ÜLe Aurora Observer] Westco Electric, Tankless Water System also The Vaile-Kimes system for domestic water Supply Entered as second class matter March 28, 1911, at the postoffice at Aurora, Oregon, under the Act of March 8,1879, ••THE WATER SYSTEM WITHOUT A TANK” Paul Robinson, Editor and Publisher E. S. WOLFER E D IT O R IA L Opinions of the Observer Plumbing, Heating and Sheet Métal Works Hubbard, Oregon AURORA’S PROGRAM , J An Uptodate Sanitary Meat Market that handles every­ thing best in m e a t s fresh and cured. GLAD TO DO IT Beaverton, Oro. D ec/8, 1921. Editor Observer, Aurora, Oregon. Dear Mr. Robinson: Please send me statement of sub­ scription rate to the “Observer” per year. When you were editor “Banks Herald” Banks was on the map con­ tinuously £,nd I received much good news for use in my home town. So pardon me if I ask to keep in touch with one of Oregon’s best Boosters. Wishing you continued successi am, Your friend, Earl E. Fisher. Mr. Fisher is one of our Wash­ ington County friends; a progress­ ive, public spirited man, and a mem­ ber of the Legislature. * WURSTER BROS. Aurora, Oregon Everyone appreciates courteous treatment and ft well assorted stock to select from. When you need lumber or building material you think of the quality arid service you are to receive. If you deal with Copeland’s you receive boti i# tho fullest measure. COPELAND’S, Corvallis, t)r.. Bee. 26-31, 1921 Winter Short Courses BLOW ’EM OUT Fruit and Vegetable C o u rse ....__ Des. 3-17, ’21 Tractor Mechanics Course___ Jan.- 2-Mar. 18, ' 2 , Dairy Manufacture Coutse Jan. 2-Mar. 18, “ Agriculture Course_____“ •*'* Dairy Herdsmen’s C o u rse ....Ja n . 2*June 18 “ Grain Grading Course____________Jam 9-21, *' Beekeeping Course... . . . . . Jan, 30-Feb. 25, “ Homemakers’ Course________ ..M ar. 20-25, “ We carry a liberal supply of both DuPONT AND GIANT STUMPING POWDER Fuses and Caps OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Full Information on any Course by writing THE REGISTRAR, 0. A. C„ Corvallis, Oregon ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Beaver Building The Corvallis.. Gazette-Times got out a. Christmas ETdition Fast week° with more eds Í ban a metrcpoli '‘The Aurora Observer has come Sunday For Infants and Children ? Edit ion. Only the Oregon­ out for Baker, of Portland, for gov­ ian’s Annual In Use For Over 3 0 Years can I *eat it. ernor. What a pity.”—»-Turner Always bears the Tribune. Does the Tribune. pity Signature of “Baker, of Portland,” or “The Au­ DENT 1ST rora Observer?” C A S T O R IA Dr. C. A aimeter A GOOD PLACE TO STOP when you come to Canby COMMERCIAL HOTEL Board and room, by day, or week Furnished housekeeping rooms ‘‘‘Stop at the Commercial” . MRS. T. H, EARLS Manager Complete Auto Equimment, Experienced Lady* assistent. Known foj years in north Marion County, where calls will be made. Equipped to conduct complete services, Modern Chapel and Parlors at NEW BERG, ORE. Calls will be promptly answered night or day. Call, or phone Res. Blue 118, Office Red 100, Newberg: Prices always Very Reasonable G. R. WATT ATTORNEY AT LAW Office in Drug Store ‘From the Cheaoest That’s Good, _To the Best That’s Made.” WE WANT YOUR VISIT Ed. P. Heim MARRY IF LONELY, ‘ for results, try me; best and most: successful TAILOR •‘Home Maker” ; hundreds? xmh wish marriage sooh; strictly confidential; most reliable; years of experience; des­ criptions free. *‘The Successful CI ud ” , 100* Fourth Opp. S. P. Ticket Off. Mrs. Nash, Box 556, Oakland, Califor­ P ortland , O regon nia. C. A.HOD Funeral Director , GENERAL COURT PRACTICE? ESTATES PROBATBD 'NOTARY PUBLIC f AURORA OREGON Telephone 2 2 INSURE YOUR HOME against loss by ETD E r Utc IN THE LARGEST OREGON CITY, OREGON Stone Jars AND KEGS Terms Reasonable WM: HEINZ Canby Pbone 13-15 (Mail—Aurora, Route 1) G. A. EHLEN Implements The Wide Awake Groceries, Produce and Commission I Hardware Store 1001-1003 Main Street OREGON CITY Phone: - - Pacific 70 D R. B. F. GIESY Physician and Surgeon Both Phones Office at Residence Aurora, Or. According to law you must NOT write your name on butter wrappers. Be go according to law; play safe. Canbv, Ore. cautious, Law says butter wrajte must be certain kind of paper, printed with regular but­ ter wrapper ink, such as the Observer uses. We print them complete and fur­ nish proper paper at $1.50 per 100, LIVE STOCK SALES FARM SALES OUR SPECIALTY Hardware Larsen & Co. Farmers’ Mutual Fire Relief Association AUCTIONEER OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT for Preserving and Pickling Insurance Association m Oregon Ï. Wheeler, Agent Hubbard, Oregon WMCft£ST£R STORE THE Put Science Into Farm Practice PAUL C. FISCHER Has established his Dental Office in the Aurora Bank EWäding, where he will be present each Tuesday, to 6 p, p. m. ¿ PLATES A SPECIALTY AURORA \ OREGON OUR MOTTO M SERVICE ALWAYS QUALITY FIRST FARMER’S WEEK T he P ublisher t MAKE IT PLAIN Phone 4103 AURORA MEAT MARKET —FOR 1922— K. P. Home. New High School. More Homes. Cannero, Creamery. New Camp Ground Fourth of July Celebration for the ‘Valley. T REQUIRES not the occasion of Christmas with its joys cheer andpreva- lent good with to arouse in us a sense of the appreciation due patrons of this paper. In our hearts and minds are gratitude and good thoughts for you during every day of the year; but Christmas hallows our sentiments and makes their expression fitting and timely. Such as we have accomplished and such good as may be traceable to our efforts would not have been possible without your sustaining power and co-operation. I f in any sense we have upheld a beacon, you have supplied oil for the lamp. If ours has been a chariot, yours has been the motive element which has kept it on its way All characters appealing to or endeavoring to entertain the public, must be given a certain meed of applause or they cannot exist. With those engaged in publishing a newspaper, the applause comes in the interest which readers manifest in its columns and in an occasional word of approval. The practical help of sub­ scribers and advertisers has enabled us to maintain a publication standard; their encour­ agement has furnished the degree of pleasure necessary as an incentive to our daily tasks. May the spirit of Christmas work for you the full degree o f its bountifulness. May you be enabled to get the same amount of pleasure and benefit from these columns that we have derived fro m making them. Work Done Out of Town O. D. EBY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Oregon City, Oregon Estates, Trusts, Confident!!^ Advice ^ 5 -^ 5 — 5 — ^ WILLAMETTE VALLEY Mortgage Loan Co. We loan on Willamette Valley farms, thfc finest kind of security. The property is carefuily apprais­ ed and the loan, if approved, made from our own funds. When we sell a mortgage to an investor it is sold with our en­ dorsement. and our full guaran­ tee—we stand back of every loan. We make collection of both prin­ ciple and interest and remit to investor by due date. Office at Aurora State Bank