The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, March 18, 1915, Image 3

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Put Tat Kodak To Wprjc
mature will aoon t mk
her IxJst and Will Invite
T7 'iik. lji ill i lion r-1 i'j 'i
ih ii I
you out.doora to take
her pictures, if you
liavon'ta Kodak, rem
mcmbor We Sell Picture Taker
Wo nlflo bcII Kodak and
photo HiipplloB of such a
character an to Insure
tho beat rcBUltH In pic
ture taking and making.
,, ,. , , , , , . , .... .. , , ,
A noW Cdlga'tb soap at
Hoar tho now Edison Disc
Phonographs at Poory's
I. A. Nlco purchased an Auto-
enr for Ills family Tuesday.
Ernest and Mao' Lyon spent
Sunday with friends at Browns
ville. 0. II. MoKilmnoy has been
confined to his home in the west
parf of 'town for a few days-by
reason of sickness. 1
Mrs. C. 13. Hill was taken to
the Moray hospital, Eugene,
this morning, and will bo oper
ated upon tomorrow morning.
Tho Springfield Feed Co. re
ceived a car of alfalfa from Cali
fornia lost week, and a car each
of oat and vetch hay and of feed
this week.
A. J. Henderson, formerly en
gaged in buelrteaa In Springfield,
leaves tomorrow for-Portland,
where ho!Mlir reside. His'ftioth
or, Mrs: Ih Hall, left yesterday.
W. L. McCulloch, Dr. W C.
Hebhan and H. W. Stcwart'went
to Natron and fished down tho
Willamette yesterday. They Se
cured eight fish in spite of tho
early ecasdn.
Fresh Garden Seeds at tho
Feed Store. Also Fertilizers for
Root Crops uhd Foliage Crops,
Spray Material etc. We invite
Inspection, and our prices are
the best.
Mr. Ilolgerson, formerly tho
head but tor maker In the Junc
tion City Co-operative cream
ery, was In Springfield Tuesday
tho guest of Manager Darkman
of-tho Springfield creamery. Tho
visitor complimented Mr. Bark
man oii the arrangement of his
new creamery.
Jesse McBpo, a former rcsl-
iloht. nf KnrlnirflolrV died In Seat
tle Monday,. March 15 and his
brother S. B. MoBee left that
night tor Seattle, and another
brother, W. A. McBeo, arid a
sister, Mrs; Ed. Collins, left on
Tuesday". Elmer MoBee of Eu
gene and Edward MoBee are al
so brothers 'of the deceased.
Colgdto's Talcums 15c at
All things In Leather repair
ed by Wolf &. Miller.
Ed. Brlcham has moved to
! rooms over the Bell theatre.
Dr. R. P. Mortcnseu made a
business trip to Yoncalla yester
day. Miss Veda Barbro goes to
Portland Snturday to visit her
sister. ' - ' -
I do all kinds of altering
and repairing. Jenkins, the
t -
Frank , Carmen, former resi
dent of Springfield has been
transferred td the Oakrldgc-Albany
run. "
Tho Brilliant Vacuum
Cleaner for sale $ 19.50; or for
rent $1.25 per 'day. See Dale
Mummey. 14
Mr. and Mrs. Baxter Young
went to Shedd Tuesday after
noon to vlBlt at the home of TMrs.
Young's 'Bister for a week or
more." r '
p When Bruce Evans was hero
last Friday he was the guest of
the A. Si Walker family as well
as of the Young family at Pruned
Rev. and Mrs. J. II. Douglas,
formerly residents of Spring
field, were here from their home
west of Eugeno to attend tho
Chase-Atkinson wedding Wed
nesday. GOING SOME. A man held
his shoes one month, until he
could .gee back to Springfield for
mo to fix 'em. That's nothing
i trot frnilo from Eiitrene. There's
a reason! Hall, the Shoo Doctor,
5th and Main.
TJm Wrmifin'a Missionary So
ciety of tho M. 13. church, will
hold a parlor meeting next mon
' day afternoon, March 22, at 2:30
lat tho home of Mrs. S. H. Baker,
klri, a speaker of national repute,
and Mrs. Hard of Eugene will
addreds thb meeting. All -ladles
ate Invited. ' ' '
.t..,':i .4.U)wiA;..jatv)
Grocery Buying
Doesn 'i Require
the time andj thought and attention
that it used to.
' Nowadays, at this modern store,
we take care of the "worry part" of
your grocery biiying-'-we 'stand be-
tween you and impure foods and un
desirable' goods,-and the Icoet is no
more than for inferior goods.
