The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, March 18, 1915, Image 4

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    Bates Is Coming
We are pleased to, announce, that Mr.
Thos. Bates, representing A. E. Ander
son & Co.T Tailors, will bo at our store
Friday and Saturday, March 19 and 20,
Friday and Saturday, March 19 and 20,
to take measures for Men's Suits.
1000 Samples
We invite your inspection, and if you
need a suit at any time this Spring or
.Summer, we will be .glad to take y.ou
and. deliver the clothes
measure now
'" when you want them.-
Members of the N. G. O, Sow
ing club wcro summoned Wed
nesday afternoon to honor tho
birthday anlvorsary of Mrs.
Elizabeth Stewart. The, decora
tions were In greon, tho dining
table being particularly beauti
ful with Us streamers of croon.
and tho great arm chair bnnked
with blossoms for tho honored
guest. A dainty two-course
luncheon was served.
Tho wedding of Miss Lola La-
Vorno Atkinson and Truman Ar-
low Chase, at tho Baptist church
In this city Wednesday after
noon was one or the notablo
events of the season. The decor
ations wcro earned out 'In a
most pleasing combination of
fern and carnations, the. altar
being banked with fern and an
arch of whlto with fern and car
nations supporting tho wedding
bell under which tho ring service
was performed by Row C. I
Eisonmenger. assisted by Rev.
J. II. Douglas. At tho ends of
the ferns wore lovers bows of
whlto caught with fern.
! Promptly at 3 o'clock Mrs.
'Douglas began the wedding
march. Rev. Elsonmoniror and
Rev. pougjas camo from the ! and Springfield entertained the
' prayer meeting room up tho ! t whist in Eugene last ovo
i west Isle followed by two ushers, iS. ami again tho ilrst prize
lHarrv Chase and Harold Chnse. was carried off by a Springfield
I then came Homer Chase thoivistor, Mrs. W. L. McCulloch bo J
I best man, and the groom. Mean- i l8 the fortunato ono. Tho ;
i while Marvin Chase and Elmo springuem memoors win enter-
whlch locality tho young people
will nmko their homo.
Some Blxty or moro Intlnmto
friondB and rolatlvcfl attended I
tho wedding. Mrs. ChaBo' going '
away gown was a blue cloth
suit with hat to mutch,, although
their plana for tho Immediate
future woro most successfully
kept to themselves. Thoy will
bo nt homo in their now bunga
low alter April l.
A highly successful masquer-
ado ball was glvon by tho Reap
ora of America at their hall last
evening. It was tho Ilrst time
tho hall had been used since It
wns enlarged, and yet it was
none too big for tho many who
sought to pass tho hours pleas
antly in the mazes of tho dance.
First prizes woro awanlcd Mr.
Nelson and Mrs. Lenhnrt for e.v
collonco of costume, and Mr.
Fry was offered consolation bo
cause his costume did not at
tain the high standard sot by tho
judges. These arbiters were: Jt
E. Edwards. A. T. Drum ami
Mrs. Beatrico Crouch.
Ladles of tho Elks of Eugene
New Spring
Wo have Just received a shipment of now Spring Drons
Shoes for women, comprising all tho latest nobby lastH In
laco and button stylos In French Volour Calf and Patont
Colt leathors. , '
1 Patont leather, now lace stylo, gray cravenotto
top, French licol, extra special, at $3.00
2 Frenefi Volour calf, gray cravenotto top, now
laco stylo, extra French hool, very nobby.
Priced at . . . -. .-...$4.00
3 Black patent leathor, button, cloth top, swing
too with cap, very special at
4 Patont colt akin, plain too, now sund colored
gaiter effect cloth top, modorato French heel,
special now model
Chase stretched white ribbon In
tho east aisle shutting in a space
for the bridal party. Miss King-
well the bridesmaid followed by
tain nt tho next session. Those
attending from hero wero Mr.
and Mrs. J. L. Clark, Mr. and
Mrs. W. L. McCulloch. Mr. and
the bride, who looked especially ( Mrs. L. M. Beebo, Mr. and Mrs.
'charming In her gown of white 'A. Middleton, and Mr. and Mrs.
! crepe de chine trimmed with J J Bryan.
lace and pearls. A full length!
veil caught In a Juliet cap with A most enjoynblo event was
peans compieieu me costume. tne initial Liunclieon and cos-
(Continued from Page 2)
land pony with me. My grand
ma, and grandpa lives on a farm.
"My-Shetland pony is brown 1
like my pony. My grandma said
he was cute. I ride him every
Saturday and Sunday He is
gentle. I ride him In the field.
dHe runs and plays all the time.
x" Ruth Brattain.
' Grade 2 A Age 8
My Mouse
I have a pet mouse, he is "grey
and black. "Whenever I wanfcto
J (Can walk right up to him and
catch him. I have a dog and I
"have to watch him or he will kill
my mouse.
Claude Pratt
Grade 3 B Age 8
from the school house. I go
home for my dinner every day.
