The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, September 06, 1915, Image 4

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T ,
Department Specialists Work
Out Mothod for Utilizing
Surplus Wntormolons.
whoro tt can be removed byfekltn
mlng. The renialnde'flofttsl
about In the juice, forming red
particles which" gather near the
top. Toward the last of the
boiling tho sirup must be walch-
cd constantly. If tho houBowlfo
The feasibility of n valloyTto
const public highway by wny of
North Fork on tho SIuhIuw Ih to
!T?Sil Investigate! by the commit
suidthe sln'f the ft ' 1 ' ! grnSraS2
LTn'r "AffiXJW !T Snge which helffi llr nS
!c,5 c,?ll 1 " IK In tho commercial club
VI VWOV Oil V BUUlltll IUL 11 VAJUIY 111
til a small sample on celling 1 it too of live cons Is k ,h mToso of giving nil classo i, t 0'vca ''o ,r
while the JUIco of cdmmerclal
watermelons, such as tho "Tom
Watson," contain on an average
only about 7 per cent of sugar,
or less than many other fruit
juices, tho easo wlh which the
Juice can bo pressed out partly
. , miiseis tno low suenr content.
a ucjicious tnuio simp jcau uc i A, , , ,, , , ,
made from watermelons, and it1'"- 11 l u
i ..w.....0 , 1.-1.1
it, H,h l.,lr.n onnnlftlleJo f O"? huuhwiiuiu.
tl)e Department of Agriculture, n
convenient means of using the
surplus watermelons which oth
erwise are allowed to spoil In
tho field. Such sirup has been
made bv farmers in a small wav
In various narts of the South. I running it through a meat chop
rtminrtmmit mwlnnvnr- 1HU PlaCO the crushed pulp and
ed lb work out exact methods of seed In cloth bags and snueezol
lriaking it as a possible by-product
from surplus melons. This
sirup can be used immediately or
can be bottled hot in sterilized
jars and kept just as Is done in
the canning of fruit. It is red
dish brown in color, very sweet
and well flavored, and will serve
mns nf lliP niirTincpe fnr vlilrh
: . ' . Imn n sirtin in tin nrmnnrv nrn
sirup is used in the Home, it .al1n Tiw h,t T lmiia tho ii tn tnii cinsa 'Mnrs or! The general committee, which
Las been tried with satisfcx! without much foaming until it other tall containers and allow was appointed by tho grnngo for
tory results in making ginger I begins to thicken, when tho to settle and cool for a lew the purpose of providing -ways
i . .. . ..... ....
a. n n m I . . m 1 n f n n M ' . .M .... . V I .w ......r.u lit... I. IMIA.nni. J IJ L.I.I IV . . .... UlrillI tlllllV.I W 11V
"'"3" 1 J!IW1 KMMtX life-i-j;
I Ileiovo th0 I,,nk antl cool in covered vessels or can be S'ou i Sa K
jseeds from the rind of sweet, be poured 'while hot Into cans or "t ,A th0 ,oxt Although this was tho Ilrst
tuny ripe melons, urusn tuo ,B' uummuu a uu auuwi. uoneral committee. Tills action ,uvtu,K.U4 l,ut : wl,'H,Ml1, . v..
Iliesh with a potato masher or by 'Where a cldor press a aya - takon t lUo t of Uw njost In loroal tig ono wel
' a n .;. lrt . I man with ouch h garment, An-
vvifi'r i &Ji wftnf,iiLi" othor th,n "bout hunting: A
STn'.ftii i V.S.o"' u,nc,l"nintop Hhould walk erect In tho
IoW iHil'Nair, .twootlH nnd not In n ntooplng
n?n Si n SvlS .iinnl! m.If TUtf CIlTOlOBH llUUter WllO lllWliyH
nentatlvo bo apimlnted to moot!",'" m(; ,r , V nkln7lt h
and become a part of tho l'omo-, f0 f0VrUl !C,K f '
nuuier Hiauus Hiraigni no man
will mistake htm for tin nulmal,
IIU KIIIUKU UUlllllllllUU Ull IUIUIH I. ....I...,
.....I 1. 1, .1. ......... flM.I.. I,. .1...... c.. I "lllliui
xiii iiiMititn. i tun iumiwiiv iui
small pieces and arranged on
At... . V. . I 1 . ' . . .
