The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, September 27, 1915, Image 3

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    j .
Did You Ever
; Think Of It?
Tho success of tho pro
scription depends entirely
upon tho onlor la which It
Ih compounded.
You got bent results
whou your prescriptions
uro compounded In this
store, because of our Bllfo,
Hiiro ntyl accurnto methods
Wo uro nothing but tho
ilnost drugs and chonilcalB,
anil follow tho doctor's dl
roctloiiH with oxactncBB.
Day and Night Phono 31
4, 4.4.4, 4.4. 4.4,44,4.4
Hall for cheaper soles and
tTales of the Town
Ilay Mcl'horson is reported ns
ulclc today.
,13. Win. Hatch or Albany Is, In
Springfield looking for a loca
tion. Sam and George Rlauwalt of
Wlnberry woro registered at tho
Kllto Hotel Krlday.
Claud Valllcr and Alva Mc
I'lierson left thl morning on a,
hunting trljf down lljo SliiBlaw.
Room for rent to gentleman
(1i private family. Well ventilated
and nicely furnished. Call at this
Madam LaMar, Clanvoyant,
Ih fillll lnr-fitnd al llm Plymouth
(House, 303 Willamctto Htreot,
Eugene. Ilooma 1-1-1 0.
Swinging dpors to cut off the
draft arc being placed In tho
Btalrway in tho J. P. Fry building
at Third and Main streets.
Mrs. IJert Doanc and children
of JaBpcr are in Springfield for
a vlBit with friends and relatives.
Good rollabio flro Insurance.
No UBseBsmcuts; no membership
fee. Pay onco and you uro done.
II. 13. Walker at tho City Hall.
J. W. Dowcll and
A team from tho Etigcnp,
lodge. Knights and Ladles of
Security installed the officers of
tho Springfield lodge last
Thursday evening. After tho
exercises light refreshments
were served, Those from Bu
gene were: Mr. and Mrs. B1B-
pasB. Mr. and Mrs. Marlott. Mr.
Wray, Mr. Chase, Mr. Gelgco, B7
u. JMcKinney, Mrs. A. T. Christ-
anaon, Miss May Pollock, and
Mrs. A. C. Miller. Tho newly
installed ofllcers wero; B. J.
Reynolds, president; T. J. Mooro
vice-president; Mrs. R. G. van-
Valzah, second vlcc-precidcnt';
Mrs. Ida Collins, prelate; Mrs.
Uertle Walker, financier; MIbs
IJIlie Glbbs, secretary; J. P. Fry,
conductor; u 13. Diirrln, Inside
guard; W. II. Ronnie, sentinel;
Mrs. Jessie Newman, musician.
iRoBeburg wero in Springfield on
niinn 1,, i"ir r ,1 1 Friday visiting Mrs. M. h. Count
Chan Lingo left for Portland !nnil (iliui,f0r Airs Frank Sid
today to uccpta position there, "'"'t"1". Mrs. iranK bld-
Mrs. William Kotchum was
down from Fall Creek today pre
paring to move to Wlnberry.
Watchmen have been em
ployed for both day and night
service at the Morrison ware
B. B. Morrison went tp Cres-
wire oi,jjrS- Morrison" and son accom
panied 1dm.
Miss Anna Young left today
for Portland to Bpond tho winter.
Hubert Travis returned from
n, business trip to Portland Sun
B. B. Morrison, who has
been suffering from an attack
of rheumatism, is able to be up
and about again.
t 4
Herbert Hansen and Vance
' J. B. Sawyer, treasurer of
! Douglas county, accompanied
by his wife and party, spent
Wednesday night at the Amcrl- Caglcy enrolled Saturday In the
can hotel, while on their way ! Eugene Bible university to take
by automobile to Salem, a course In elocution,
I a a
Mlsa Nom qnronn wi ?nf Springfield was practically Mrs. Dave Drake visited Fni
imiiv fm?Ti,n7nn 1 f.i, , dMerte(l Friday afternoon when (day and Saturday with her
, nf iw L !a Iar6 number went from here 1 brother, Robert Sidwell and
aim or scnooitnue. jto tho coimty falr nt Eugene. 'family of Springfield.