I will be nine years old the tenth
of April.
Chester Myers
Grade 3 B
She carried a shower bouquet of
white carnations. Miss Kings
well's dark beauty was enhanced
by a charming frock of pink
silk. She carried pink carna
tions. Mrs. Chase is the accomplish
ed daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.
L. Atkinson near Goshen; Mr.
Chaseis the son of Mr. and Mrs.
My Dog.
I have a little dog. He is
while and brown. I like to play
with him. 1 run around the
house and he runs after me.
Junia Boesen
Grade 2' A Age 7
My Cat
I have a cat. Her name is
Gyp. I like my cat and I am
good to her. My cat chases me.
When I Tun my cat follows me.
She will run up a tree when she
see a dog. I don't thing she like
Dale Cumming
Grade 2 A Age 7
!. My Dod.
My dog is a good dog. He is School
black and white and not very I like to go to school. I was
largg";-i.I call him Rover. 'He is in the Second A class half a year,
five years old. He is not cross. I passed into the Third B now.
I like to "play with him. He has Mrs. Bartlett is my teacher. I go
to stay at home when I go to home with my teacher almost
Grade 3 B
Vernon Jones.
Age 9
I have gone to school every
day only when I was sick and I
am never late. I live six blocks
every day.
Grade 3 B
Nell Nelson
Age 8
My Goldfish.
I have four gold fish. I have
to feed my fish every day. I
feed them something like paper
Two World Exposition
r Now Open
Reduced fare round trip tickets, permitting stop
overs at all points in either direction, to the Pan--,ama
Pacific International Exposition, San Fran
cisco, and to the Panama California Exposition,
San Diego, on sale every day to November 30
Via the
Scenic Shasta Route
Shasta Limited San Francisco Express California Express
Stop-overs on One Way Tickets
Ten day's stop-over will be allowed at San Fran
cisco and Los Angeles on one way tickets sold to
Eastern Cities when routed via the Southern Pa
cific. California and It's Two World Expositions
A now booklet describing tho trip from Portland to San Diego
including tho two expositions, tho scenic beauties of Oregon,
the Slskiyous and Shasta Mountains, San Francisco, tho beach
and outing resorts of California, tho San Joaquin Valley and
Yosemito National Park. Free on application to nearest Agent,
John M. Scott, General passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon.
J. W. Chase of Pruneville, In gueBt.
tume party glvm by the ladles
of tho Needlecraft at the home
of Mrs. Carl Fischer Wednesday
evening. The ladies wore fancy
costumes which created much
moriment for nil. Each gupst
was required to bring for re
freshments some articla of food
the name of which has the same
initial letetr as the name of the
Juat In by Express
Cox & Cox
but it is fish food. My fish don't
sleep They just swim all the
time. They can't live out of
water. Sometimes my fish' are
afraid and try to hide urideV the i.. u .,, ,
shells in the bow.' M, wo ut.
(Continued from Paso 1.)
stones and
Grade 3 B
Age 8 'l:
I am Virgil I go to school". I
am sven years old. I am in the
third B class now. Mrs. Bartlet
is my teacher. I like to go to
school I get my lessons. I (work
a lot of arithmetic every day. We
sing at school. I like to sing.. I
like to play too. fvr
Virgil Mcpherson
Grade 3 B Age 7
The Horseback Ride.
Sunday papa let me ride Dick.
Dick is our horse. He Is black.
Papa put me on Dick's back and
lead him around the yard so 1
had a ride while Dick ate grass.
I like to ride on his back. He
does not buck me off.
Ralph CHne
Grade 3 B Age 8
My Pet Banty.
I have a little banty hen. She
lays eggs every day. I feed her
every morning and night.. My
banty likes me.
Lawrence Bruce.
Grade 3 B Age 8
the newspapers, and the theatre,
including the motion picture
There was some general dis
cussion of Professor Ayer's ad
dress, and after tho meeting ad
journed the adulencc broke up
into little groups for further dis
cussion of the topic.
Athletic Sports in the Youth's
Every boy who plays baseball
and who has a secret longing, to
come under the eye of a scout
from the big leagues, ought jto
have The Youth's Companion,
and read the articles' on baseball
and other sports on the Boyfs
Page. Some of these are illus
trated with moving pictures .'of
pitchers and other players taken
in action, so that one can follow
every motion of a "crack" player
even better than with the eye.
This Is just one feature of The
Youth's Companion. If you don't
know what It ishke, the publish
ers will send you sample copies.
The Companion is $2.00 a year,
52 weekly issues, and givjes
more reading than any monthly
nt double the price. 7T,
142 Berkeley Street,.
Boston, Mass,
New Subscriptions Received fat
thisOfilce. fc.i
Glendale Is to have a United
Evangelical church. TJf
Arlington has a new $20,000
Union high school.
May 10 Dallas votes on munirl
Free Methodist Church.
Sabbath School at 10 a. m.
Preaching services at 11 a.m.
