The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, June 21, 1915, Image 2

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Editor nnd Managor
Fublishd Every Monday nnd Thursday by tho Lnno County Pub
lishing Association.
Ono Y8a:
1?i .
$1.60 Six Months - .75 Throo Months
Advertising Rates Furnished on Application.
Member of tho Stato Editorial Association.
Member of tho Willamette Valley Editorial Association.
And Remember to Get a Stop-Over for Springfield.
Lumbermen of the Pacific Northwest have submitted to
the federal trade commission the request that they be per
mitted to organize for the betterment of export trade in lum
ber and shingles. It is understood that the request concerns
export trade exclusively.
From the very nature of such request it is not to be an
swered off-hand by the trade commission; and rumor. has it
that pending any decisive reply the government will send
its agents of Investigation into this territory, that the actual
conditions which obtain here may become, as it were, a mat
ter of first-hand knowledge.
The suggestion of combination is always one to be put
forward with a certain sense of fear and trembling. Com
bination In the common piind jmells trust, and trust is asso
. ciatod in some cases justly and unJiifeUy in jnany, with most of
, the. economic evils that beset us. .TJigsts fet8 Unfortunately
have a tendGiiu to put something of a political complexion
Un the' consideration of such requests as that submitted by
tho lumbermen of the Pacific Northwest. The report; that
there will be official investigation of conditions that affect
the lumber business here, and the fact that some such investi
gation lias been had previous to this are to be accepted as
evidence that the government desires to deal with the situa
tion on its business merits, and to the avoidance of all consid
eration that smacks of politics.
If that shall prove to be the frame. of mind in which the
government approaches this matter, it may be that combina
tion can be legitimately urged with reference to the domestic
as well as the off-shore market. As a matter of fact there
is no off-shore market nor will there be any until there are
available ships to serve it. But if there were, and combina
tion were to do anything with regard to it that would serve
local lumber interests, one of the results must necessarily be
the stimulation of the local output and that in tum would be
bound to affect the supply for the domestic market. Indirectly,
therefore, combination for export would have its salutary
effect on domestic trade; provided, of course, there is any con
siderable export business.
If that result is correctly predicted a big majority of thp
lumber mills in the Pacific Northwest would benefit indirectly
and but partially; and the question arises if it would not be '
the part of wisdom for the unified lumber interests in this
section to seek the sanction of some arrangement at tho
hands of the trade commission which, without injury to the
public interests, would remedy t he unfortunate and unprofit
able conditions with which the lumber business of the North
west is beset.
It would seem, at the very least, that the prospective
investigation, as reported, isaltogether to be desired; and if
it should come to pass the opportunity should be improved to
go thoroughly into the local lumber situation with the govern
ment officials. This course and the possible results of it are
of interest to all trade and all industry in the Pacific North
west, for lumber manufacture is the industrial backbone of
this section.
It is no exaggeration to say that whatever affects this
industry favorably and in a logltimato way, must also be of
favorable effect on every other line of trade and industrial
enterprise in this region. The lumber business thus stimu
lated means the employment of thousands of men in the
woods and mills and about the docks and yards. In that re
spect it means the big payrollt'widely disseminated; which in
turn means more trade for the merchants,; more business for
the banks; greater demand and better prices for products
of field, factory and shop on which the merchants depend in
a measure, and in which the banks are financially concerned.
The mending of conditions that will restore the lumber
industry to normal operation and normal profits is a matter of
substantial interest to the entire community. Telegram.
specified number of yards, and pnrts of yards If necessary, and
this method should bo followed in making all purchases."
Says tho Vonota Enterprise: "Look at our Postal Sya
tonK Owned by tho government and run by It. Why not take
up othor lines and try thorn out? What la our government
for if it la not to holp Its people? If they can save ua money
in our Postal System, why not In othor ways? Don't any
they are losing monoy at It, for they are not."
It would bo a good plan for tho Postal System to perfect
its system until it can carry a little wooden box, ono Inch by
two by two and a half In Its first class pouehca without break
ing it all to pieces before it attempts to spread out and do
other things. A slight difference in tho cost is immaterial If
the service is satisfactory. ConvorRcly, tho saving of a fuw
cents in cost of transportation does not compensate for tho
fear that tho goods will be damaged in transit.
There has been llttlo general discussion of candidates for
school director to bo voted on a t tho election tonight, and no
one has made an announcemen t of candidacy. Districts of this
class are allowed to pass n resolution requiring that names of
candidates be filed before the day of tho election, when tho
vote is taken by ballot. The consideration that can bo given
to the claims of the candidates after nominations have been
made In a mass meeting is not sufficient in a district or tho
size of Springfield. Would it not, then, be wise to adopt tho
ballot system for next year?
Read tho articles on co-operative marketing on this pago,
and also the story of the Saturday banquet of farmers and
business men. The News will have a thought or two to ex
press Thursday on this subject.
...Tie Value of Co-Operation...
Items upon the same tlieme, but coining from very di
verse points on the Pacific Cc ast, offer a suggestion that
is well worth the study of the people of Springfield and vicinity.