Get the Habit of Trading
lUtr MntmrAinnn at tiki
Palaci of wet.
shape W Wolf Ai'Mlllei': '
School Tableb'.at Peery'a ;
n. F. Ezeliminn made a busi
ness trlp-to-Iugenc yesterday.
Trv Kl'ltn Ilolnl and
rnnmittcr house. Breakfast 0:30
to 9; dinner 12 to 2r supper 0 to 8
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mc
Cra'cken are spending the day
today lit Springfield.
Mrs. Tom Ohlsen, who was
operated on at tho Eugene hos
pital, Is Improving nicely.
For sweeto that are sweet
go td tho Palace of Sweets, thb
homo of home-mado candy.
Thurman RIggs, W. F. Walk
er and O. Er Wheaton attended
Maftorilb 16dgS In Eugfene last
Good reliable fire Insurance.
No assessniehter no membership
fee. pay'6ric6 and you are done.
H. E. Walker al tho City Hall.
A. Horrlck, Sam and William
Young attended the meeting of
the Moose lodgo in Eugeno last
night. It was a stag banquet
m m
Persons owing the Spring
field Feed Co., for longer than
30 days are requested to call and
balance up. Wo need our money.
. f
Little Ivan Mule has been con
fined In bed the past week with
a severe attack of tonsllitls, this
being the second spell within
tho past three weeks.
Early chickens bring good
money Get your supplies at the
Feed Store. We are carrying
extra lines this year and are go
ing to sell them cheaper.
A. P. Jones returned to Veneta
Tuesday after having been In
Springfield for a few days to
havo Ills hand treated. He had
but an artery with an ax.
E. H. Denton brought to the
Watkfr market hero this week a
hog that weighed dressed 458
pounds, one of the largest ev
er brought Into the local liiarket.
Special prices pn ice cream
by the gallon. ' Call us 'any time
you wish -and 'we -will 'deliver
whatyou want to any part- of
the city -Immediately. Just call
phone 41.
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Montgom
ery returned Wednesday from
Yonballa where they had spent
the past six weeks at the home
of Mrs. Montgomery's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. James Star.
Mrs. John Sparks Was hostess
of the Emanon club at its usual
meeting Wednesday afternoon.
The members met at Mrs. Mor
rison's and went In a body to
the Sparks suburban home'.
Tho man that gives satis
faction is tho one that gets tho
work: Did you ever see Hall;
the Shoe Doctor idle J guess
not. Did you ever see him. work
until 101 or 11 o'cldek nrm. I
guess yes. There is a reason. 1
W. Graves, while engaged In
shingling the roof of the annex
to the 'Methodist chtirch yester
day afternoon' fainted and 'slip
ped jlown to ah adjacent roof.
He' sustained no' serious injury.
Mrs. M. M. Lord of Seattle,
sister'of 'J. Pi Fry,-arrived Tues
day for a short visit before flhe
contlnuos her journey to San
Francisco and Denver. She is
on her way to the latter place
to vlBlt her daughter.
Cupid Flour is tho "Best"
hardwheat on tho market. $1,75
or $G.80 bbl. Johnson's Best a
hardwheat blend of Superior
quality at $1.65 or $0.40 bbl.
Our "Cash" guarantee with
each sack. Springfield Feed
Company. '
Rev. and Mrs, C, F. Eisenmon
ger expect to leave-Friday night
for their former homo in Penn
sylvania, going by way of San
Franci'sco'td abo thff exposition.
They had spent a week or more
with friends in Portland and Se
attle and liaVO been hero for this
Tho funeral services for the
late' MrB. Roy Palmer were held
at 'the family hpmo in West
Springfield Tuesday afternoon,
attended by a largo number of
sorrowing ' frjerids. The floral
oiierinKB were especially oeau-
tlful. iThe interment was made
at -the Mt ' ' Vernon cemetery,
three miles ea3t. of 4 Springfield.
' For a, rood shine come f6w'
tne Club. 1 x
Sunday cklekea dinner at
the Elite hotel from 12 to 2.
Household rood of Mrs. II.
Ball were shipped to PortlaMl
George Maelll has opened a
shoe' shining parlor In the lobby
of the Palace club
Mrs. Fred Cilnc, who lives
west of Springfield, has been ill
for the past few days.
Mrs. S. Farrlngton arrived
from Tncoma last night and has
accepted a position at the Elite
Mr. and ftlrs. John Sparks
spent Sunday with Bert Delts,
who lives near the Wlllakenzie
grange hall.
The Southern Pacific com
pany Is laying new planking be
tween the railtf at the Intereec
libn of Main and Third streets.
George Ohlsen, accountant
for tho Booth-Kelly company,
returned to work Tuesday af
ternoon after a few daya sick
ness. Mrs. Mabel Gay returned on
Tuesday from Marcdla, where
she had spent a few days1 with
her husband, who 'Is employed
Bell Theatre Thursday and
Friday. '
drama, very Interesting.
