The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, September 27, 1915, Image 4

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    Additional Local
Wash. Mr. Morrison Is a brother
of Mrs. Miller.
Work began this morning on
tho erection of n 5-foot bill
board on Main street just west
of the Oregon Poyver Co.'s
building. The . blllbbnrq com
pany has agreed to erect no
more of tho boards on Main
The nowspapors of today tiro jhrlnt
ed on paper composed almost or Quito
all of wood floor. Tho result Is that
In a few years tho paper as It bocomcs
thoroughly dry will break and crumble
Tho "papyrus" rood of old Egypt gives
tho nanio of paper nnd tho roll or
"volumon" of manuscript of old Romo
Is tho origin of tho torm "volume" np-
Slled to a book.-. When tho oxcavn
ons of Pompeii woro first conducted
many charred rolls woro found. Thoso
at first wero thought to be half-burned
sticks. They wero carefully unrolled
of Cashmere, land found to bo examples of classic
1 literature. Boxes of theso rolls woro
carried from placo to place as wanted.
, Representations of them packed for
' tho use of tho students arcsecn in the
wall paintings of Pompeii. The water
; plant, papyrus, was onca abundant.
I but is now almost extinct, in tho
Nile. When book learning was raro
LOST-Gold Watch. Return to iana, CJ sn s Charlemagne
News office and secure reward aml AY. 1 V10 Conqueror could no
jiuoro man iudko his niarK, 1110 pos
a C. A. Hong resumed his duties
at tho Booth-Kelly mill this
inoming after being off duly for
several days suffering with
A grass fire Thursday after
noon spread over consmeraoio
reservoir, but a rain storm tnai
resevoir, but tho rain storm that
camo up lato In the afternoon
put out tho blaze.
Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Pollard,
Randall Scott and Sam Barthol
omew were delegates of the
Springfield Methodist church to
the annual meeting of the Me
thodist Laymen's association
conference at Roseburg.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Morrison
of Manson, Iowa are visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. R.
Sillier. They have been visiting
at Los Angeles, San Pedro and
San Francisco and will return i
home hy way
Ton ltttlo Mos
All in a lino
One, got a swatt
Then thoro Woro .'J
Nino llttlo files . ,
arlmly nodnto; '
Licking tholr chops
Swat! Thou thoro woro . . ,
Eight llttlo files
liaising sorno more--
Swat, swat I Swat, swatt
Thon thoro woro
Four llttlo files
Colored groon-blue;
Swat! (Ain't it easy)
Then thoro woro . . .
Two llttlo files
Dodged tho civilian
Early next day
' Thoro woro n million!
Classified Ads
For Sale, Rent, Wanted, Etc.
Ono hundred nnd sovonty thous
and clergymen prenchod in 220,000
churches last year, and tho congrega
tions, of all denominations, numbered
40,000,000. Who went to church T ;
' It Is Interesting to know what is
going on in this country tho things
that pcoplo are doing and who aro do
ing them und why. Lcsllo's.
J. H. BOOTH, President
V. AL JOES, Secretary
SALEM, Monday to Saturday
Sept., 27lh to Oct;, 2nd. .
SPRINGFIELD PROPERTY for session of knowledge gavo position to
Sale or Trade.
5, route 1.
Address Box!
a man and granted htm many prlv
lieges. Henco came "the benefit of j
clergy" as a plea against the punish-,
ment of crime. Scraps of Latin that a
criminal was sometimes taught to ro-1
peat were termed his Vneck-verso," ,
Also household goods for sale, as they saved him from hanging. Tho .
J. F. Martin, 645 A street. 68 invention of printing destroyed. the lm-1
: munittes enjoyed by thoso favored t
want a bargain, don't fail to
see them. Must sell this week
FOR SALE One new 17-ft. ce
dar boat, for $16, or will trade
for a good bicycle or wood de
livered. Enquire, Springfield
Plume 130W3.
few. Clipping.
The Doctor Mrs. .Brown has sent
for me to go and see her boy, anuVI
P4 t; ;must go at once.