Al Perkins and Jamea Stew- N,cur? u,1 Hlores wcru
art returned this morning fromjcloscd for t afternoon.
a business trip to Roseburg. 1 , .
0 j Mrs. Etna Gentry came up
E. A. Ilalveraon, a sawfller at from Albany Wednesday to
the Uooth-Kolly mill, purchas- make preparations to move her
eti a new Uupmoblle Friday. iuouscnom gooua 10 mat piace
After October lBt you will
find Wolf & Miller in the Odd
Fellows building in the room oc
cupied by Edwards & Brattaln.
Mrs. John Shahan, who has
!todav. Her son Ed Gentry came i been in the hosnltal for the nast
Miss Grace Farnuni of Wal-.up from Lebanon Friday and re- ten days for treatment, was
? t
Special fhtistmas Of fen
Every picture la cabinet size and mounted in beautiful folders. With
each dozen I am giving as a promium a large colored portrait ih life' UiiC'.
Get your Christmas presents for 19 cents apiece and save money."
My representative will call on you at your home with samples. Deal
with nlm as you would with me. Golden opportunity for a dozen beau
tiful pictures at less than half price.
Tup nri
Watch for my representative.
tcrvlllo, went to Crow today to
teach a term of school at that
Mrs. C. Trotter of Waltervllle.
turned homo yesterday.
able to be removed to her home
! nilttv
Spuds, S5c a hundred; eight
Mrs. Roberts of Brown county
KanBas and Mrs. Myers of
Atmcha. Oklahoma, are vlsltlnc boxes matches this week for 2Go
who haa been In Springfield fori at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. .Eastern Oregon Flour $1.25 per
several days visiting Mrs. Zella'C. Myers of Hayden Bridge, sack. $1.80 a barrel. .MRS. E.
uanireii, returned to her home They are on their wny to the , V. SNEED & SONS.
Fair at San Francisco.
Post. Toasties?
A question that's fully answered by your first pack-
ago of the New Post Toasties.
j. ,
TheBO Superior Corn Flakes are delightfully crisp to
start wiih, and they have a body and firmness that stay
crisp, oven after cr6am is added.
t Toastie
have tho real corn flavor. Eat thorn dry direct from the
package and they plcaBo amazingly, but servo theso tm-
dor, crisp bus or corn wun muK or cream ana at onco you
fi P realize that tho day or ordinary "corn flakes" is past.
v All grocers have been supplied with tho Now Post
t Toastios, fresh from tho factory ovons. An order to your
grocer will bring a package quickly
1: , Buy and Try and Smile Awhile
f f n
The 18-months-old infant of
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hill of Fall
Creek, was brought to the local
hospital today for an operation
.for an abcess In the groin.
! D. M. Gore and Thos. L.
Campbell spent Saturday and
Sunday at Wendling and Mar
cola. Mr. Campbell has arrang
ed to run his moving pictures of
the 'Columbia River, Astoria,
Jetc, at Marcola Theatre tonight
I Rev. H. C. Ethel preached at
the morning services at the Me-
itnodlst church, as the pastor,
Rev. J. T. Moore, was at Rose
burg attending annual confer
ence. In the evening the Me
thodists attended the Baptist
! services.
R. Random and wife of Pais
ley are spending a few days in
Springfield. Mrs. Random is vis
iting with Mrs. Piul Brattain
and Mr. Random Is looking for
a suitable location. He wishes
something smaller than an east
iern Oregon ranch.
Attorney 0, D. Eby of Orc
, con City, came in by automobile
Friday for a visit with his fath
er, David Eby, and with his
daughter, Mrs. R. H. Reed. He
went to Cottage Grove Satur
day for a visit with another sis
ter, Mrs. T. L. Morrow.
The Hayden & Metcalf sale,
advertised In the News, was oven
a greater success than the pro
prietors had expeoted. There
were dozens Waiting for tho
store to open and at one time
Saturday there wero over 300
purchasers in the building.