ino prvss HO 11
will extract tho
out the juice, which Hows outjuorore u presses
nuriilv. About five-sixths of tho J"co of tho rind
....... :..: in sugar, and
i mu b - J ,,r- rind juice alone
.Mimir i:; irni nns ni inn lmnnii.. . r
wnimake one gallon of the slr-; "1 bU,luu "l ' outlet forwngonsnmi tea.naand
n T)it niiimmr nf inJnn nun ! To Remove Rod Coloring Mattor an Inlet for automobile and
ordinarily be secured from 10 If it Is desired to mako sirup i coast traffic. Tho , Pomona
watermelons weighing from 22 free from red particles, start the grange committee la iyestlgiit-! n.ZTTZ -rW color i110,1 "ml tho higher ho c
to 25 pounds each. sirup boiling, aifa when some of Ing.the feaalbllity as well as tho Doclaros Dcnpr Aro That Color ;raiao 1,Ih head the butter. Ho c;
ii I'll ...... ni iii II ri iiiir i mill iiiii mil 11 nine
'fhe juieo is then boiled down -the coagulated matter has boon nece'sslty of such a road before
ito a sirup in an ordinary pre-! removed by skimming, trrinsi or taklrig any action.
cake, homemade candv. and as a ' should be slackened to prevent hours. This allows the red par- and moans of securing a r
... fnnnitncr nnd hnrnlnp. Tho rftfirtiplos to settle to tllO bottom. pau01 ByStCUl IU 1110 COUIUy,
sweeieiiuig aim imvonug m ice -V""." "'rtt " i" t.i7J' r tun ,.n cnnizeil bv oleotliiL' fi. J. Hirnl
X II V (tlfvt. I'll i v a nv jivv v c a - -
then be poured off and boiled chairman and C S. Calof secre
down. tavy. The. matter was discussed
-at lengtn uy tno momoore pros-
As the
c6loring matter in the juice
. : coagulates during boiling, and
specialists point out,ir.irt of tt rises to the surface.
Bill Boards
Offer one of the big means of advertising,
but they lack the ability to get into the.
homes of the buyers. That is where the
Lane County News goes twice each week
with its big budget of Springfield News. Tell
your story of bargains in The News and get
Job Printing
The lav requires that all butter offered for
sale shall bear the name and address of the
makea and weight of the package. Writing
these by hand is too slow; get them printed
on vegetable parchment with special non-oil
ink. 100 for $1; 200 for $1.35; 500 $2.40.
The letter head, envelope and statement are
the means by which the business man visits
his customers. Neat printing raises the .esti
mate the recipient has of the business house.
Let the News Printery work out a catchy
letter head design for you.
The News has just designed an. envelope with
a concise resume of Springfield's advantages.
There is ample space for the address and .for
the return card, and the extra cost is nominal
Linotyping for the Trade
', i. i :
Springfield, Oregon!;
i ho Is aneaklng along trying to
!llp up on tho doer. That does
Uo good. Tho deer can boo- ii
man JiihI as canity lu that posi
tion uu it can a man standing
erect. Tho ImllauH nlwayn ntaud
atralght when hunting. Thoy
can can noo moro and further
about hunting. When you see
an Indian looking for deer hu lu
Htttnding at hw full
goo furthor than tho man ntoop-
Ing ovor trying to stalk a deer.
Noticing -in tno papers that That Is why tho Indiana are al
tho state game warden advises 'ways bo ntralght In stature."
