The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, September 20, 1915, Image 2

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    sSTl-.w v MNOJNpEMENJl a 1
, v ni DiMrifiAi rr
,T1J s
nioo iiifiunii 1 Thousands oficircul&rs-will; be scattered throiwhout the country.
M 03c2Jfnlfl00 and yLMfeWst so imzu mk-Mytv
W-.1 .
nni HI (ammunition excepted jf ; HlAG : ; iT IH ufinJ JIiUJII
i ;-i in i 7
i. ' U II UJi IHUQ'r "''. I J' A '
,...). . i
Springfield, Qr.
I'' .III. nihil
L'npfT? 1 . A?vf"R 1 rJOTTNTT 1NJ"TW ,ar U (cni woul(1 exchange tmiuld, but remain In your town.
i-M-M, , xxcm-u tWUxx jjytij About elgh'teu binweritjMive per cent of tho dollar would bo.
"t ' 1 rrrT": ' 1 V . ..' ' ' Tr-"-"""" conie ,3 rtQjjai Vojiferty of the, store-keeper. With 1,1b
.f. a, rill I . .... f kr ,i:a. fii . , . .... . . h . ... 7 in ... ? .,ri. i i ... ik-v i , . .
uiivi smu muiiogoi notion pr uq loimr uio sioro-Kpoiicr wouki puy tilings no
uufiis nuiu juu, yr iruui yuur iifigiiuur. uu wimiiu nuin buji-
Ls.'tpnSiyand 'hursdu' by thcLaue County jPub,-
r. usoing association. .. !i..:aii? ni
,r..'- . n-mrrl 'i! :i ,VJ?"'- ''" ? ' -' " ' I 1
I .' 1 1 '
fOnT'iB ?t!60 T-Sls' Months ' I ' ttrco 'Xlonlb's' "' ' V' !;1r.t
bits ,Tv(!aim m "y.---. ,n " . T; . m
ernber of theState EH6r. y8i8ifatton,'0',, ' '-."'r
of 'ihe 'WIIIamette' Valrey Editorial VAssofelafion. '
p; v a ' w a i inn
TS 3HT save
J f J' i
. 1 - m i j
I ' It
el '
t ;iifU uS !p:
to "Jrt'sn if i, ni ' '' - n-'x) .nil '!
i9V,niPeni?3'TlP.?r. iP Pflt.ii Stop-OVer1 ! for 'Springfield.. -;i
in t.r.-'. ii ' -. I -, i 1,11 ' ' ' i''H'..,' i; l)i( f.. , ,i
i ttKjiU'.'1 iftd acouninadq not long ago In tile Library of Con
. rtgressA says Elihu; Root "of .the huniber 6t laWs thdt had beh
'gassedln five years ending December'l, 1913. i found th'at
r more ttan' tf;6polaws had "been passed by congress and the
f.?. A?sisl'aty f es . lii's cqiintry ii, that jfiy yarndl
4m PUP,4 had been reported during that five Jyears and
ir!-puhlishedMn.G30, volumes of rejpprofjhgjcm
65,000 decisions of coUrts Of last resort in th1scountry" Now
'hbVeven'Mr; Chd'a'te -'knows them all by heart. How can you
.porLachurch. aud.Avdiild pay taxes for tho school In which
you educate his children and yours, for the maintenance and
1 Vuh-tfep of roads 'Wr'Wni to drive over, for wdf ei; for yo'ur hbmws
' and'seWer shnitHtidh'for your health. .The .twit of tlio dollar A
" AVhicl) Avukib.disb'd,tb Wjilenlsh stock later would bB.dcposlt
'' 'Td'Wlb'lbwiVbauK Vind in turn would. .help finance. local
' 'iiriproTeiit'nts, or lddti ift'oney on crops .until .such time na thp
manufacturer who sold your inerchant8.'Wap; ,t bo paUl.i ' i
But before you had even spenbov earned youpdoUarntho
saiesntWitepVebnUng-lne nmnufaoturera of the too Jh. powdery
"liecanhypth'te'Vaule, and tho ; would have, spent ten.
per cent or more of your prospeqtlYo.dollor'iii'yQur to.vt)kf nellr-:
1 'Kig the1 goods tcf your1 ilierchnnt. They might also hayo per-.
sdndUv'sjibnt -out oPtheltf own prjvato. fund soihothlng.ifpr
blgaf.'Jiiyckties, 'soclisj pfoture-iioBt .cards, moving .plotuvcs,
' 'gitiif,' ic6 "crtitin soda; iir a hair cnU .iDpea (he .AiaU.Order-Catnr .