His Wife What is the matter with
i Ihfi hnv?
FOUND In our store, purse con The Doctor I do not know, but Mrs.
taining check and coin. Pay 1 Brown has a book on "What To Do
for.this notice and call and get Before the Doctor Comes." and I must
same. Cox & Cox. Snrinefield I hurrv un befom aim dons it jlet
FOR SALE At a bargain close
in residence lot. Browning
Realty Co.
commercial Printing at the '
News Office. 1
Notice is hereby given to tho own
ers of property liable for tho Improve
ment of "CJ" street from Eighth stroot
to tho west lino of tho Brattain estate,
In Springfield, Oregon, that on- Sep
tember 13. 1915, tho Common Council
pasged Ordlnanco No. 419 lovylng an
assessment for tho Improvement of tho
said street by grading nnd macadam
izing, and tho said assessment was
entered upon tho Docket of Town
Liens on the IGth day of September,
By the terms of tho charter tho said
assessment Is now duo nnd must be
paid on or beforo the 16th day of Oc
tober. 1915, or tho property will bo
i.i . i. . . i. .
duiu iv i iiiu imv mum uiurum; (,
Provided, however, it shall bo lawful
for tho owner of any property so as
sessed for such improvement In the
sum or jzo or more, at any tlmo with
in ten days after tho first publication
of this notice, which ten days will ex
pire the 2Gth day of September, 1915,
to fllo with tho Town Recorder a writ
ten application to pay the Bald assess
ment in ten annual Instalments, In ac
cordance with the Bancroft Act.
The ownership, description of prop
erty, nnd amount of assessment are
as follows:
Block 104
Lot 1, Mary Plronl J27.SC
Lot 2. Mary Plronl 20.01
Lot 3, Mary Plronl 20.01
Willamette Valley Day Wednesday
Fireworks Tuesday Night
Lot 4, (Jonnlo Vogl ............ 20.01
Lot 5, co Alberta Brattain .. 20.01
Lot C, nnd Francis Brown).. 19.51
Lot 7, Vina MacLoan .19.50
i,Lot 8, Vina MncLean 19.51
Lot 9. w. II. I'oiiani anu r. aiKos.iu.iui
c'o E. M. Parsons)
Lot 10.
Block 105
Lot 2, Ernest O. nnd 19.20
Lot U Sailto A. Nicholson. . . . IS. 12
i Lot 4, Samo" 18.12
' Lot 5. Jesso P. WyckofT 18.12
'Lot C, Josso P. Wyekott 20.01
lLot 7, George W. Kctchum .... 20.01
.Lot 8, George W. Kotchum .... 20.01
'Lot 9. Jacob A. Schwarzen ..... 20.01
jLot 10, Jacob A. Schwarson .... 27.58
! Block 10G
Lot 11. W. F. Wilson 27.50
,Lot 12, W. F. Wilson 20.01
'Lot 13. Henry Pholan 20.01
; Lot 14. Henry Phclnn 20.01
Lot 16. H. J. Morton 20.01
.Lot 16, H. J. Morton 1S.12
(Lot 17, Samuel R. Scott 18.12
Lot IS, Samuel R. Scott 13.12
1 Lot 19, Samuel It. Scott 19.26
: Block 107
I Lot 11. Holrs P. J. Boiler 25.05
Lot 12. Holrs P. J. Bollor ....... 19.50
Lot 13, Grnco E. Mngladry .... 19.51
Lot 14, Graco E. Magladry 19.50
Lot 15, Lloyd and Vnnco Howo.. 19.51
Lot 16. Lloyd and Vanco Howo.. 20.01
Lot 17, Lloyd and Vnnco Howe.. 20.01
'Lot 18, J. H. and Thca H. Boll.. 20.01
,Lot 19, J. H. and Thoa A. Boll.. 20.01
jLot 20, J. H. nnd Then A. Boll.. 27.56
All of tho aforesaid lots and blocks
'are In Washbnrno'a subdivision of tho
lSpnngllolu Investment and Power
I Company's nddltlon to tho Town of
Springfield, in Lnuu County, Oregon.