nuniers in mo woous to wear
red shirts or jackets, Frank
Wood, -an old time hunter of
thlK rltv. rlnt'lnii's Mils in lu til
nilvlsnd. Tho mil nhtrt h!nn hiiH 1 " HlaillOOk-Cont08 Ullllbod
At present there is uo road " ,'.,'. . ' ""S .: i. '".s1;.',. ithan a man stooping. Tho
i". ""V,'" T. . worthy of tho name bctwoon Kn-l'V . :"...V. ; ,i.r. " T. ; nlwnyn steps with his
ihu imu. my hnnntto t'npilta rnlh-cmd linvlnu' 1 . .nL, nnvMHnir ihnt n
lo nr. e vt Ii -""D i tin, r,,i In uinwlii ti r v. " ----y - ri "
. ..v,fc Q ,,Rft,i moRt 0f i ln vtmtn fnr ' ",w "V . " ' '"V.""' . (ini( k mil inn i n no i. ut
U. lllllIt;ill,lWHii nimlhnil Tim iinnnln tin. '"VWiuiK Mill uu.u uiu IUWU- ,,, .l,,. I, l,.,.,! w
IIIUII-UIU UUli il 0al,,. illcd'lxi .iff. uiwilflnir mt ' x,lli ""'"'(.. ln.ifii Irtf fi.i.i llwi
cut, when It was decided to up
point a committee to work out
a road patrol Bystoiu and report
at the next meeting which will
bft held the 2Gth of this month.
This committee, composed of ILinny other color.
Ayres. E. Thrall and C. 13. Swan- "The deer are 'In tho red' at
go, will visit the most Important (the present tlmo," hnid Wood,
sections where road patrols are i "and for that reason the hunter
needed and secure data and In- should not wear a red shirt or a
formation which will aid them in red jacket. Tho doer's coat at
Eugene's now chair factory Is
doing u big bunlucsH
been advanced by the game do- Co., will spond $10,000 on log
partment for many years, and 'ging road.
I'ortmud I'lght of musicians
many old Hunters wear hucit
garb, but Wood declares that
thero Is moro danger of flelng
shot by other hunters by wear
ing that color right now than
making recommendations to the this time of year Is real bright Smith plant.
. . . . - ; .1 - i ...i a i. . .
union to dictate number to bo
employed lost.
Vortfand starting work on
grado crossings to cost $7fi0,000
mostly paid for by O. W. II. & N.
Marsh Held Crown-Columbia
Paper Mills Co., may operate
county court throuch thoromo-:nnd I cannot see why the game
na grange. (warden should advise tho wojir-
Another sub-committee was , mg or red ciotmng. Many a rod-
appointed to make an eslimntc
of tho amount of money needed
for road work in the county next
year, so that this information
iliiny also be placed beforo the
county court. The committee
shir ted hunter lias been shot for
a deer. Tho best thing to wear
is a white or light colored shirt.
No animal in the woods looks
like that and ho hunter would
be mistaken if he should see a
Paisley Invites privto capital
to establish a water system.
S. P. Co. to electrify lino bc
twoon Albany nnd Corvallls.
Medford S. S. Hullls an
nounces extension of his elec
tric lino, to big timber nnd a new
sawriiill to be built.
Made in Springfield
Patronize the Payroll of Your Home Town
House of Quality
Where thoy serve Ice Cream,
Sundaes, and Ice Cold Drinks
and the celebrated" Loganberry
Eggimaim's Candy Kitchen
Springfield Bakery :
BreadPie3, Cakes, Cookies, etc.
Wedding and Party Cakes a
S. Young, - Proprietor
Try Is and be convinced that It pays to
patronize homo Industries,
The Lane County News divided Its
expenditures last year, thus:
Suil!on bought outaldn oC Spring'
fluid. Including panur nnd now
machinery . . .' , .20,4 p. a
Supplies bouKht In Hp'rlngflold, In
cluding ront, dtc .' -lO.l p. C.
Payroll, pntlrely In SprjnBfle)d,,,;,.60.5 p. 0.
80 Spent cit Homfe
k , . ! A
I'or good rftluei,
I'or fjoort Iirmid,
Uso Ilalcoro and Knoxsll Klour.
All klmlii of l'aod (jliuup.
AVI 1 1 do fond chopping for 1, CO a ton.
Springfield Planing Mill
Manufacturers ot
Kxtonslon Tubloa, Drop Lent Tablos, Illlroak
fast TabloH, Kitchen QablnotR, Cupbonrda,
. SafoH, Stop Ladders, Km It Doxoa
llorry CratuH, Folding Clothes Hacha.
For light, heat and power.
"Made In Springfield;'
Oregon Power Co.
, ''
1nphQ h?pringleld .Industry to
piape'their card In this space. -
1 . . ' '