' lbs s'jiibkeVcht'W gilm; get its baii'icut, or printed In
'' Vbli'tovvh? Will thtf-atou Order ian furnish yon goodtt in,
'"time" of 'stress; slpkti'SsS'bf backward crops. No, indeed; he
"demands bash with thfrWder, , ' : , i
'Kow multiply your dolliir by tqii,?a hUiulru one jthoji-j
' sandr in'ultiW 'it by ten" thousand, ftref yqu h toKdppHvp
ydur cPmhidnity of the very vitpls of existence?-u ? t . J
What are you going to do abjQUt !(.?
jsverytning you uo t
spirit-v-is'jdsto 'much
fnVcjStdQltijiePod ridvanta0. CEi
thingthathelps' the town helps'yoiu Everything that harms
we wno serves nis community, serves
the' town harms you. He
Vmself'. Bulletlh.
" i I . ' ' ' .,11 . . I.M
'TITT 7 ' 'Ti" T
'" n. i, c, i;,l, iit!
jX' 1 ' "" 1 T . ,(,., ,.( ' i.'u(i,i r'-t
. :-'; ! ! mc i in (',,, jtll ,,,, iMjI'..i
' ' '' 1 ' '-'i-'T'': ty l,i in. i i.oA .H ;
-"nr'A-'ViEiQ' "
, i fU ,i ii. 1 1 .i, 1 In r ;'ii I ' .
' ijft ' ' . ' ' ' ',! ' 5" ! " i! I ,M.iji"l ,
.p) 'i .C"''1 ,'"-.,,! p. ; i! iftjiuih; ;
..fe ' liVSecondhalf'of'TesJ'i
M should be paid at the-'' '
VSA i j ' i i r ' I lilt, iinii'iiiin
& -"ilyy- L,;i.. .1 'i-i11 i..i i!
' or bpringheidi before
ic.-Mi ...i"-- , xi'.ijf i-l. "' tun
i, , . September 3(Q. -'f
1.4.. i , ' ' ' "
- rrs:
''441 )
pD'ijrbNAL' Locals
-"'Percy-'Tystn.-'-an oiler af'the;
"cbn!du'd Vpur business .and,Jieep;out of; jail?
aj - .-:''--;v,ii; AtoJ'u '"'Percy Tysdn; -an Oiler af'the
Adverting Methods Adopted by Booth.fCellyni had the
: Hpmsq. , fbrtune t0l(p oll'n dn, audi
' 'lU'l iUWI' iJ'Ui1- iUt' V ' ' " ' '
That advertising is uow, a f dw tivs
iytrateu i
he will have to b(i off1 duty for a
Xl -I's
i . i . iii
KrffiUP.G'Ts acnin demons
practically to the buying pub
lic of this section by the wonder
ful advertising system now em
Planks were laid lengthwise
of the bridge on the west ap
proach of the riv6r bridge by.
' T:r i. i tt-i4 ' i . ....
r1 u,um;u v?p jnen anu. women tp.oK. parivams nlovea-by the most enterprising , ZV w r JM1 1, Wfirtk Tim
w,eeK,in the Druidic ceremonies of the eisteddfod', knowii as business house of Springfield :ninnk howover. were not nit
f a f 4 T 1 ' ' -
the.Gorsedd, and of which the following- prayer is a part. ' It who are going to sive away AB- 'tiie proper distance apart for the i
was readinWelshandtheninSrigiish: r ' r;", ' l!' 'p ' t" 'iSOLUTELY FREE to some one lumber truck, and the Booth-L
' CJraHt, 0 GOd, thy protection--' ',"-' ' J f ''" . ' Pf theircnstdmQrfe on;arQh19, .Kelly Lumber company will put 1
And nnS S 'SS " " . "" il 5"""" L bc ,the ljeai,t5ful Coluinbfaltt llew decking on tile approach
-T;?.0 W piotection. strength; .,..-. , v!i;-,s x, Innrfnir' HmfniVolii. wh eh s'o. u f rt df. , .
f 1 fU ''(H -.1.1!, '1 liiKUfrtrt nl-flihlt-Ktnro. I . ,l :.i . .
And in, strength,, understanding;
;;Andiin,'understanding; knowledge;
Til Grafonola
iJ I,' I 111 .i 1 -1.1.!,! i
i- ili'f V I f.) M-.
" ArtU in, knowledge, the--kn6wl6Uge of-juttllce; J"" . ' . JIUNUkku
And in tne knowledfire of Hifttlen. 'Mi' lrivA rif it- . uaus anu ib
And in that love the love of'AWQslemsT, '' h '!;-''' jtrtfmeitf? "
. And'imthe lowrjof all nxistfirifR.q. f lifhWKf .n'nrl '4,)'' ,J" "' iteuaratftcetl
i,i rn '.i.(i.. .' . ' f i .1 , ;i . t i .
la sells" for ONEi. Mr.-ait'd Mrs! 'Eniest r4'0n,!