Start a
and It
First National Bank
Will furnUli to everyone who will become a depositor to
the amount of one tlollnr or more, hnndoomo
Homo Savings Bnnlc
to use. You nre Invited to call and flak for ono of theio
safe. If you are already a depositor you are entitled to
one to uae.
Very few people can iave In laroe amount!. If you wait
until you can deposit a laroe amount you may never begin.
Everyone can save In a amall way. He who drifts Into tho
habit of spending as he goes will always remain poor.
The Bank Kcopa the Koy
This Homo SiivIiikh Hunk l loamul to you froo of cihnrRo.
Ono dollar of your uccount In to bo hold to limuro Itn rolurn;
but romombor this dollar IhiIoiikh to you; can bo drnwn by
you ut any tluio on rulum of tho Sato.
1 ti .. n . -l n
j i ne m b
For Less Money
(From Alhambra. Cat., Advocate) i have felt the effect of hto ndver
Asserting that the system un- Using campaign thai wo inaug
,w wi.inh nnnrlv 70 nor cent of urated this year, both in Increas-
I California's citrus crop is. co-!cd demand and in better prices
lopera'tivelv marketed is both than we might otherwise have
J economically and legally sound got."
General Manager Powell of the Regarding marketing condt
! California Fruit Grower's Ex- tions at present, Mr. Powell
change took issue yesterday, on stated that there has been an
his return from a month's tour increasingly strong demand for
of the eastern agencies, with i oranges tho past six weeks, and
critics of organized marketnig. that he anticipates a strcngthen
Twcnty years' experience 'ed market for lemons as soon
has proved the worth of our as wayn weather comes In tho
svstem." he said. "This year cast.
lit has been proved anew, with
chaos generally reigning in the
fruit and vegetable fields ufid
many crops being marketed at
iless than the cost of production.
! "In fact our reports show
1 L II til 11IUIC UUUO 11 lilt, ItUD Uvvti I . s at
Un.unl this vear than ever Co-operation Necessary.
ibeforo. and that the returns to In mi interview, John Mills of
!the producers have maintained jPuyallup, Washington, lias the
ia fair average, while of all other b y uy.
"I saw the sun four days
while I was away," said Mr.
Powell. "Needless to say, the
warmer the weather tho bigger
the demand for lemons."
fruits and vegetables distributed
! hi a speculative way, a consider-
lable nortion has cither been
"In the first place our climatic
conditions are such that we al
ways have a crop to market; in
sacrificed or the prices have not the second place our marketing
'covered shipping expenses. iacumeB nave ueen so penecieu
I "To say," said Mr. Powell, ! through the work of the Puyal
!"that in this day and age of. zlM and Sumner I-Yuitgrdwers'
I complex economical system, a Association that tho producer, if
perishable fruit crop can be soldo so desires, can make a 11 vo-
direct from the producer to the coniraci wirn uie ansocia-
! consumer is to fly in the face!"1 for his products at a price
treet Grocery
Thos. Sikcs, Prop. Phone 22
Our Bank Money Orders Are
Safe Cost Less Good Everywhere
Our $23.00 or Under Dank Money Ordr Cost3 Only 5c
Our $25.00 to $100.00 Bank Money Order Costa Only 10c
If lost or destroyed in transmitting through the mails, or
otherwise, wo give you a duplicate without any cost or red
tape whatever.
Commercial State Bank
' - . n.i. ti !thnf will lint IiIim iliit' l..lir..
01 lacts as mey are. ihuuxuu- -" ..... ..v ....... wum
'cally it looks feasible, but in.?ld all other expenses, $l.r0 an
practice the contrary proves ! acre a year. These two Idal
true. I believe uuu uie system " "i"-i.uia'(i, aumnifiu
Capital $30,000.00
Commenting on this state-
Mills' the Molalla
'of co-operative marketing that riculture a positive certainty,
im,v nnniro ml lnnion men have are not to be found elsewhere."
been working out is the best! Commenting
'one that could or can be devised nient 01 Mi
in ii.a tnm nf pirnninatancos .l ioneer says:
Acting on this theory Mr. ''In the matter of climate Puy
Powejl's eastern trip was de-allup has little advantage over
'voted to a study of marketing , this valley. In fact, we are con
! renditions as thev are. with a fldent that we have a little tho
I view to the betterment of the ex- cst l. Il-, 111 the matter ot co
i chance's instruments of tlistri
bution. With tins enu m view
operation in marketing it has
everything and we have nothing.
Hie had a conference with the ! WcMiave no way of ascertaining
.'newly appointed Fedral Trades
i commission.
i "The members of this com
mission highly praised our sys
1 torn
' tion
theless, we are always looking
I believe that
what the average net profit of
the acreage of land is In this vi
cinity. It certainly is far below
$10 an acre. Our shipping fa-
of profit and the $150 must be
n of marketing and distribu- a ft b ood as those
n.M told Mr. Powell. "Nr-ver- (the Washington country. TI
d(. wo re alwavs lookliiK difference between our net yle
,.f,wi,-m r ht'Uo.vo. ihnf of profit and the $150 must I
year we will see more cit-tJo difference in our people and
rit than this year, and at the way they go after this line
.ir0a of business. Is thei'e any chance
"Do not order by the 'package,' or 'bottle,' or 'sack,' or
'piece,' or 'money value,' " says 3 pamphlet just issued' by
the state treasurer, ex officio sealer of weights and measures
for Oregon, "for this tells the merchant nothing, is meaning
less to hipi and is practically inviting him to be careless; forces
him to decide upon the quantity yon want, which is unfair
to the morchant and unbusinesslike on your part. Order in
specific amounts. TJie merchant then knows exactly what
you want, and will use care in seeing that the correct amount,
as ordered, is delivered."