A great number gathered on
east Main street Thursday
afternoon to witness the shoot
ing exhibition of the Topper
weins. Some remarkable shoot
ing was done, including tho per
forating of a profile of Uncle
Sahi in a Bheet of tin free-hand
drawing with 22-bullots.
m m
The P. E. & E. brought two
of Its cars and four men from
Salem in qrder to give improved
BOrVice on its Eugene-Spring-flold
system during tho coimty
fair. Two of tho local cars and
four of the men will bo taken
to Salem this week to add to
ihe systom . there, during tho
state fair.
Having rented the cafeter
ia, have moved my tofllce up
stairs in the front rooms. J. P.
Miss Z. B. Snced is suffering
severely from an ulcerated tooth
which has been troubling her
since Friday,
D. Crouch, who has been
spending the past few days at
lome, left this morning for his
fl,ld at Spokane.
w m v
Religious meetings conducted
on the streets Saturday evening
by a sect called Israelites at
tracted large crowds for a time.
John Tomseth, superintend
ent of the Booth-Kelly mill, re
turned Saturoay from San Fran
cisco, where he visited the fair
for a week or ten days.
Mrs. J. C. Mullen, who under-1 Z. T. Collins, who was Injur
went an operation at the local ed by being struck on the head
hospital last week, is well on the by a block of wood at the Booth
road to recovery. Kelly mill last week, is improv-
Miss Nora Olson, who is tele-
phone operator in Coburg, spent ' Dr. W. H. Pollard returned
Friday and Saturday with her Saturday morning from Rose
mother and brothers In Spring- burg where- ho attended the lay
field. 1 electoral conference of the Me-
thodi3t church.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Fry and)
Mrs. M. J. McKlin went to' A burning strawstack on the
Thurston Sunday to visit Mrs. Bogart place, between Spring
McKlin'sx sister, airs. Roy Ed- field and Coburg, attracted a lot
miston. jof attention here Sunday even-
e ing. Many feared another hop
Fern Sidwell has resigned his house was burning,
position at Thos. Sikes' grocery 1
and expects to visit the fair at Arthur S. Ham was hurt at
' r-t f t-v;a a. 1 . n , . ... .
oun yraneiBcu. uieu uHlo Uas tne mm rmaay oy
tken the vacant place. .being drawn against. some live
0 . irolls, "and he was taken to the
Miss Stella Magill had a nar- Eugene hospital Saturday for
row escape from a serious ac- treatment
cident Saturday when her hairl
Gravel trucks are at work day caught fire when she was put-1 Carl Smith, son of Mr. and
and night hauling crushed rock ting some paper in the stove. It ; Mrs. George Smith, was operat
through Springfield for the im- flamed up but she grabbed a ed on at the Springfield hospital
provement now under way on towell and bound it around her ! yesterday for appendicitis. He
Edwards lane, between here and head. She is now wearing her is recovering nicely from the ef-
Thurston. hair "bobbed." fects of the operation.
Made in Springfield
The .
House of Quality
-When you want good candy '
4. call at Eggimann's Candy Kit- 4.
chen. Best by Test.
I Eggimann's Candy Kitchen I
For good values,
For good bread, -
Use Bakore and Knoxall - Flour.
All kinds of Feed cheap. " Ji
Will do feed chopping for $1.50 a ton.
Springfield Bakery :
Bread, Pie3, Cakes, Cookies, etc.
Wedding and Party Cakes a
S. Young, - Proprietor
The Springfield Creamery
The :
Springfield Planing Mill I
Manufacturers ot
Extension Tables, Drop Leaf Tables, BBreak.
fast Tables, Kitchen Cabinets, Cupboards,
Safes, Step Ladders. Fruit Boxes
ferry Crates, Folding Clothes Racks.
4.44, 4 444'4' 4
Try is and bo convinced that it pays to
patronize home Industries. ,
Tho Lano County News .divided Its
expenditures last year, thus: '
Supplies bought outBldo of Spring"
field, including paper and now
machinery f. 20.4 p. c.
Supplies bought In Springfield, In
cluding rent, etc .: 19,1 p, c.
Payroll, entirely In Springfield 60.5 p. C.
,, J
80& Spent at Home
Tor light', heat and power.
"Made in Springfield."
! ,
: Qregpn Power Co.
4-4. 4-4-
4. (
Another: Springfield industry to
place their card-In this space.
.J- .... .