The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 19??-1914, July 12, 1907, Image 5

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at ovn
lyiodel Bath Room
Toilets, Sinks and Lavatories
Plumbing mill tin work so
licited. Wo only chargn
i $100 for food connections
to water inning, : j j ;
,I)r. I.OIVO, outilo-nptlrlnti, KtieDiic.
-If yu have-any paws Jo (lit
coJ. 12. George. .
Wjlm Jloine Bakery.
,nUH white 't'H mnd) tiordci
for l 50 nt tho I ndios HiiZnnr
' -dftll myl fii'O our iloor maltiiifc
k lof6ro(vou buy else whoro. , ' ,
x J. A. b'tanebje.
BornTo Mr. and Mrf. Hob6rt
WilliiimH, of PioiiKiuii Hill, Sun
day night, July 0, 11)07, a son.
Tho best on tho orcek Ip
."1'euryV Cooling Cream" for
.chapped skin or after shaving. 25
It you want window saab, win
dow glass, doors, fCrccn doors or
; putty, call at tho Hprlngfleld snih
and door, factory. A complo'to stock
now on hnnd.
Wo have tlio best selection of
iloor innttti'gs that hns over bqeu
scon in Bpringfiol-I. You can cavo
monoy hy.purohnBlnK
J. -Ai tansblo.
JA good tract of land within
nnll rnllo ol (lonot.for Pftlo in noro
Jots on vory reimnhublo terms'. A
desirable placo for it homo. ft 2-
S. KT. B. Hunt.
Mr. Ftbil Walkor spent tho
;Fotirth of .lulv in Portland return
ing homo Friday evening. Whilo
In;" the city ho purchased ft latgo
Bii0ply of now undertaking goods
for Ills ostablishuient at this place.
iJiiring tho ah?enoo of tho city
editor of tho Nows whilo on liis
eastern trip next month, Mr. Frod
iAYjilker has born induced to lake
hold of the editorial quill and turn
jsh. tho Nows renders with a earn
plo. of his brain profusion. t
,-Tako your Hhoes to K. Wells
find get thum fixed up proper
fJoiicral repairing of all kinds.
Also tneks, lentdor, rubber and
lnilfMtf dor niwni'iil. tar Pulp. . I will IrV
anjplease you nil. Shop on Knst
r'Mftfti.streot. 13. Wolls.
Si1" (l,ri9ler li'ft. v.TunHday
!? wJ8W01' Shmilko, whero hq hns n
Mnfl-bf about 200 horses thivt he
brongnt from the cast a - fw woeks
. . . . ii.i....
ngo, no exneoib w unvg -tuum
noross tho piountnluHx whore he
ivlll llnd snlo for them at Spring
flolil find KugeuiS. ' .
; V 'fbo ""mien Hint Will bo givon
'' byttho bull hoys Snturdny night
Svillboa reception for. thoCllose
,burg base ball tfnui, Dillard and
varverud will furnish the mUHiu
.rind' it is hoped that a b,rgo crowd
, -'will bo present to Help entertitin
" ylBiting huso ball ' team nnd
' tilsoi tr lielp swell the rccoipls of
tjio bnso ball funds. .
v MfrB. B. MoKinney cmno ovor
.'rorn Kugeno Wudneny, no
companiod by nrohitoot John Hun
elokor, and purohased ' froim Mr.
.Gllkoy, 20 fou mofo Mitln otroet
'property. Thfs gives'ji'im a front
'ogd of 03 feet and ho aitys that he
' Hyilh'stBrt the oreotion n't dnco of a
M'Wo'story building tliat Will cover
(ho entire lot, 03
Sills Tents and Camp Outfits
Yof, n moral U'flVd litis itrtick
Bprlngllold rind now thftro.wjll be
omoililng doing nil tli6 tjnic,
0. 11. Plukclji jtiBt received n
cur load of nmvur plpo.rloes
reasonable nnd work first .
Knr 8nhi0,Un for snloi C.
IttVctt or pippin Knfmcrfl M7,
Uugoim. A ii selfblndor for Kuly or
tnujp. 't
, If vil have i pik to repair or
fob work of niiy lliijd; tolophono
mo ii iid I will jjuiwi you-ii ifinn.-rlt.
C. Morgan-
Mr. iit'iil Mrs. Milton Bailey
ciuiio up from Maroola' Iohi Sntur
dn v for n visit (villi lr. iqid Ms
For ii uond Hhdvfc, hniriiut.
shnni i'ioo o'r biuli cull on McUolium
& l'rl'r, harbors. Until room la
always rondy for you.
I mil propnfa'd to furnish
must any kind, of town ibr farm
property to suit p'urcbosor nt' vory
low prices. S. 2f. II. Hunt; ft 2d
For Snlo. Ono throo-yenr-old
Horrcl mar'-, weight. Of)0 pounds
Partly broke, Inquire 8. u. King,
near Fifth nnd North M. Phono
Main 323. . 21
Hurry .MStowart decided nbt to
bo outdone by others and Monday
went lb Eugono nnd purchased, ft
lino, rubber tiro buggy. Ho now
hafrono of tho swollost turnouts in
.tbo city.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. .Dalrymplb
ami family, from Uon.frow, Oklm
lioma, iirriVi'd in Springfield Wed
nccday ovoning' for an extended
visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. J.