Evening Services 7:30 p. m.
Children's meeting at 3 p. m.
Midweek prayer meeting on
Thursday at 7:30 p. m.
A cordial invitation is extend
ed to all.
Methodist Church.
Corner Second and B Btreets
James T. Moore, pastor, phone
117-W. For next Sunday: 10
A. M. Sunday school.
11:00 a. m. Preaching service.
2. P. M. Junior League Miss
Rhodes, Supt.
0:30 Epworth League. Get in
early to Insure a scat.
7:30 Evening Sermon and
song service.
2:30 Wednesday 'Ladles' Aid.
Thursday, 7:30 p. m Midweek
prayer meeting.
Church of Christ.
Bible School, 9:45 a. m com
munion and sermon at 11 a. m
Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p.
m song Bervlco and sermon at
7 :30 p. m., prayer meeting every
Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.
Baptist Church.
Sunday Sabbath school at
10 a. m.; preaching scrvlco nt
11 a. m.;B. Y. P. U. at G:30 p. m.
Preaching servlco at 7:30 p. m.
Wednesday, Prayer meeting at
7:30 p. m. Thursday, Choir re
hearsal at 8 p. m.
Orogon; O. M. Apgor. of Marcola, Oro.
Ron; 11 C. Howlnnd, of Marcolo, Ore
gon; J. S. Churchill, of Marcoln, Ore
gon. ,J. M. UPTON
t-a-w-M 20 Register.
Department of tho Interior
U. S. Land Offlco at Rosoburg, Oro
gon, March 3, 191G.
Notice Is hereby given that Coy Els
ton, of Vlda. Oregon, who, on April
30, 1012, made ilomostoad Entry,
Serial No. 07934, for Lot 4 of Sec. 34,
Tp. It 8, It 3 B. and NW of NEW or,
Soctlon 3, Township 17 8, Range 3 E.,
Willamette Meridian, has filed nottco
of Intention to make Final Three-year
Proof, to establish claim to tho land
abovo described, before Stacy M, Rus
sell, Clerk of Lano County, at his offlco
rat Kugeno, Orogon, on the luth day of
April. 1015.
Claimant names as wltnossos:
Frank 1). Mason, of Vlda, Orogon.
JninoM Neal, of Vlda, Orogon.
Joo Wcakflold, or Vlda, Oregon.
Hollo Jolly, of Vlda, Orogon.
tAprS Register.
Department or tho Interior,
U. S. Lund Olllco nt Rosoburg, Oro-
igon, March 2, 1015.
' Notlco Is hereby glvon that Oeorgo
ii iiiiu.ii wu.v,, f at.., w .u', vi
on October 10, 1011. made Homestead
Entry, Serial No. O7G04, for tho W4
of NW and NWtf of 8W or Soc
tlon 20, Township lG Houth, Range
Department of tho Interior
U. S. Land Olllco at Roseburg, Oro
gon. Kobrtiary 10. 101C.
Notlco Is hereby given that Mary 'East, and on March 4, 1014, mndo Ad
Cole, as heir and administratrix of tho dltlonnl Ilomostoad Entry, Serial No.
Estato of Columbus Colo, deccasod, of . 00380 for tho NIC', of NWVi of Soctlon
Marcola, Orogon, who, on February C,
1015, mado application to purchaso un
der Sec, 5 of Act of Mar. 3, 1887, for
tho uso and benefit of tho liolra and
assigns of Columbigi Colo, deccasod,
No. 00090, for Lot 2 of .Section 10,
Township ICS, Rango 1W., Willamette
Meridian, lias inert notlco of Intontlon
to mako Final Proof, to establish claim
to tho land abovo described, buforo I.
P, Howltt, U. S. Comm sslonor. nt IiIb
odlco, nt Eugene, Oregon, on tho Oth
day of April, 1015.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Norman R. Workman, of Marcola.
20, Township 10 S, Rango 2 B Wil
lamette Moridlan, hns (Hod notico of
Intontlon to mako Final Throo-yoar
Proof, to establish claim to tho land
abovo described, beforo I. P. Howltt,
U. S. Commissioner, nt his olllco at
Eugene, Oregon, on tho 14th day of
April, 1015.
Claimant namoR as witnesses
Luvorn Chllson, of Vida, Oregon.
Roitjamln Mlnney, or Vlda, Orogon.
Frank Minnoy, or Vlda, Orogon.
William Foster, or Vldn, Orogon.
tApr.8 Register.
GAS ROOM HEATERS aro Inoxponsivo to buy cheap to operate ,Thoy aro
their cost over and over again in the colds, sore throats and other ailments
they provont. '
For Fall and Spring Heating thoy aro Ideal. Usoful during tho codor months
for auxiliary purposes to help out tho regular stoves or furnacos to wa'm
rooms quickly in tho morning.
See them at tho Gas office, 957 Willamette Street, or Fellman-Nowland Co.,
625-49, Willamette Street, Eugeno. '