Data of first publication, Suptembor
16, 1915.
Town Recorder.
Notlcu Is hereby given that tho un-
'tloratgnod hnu been appointed hy tho
. County Court of Lane County, Oregon,
administratrix with tho will nnuoxed
of tho.oatntf) of James A. Ebbert, do-
'ceased. All pcrmum having clnlinn
against said estate tiro hereby noti
fied to proueut thu imino duly verified
and with the proper vouchors to tho
administratrix at tho First National
Bank of Springfield, Oregon, within
six months from tito date of tho first
' publication of this notice.
i Dato of the first publication of thlti
notice Scptumhur 27, 1915.
I Administratrix with tho will annex
ed of tho ostnto of James A. Ebbert,
dcccuROd. M 025
I Department of tho Interior.
U. S. Land Ofilco at Roseburg, Oro
'gon, September 20, 1915.
-Notlco is horeby given that Robert
!H. Nesbltt, of It. F. I). No. 1, CrcHwell,
j Oro., who, on November 4, 1913, made
Adjoining Farm Homestead Entry, No.
09170, for Lot 5, Section 26. Township
1 18 S. Range 2 W, Willamette Meridian,
Has filed notlco of Intention to make
(Final Commutation Proof, lo ostnlillah
claim to tho land above doncrlbod,
beforo I. P. Hewitt U. 8. Oommls.
slonor, at his oltlco, nt Eugene, Ore
gon, on the 1st day of November, 1915.
Claimant uamea iih wllnesfloa: ThomnH
J. Elliott, of It. F. I). No. 1, CroHWoll.
.Oregon; I.ovl Canleinan, of II, F. 1).
No. 1, CreHwoll, Oregon ; Fred Cook,
of $. F. I). No. 1, Cronwoll, Oregon;
Henry Notihlt, of It. F. D. No. V, Ores
well. Orogon. taw to Out 23
Department of the Interior.
IT. H. Land Ofilco nt Itotietiurg, Ore
gon, September 14, 1915.
Notice Is hereby given that Richard
O. Hall of Ditto River, Oregon, who, on
Octobor 14, 1910, made Homustend En
try, Serial No. 00070, for tho NK of
HEW, SEU of SEVi, nnd NEW of
8WH of Section 1, township 16 8,
Rnngo 4 E. Willamette Meridian, hun
filed notice of Intention lo make Final
Five-year proof, to establish claim to
tho laud above dcvcrlhcd, before I. P.
Hewitt, U. S. Commlsnlouur, at his of
fice, at Eugene, Oregon, on tho 25th
day of October, 1915.
Claimant nnmos as wltnoMnos:
Stovon A. Landers, of Blue River, Ore
gou; Albert B. Auomnn, of Bluo Riv
er, Oregon; William Nesbolh, of 1lluo
River, Orogon; Peary O'Brien, of Bluo
River, Oregou, ,
J. M. UlTON,
tnwOcSl Register.
Memory Expert t0 Come
toCt1 n C J Jj J Geo. C Blower, of the Cromwell School of Memory to conduct
L 1 jjf 1 11 J if" I J a short course m Memory Training m Springfield to run m con-
1" junction with ths classes now bsing conducted in Eugene.
i. -
He committed to memory the last semi-annual report He memorized long lists of numbers and words fired Beforo the members of the Atlas Club he played tho
of the Clerk of Courts of Lane County, covering over at him in rapid succession itttdemonstratlons given in the Chess game mentally, moving the Sir Knight in proper
Seventy Departments and Items involving Hundreds of Lane County Court House, in the leading Banks and Depart- order, onto tho 64 spaces on the board without moving on
Thousands of Dollars down to odd cents. ment stores, and before college and teachers organizations, the same space twice.
ARE YOU ABLE to recall Names, Faces, Dates, Telephone
and Street Numbers? '
CAN YOU remember the facts in a book, quotations and
other things you read?
DO YOU INSTANTLY recall important business and pro
fessional facts and memoranda?
CAN YOU speak in public without the use of notes, and be
sure of what you want to say when you want to say it?
