
tor sometime a
resident of
Springfield died at Walterville
from the effects of Injuries re
ceived by being thrown from a
buggy. Age about GO.
Aug. 2G. Odd Fellows of the
county joined in a picnic at
West Springfield.
Rev. W. N. Ferris assumes
pastorate of Baptist' church.
Springfield's auto carnp be
coming popular,
Aug. 30. M. J, Powell thresh
ed 1300 bushels of oats from 20
Auto truck loaded with lum
ber for Coburg broke through
the McKenzie River bridge.
Former Pennsylvanlans hold a
picnic at West Springfield; ' '
Sept, G. James A. Ebbert,
("THE qaOP 0UP8K
, t a nine ao you'uu r-
COME ups, come downs, tho quality of W-B CUT
Chewing tho Real Tobacco Chew, new cut, long
shred, is always the same. Rich tobacco means less
ftrlndlnil, Icti plttlniJ, a better chew, longer chew and aimflZcliew
takee tho plaoo ot tho bl wad that men had to put up with ia the
ordinary kind.
Get a pouch. Clvo It a quality teal. f )
(toUe haw lb lt brlagt out th rltl lobtcca tfttU"
Mtfa If WETMAN-BRUtON COMPANY, 59 Ualoai Sqwt. Kw Ywlt Oty
nloncor nntl wcnlthy. mnn, died
ut ils farm homo near Spring-
Held, aged S3.
Kntit n nr vviillnm u.l
K-nttw n,wl or Ai-tlnn- vu A V
nnd Albert Weaver for Injurlea
Sept. 111. T. J. Brabham, civil m place or Jiov. J. T. Moore, nb
wnr veteran, aged 81, old resl- sent on account of sickness,
denf of Lauo County, tiled at I Dec. 2. Council fixes 101(1
Deadmond's Ferry. tax lovy at 17 mills.
Sept. 10. Albert S. Walker, a ' Mill employes present John
resident of Oregon 02 years, first .Toinseth, retiring superintend
mayor of Springfield, died at his cut. with gold watch and chain,
homo here aged GO. The funeral I Hitches In council over con
was conducted by Rev. T. L. Urination of appointments.
Jones, a schoolmate. i Due. 6. Foundation laid for
Sopt. 20. Tho S. P. company Inrtjo now refuso burner tit tho
boutrht 20 acres more land In . Booth-Kelly mill.
formed to raise, buy and sell seed
tatoes incori)omtor8i B. E.
Morrison, SprlngllolU: A. M. Fis- frnves to lane cnargc oi uio
cher, Corvallls; II. W. Whltacrc.lMnrcola Methodist circuit.
Seattle. ! Dec. 0. Cecil Horning, ono of
Bushwell Brothers hophouso th" contractors wrecking tho did
northwest of Springfield, do- refuse burner at tho B.-K. mill,
stroyed by lire, supposed to be"1' trom " ''nicht of 100 feet,
incendiary. was caught 25 feet below, and
Tnc Qf tne nte jnmcg A
Ebbort devises nearlv half a mil -
Hon dollars.
! Oct. 4. Home of Claude
diabetes. Aged 52.
1 Mrs. Lucy Cranmer, liromin -
cut in state and local G. A. R.
work, dies suddenly.
November 4. Cltv election re-
ItiliHnir litnnvK nnd ntlmr nnJyont freezing. Nearly all serV-
veyances was sustained.
Nnv 11 A nrnnn nf tin.fnnt
John Tomseth, for several
vears sunorlntendent of tho lo
leal mill of the Booth-Kelly Co.,
resigns to take a similar place
at Weed, California.
n to c,.,no tn,ior, i,i oini"unu "r uiuir kiiiuiiuhh uur-
acre farm near Donna to A, La-j "8 the las llness , and at tjio
throp for a smaller farm hear ftct lth f" l rl?'h'$tr
Natron, and other property. To-1 ' fr&??ffi ftu j? "JSX
tal involved, $17,500. Jlfr,(md8 f0r th 1,0ral offor"
Snvnntenn SnrlnEflelfl stn-
-- ------ - O"
dents m state, university.
Nov. 15. McKee Bros, sell the
Third-street meat market to Jas,
Stewart of Springfield and Chas
Taylor of Cottage Grdvc.
Now mayor, E. .Morrison,
native of Oregon, 3G years old,
Nov. 18, B. F. Opsal of Prlco,
Utah, a stranger hero, run over
and killed by Willamette-Pacific
gravel train. Aged GO years.
, Fire burned out roof nnd rear
partition of old Mt, Hood sa
loon. Snrlngfleld Planing mill in
stalls lights for long day runs.
Chas. Barkman sells stock In
Springfield Creamery to Horbst
& Cyr, of'Bellingham.
Nov. 22, J3eoQml.carvBh9rJ'
age retarding lumber shipments
from Springfield and Wondling.
i Nov. U5. "Kconomy and luir-
niony" the keynotes of tho new
mayor'H Inaugural address.
OuH. Iledmoutl. a new einnlovo
was HOVorelv mill A. C. TrnvlH
slightly hurt by sliding timbers
Rnlnfall during Novombor
Jtwlco tho normal. Some every
Rv. ra. g. Lamiin of seaitio
uHcnpuu wiui a oroiten Biiouiuor.
1 Dec. 13. Hauling of gravel
01,1 'o Notron pits for tho
Willamette - Pacific suspended
?", nenU ,)y n ,),ock of W00(l
'Vn'n,,r fro,m 1Q conveyor, and
,d,c'1 " f?w hours.
1JLC' ;w- A- ' I'eruinB ereet-
inK " six-room house for W. N.
;ices are nrovldcd with drain
I. Ill II It
' VIIIVUH ill lliu mUUWUlu, VVO Cat!
, 8loPPcu.
We wish to thank our mariy
,I...1 e il.l t.,.,.1
Dopartmont of tho Interior, ,
U. S. Land Office at Itosoburg, Oro
gon, December 22, 191C,
Notice Is horohy given that William
A? Taylor, of LandnxrOrogon, who,' on
Decombor 21, 1012, mado Homestead
entry Sorlal No. 0S288, for SW4 ; Soc.
tion 1)2, Township IDS, Itnngo 1 Bast
Will. Morlclah, has filed notlco of Inton
tion to make Pnnl Thrco- your Proof,
to establish claim to tho land
nhovo doflcrlbod, boforo I. I Ilowllt,
U. S. Commissioner, Kugono, Orogon,
on tho Oth day of Fobrurny, 1Q10.
Claimant namca as wltnoBsoa: Loyd
McMaator, Lowell, Oro. Ora Cartqr,
of Lowell, Oro.j Lanzy Wlnfroy, of
Lowell, Oro, Frank McMaator, of
Lowell, Ojp. ,
Dec. 23 Vo. 3. Register.