PAGES Adapted from Mtmsey
valley.-fix. fildaB B?& ETAOIN
For Sale, R enl, JfantE(l, E).
FOR SALE .White Plymouth
Rdok eggs 75 cents for 15, fer
tility guaranteed. Mrs. R. W
Smith. Springfield, Phone
114-R 13t2
Saturday Only
10 15 25-T-40 WattTLamp
100 Watte
No Restrictions. Lay in Your Supply
Beaver Herndon
Hardware to.
) H
Easter Sunday, April 4. 1915
As the church bells throughout the country ring forth .
heir glad tidings on. Easter morn there is a certain spirit '
in the air that makes mankind want to appear at his best
on this day.
Perhaps the season, of the year nature shaking off
her winter garb and budding ' forth tor Spring the birds
chirping their pleasure at the coming of brighter days all
combine toset an example for us,
Easter is Drese Panicle Day nth e whole country over.
There is no time when SB&bbj clothes are so noticeable as
on this day. To be well 'dresed this Easter you ah'ouJd ;
wear Kuppenhelmer clotSks' ' " .
Spring Suits are now an display and are priced right. :
g. E.UIS, AUta 1mm
T1 AtTi
LOST Black, rain proof lap
robe, green plush lined. Ri
turn tQ this office and receive
rejvard. Lost on Mill or Fourth
street, Harry L. 'Chase. it
Patronize Home Indiistrv;
Ask ydur- furniture dealer
for those folding clothes racks
made by the Springfield Planing
Mill company
FOR, SALE Motorcycles, one
cylinder Indian, One single
cylinder Yale, Good condition.
P.J. Berger. Springfield.
FOlTNDAt Reapers ' hHTan
umbrella. Owner may have
same by paying for this no
tice. 14tf
FORSALEJ 2 good fresh Jer
sey cows.' Call G. Miller's
Harness shop. jiJ
FOR SALE Full blooded white
Wyandotte Roosters from
prize winning strain. E. P.'
Lyon. Route 1, Springfield tf
FOR SALE Eggs from fancy
bred Partridge 'Wyandotts
$1.5'0 perl5rat the hduse; '6fch
and D. streets Springfield; OVe.
Phone 10S R W. L. Dunlap.
FOR SALE17-ft. new boat.
Call at Springfield Planing
Mill or Phone'130W3. ' 9tf.
F. L. Wood, manager ojt the
'Albany Iron Works, succeeds T.
' SMaarf-asTiiember of the State
Warrenton A plank road to
be built to Flavel dock.
Astoria F. L Dunber and T.
R. Davis are erecting $25,000
apartment. '
Wagner, a new town on the
Smiths-Powers logging road is to
havet water works:
Marsh field pulpmlll is huild
IngUarge'resesvOir. H. D. Eisman has leased and
will operate Grants Pass can
nery. The recently burned hotel
block at Junction City will be re
built. Talbot on the Oregon Electric
wlHJbulld riew school house.
Baker Motortruck service to
Panhandle county secured.
WANTED' TO BUY Cattle for
fattening purposes. No' Jer
seys.' Palmer Bros. Phone
17-F"-3.' ' f ' loir
EROOM HOUSE and lot for
sale or rent. Modern conven
iences. Easy terms. Call at
Kews offieo
OBIce Uinth and 1-partiHnr eiepnone
Suite 2. Pfione feS8i EUGENE. ORE
Resldeuce' over Dodge's Store
Office Jn the I. O. O. F. Building
' 'ForrFVrhrkha:City, Property ? '
Springfierd- A vt6nm,w
fi 5 M Phone. 30 &li "
. S -X
t 1 -.. V -
SucceMor to Calkins 41 Son. '
'J t
General Dray age Business,
" - planM .Meved. ' V
Phone 70
SpHnfffelc, Oregon.
We Sell the .Hamilton
0. W. Jewiritr & OpticiM
Springfield, Ore.
Repairing' a' Specialty
PHONES: Office, 3; Residence,
Over Commercial Bank, T
Spripgfield, Oregon.
$m Notice $32
0ne nuMmm qow cmwm
Guaranteed 22-K
Saturdav. March 20, I will make 100 gold
I crowns for S3 each. Your dentist is charging you $5
tO v?IU Ipr me same. iviem.c vuui uuiwia uuv yvw s. vy m.v
or three jtis wliat tey .re xipw dojng. Call m$ have
your teeth examined janjd mafce appointment for work.
Dr. A. E. YOUNG,
717 Willamette St., Eugene. Phone