Eaton Crane's Rose Point Initial STATIONERY 33 CENTS A BOX fGome and cc our line, whijc vc have all the letters of the alphabet. Y Day nnd Night Phono 31 : Tales of-the Town J Hear tho now Edison Disc Phonographs nt Pcory'8. Pressed chicken, pressed vcnl, crabs, smelt, nl the Fish mar hot. 70-77 0 Albert Ploch of Mnrcolu was In Springfield transacting buul noflH today. Charles Gilbert of Sawtcllc, California, is visiting his daugh ter, Mrs. J. E. Richmond. Horn On Tuesday, October 10, ,1916, to Mr. nnd Mrs. J. P. Ames of Wsct Springfield, a eon. r'Room for rent to gentleman In private family. Well ventilated and nicely furnished. Call at this olllce, Mrs. .leanette IUclmrdsoji went to Cottage Grove this morning to visit her son, Carl Richardson. ; ' ;lSdltor W. A. Dill and family moved tills wbolc from Seventh and D streets' to Eighth and C, occupying the house recently vacated by, James Cox and fam ily. . . Mnrshal Stanlgcr this week In spected all the sewers of the town nnd clenned out four or live manholes ho that there will bo no danger of clogging when the fall rains set in. A colt became frightened at the Coburg train a mile north of town this morning nnd, ran. against a barbed wire fence with such force that its throat was cut and it bled to death. Rev. W. N. Ferris of the Uap tist church will discuss next Sunday the following practical themes: "The Man who Would Not Come Down," and "The Man Who Did." Mrs. Ferris will give a special reading in the evening srvice. W. A. Kuhlman of Portland, representing the Vulcan Coll Co. of Lps Angeles, was In Spring field today installing an X-ray apparatus for Dr. R. P. Morten sen. The apparatus Is of largo capacity and adds materially to the doctor's up-to-date equipment. Grocery Buying Doesn 't Require the time and thought and attention that it used to. Nowadays, at this modern store, we take care of the "worry part" of your grocery buying we stand be- , tween you and impure foods and un desirable goods, and the cost is no " more than for inferior goods, - ; Get the Habit of Trading Here. 1 : Colgate's Talcums lGc at Pocry'w, Cash Mead was down from Waltorvlllo Wednesday., , r Thero wore two cars of pota toes shipped cast this week, by the Wcsco'Sccd Co. Ed Whlltaker of Thurston was In Springfield Tuesday receiving trcatmont for a lamo wrist. Having rented the cafotofr la, hnvo moved my fofllco' up stairs In the front rooms. J. P. Fry, r Monday was "White Stocking Day" at the Lincoln school, and the date was duly observed by the girls of the three upper grades. Professor South of Portland was in Springfield Wednesday morning on business. Prof. South Is a violin instructor and has a class in Eugenq. Miss Mary Roberts, who un derwent an operation at the Springfield hospital several weeks ago, ia now able to be up and about her homo. Trv n wink of DnnRtor Flour. If you arc not satisfied we will call for It and give your money back. $1.20 per sack, $4.70 a barrel. COX & COX. ' John Kcstley, Harry Whitney and Henry McCullom made a trip east of towa Tuesday morn ing nnd in an hour secured Ave fine birds. Good reliable fire Insurance. No assessments; no membership fee. Pny once and you are done. II. E. Walker at the City Hall. p V The house on Second street, near South A street, owned by Henry Stewart of Eugene, nnd occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Er neBt Lyons, has jUBt been re painted. Flour special for pext week. Johnbon's Rest $1.20 or $4.70 per bbl. Cupid $1.4$ or $5.70. bul All old wheat stock at new wheat prices. Potatoes 70 cents cwtj Springfield Feed Co. A spring in the front part of the larger of the two motor busses was broked Tuesday af ternoon, b.u't repairs, were soon made and the regular Bervice very sopn maintained.' The Grange will give a ben efit dinner on Saturday, Octob er 23 at the Snrlngfleld grange hall.' Meals 25 cents; children under 12 years of age, 15 cents. Everybody invited. James Winfrey, who has been working in the Geo. Nicolle log ging camp at Landax above Lo well, was brought down Tues dav to have his hand treated. While logging his hand caught in a chain and tore one of the fin gers off. o r j Mrs. Charles Myers this week received word from Mr. Myers in Chicago, saying that his father passed away thero last Friday. He took the body back to the home