The Aurora Boreall VOL. L AUHOllA, OTIEGON, THURSDAY, XOVKMIUIII 2(5, 1903. KG. ai. BRIEF NEWS OF THE PAST WEEK Condensed Dispatches from All Parts of the Two Hemispheres. OPENS FINE SUBWAY. Viterestlng Events from Outside the State Presented in a Manner to Catch the Eye of the Bysy Reader Matters of National, Historic! end Commercial Importance. Boston Tunnel Cost $10,000,000 and Takes Cars Off Surface. Boston, Mass., Nov. 23. What is claimed to the the most ccomplete and perfect tunnel for passenger traffic to be found anywhere in the world has NEWS NOTES GATHERED FROM VARIOUS PARTS OF OREGON NO SCAB ON OREGON SHEEP. just been completed in this city, and Eleven Inspectors Unable to Find Dis will be opened for use during the week. eased Animals in State. It is known as the Washington street Pendleton For two weeks, eleven tunnel and is designed to relieve the inspectors under the direction 01 Dr. FREE LAND AT ROSEBURQ. Court Takes Stern Action Against Tactics of Ruef's Lawyers. San Francisco, Nov. 19 The trial of Abraham Kuef, interrupted by the shooting of Assistant District Attor trains of the Boston Elevated railway Heney is now reported out of all danger. Governor-elect Cosgrove, of Wash ington, is much worse. Kaiser Wilhelm's last speech was prepared by his ministers. A steamer blew up on the lower Mis sissippi river, killing 10 men. Six missing Montana miners were crushed to death in a mine near Helena. llarriman is reported to have secured control of the Wisconsin Central railway. Wreckage from an unknown vessel is drifting ashore at Vancouver island, B. C. Moritz Rosenthal, chief counsel for the Standard Oil, gets a salary of f 1, 000 a day. Admiral Sperry has refused to let the cews of the fleet land at Manila be cause of the recent outbreak of cholera. At the inquest Mrs. Haas testified that she did not give her husband the revolver with which he committed sui cide and knew nothing about it. Officials of the Mare Island navy yard have received orders to repair the eunboat Bennington. This is the ves sel on which the explosion occurred four years ago when 67 men were killed. A gas explosion at Redding, Cal injured four persons and caused an earthquake panic. Russia will make an attempt to se cure rights to make and use the Wright aeroplane. Railroads are preparing to substi tute telephones for telegraph in the dispatching of trains. I.os Anireles business men have pe titinned the nresidtnt to keep the battleship fleet in the Pacific. The inquest on Haas failed to solve the mystery of how he got tne rcvoi vcr with which he shot himseit German statesmen are trying to calm the agitation against the kaiser Von Buc'.ow is anxious to retire The official returns have just been rnnmilcfl in Missouri on the presi dential vote. Taft received 346,915 and Bryan 343 889. ludument has iust been given rail rr.i.1 airainst Cook county. Illinois for $100,000 damages caused by the strike riots of 1114 Th sunreme court has just decided that the football year ends mWIi TlianWirivinir. A trainer was suing for salary on a broken contract Pacific coast hopmen want higher tariff on hops. English financiers are anxious to get Philippine railway bonds. Germany doubts the kaiser's sincer ity and the agitation to restrict his power continues. The last edict of the dowager em press of China was an order for re forms to continue. Admiral Evans has become presi dent of a new steamship company with its home office in Los Angeles. Governor-elect Shallenbcrger of Nebraska sustained a broken ankle while being initiated into the Shriners. Co-education has been condemned , h .,iv..ritv of Glasgow. There is too much flirting, say the college of ficers. bitter feud on in San Francisco between the police depart ment and sheriffs office over the sui cide of Haas Warlike- Moros are gathering for an attack on peaceful natives. Five com panies of infantry have been sent to disperse them A Rnf hriherv witness committed cniri.t. u.