If you cannot answer yes to all of these ques
tions your natural memory is in need of train-
ing; if you can you have a remarkable mem
ory worthy of higher developments under the
Cromwell course in memory training.
The simple ard efficient system of the CROMWELL
SCHOOL OP MEMORY will stop mind wandering, give
power of observation, make you concentrate and strengthen
your will power.
The Cromwell School of Memory Training has just
completed classes in several Oregon cities, including The
Dalles and Hood River. These classes were composed of
the leading Bankers, Lawyers, Doctors, Merchants, City
and County Officials and business men and women. All the
students highly endorse the system and several have given
testimonials that the FIRST LESSON alone was worth sev
eral times the tuition fee for the entire course.
Several business and professional men and women have
already enrolled in the class here, in Springfield. The work
will start next week and will be personally taught. No study
outside of class. No books. This is NOT a correspondence
course. Work absolutely guaranteed. Separate classes for
men an,n women. Private Instruction included.
Cut out and mail.
Dear Mr. Blower:
I am interested in knowing more about
your course in Memory Training. Kindly have
your representative call and see me.
Address . . .w,
Phone number
August 11, 1915.
Mr. Geo. C. Blower, The Dalles, Oregon.
Dear Sir: It may he that you will be interested in
having a written statement as. to what your memory course
has done for me at masterlnginsurance tables.
It, has enabled me in a fev minutes time to do what, it
ordinarily took a month. I have no difficulty in remember
ing faces, facts, dates and quotations. In public speaking
it 1ms benefited me wonderfully. I record things in my head
that took note books before. 1 would not have missed your
work for many times more the price it cost and can recom
mend it to any person who is trying to increase his efficiency
Yours very truly,
(Signed.) II. C. POWNALL,
General Insurance Agents,
301-308 Yeon Building, Portland, Ore. i
The DallesOregon, September 7, 1915.
Mr. Geo. C. Blower, f
Cromwell School of Memory, Portland, Ore.
Dear Sir: I am wrltlne:thls letter to you to let you
'now how satisfied I am with your course and to tell you
about some of the facts it has already done for me.
In the first place I have never been able to remember
names of people to whom I am Introduced. Last Sunday I
was at Hood River and met a crowd of eight men about one
o'clock. Shortly after meeeting them I went into the country
for the rest-on the afternoon:;and did not see one of them
until I went to take the train home that night. Just before
the train started I bid each man goodby in turn and had no
trouble In remembering all but one by nxtme.
In remembering, prose and poetry writings, numbers
formulas and addresses I consider the system taught in this
course as one of the greatest-1 assets that a man can have.
Since taking the course I have learned several very dlfilcult
quotations by merely looking them over several times, and
with talking with other members of the class havo found
'that they have had many similar experiences as the two
cited above.
' In closing I will say that a person cannot afford to pass
up any opportunity offered to take this course If they wish
to do justice by themselves.
Yours Very Truly,
(Signed.) A. N, WIIEALDON.
Extracts from a few of many lettors from other graduates.
"I am well satisfied with your course in memory train
ing. It 1b unquestionably worth many times tho price you.
.charge." (.Signed.) PAUL W. CH1LDERS, U
Attorney-at-Law, The Dalles, Ore,"'
"I. wish to express my appreciation of having beeiiL
brought in touch with this wonderful teaching in memory
training." (Signed.) MRS. T. L. DUNSMORE,
Insurance, Tho Dalles, Ore.
"It should be of lncalcuablo value to any business of
professional man .or woman."
s (Signed.) HOLMES K. EIIRSAM,
Justice of tho Peace, Wasco County, Oro.
"The results I have rcelved from your memory course
have, indeed, been surprising. Even though money nt this
time of the year is scarce, tho money paid for your course
was wll spilt." (Signed.) KENT SHOEMAKER,
County Clerk,- County of Hood River, Oregon.
"The first lesson Ib worth three times tho price of tho
entire course." ROY T, CAMPBELL,
Wasco County Surveyor.
Cromwell' School of Memory SPRINGFIELD; OREGON