AND FIFTY pOL-jDaT(J Tilfesillg, oi; Springfiekl, j
God and all goodness
i, -JL his, Is brief, but
.thojigh, , Jess tthep.logical
.memOTials sopietimes.
v v.Exchange. -
Vii..' ' x i i
a High Glass-in-,ntfSo Carrie PArkfi. aiid Ralnh
ill; evory , respect, juoyj - 0f'EugeiV6 drove by auto,
by".tfie: makorsf. 'satdrdaV1' nicht tb TlrownBi-1
:JUST"TMINK-0F IT! A :One yillo ' C-here 1 the1- followinc
The Best Groceries
, ...b,6 ,i .For Less Money
i'l 'i.t
" '!! . Ii il ... I.
I.! i1;miI.i
. j i . i i; 1 1 in; iio i
j i .; nut 'M
I. It li " Hiti -.(If jt
lil i-.CI i . i
i . '. , Ml.
vi.i' "i :
I, I .1 i. 1 ..' J U M
i n : u !. .I , .-in .li'
I. II. It, '7 I. I( i II llHlfl
hi . . I mi i . '. l'
!i . I.', i "i: ' ni I III
O '. I 11 I','', 'I'
very.compreherisive: It is ; iiibre" relwidus ' uunnerea anu t"iuyuoiiar urai-iTHorning1 'they Were lo ncd by
, than iha'jiy of ' the fohgUIsqiirbive' tb his given' away 5 A raw jfr. dhd Mrs". Chai. Sterling pf
.hpnrrl. Tf in n frrdnt thought atMiinthrf ' ' ! veaiS aKO'. 1C a merciiaill WUS to Albany: MK -And Mrtf. M'Hrtrl 'SitM-
i hv i i s tar Uul Jii Jjjl 1
...'. 1 ' f i . i - ii
it thnntlif
' ' "i .1,1 i 'in Riih itfiinirhe.woUld be con otii ftiiw t v.hiii ntwi
siflered a fit subject for an asyr ,MrVLee of AlbanV. iMr. and Mrs.
; .... , .ENORMOUS .GAIN' IN plTY DEBT ' ' ' ' ilt"".' but conditions have chang !'Essexalsd of Albany. They
:.. .i,Incle Sam's Bureau .Qf.Genstl.shpSVs that up 'to t lie l'a&t " ied yet in the face of the enpu-r drove (o Alpea; near WallJdrt,
ii 'in uuvui-usuiK returnmir' ih thn evenlnlr. Mnk-
13eavor.Henidon i,lg-'a uifJtaiiC6J of 18C mileH for
The same report shows that thd per 'capita b'onde'd debt ;a'$lB0 grafonola is a stupendous
uof countieg.Was only $5.33 per capita, shates S3.47 and the imldertaking and it clearly dem
Thos. Sikes, Pr6p. Phojie 22
.1. !)
I I -. )
iff 1 1 IK
, accounting,', the close of lfll;3, '200 Airieviciiii munlcipalit) .mdus-suni' spent-iu advertising returning in the evening. iMak
, had-an. aggregate bonded debt of '?2,S 4,883,P00, or $54.27 per inciaci oi tne 'ueavor-ueruuuu nig a distance' of l
.capita, the.largest wer .recorded H this cburitry. . 1 ' ' i Hardware Company giving away the Spl'lriufield cdi
. i nation $10;59.
i ,:. iFor the decade-lPQ2-1303' tills ineant an increase in
, city, debt if 104 per cent,, county 89 per cent iand states. f4.5,
v-vvmie.oniy b(per cent for. tne-jiationai government.
vi :, .(Thi8.,Qiiprmoue increase oT' fc'ity Indebtedness 'Is larcdlv
-due, to.'the. growth of municipal develbpmen't'I" tliatf rteridd aiid v1 Ct!elvG a
vays up'to and a little ahead?'
of the spirit of the tilues.
.Every purchaser of .$1j00
Worth' 'ot "goods from their store
coupon goodnfor
. ! i- fnl.u
t itiis natjuraiiynana wisely, being neia tip now 'as a, wriilne tp ' votes on mu gniiuwum.