-hl1 nn his wav from France to Oueenstown. He had been in Eu rope to escape arrest Peter von Vlissingen, the Chicago m tafi man who confessed to forgeries, got away with more than $2,000,0110, according to investigators Taft will form an entirely new cab inet. Prince and Princess de Sagan deny they intend to separate. Two men lost their lives in Kansas City by a gas explosion. Roosevelt gave a dinner to labor lraders, judges and government officials. Heney is improving so rapidly that shown that the campaign of eradication jnd Douglas counties. The proposed company through the downtown sec-1 which was inaugurated less than two; railroad from Drain to Marshfield tion of the city. The old tunnel, known b ears ago was entirely satisfactory, and runs through a portion of this tract. - f .,k.. .. ...v,;u I'"1" l,r- McC'lure, who is the head ot The dairying and fruit lands will be as the Tremont street subway, which I. . . . . VrtrthwMt cu;..r, ,., tiY- h,m,tM,l art. hut the was the first to be built in America, aillj state Sheep Inspector Lytle are ue- will be emtdoved exclusively for the I lighted wiu the showing made. Pnl .,rfe mr trfFv With hnth Though not a single diseased sheep ha been fiimiil Hit far. the WOlV. of ill tunnels in use the downtown streets Lotion will be continued until every will be practically relieved of all street bund in the state has been subjected to cars. lau examination. It is now believed.' home. The rights of such persons The new tunnel is 5,676 feet long. I however, that no scabby sheep will be will be recognized as prior to those It is fireproof throughout. All the I found, though early in the summer there who file on January 20. It is cxpect i .nnon,M;nn i. nmtf hv on. I were a few isolated eases in Lake and ed that there w ill be a rush for the -t,rfi All the, door I Douglas counties. These were treated choice tracts in this land when it is Choice Dairy, Fruit and Timber Tracts to Be Opened to Public. Roscburg On January 20, 1009. there will be thrown open for entry ofticc 1)1,950 and timber ithdrawn from The tunnel will be used to carry the I or other sheep diseases, but soothe L'nipqua forest reserve, and which rar mev nave not ueen successiui. iui arc situatcu in coos, western congestion of the narrow and crooked S' W' Ml'nur. of the Bureau at the Koseburg land . congestion oi tne narrow ana crooked I f Allilll illllusiry, have been search-1 acres of dairying, fruit streets of Boston's business section. ling the flocks of Oregon for trace of, lands, which will be wit! Lane timber lands can only be taken under the timber and stone act. A peculiar feature of this opening is that squat ters' rights will be recognized. After December 31, persons may settle on the land and prepare to make it their and ticket booths and escalator balus trades are escased in sheet bronze. The telephone offices and package rooms and electricians rooms have tiled walls of masonry. The signs are of metal and the seats and benches of cement. ai soon as discovered. Though Oregon sheep were probably the worst infested with scabies of any state in the Union two years ago, Dr. Met lure stated at that time that ho would clean up the sheep of the state within two years, and this inspection opened. There is not a bit of wood throughout ,,., to indicate that ho has kept his the completely fireproof structure. promise, The tunnel was begun ana tinishea with no disturbance to the traffic over-1 Good Roads Meeting. head. I Albany A meeting was held last To insure atrainit the cutting off of week in the Commercial club rooms to the current at any time and thereby confer with Judge John if. Scott, of plunging the stations into darkners, ihe Oregon (iood itoads conference, for three different sources of supply are purpose of selecting a date for a arranged for, each independent of the - convent .on t bo held at Al- otherNnd all so arranged that should 'Kffi.'&Z me current, ue ouui, un iiuiii uiiw owmivc . , , , ,.,.;, and tntrndnrpd it is instantly supplied from another I, , , seott.'who made an address call- source automatically by an arrange- att).n,jon to the importance of tbo ment of the main switches. .