Walter Wilmott old his team
nnd inleroat in the timing nnd
also tho grading nnd graveling
business to 0. V. Johnsorii Walter
litis not yql .di'eidcil what hu will
do hnl will Hold forth in Spring
fluid. I am still In busineso at tho
old stand with (he finest lino of
candies, tobacco nnd cigars in town.
Every tiling is frcnli and elegit and
when you buy ,of us you get the
best and worth, of your money.
Wo invito you to call.
Will Chosluro.
Chas. Talliafprro returned Wed
ni'8lay(froir.i.Tho Dalles, where ho
has . been playing hn with' Stub
ling's hu n fill tlilfi ' season. Tho
touin nt that ,plnco hns beoiTtiis
biinduil and Oh'n'rjift. may bn per
Hundfil to camp, hero for tho re
mainder, of the Bonbon, .
Mirshnl Shaluin received a "tele
gram from UrownnVille Wednesday
morning, informing him of a rob-
licrr 11 int. tonic uliu'n nL t lint o.llv
Hl'iitisday night, and reqiSepling
that ho keen u lookout for tho
RiiHpfCt m he was thought to- :ti(vo,
headed this Way. Ovor $2,000
worth of jewelry in said to have
boon taken.
Mr. II 0. Kelly,, formerly of
Springfleld but for tho past year
has made his horno (it Itoseliurg,
was in jpiingfieldTuesdav renew
ing old npnUaititrinccs. lio Informs
us that ho has so)d his business nt
Hosubtirg but will cfflntlrtntt. his
ronldenco thore. Mr. -Kelly j when
at Springlield, waa conductor on
tho WoodbnrmSpringfield branch
Dr. Jayno took'hi dttpnrtilro this'
morning for Seaside, to bo tin
iittendnnco at a moethiff of tne
State Medical Soclot, which' will
bo htild at that phjco on Friday
and Saturday of this week. They
will hold tho'ir big- olalo bnko on
Friday night. Severn! , hofed
iphy'siniaiiB from tho onst will bo in
attondunce. Dr.'Iayno nntioipntes
n flno tiifie both from a professional
nnd pleasure -(Standpoint) as this
will bo his ilri-t ti ip to thoponst.
Usually a innh droada tho olght
of his moUior-in-lnw, but such does
ndt seemy'tho cafio wlth.f'Dad" BUt
ior. Tuuday ovonlng ho ctuno in
tho NovVs olllco with a smilo on his
fnco llko a little school boy and
BnidByo Und, my -niu'tnor-n-law
oamo to dnyi tho flrSt timo I , hnvo
seen her for ovor. twenty .years''.
Sho is Mrs, L. 0. Flandt-y," of uba
City, Cal,, and has not seen, hor
datightorj Mrs, N. B', Butlor for, 18
vflnrJi... Her visit, 13 ft surpriso. to
tho family as sho.Was not expected.!
Mi jiutler sayB-(jjiovwlH remain
just ns lottg as thoy can keep her.
SpeohL sftlo of all eiimmer hats
7ft ilia Ladles Biizn'nr.
If you (ipprvolitlo good broad
fco the .Homo' B'ikcryT
Hofnro building your bouso fico
H. 0, Morgan for plane. lie will
snvo you money, . -s
Mr. j5, C, Mnrtlu nnd dkughter
Lulu Vpnt to Portland July Jth
nnd roillnin'pd until -Monday ovOiii
Mr, Hull', tlio Kiigcno druggist,
was in town for n few hours Tues
day looking after lils Springfield
Warron McFnrlnnd ami Miss
Myrtle Smith,. o( Coltago Groye;
spent Sunday with tho family of
John Winionried,
Wo furnish tho froods and
moko ydur ltit for $1.50. Seo
tlio goods iti our bargain window.
t; Ladies Bazaar.
0,1S; Bdivjnan is homo Ylsitinc
with his family, after thrco months
absence at. Aahlaiid. Ho expects
to rolurn.abput jglyjo, nnd may
tako his family Willi Him.
For Sale Ono of ihn best M-
oot corner -hits ;n .Springfield.
Good high ground. FuceA south
and east. A good bargain at -$185
Part cash, pulancu on installments.
Inrjulro ut News oflicp.-.
miss uieo joniiron, irom -(k,or
vallis, arrived in Springfield. Mon
day, and will make an extended
visit, with her aunt, Mrs.. A. S.
Shaw. Miss Johnson is n daughter
of lixSenntor A. J. Johnson. i
Henry SloWart and Alf Walker!
returned to tho high hills again
Monday, after spenellng a week
with their families. . Thhy nro pur-
ohnsjng tho r,lghl-of-wny up the
McKinza fo tho Willamette
Vnlloy Compauj'. ' .
liu' Kcre3 land, -10 acres 1n
hops and Uib Imkncq In good hop
land. This jilnco will bo sold at
half price and is worth 1100 per
acre hut can ho bought for $80
per itcr6 if taken soon. ft 2-1
S. N. B. Hunt.
Mrs; Hubert Anderson riomo up
from Portland last Friday f.nd
itili remain for ten ttrivs,,vvtsiting
relatives and friends. sWbiibUn're
eho made final proof on her.- timber
olamo before W. W.. Calkiny, at
Eugene. .