.-those in:chargft pf oivio affairs iP fcall d halt. ' It Will, k'i bo-" iJei'son'-'preaeuting tlio largest
..sieved, uav.e me euect qi iresmciing many or tne wild anu i"i ui ui-" i"
.chimerical schemes advanced by selflsTi agitirtordUletly for MaWh'-19,"19I0, will Teceivo the
. thfllruawji 'aggrandizement. at. the expeitso bf'tlie Mople,. Ox ' EfrHfdiidlh absolutely free, u'o
(1cQurse,,not argued that all bf the municipal deVeldjhWcilt farm's' Will be. showiv and every
,fnlls nnd(r.fJiiq hnnil Iiicr. . . , , " ' ' L'M'SOll AV1U1" reC0W UU OdUai
ance. i nu reputunou "njoyuii
ueaver-iienidou naruware
Phono 3221
E31 Willamette St. ' EilQche, Orepcn
I ill i Li '
I J I V . . -
TT.I.I1- - J . . " . , . ! . ..'.I.J..I.JI. I II I Jl i 41 L . . I 1 '.
ir, fei-vyjujitj tins amaz,mg .mereasu in municipal aepi nas neep, 'h
pninc nn. tlio hnnton nf tnvntinn 1ms hfl'n lFnlilnf'lirtWiV'iVnrtn' ,1J
v.theireal developers, that have dbtfe go mu'cli'lu these years to Oo. for "square dealing" insures
(. adVence the-interests otcity.-state and nation. ' '.
r 1 1 I ' ii hi il
. . jj 1 ' rr
-r . . 1 L. AJ.'A..Ll. 4. .' l . 41.''
...iquBstfpnr What, will happert tb Aiy town if tlie' ail' Order
i an, gets what the hopes ito get out of my nejgfybps, iny
ma ,ijlursa andimy community? ' 1 ' v
i MiiLet's start off with a dollar bill. At is yours.' "You Want to
-puy ajrattle jfor the baby, a pan of tooth powders a box of candy
and a baby's bonnet. Yotu buy p, money order a.nd carully
send a dollar to the Mall Order Mftn,many,iWefl!away,vtq-help;i
BwgfthiSj fifty, ,p$r(fien jdijl.dends, jaU qf(w.hlcbKWlll betspdntjjn ,
distant parts, .without any possiUUyjpf doing' lyouiAiJJlt'fdf ;
, gpqfl ,cept rlthegflpdsi'recyqd. Wblchiryery Hkfllyxcsyxjlie '"
.d.qpljct.jLftpur.n wHi m :toa int utoiVV hitvj UvM,
tV IihiNfiWjpyPKW ypqiboHghttheraWQj Aim aaiof tooth ipowfrn
vdejj tlig condyitad bpnrtetaLypiir.locali stores. Your dotnuf
his fact.
We think the buvine
bile. will amfrefcldt'd this Ex
tremely liberal' bltbf 'on the part
)i tho Ceaver-Herndon Com
.anyuawl. we. predict., a hv.ely
uicwu.o iui vVR-?!, ,ji"
j i' ".' iiniSeo n v.
Eflwairds; '& Brattairi
ir' iijwi. ,)jinvj,'.,j,. vi ' .(TO'
For Farm and(City f rpperjtjf
txenanget a specialty
eld 'lrA.. . 4-Dreeoni
' " ,' . 'I'pptWP.IfTllfl Jtt, i .
Ey?f Ear, Nose and Throat
'i Graduate1 ursfc " KttOndlHg
W h tM,. ! M i '.'it . arc 4 mm .
.4UB: WHi e Inmnlc Kiicrn. rrnofii'T ti-'i-f
rni 1'.' ' 1 r r r- -r-m
km! ' . r , i i
Urc famous, for quality aiid
W9 fiave. you ,.m,onoy ,pn ,,
what you buy herb. Wo
sell Dependable Coffees and' '
Tea and everything else Is
dependable vhlcU we- ell.' .',
k Miiiev ; ;
(Jrtfi is N'l'nth dint I'fHilhlii TleIlllon;h,,?
Suite 13. IJhono";88, EUj3fcNB, Oltjs
Rejmincer, over Dodgers .Storb
TraMMMMMMrHTTT TM-Tlin-rrtlliniBiii ml - : , , n
i ..r I r i. !iTTB
i.i.:ri .ii.ji ,..'iii ii .1 ill iiiiiiH
.,'iHWWj4l t. ' i
Offfcfe In City Half, SprlnQfeld, Orfti
W. F.
'I,;,.,,. ,,, t.J, I irffif' F '
...... Ine tthth rt l
I V."
. t'lfi
Office Phone 62;
, OREGON.' '
(, ' SstabUslied' m$ ,', ,'., .".
' Capital arid SbrplUs - - - - - Wotf,O0b.!Q,0'
('l 4'l'i'l I. '
ii 75 a i rv i w f feiliSrGW W
.JM.,1 MprinfieIdliOrMen.'.ifi i
4 -j1 '.In nl;1 '
, 1 i . 11
nil u-'.iinnt HPIy.,