-o.xl roads movement. The following' The tunnel was built by the Boston ommitteo was appointed as a commit- Transit commission and leased to the tee of arrangement: C. II. Stewart, H. Bofctjn Elevated Railway company for H. Hewitt, J. X. Duncan, M. II. hllis 25 years from the beginning of its use. C. C. Bryant, I. J. Miller, J. c nam It is built through that section or JJos- men ana r. a. ioung. ton which contains the highest pnetd land, with due regard for the best feas-l- North Powder Shipments. ible grade and alignment with respect I North I'owder. One hundred ami to the narrowness and crookedness of I four carloads of grain and baled h.yv the streets. Its cost, together with were shipped from North 1 owder in the cost of its approaches and equip- October, w hich is an increase over the Kent, is estimated at over $10,000,000. same month in last year fhere was but the shipment of sheep was great ly decreased on account of lack of dipping facilities. Powder valley sheepmen are now driving to naKcr City to dip, ana are .snipping irom that point. C. & E. Is Poor Pay. Salem. The Corvallis & Eastern's annual report shows a mileage of 140.5S miles, which is 1.42 miles less than shown by previous reports, thi decrease being due to correction of previous errors. The capital stock is $1,410,000, and the bonded debt $1. 410,000. Ihe net operating revenue was $i8,2S7.10. Taxes to the amount of $13,217. M, interest on funded debt $5(1,400, and other miscellaneous charges were paid, leaving a net cor porate loss of $1 15(1.0(1. The stock is owned by E. II. llarriman, f4,(i'.i7 shares; J. I. O'Brien. II. F. Conner ;ird J. K. Weatherford each hold one : 'are, making a total of 14, loo shares. ' e stock is held in trust for the .ithern Pacific company. NO MORE DELAYS. EARTH UPHEAVES; 25 ARE ENGULFED ney Francis J. Heney in the court- frightful Disaster from Explosion of Gas In Brooklyn Street. Men Buried Under Fifty Feet of De bris Water Main Breaks From Force of Concussion. Adding to Horror Spark Ignites Escaplrg Gas in Excavation. room, w ill be resumed at 9 o clock this morning where it was halted last Friday afternoon by the bullet of the assassin. Juage wiuiam i. i-awior yesterday denied the application of counsel for Kuef for a change of venue to some other city or town in the state; denied also in quick succes sion the motions for a continuance of thirty days until public feeling sub sided, for the dismissal ot tne jury and the empanrlnicnt of a new one, and finally ruled against the defense on the reuuest made to interrogate New i ork, Nov. 21. twenty live the trial twelve as to whether any of I persons are believed to have lost their them was prcjud-ccd against the tie-1 ,ives in an explosion of gas which fense as a result of the tragedy lit the tore up a great section of Oold street, courtroom. I Brooklyn, yesterday. It is detmitely Brushing aside all motion and tech- known that 13 persons were buried idealities interposed by the defense, under the hundreds of tons of earth the court announced that the trial and timber thrown into the air, and would proceed this morning, and that ten more are reported missing. The it would countenance no further de- exact number of dead cannot be de lays, termined unlil those working to re- The action of the court followed cover the entombed bodies dig the filing of 37 counter-affidavits by through 50 feet of dirt, rock and a the prosecution, which in general tangle of pipes and timber, terms denied many of the allegations 'Ihe explosion occurred in a 50 foot made bv Kuef and his counsel in their deep excavation that had been made affidavits yesterday in support of in Gold street, between York and their application for a change of Front streets, where a water main was venue, and set forth that no excite- being laid. The gas main sprang a ment or turbulence prevailed; that leak recently, and in a manner un- neither Kuef nor his attorneys were known a spark came into contact with threatened with violence or their lives the escaping gas. Immediately there endangered, and finally, that no con- was a terrific explosion, which lifted dition existed that would prevent the the surface for half a block in both defendant from having a fair and im- directions, and shot dirt, paving stones partial trial. Obsequies to Continue in China for Nearly a Month. rckin. Nov. IS. An edict issued yesterday instructs Prince Pu I.iri and I WHITE MAN UNSAFE. Ex-Naval Official Makes a Startling Statement on Japan. Ottawa. Ont., Nov. 23."There is no law for the white man in Japan. The treaty made between Japan and Has 50,000 Boxes of Apples. McMinnville. M. O. I-ownsdalc's ap- r.rt liritin ro.ints for nracticallv pie crop for this year is estimated at nothing since the time of the school trouble in San Francisco, noon Ixixes of marketable fru.t. This yield of first-class apples represents r.:.ur..1 nl.inl inrr attention to This strong and amazing statement '.. , . '':'. tho trer. one was made by