at Scottvllle, Mich igan, for burial. Mr. Myers has. been with his father for aibout three months; nnd will now re turn home. He will be accom panied by Mrs. Minnie Kahler's father, Rcltard Simmering of Pentwatcr, Michigan, who ex nects to spend the winter with his daughter. Larimer I rt t 1 ctk r i I ooctai dxptes Mrs, Alex McKlllzcy will bo the hostess of the Prlscilla club at its meeting tomorrow. V A most enjoyable reunion of former Hart, Michlgcn, peoplo took place nt the homo of Dr. J. E. Richmond Sunday when S. II. Dny and Ray Phillips, who visit this . territory periodically, spent the day at tho doctor's home. Mr. and Mrs. W L. McCulIoch entertained at dinner Tuesday evening, and a pleasant evening nt Flvo Hundred followed the elegantly appointed dinner. Tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. McCul Ioch were Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Ingalls, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Knapp, Mr. nnd Mrs. Al Perkins and W. L. Williams, formerly of Los Anr gcles. Tho Pine Needle ,club held a very delightful session at the home of Mrs. H. L. Horton. Save 1-3 by buying Rexall School Tablets at Pecry's. Mrs. S. D. Cranmer, who was very sick the last of last week, is slightly Improved. Ask your neighbor about Booster Flour, $1.20 per sack, $4.70 bbl. COX & COX. Dan Gore and Steve Bowles left Tuesday for a hunting trip In the vicinity of Blue River. G. L. Humphrey, station agent at Marcola, was in Springfield today attending to business mat ters. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bryan and Mr. nnd Mrs. L D. Larimer wero out Wednesday pheasant hunt ing. William Heck, a Donria mer chant, was in Springfield on. bus iness today,, and return's home' this afternoon. .'. . Mrs. & E, lIorrlsqn underwent quite a' serious operation at the" hospital Tuesday nioritjng' but is doing nicely. CJjff'a., lunch )-opnt, under the new proprietor, is. u. Ed wards, will rpmain open until miuuigui eacu.uigni. - - Miss Helen Roberts, who has been confined to her. bed the past week with heart trouble,' Is very much Improved. No Jobbers' profit on Boost er Flour, made for and sold ex clusively by Cox & Cox. 1.20 per sack, $4.70 bbl. Frank Champ of Camp Creek arrived this morning to take a. position as chef for E. L. Ed wards' proprietor of Cliff's lunch counter. Get your re-cleaned seed grain at the Springfield Feed Store. Cheat, Winter Oats, Vetch and Field grasses. Prices lowest possible. , MIbs Edna Swarts, Miss Ella Young, Mra. McGowan, Mrs. C. E. Wheatpn, and Mrs. A. Middle ton attended, the meeting of the Eastern Star in Eugene Friday night. JUST' A MINUTE PLEASE are you. watching those old shoes?" Better have Hall the Shoe Doctor repair them and save' the price of a new pair. 5th and Main street. Airs. J. B. Sowash left Wed nesday for Monmouth, the home of her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. D. E. Stitt for n visit. M,r. Sowash is at Alaska, Washing ton, and Mrs. Sowash will jom him there at a later date. a Matty members of the Spring field Baptist church are attend ing the sessions of the state convention of the church In Eu gene this week. The following officials delegates are attending nil tho sessions; Rev. and Mrs. Ferris, Mr., and Mrs. Frank 13. Chase, Mrs. Sorenson and Atty. and Mrs. J. II. J3ower. SATURDAY SPECIAL 171b Best Sugar $1.10 Sack Best Sugar v $0.00 Spuds, 100 lb. . .' $ '.GO Round-Up Flour, sack . . . .$1.15 SNEED'S GROCERY MONEY TO LOAN on Improved farms and city property, call at my office 32 East 8th Ave, Eugone, or call Phone 868. ' " ' 'i 76tf F. J.'BERGER'.' south of town Tuesday after noon. Needlework and ssclal conversation occupied tho time and later refreshments were served. Mrs. King was the guest of tho club. Tho next ses sion will be held at tho home o Mrs. Mastcrsou on north Sev enth street. Tho first fall session1 of the Five Hundred club was held' on Wednesday afternoon nt the home of Mrs. Milton Bally. Af ter a pleasant session at cards, the hosteBS served delicious re freshments. Those present were Mrs. M. M. Pecry, Mrs. James Stewart, Mrs. Eddcase Cox, Mrs. Howard Woods (Eugene), Mrs. Frank DePue, Mrs. A. P. McKin- zcy, Mrs. O. E. Swarts, Mrs. H. W. Whitney, Mrs. C. E. Wheaton, Mrs. Bishop, Mrs. H. W. Ste wart. Guests of tho club were Msr. B. A. Washburne and Mrs. Ed. Perkins. The next session will be held at the home of Mrs. Woods In Eugene. , A new Colgato soap at Perry. Mrs. N. A. Ashworth, who has been quite ill for some time, is able to be about, and was taken to Eugene for an auto ride by J. P. Fry. Mrs. C. L. Williams of Dexter passed through Springfield yes terday on her way to Eugene to attend the meetings of the state Baptist convention. Olc Holverson,. who suffered sevrely mashed toes last week when a heavy timber fell on his foot at the Booth-Kelly Mill, is now able to be about. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cox of Marcola were In Springfield to day transacting business. They recently moved from Landax to the Mohawk valley town. - Ascoro or more of the mem- .bers of the Springfield lodge of Odd Follows will go to Walter ville tonight to attend the meet ing of the lodge there. Three canutuates are to ue mutaiea. ,'E. E. Morrison has rented the old garage building at Mill and Majn streets for the purpose of ;stdfing seed potatoes. John 'Seavey has already brought in ;i5'l0ads. ' ! j The meeting of the W. C. T. u. wm not oe nem tomorrow, owing to the Henry Smitson funeral. The union will meet Friday, October 29, at the home !of Mrs. Graves on D stret be tween Eighth and Ninth. Pratt Holverson, employed at the Swarts & Washburne meat shop, painfully lacerated Ids hand yesterday while helping unload some dressed animals. He is able to continue at work. The Coast Fork- bridge near Pleasant Hill will be completed in i the course of a week or 10 days, according to tho bridge men; The" rafters, frahie and shingling will beXstarted today or tomorrow. ? J. W. Kinman and son,' Ray, who have been Working near Coburg, spent last night in the city on their way to Mabel. Last July Mr. KInman's home near that place burned down and he goes now to rebuild it. A fine program, lasting from 1:30 until 3 will be rendered fol lowing the dinner- to be given by the Springfield Grange at their hall next Saturday. The general public is invited to at tend the dinner and the program mm i Mrs. C. E. Swarts reclved a mssage this morning announc ing the death of her sister, Mrs. Sherman Grant, In Chicago. As the funeral services are to be held Saturday, and Mrs. Swarts oould nqt there by that: tinto, she will not attempt the lourney. Tho First National bank and the United States National bank of Eugene have given notice of appeal to the circuit court from the rulings of the county board of equallzaztion as to tho 1915 assessment of their shares of stock as assessed by B. F. Keen ey, county assessor. Tho notlco has been filed with the clerk of the court nnd the case will come up for hearing In the near future., . . J. R, Job, of Venetla, has started a box factory and mill. Klamath Falls new mill of 50, 000, feet capacity is being erect ed hearModoc Point.' ( tMCfaOOP JUPPE tOCSIOTHK, SrtAHP tOPttt.) j KiWT you ARE. ' ' EX.OTHER..THAT l CMCWMWA I ' SS SSv,. ASK your dealer for W-B Cut Chewing Tobacco. It is the new "Real Tobacco Chew" cut long shred or send 10c In staaps to m. WEYMAW-BRUTOM COMPACT, SiPrfrnfr-fe. New York Cnj Following are the names of j the ladles of the G. A.R. and Re lief Corpse who attended the reunion held In Springfield last Friday: Mrs. A. Is. Baker, Montrose, Colo.; Mrs. F. EL Godard, Cot tage Grove: Mrs. G. W. McRev- nolds, Cottage Grove: Mrs. Mafyl ,E. Green, Springfield; Mrs. Lucy j Cranmer, Springfield; Mrs. Jane Mount joy, Springfield; Mrs. Kathryn Horton, Springfield; Mrs. Emily Dority, Springfield; Mrs. Rosa Montgomery, Spring field; Mrs. Sarah J. Adams, Springfield; Mrs. Mamie Rich mond, Springfield; Mrs. M. EL Langdon, W. Springfield; Mrs. ITresy Langdon, W. Springfield; 'Mrs. Julia Godman, Springfield; !Mrs. Mary Crum, Eugene; Mrs. i Ida M. Kuni, Creswell; Mrs. ! Pearl Clark, Sprinegfield; Mrs. Fannie E. Johnson, Springfield; Mrs. Jennie Fry, Springfield; i Mrs. Silvina Black, Eugene; Mrs. j Emma A. Plank, Eugene; Mrs. I Lewellyn Hall, Eugene; Mrs. I Susan M. Hill, Eugene; Mrs. ! Florence Taylor, Eugene; Mrs. iLoretta A. Stickles, Eugene; 'Mrs. Lillian Lucky, Eugene; Mrs. I Ellen C. Sparling, Eugene; Mrs. Marie Williams, Eugene; Mrs. (Cora Wood, Eugene; Mrs. Min 'erva Courtwright, Eugene; Mrs. !Mary Clendenin, Eugene; Mrs. i Ducella Wlnchell, Eugene; Mrs. Katherine Smith, Eugene; Mrs. iLilllan Dansfield, Eugene;; Mrs. (Frances Brodway, Eugene; Mrs. 