Mr. J. W. Cox presented to tb
News force, a box of "Mammoth"
black-berries, Mondavj that meas
ured from nn inch and a, qifartor to
an inch nnd thrco quarters in
length. They were the finest we
had ever seen and the Vines are
out ono year old .
Harry M. Stewairti Prop.
m i
& w'fer
8 flM
Springfield Provision
living pricos. Phono your
A bargain for someone. Ono
of tho best dairying farms in Lane
county, soydnj miles from Spring
field, 2J0 acres at Jfper.ncre. ft24
H. N. B; Hunt.
For fale. Good hotel fixtures
rind a lenso on tho building. A
snap for'tho right parly if taken
within the next few days. Have
private reasons for selling. Ad
dress, Box 175, Springfield; ft 24
' Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Kepqer went
to Portland Saturday to attend tho
wedding of Miss, Uernice Chessman
to Dr. A. K. Turner, Saturday
evening at tlm homo of- the brjdci
parents, Mr and Mrs. W, W. Chess
man. ;
LM--Between Springfield and
ThjiFStnn, n pocket bonlrcontnining J
$2.07, a sm.H II. silver watch and a
crelhsbill ip favor of the under- j
signed i froth Pickett's Hardware'
store for lO. Reward to tho finder 1
if loft at Pickett's store ( I
G. N, Lobdell. j
Mr, and Mrs. Corsaw, who took
a little bov by the name ol Ben
jnmin Harrison Pe.ifloy about six
teen'enrs ago to raiFe have this
week Hied papers for his regular
adoption, nnd ho will become their
Hon in a legal senpu ami Ins name
changed, to Benjamin H. Corsuw.
Rev. J. 0. Richmond, Who Is
now holding forth at Sbio, was in j
the city tho eiirly part of the week
visiting his son Dr. J. E. and wife, ;
and also lootinp afler his reMdenco (
property in JsorthSprinKlield Mr. f
ltichmqji.d reports his family all
well at Scio .and says they may
return to Springfiold in the not
vory distant fuluro j
Another dance will bo-given at
tho opera , house tomor'row, Satur
day night, for the benefit of tho
baso ball team. A lnrgo crowd will
be in attendance anU every body
is invited to come and have a good
time. Rememler that it is for the
benefit of the baso ball tsam and
CQinO out and help swell tho crowd.
Now is the timo to como
ahd hayo your measure
taken for a now suit. I
have saniples from ono
of tho largest clothing"
stores in -Chicago. AW
styles and grades of goods
or Eats
Largo shipment of straw
hats just -arrived includ
ing jfon's, BoyBr, Wo
rnon'a and .Girl in the
iatojt stud leicfing stylos.
Everything New, Clean and Neat
Only Coicf Storage in the City,
Our .slogan in "SatinPiG(l CHitftftiiufg." Our njcals are
homo cured and all home sJauphUja'd". Besides thoroughly
cleaning ''our, markoi and.puttkiK it in 'first-class jcotidition,
wo have added a cold stoTaee that enables us to furnish our
cuBtomCrB with the vrylc8t 6f meats during (Vie warm sum- I!
mor month?. Our aim i to civo cond weiaht and tho lowest I
orders to Main 183 and
Good Service, Fair Treatment and Me derate Rates
SprinKfieltl-KiUfene Bum nnd Transfer. Firut cIiim turnotils. Specfa!
atlflnlMn to Com fnerrfiil tra voters. Ve solicit vonr natronace.
ii i
For anything in mir mnny lines of stock
' ii ,
We are nore to show 'oti the oods and to
. t . .'" .
give you pncesi If you do not know what
.. . v . ' ,
lines ftu carry CjjUie il and find-out. We
solicit both, pari sons at prices. - You mar
occasionally find an article- cheaper else-
where, but you also nd-some higher
than ours, Generally you rilU find- our
prices about evem if any difference, lower,
When you are pleased with, an artipfo ffom
our store tell yoiir friends, when not ttll us
Youra fur straightforwaid dealings, ,
Dept. Store
first Door
There's No Use
To look--olsewherQ for Ve .still
have a beautiful linp of Iadies'
Shirt Waists, Skirts and Washable
Dressbs. If you want anything
in theso lines you can find thep
at our store. The s'euson being
liackward W9 find that wo are left
with a large stock of Shirt Waists,
and not wanting to carry them
over have marked them way down.
Now Is your chance to plirohaso, '
so don't wait.
"Good" Grbcferies
Wo. carry orily tho be.3t -brands of Groqeriesnoth-
ihg except high-grad artiolqs
detail of tho business, It's out
tomers, Highest market prico tiaid "for all kinds of
farni produce.
Good Goods ihiif
have j'our meat delivered. I
y'fi I
East of Hotel
and look h after every
ambition, td please cus
Low Prices'