an ex-officer of the Brit- ' f he jiri,ncj,ai tenets of Mr. Lowns- ish royal navy, who has been employed dae-s eVery-day religion. The small for some years as a civil engineer by (.r CCIlt nf apples inferior in size and the Japanese government and who has quality will le made into a fine quality just passed through this city on his 0f apple jelly at the farm, way home to England. The information which this gentle- O. R. & N. Officers at Baker, man has to give with regard to the in- Haker City. General Manager J. P. rtimitio anrl inron veniences that he O'Hrien. M. J. Buckley, Willial Me says are heaped upon white men in the Murray and It. B. Miller, officials of the mikado's kingdom should prove a sur- (). R. & X. system spent one Jj last prise to those who have been accus tomed of late years, at least, to regard the Japanese people as being possessed of most friendly feelings toward the people of Great Britun. According to the information he is able 10 rur nish at first hand, no white man is at all safe in the ownership of any prop erty in Japan unless he becomes a nat uralized citizen of that country. BIG PLANT RESUMES. week conversing with Baker City mcr chants. While hero the ornciais prom ised to build sidetracks for the new Stout flouring mill anil also called atten tion to the new dejxrf, to be erected soon, which i to be patterned after tbo Walla Walla depot. Governor Can't Attend. Salem Governor Chamberlain hn announced that he will be unable to be present at the second conference of the governor to te nehi ni v hiiuih"" I). C, December 8 to 13. Work that must he attended to prior to the open ing of the legislature in January makes it iinpossille for the povernor i k" east at this time. He will appoint some Buy Land for Farming. 'laker City. Believing that lands ong the Sumpter Valley railroad trom which the timber has been re moved can be made into farm lands, John E. Kand. one of the lending at torneys of this city, and Frank S Bailie, manager of the Columbia Gold Mining company, in the Sumpter rtis trict. have become interested in : project which will be of considerable importance to Baker county. They have interested several other people with them, and have formed what is known as the Sumpter Land com pany. Road Operated at Loss. Salem The Coos Bay, Koseburg & Eastern railroad has filed its annual re- nort in the office of the railroad com mission, showing a total of 31.5(1 miles nf main line and spurs in operation The canital stock is $.000,000, and the f uni led debt $f,25.0OO. The cost of the road and equipment to date of report is S'.'.'.ioo 2-M !I5. The net operating income for the year was $20.22 l.Rfl, but pay ment of taxes and interest left a ne corporate loss for the year of $23,555.13 Stock Over Sumpter Line. Baker Citv. Stockmen of the John Day and Burns country are pleased with ihe arrangement of the Sumpter Valley railroad, which permits stock to be shinned over that line in tne luiure Yards nf considerable size have Wen built at Austin and will accommodate the large herds raised in the interior, 'rince Pi to proceed to the western tombs and select a site for the grave . f water mji of the emperor. There will be con-1 , , . ',,,. i PORTLAND MARKETS. Whent Bluest em, 0.: club. valley, llc. MOURN FOR EMPEROR. and debris into the air. When the smoke and dust cleared away it was seen that the street had been opened from doorstep to door step over an area of nearly a block. The loosened earth and debris had fallen into the excavation, burying the score of laborers who were at work when the accident occurred. Great tongues of flame shot out of the crev ices, and beside them geysers of water that had been shattered. NOT IN SHOE. tinuous obsequies at the palace for a period of 27 days, ihe obsequies be gan yesterday, and the function was attended by Dowager Empress Yo- henale and representatives of the va- Cwr. n...mitK sv Haas Did Not nmi.rnm.nlil itrnirlmfnlt 1 ' .'V , ll .... rs.. I Anr Th. r.f--,1 Kf.ii ia hooitminir In niiti.l 'O- lish details of the occurrences of Sat-1 San Francneo, Nov. 21. Chief of urday and Sunday. Up to the present police liiggy, whose resignation from time it has said virtually nothing ot lnc department may follow the out the events at the palace and the pro- fnnie ,,f the coroner's inquest into the mulgation of the regency. 