'Alice Phettephan, Eugene; Mrs. (Pheba Marshr, Eugene; Mrs. M. C. McElroy, Eugene; Miss Nellie 'Kramer, Fort Jeniey, Ohio; Miss Anna Rechart, Ottoview, Ohio; ,Mrs. Arthur Lewman, Colorado; Mrs. Mary E. Smith, Eugene; jMrs. G. E. King, Eugene; Mrs. M. Billings, Springfield; Mrs. 'Leota Alexander, W. Springfield; ,Mrs. Martha Disher, Eugene; Airs. Lydla E. Kreameif Eugene; Mrs. Elizabeth Brytein, Eugene; Mrs. Louise Boman, Eugene; Mrs. Gertrude Drew, Eugtene; ; Mrs. Lauria K. Blakely, Marcola; Mrs. A. W. Tidd, Eugene; Mrs. iH. W. Blume, Eugnee; Mrs. Wal ter Wilson, Eugene; Mrs. Jaco iWillouby, Eugene; Mrs: O. B. !Perington. Eugene; Mra. W. A. Vincent, Eugene; Mrs. Mary'A- Wheeler;" Mrs. A. .E. HunUey, Springfield; Mrs. B. C. Arnold, Springfield; Mrs. Mary B. Yer- rlngton, Eugene; Mrs. Anna Glendennin, Eugene; Miss Leota McCracken, Springfield, Mrs. E. I A. Sylvester, Eugene; Mrs. Eva ; Canute, Eugene; Mrs. A. T. iBrumette, Eugenet; Mrs. C. F. lEggimman, Springfield; Mrs. A. Dobson, Eugene; Mrs. Sarah Tenny, Springfield; Mrs. Anna A. Wheeter, Eugene; Mrs. S. Stone, Eugene; Mrs. Maty C Magill, Springfield; Mrs. Carire P. Hickox, Mltchvllle, Iowa; Mrs. Jennie Higgins, Eugene. L. C. Hochett of Newport has been canning herring tic same as sardines, and salmon with sat isfactory results. The Columbia River Highway may bo used as far as Bridal Veil. Head of trading stamp con cern promises to buy much goods from Oregon factories. Trespass Notice A11 persons are forbidden to hunt or otherwise trespass on my premises. 11. K. WlkLiAKU, SprlngfleM, IL P. No. 1 IP YOU HAVE NEVER TRIED THE SPRINGFIELD CREAMERY Cbas. Ilarkman, Manager. Try its and be convinced that Sadustriegj. . Why Not Patronize the Busses? A few people are prejudice against the Busses. Why should they be? Some say the busses pay no tax. Bid you ever stop to think how much the busses arc salving the people of Spring- ueui.' suppose tne two ousses tafco in $12.50 each, that is $25 a day. Now six days In a week at $25 a day is $150, and 52 weeks In a year is $7,800. That fs what the busses are saving for Springfield. The people of Springfield are saving more than the 'busses mako. if the two busses take $25 a day at 5 cent fares, the people of Springfield save $25 a day clear. But the busses have all kinds of expenses such as on, gasoline, wages, etc., to take out of the $25 they take in, What com pany pays the city as large' a tax as that? Figure It up for. your selves. The motor-buss has come to stay If we lose out some one else will take up the same busi ness. Would also like to state that the busses do not belong to any religious organization or any church or anything of the kind, as many people think, you can find tne owners on the busses at all tfmpR ' Notice Our contract with the Fidelity Stamp Co. expires Oct. 29. We do not know whether we will continue the Fidelity stamps. See about your premiums. -COX & COX Trespass Notice. AD persons are hereby warn ed riot to hunt or otherwise tres pass on the Thomas Brattain estate. PAUL BRATTAIN. , Corvaflis is planning on a Car negie library. SPRINGFIELD DRUGGIST PLEASES CUSTOMERS M. M. PEEItY DRUG CO. reports customers greatly pleased with the QUICK action of simple buskthoru bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka. This simple remedy drains the old foal matter from the bowels so THOROUH that ONE SPOONFUL re lieves almost ANY CASE of consti pation, sour or gassy stomach. It is so powerful that it is used success fulty is appendicitis. Adler-I-ka never gripes and the INSTANT action is SHrg rising. Thus 3 A Rainy Day Need Not Be Dull Cheer up! Get to work in a Fish Brand Reflex Slicker $3.00 Strong, easy fitting, light, and water proof, absolutely. Reflex Edges stop water from run ning in at the front HacS.Ye3ovorCJiv5-Miaki. Protector Hat, 75 cents QvVtJi A. J .TOWER CO. "nSTON Th ttllilrl pIJ by Unci Sun toClvll Servlca rmployrlrqualiod cicrvit those paid U any biaach of pilvato commercial life. Tbou saade c-f appolatmCBia are made Meually, Qaallly al hone 10 paia ear CUIt service Eiamlaatloe. Write lodajr lor Iree Civil Service Ihwk, litcniilknilfjfrtivtittt' 'ckwls Box 463, Eufjano, Oro. It pays to patronize home I