This pamphlet, a copy of which has just come to The
News office, Is for free distribution, and may be had by writing
to T. P. Kay, Salem. The pamphlet contains many pictures
showing thp hpnest and the dishonest scales and measures.
Speaking of the appeal of the pamphlet to women, it says:
"The women of the state are the purchasing agents for
the household, and they should use tto same care In buying
'commodities' for 'daily 'consumption as. they .would In pur
chasing the material for a dress. For' Instance, a woman
would not order' $9 worth of silk for a drees, but she would
ascertain the exact amount of silk needed and then order a
for perfection
lus frw.
' I..H v in ir ta
' wi-iii jr, n.t Mr tw-I for us to learn?
o'l to-iuulnled' plans for increas
ed efficiency In several fields
Wo have the
theory, not written in a book,
but displayed in a concrete in-
t'.Lt .ill he hud before tho wt-iMneooi tuo success 01 co-qp-
c-hc.j.,CH board of directors at era- opportunity tor c o
lli tfuxk meeting for study dur-'velopment along ahy ono ol the
Ins the coming alx months. jW 11,108 f horticulture ag
'jhose ylans contemplate boh 1 riculture and live s ock hus
,.,m.. ,itQrii.,,fim, n? r.,tnu , bamlry is limited only by tho ca-
. r..u nr,irm il i pahllM ics of those engaged In
iwnnn (lift lobhers and retailers, those vocations.
and wider and better adveiiis
"It is only by wide distribu
tion," said Mr. Powell, that
the consumption of the fruit can
keep pace with increased pro
duction., With this object 'in
view, we desire to Incrqase the
number of persons handling our
fruit. We also hope to increase
the per capita coneuipptlpn by
diversified uses of the fruit be
fore the people through judici
ous advertising. Already vve
And what is true in tho Mo
lalla country Is true of the vi
cinity of Springfield.
Notice js hereby given to tho
legal. voters of School District
Nq."19 of Iane County, State pf
Oregon, that the Annual Schopl
Meeting of ssjdd, DlstriptWlll bo
held at thd Lincoln Hujldlngj to
begrfn at the hour ot 8 O'clock P.
JW. dn the third Monday of June,
arc famous for quality and
Ave save you money on
what you buy hero. Wo
si ll Dependable Coffees and
Teas nnd everything else is
dependable which wo sell.
Nice & Miller
Op Commercial Stato Bank
Phono 1)
Established 1S83
Capital and Surplus - - . $300,000.00
Interests on Savings Accounts a nd Timo Certificates
1 clng the 21st day of June, A. D. I
l :l.". I
'1 hia meeting is called for the ,
purpose of electing ono Director
to serve threo years and one
Clork to serve one year and the
transaction of business usual at
such meeting.
Dated this 7th day of Juno,
Chairman Board of Directors.
M-37-9-1 District Clerk.
Coos Bay lumber shipments
leading all Pacific Coast ports.
Astoria Hill steamer North
ern Pacific lands 484 passengers
and tfGO'ton's freight largest load
since started.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
l y I"' il 1 imi.k iiii.nia. u thvy oaiimil ''
th. in,, in. ii ,,n. ,, (t r, iur. Thiru l
'.iii ,! )w,v. tu ,.,. iimfm.jj, itmi Hint j
1 nine Hutii. n 11 DonfiiiM l
1, 11 i.y un liiiUtiiuiil comlUlim ut tliii "in
in, IliiliiK of i- Kiiitituhliii) Tube. Win'"
tlil iul. 10 1 uii.i in 1 ii y,m ,nvu 11 ruintillnB
"unii or imfi.if.i l iiiiirlnit, nnd wluui U l
Miiln ly clun il, UiMinii'ig ! Din rrault. nnil
uiili-M tho luUnmiimtlim imn l0' tutteii '"'
ml tlila tutu riilorml In It iiormnl eoliill
Hn, lipuiitiif will lj (Uilroyi'il forever; lilt"
I'lim-g ut nr n nm cnumil liy Catarrh. Ii nutlilnK Imt nil Intluiiuil eoiidllloii
or tlio imicoui urfAcm.
Wo will nlvt Onu lluiulri'd Dollnr for nny
cam or Diofm.ii (cnunil liy onturrli) tliot
ennnot be iiirrit liy llull'i Cnlsrrli Cure.
Buna for clrcutnro, free.
V. J. eillDNRy A CO., Toledo, Ohio,
Hold by DriiKHlnt, 76o.
Tak llall'a i'umlly l'llli for oonitlpatlon.
Commercial printing, carof ully
exectted at tho;. News ,
printing plant