1 lie new suicide of Morris Haas, who snot nim- Dowagcr Empress Yohenale with scif m cell at the county jail while great presence of mind arranged for guarded by several policemen, was the meetings of the grand council to shown yesterday to have been in per- le held in lier private apartments. 1 .0nal command ot tne men who Here the plan that already has been 1 searched Haas. discussed and decided upon was I According to Patrolman Charles V. adopted without loss of time. I Groat, who took the stand yesterday The councillors warned the princes ;n t,e second days session of the in that the regency was final, and in mlPt, he rode to the jail handcuffed terms that were not open to misinter- tn Haas, in Chief Biggy's automobile pretation they expressed tne opinion w,th the chief and several detectives, that any opposition thereto would be I There Bigy directed the search of promptly met and punished. EMBLEM OF REVOLT. American Flag Raised on Island of St. Pierre. St. Tierre, Nov. 1" The demon stration against the authorities here, which was begun yesterday, was con tinued today. The limited police force is unable to maintain order, but the prisoner. Should the jury find that Haas had the little derringer with wliicn ne committed suicide, in h shoe when sc-.rched, the fact will be taken as ev'dence to support charges of inef ficiency whtcli ucirciivr woium f- Burns declares will be brought against Biggy. Captain Thomas S Duke, who made the first search of Haas in the court Otto A. Bremer, a f)le; ,!,. ! no ,io, firA "ff, 'onin to the populace is due largely to the ;"""' ,r anv lpnth of school question. Ihe people of M. I ' , 1 . , , , i.,rr,i u,m,u Pierre demand free school in which .m .n Haas h oc religious instruction is given. . w ' " Ate-reA it fife, '.oc; red Russian, 8Sc; 40 fold, 91c; . u Jini Jinla ed could not have been carried next to irv, a, . . niillrt;nt- f-.,. .-.J.f.dls IOC Mar ey l eed, 20 per ton; urewing, ... J i ' .Tl, uj.r i-ntiKirlrr and ordered to 'pay a f 27. Oats No. 1 white, $30f7f 31 per ton; I'.' a imc -' y ...o.. (;. m I lie urucicu uic vnwi K'". ,, MAKES IMMENSE PROFIT. Huge Steel Works in Chicago to Re- Open in Full Blast. Uhicago, INOV. M.-" Jy (ne t0 r,.,,r).m.Ilt him at the conference. South Chicago. The army of workers "ne 10 the big mills of the Illinois Steel company is to have a real Christmas this year. The exuberant and unrestrained glee and thankfulness were caused by an announcement today by officials of the company, which employes a large ma- oritv of the inhabitants of the town, i,.,. art nf this month. He will re that the shops would be running in full Lnrn to Oregon about the middle of blast by December 1. By that time it Mieeember. U Pinpcted 12.000 men will be work inir in manv denartments of the im- Curry Coal Strike a ntant. I r.,.1.1 licnrh A three-foot vein of AKnt nf thp workers in the mnl r,( b(m, ntiality has recently b-cn mills have been unemployed for more discovered on the Hume ranch, five than a year, since many of the depart- miW from Weddcrburn Mr. Hume will pill a l"rcc oi iin-ii v to develoo the property, and if found -I I.. , f .1,. .ill ,n, I .1 in. Hay-Timothy, Willamette Valley,- " .""..'"i H ton; Eastern Oregon, timothy, 7""y , - i c.JlT.r.o-. 'elover. 12: alfalfa. I12fij) on the streets and violently denounced 12.50; grain hay, 12.5Mf.:i3. ' V-n KYr, i l..rin the ylsv j.;i.n W. k; V . . i ". ;.i. witness tor the tieiense in u Fruit Xpph's, 6."c(i $3 per bos; pears 1(77 per box; grapes, Conference at Washington. Salem. In response to a request from CifT.ird Pinchot that ho sttend the con ference on the conservation of national resources, which convenes in Washing ton Iiecembcr X, (Jovernor Chamberlain will leave for the national eapnsi me heiuht of the excitement, and with it """',, ',,r K;r; lZ' the crowd marched to the govern- Knl headduarters wre a noisy .if . . . i. o,.n; r,i , demonstration was made. c:iMavas, 2,.-j( er pound; fspamsti Mil- u Standard Oil Earnings Amounted to 80,000,000 In 1007. New York. Nov. 21. For over five Kocketcller, ic govern- nun era pes. t'Oi 7..10 per barrel; buckle berries, He per pound; persimmons, $1 1.2-" OREGON WINS SUIT. ment suit to dissolve the Standard Oil company, faced an unceasing fire of questions from the federal counsel, Frank B. Kellogg, and when adjourn ment was taken until Monday the head of the oil combine was still be- ini' cross-examined on the charge that ments shut down on account of scarcity of orders for steel rails and other pro ducts of the company. Many of the others employed since a partial reopen ing last summer have been working on a short schedule, in sufficient quantity will ship from Weddcrburn. Pay S30.0CO foe Timber Land. Roseburir A large land deal in Th r-mnlovment of thousands of TVnL-1a county ws made this week men means much also to the merchants I when local partifs sdd Ml acres of of the suburb. fne timber land to a New York syn dicate, headed 1jV John t erns, i ne purchasers are speculators. The con sidcratiwn is said to have been $ tn.n'i't Shots Fired by Servians. Budapest, Nov. 23. The Austro- Hungarian patrols on the Servian fron- potatoes-nr(r,0 per hundred; sweet M h f CoumbiaJRiver;Declared to "' company m its eariy nays acre, - potatoes, li!.24e per lb. R. P.rt of St... ed rebates to the disadvantage of its nionslfr.l.lo per 100 lbs. Be Part of State. Vegetables Turnips, 1.23 per sack;' Washington. Nov. 17. Valuable M r. Kot kefellcr s cross examinr.tion carrots, 1; parsnips, 1.2-"; beets, $1.25; fihing grounds at the mouth of the will probably not be concluded until horseradish, 10e per lb; artihokes, woo Colunitua river were neciarea io t luemiay. as ,m. .. i ..... ...m infi ll rar itt.i nart of tiretron iv tne united niairs i known tnai ne wouiu iiriiin mr raid. age, If' I a per lt.; eauiinower, supreme couri yesirruay, rmunK nn .Viecill icr dor..; celery, 4')( per touniary line nispuie wmcn im e- do..; cucumbers. 12 per box; eggplant, isted between that state ana wasn 'r.p I). lettuce. 7.")crdl per boj: ington for several years. In Po.l suit Rockefeller on every detail of the company's business. The enormous earning power of the oil combination was slnrply brought out in yesterday's hciring, when Mr. Rockefeller, after stating that the Standard had paid dividends amount- imrslev, l.'c'per d 7.; peas, 10c per Id.; was brought by the state of Wash peppers 10c per lb.; pumpkins, If.'ilVie ington to restrain Oregon from dis ' ' .1 . i i- . turt.inir the neotile of Pacific county. 'c per' 11. sprouts w'ii 10e per lb.; Washington, in the possession of ling t $IO,ooo,is;o in l'.i07. said it had .iiiash, p.r lb!; tomatoes, 50e their land. earned as much more, and that this I Th ferntorv which was in dispute I was added to the company s surplus. It.'ifpr fitr ereamrry. extras. 3' comprises low lying islands or prom- which was stated by the governments 3r"; f.e7 oUu creamery, 22 ontorie, at the mouth of the river, counsel to be .00 0.W..KM. It was ',, . 'Ulf(k J7."0e I chiefly valuable for fishing purposes further declared by Mr. Kellogg that ' Kegs' Oregon V-Wts, 37tfnj0; For years it has been a mooted ques- the company within the last eight MlOn wneinrr inn irrrii'iij wi un- 1 yr,iu nas raiiicu in-iij nan m lm.hvh ject to Ihe Washington or the Oregon I dollars. he expects to be back at work in a tier are being strengthened in consf few weeks. I quenee of repwrts that Servian troops Easterners at Philomath. Philomath Horning Brothers have told their sawmill and handle factory has been forced by threats to -1 rw4 armaa th Dinuho it 1 tn Mu hi.m capitalists. The PCW The dam at the mill is completed The new dowager empress of China J 7.m,u . rf Aum- romnnnv is .aid to have ample capital. submit ti. 'j.- .u. ri't rnmntd. Kastern. 27f 3J 1 ie per doz. i. .1.... tr - I'M' r.. Ml', r IK. ICCt spring, J2'iil3'.ie; ducks, 14W15r; laws governing salmon fishing. geese, Il'il-c; inrseya, iifiior, dressed turkevs, 20IV2IC. Cheese Fancy cream twins, l.r. per Simon Leads Revolt. Paris. Nov. 21. A revolution has broken out in Southern Hayli. Gen eral Simon, ex commander of the troops in the southern denartment. has seized the city of I rs Cayes and the adjacent region. The telegraph 3 ' it . i kl ik. m i An m has been rut and government rork jitney, e per iw.j targw, 7j !( imii - - ,.k.1 dollars. jiroops arc iuuyuu uj iwv. Millions Lost in Flood. Port Elizabeth. Cape Colony. Nov. lb.; f-ill cream triplets, 15e; full erojrn 17. terrific rain storm swept this Young America, IO. 'part oi Cape colony ann causei a Veal Kxtra, k'.jf.iQt jr lb.; erdi- heavy overflow of the liaakens river. narv. if-ii'-ac: neavy, or. several iiyc tic i" " .V Vuner. 7 r.r lb.! Isrira. S' dollars. to the regent , trians.