The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, April 12, 1905, Image 4

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of the
Pay for
"The Wasp" Is I ho riHtiio of a pt
per just atarte-J lu Doh Monies, Iowa,
the 'first Ihhiio of which, flu I oil May,
bM been received at The Miner oflle.o.
The colored front page telle the Htory
of the wnnt it proposca to fill. It
Hay a :
"LetMou Uallict's great Htory,
'The Grafters,' heHlnH in t IiIh Ishiio.
The moHt daring exposure of mining
operations ovei attempted hy liny
"Perjury. 'I solemnly Hwenr thnt
I will tell the truth, the whole truth
miti nothiim hut the t rut h, ho help
me God,' Hurl then they lied.
To My 1'VltiitilH: I iim not in
torostod in, nor employed hy nny
mining company thnt in advertising
stocks (or hiiIc nor sending out air
Millars or reporle of any kind; I
have no atooka for Hiile myself nor for
anyone else. Neither do I renelve
any ciuumlaHinn nor Hillary from Hiiy
parson nor compauy soiling stuck. 1
wm at preHent engaged In wrltiug my
book 'The Grafters,' which 1 hope to
make so valuable (hat it will become
m text-book, both (or the use A min
ing men end InveHtora In stocks and
bonds. The book will be published
by chapters In iIiIh paper and later,
Jf Muooeseful, will be hound In book
form. The Htory in practically fin
ished, and In now being revised and
corrected I expect to deliver the
mauiiMcrlpt to my publishers In a
week or wo and will then return to
California, where I have been ottered
a potdtlon aa superintendent and
manager of one of the largest pro
luutDK minus In the state For the
next few weeki 1 will be pleaded to
bear from any of my friuuds, and
will give them any advice and huh
aestiuiiH that 1 may be able to give.
.It would ba a great aatlsfactluu to
uie If you would subtarlhe for thiH
paper aud read my story, aud 1 feel
uertalu that you will Hud It to be
valuable to you lu dollara aud ueutH,
Jao In information.
,1 have .been accused of almost ev
erything by my euemieH, but 1 auk
you to await the completion of my
tory aud nee some of the atari ling
revelatloua contained there! u before
you reuder a verdict. During the
past ten yearn that 1 have worked
daily aaioug the tulues I have become
familiar with the busliiota aud meth
od! of the legitimate aud Illegiti
mate, aud I may be abb to give a
few .pergonal tuggestlous that would
brdly be embraced lu"a geueral work
like 'The Grafter j,' heuce 1 iuvlte
Civil aud Milling Engiueer, Dea
Mulnes, Iowa.'
Aud yet The Wasp it tilled with
advertisements of the Gladiator Gold
Mlulug aud Milling compauy.
"Ono hundred thousand dollars"
Such was tho hid Hiibmitted by
State Senator John L. Hand at the
sheriff's aale o( the Iron Dyko mine
We are uow ehowlug the very
beat of everything 111 groceries at
Jehus' at ore.
Meu'a ahirta.
style, at Jobu's
very fguoy,
in Uaker City lint TucHdey.
The hid wiih made with aa notional
ent an air aH though Senator Hand
were merely bidding for a box of ci
gara. No other bids were submitted and
It wiih hcliovod that at thin Hale of
the property, ita troubled would end
an J that the Erie men would at once
rcHiimo active oporatiouu, coincident
with the commeuenmout ot construe
tinu of the purtinllyjjl completod
Northweut railway from Iluutiugtou
down the Oregon aide of Snake river
to tho initio. From an authoritative
Hourco it la learned that such hopes
are unt well founded. Colouel Em
mett Callahan, the Uaker City at
torney, who represents Reed, the for
mer owner, aud Mm. Florence Shat
to, who holds control of the atook lu
the old Irou Dyke company, baa al
ready Instituted a auit iu the United
States court at Portland, praying for
alx million dollara damagea from
Gourad, Curtze, et el., alleging fraud
aud collusion on their pait lu seour
iug judgment against the mine.
Roseuxwelg, a Hebrew lawyer of Erie,
la name'j as the principal instrument
employed by the alleged conspirators.
HoHimzwclg la aooubod of acting aa
the property, which is supposed to
have a value of four or live million
dollar, waa knocked down to Seuator
Hand, who represents the judgmeut
creditors against the old Northwest
Copper company, thetIrou Dyke Mill
ing company aud the Northwest rail
way compauy.
The property was sold under a de
cree of foreclosure, issued out of the
circuit cojrt of Uaker county last
aumiuer, which decree was eu joined
from executlou by the sheriff by the
fedeial court of New York, aud later
by the federal court of Oregon, in
auclllary proceed I uga.
The geutletuen who are uow hold
er of the record title to the Iron
Dyke uiiue aud railway property are
Courad, Curtae aud others, off;Krle,'
Feuuaylvaula. The judgment held
by them amouut lu the aggiegate to
close to oue.quarter of a milllou dol
lars. The original mortgage, sigued
'by Charles M. Heed, bankrupt son of
the late uiultl-uillllouajre, Geueral
Reed, amounted to 9100,000. Nbtee,
I. O. U.s' aud verbal promises to re
pay money advauoed for operation
brought the graiid total to 9250,000.
attetMT'fa Conrad, Curtze, et al.,
HtHa) Awing the retained attoruey aud
oowMeltor for Reed.
It la ejao further learned that Mr.
S hat to, who has stood by Reed all
through the vaiious troubles under
gone by the Irou Dyke compauy, ia
preparing to herself be plalutitf in a
suit for recovery of her share of the
I ...... !-.. I... ..,!.
I nun ujnu oiuun.
Cursorily viewed, there appears no
immediate prospect for a Bettlemeut
of Irou Dyke troubles.
Speaking of the sale, the Uaker
City Democrat says:
The long advertised bale of the
Iron Dyke mine, aud the Northwest
railway, has beeu made by Sheriff
Urowu through Deputy Snow in front
of tho court house at Uaker City in
the preHcuae of a throng of people,
most of whom were mere curiosity
Heekorn. The only interested partlea
iu tho oaso who were present were
Mr. Conrad, of Brie, Pounsylvauia,
ono of the plaintiffs iu the foreclos
ure suit, his attorney, L. Rosenzwig
aud Jobu L. Rand, their local at
torney. It took the deputy sheritlabout
half nu hour to read the description
of the property and when he oalled
for bids for the whole property, but
one bid was otfored, that made by
Mr. Rand for bis clients of $100,000.
The property waa knocked off to
them at that price and toe iuoldent
was olnsed.
lu an luterview, Mr. Roseuzwig
stated (or his olleuts that uothlng
would be done with the property at
present, as some other matters re
main to bo adjusted. It is under
stood that the defeudaut company
aud Charles M. Reed aud Mrs.
Shatto, who claim au inteiest iu
the property, have about 00 days
iu wnich toredeem from this sale are uow pending oue or two
other suits betweeu the parties
which may or may not be settled
by that time.
Wheu these matters are straight
etied out, If the purchasers remain iu
possession, they expect to reopen the
propertyou a large scale and com
plete the building of the Northwest
railway. It can be added that the
total debt foreclosed aud interest and
costs of the deoree amouuted to about
9200,000. It is safe to assume that
before the close of the seaiou there
will be activity again throughout the
Irou Dyke oaaape.
KUIm Coming Soon.
A private letler received Sunday
from D. L. KIMeu, written iu Chi
cago, states that :be hopes to be in
Sumpler at an early date. He will
come oft with hie associates in the,
Suupter-Bourse railroad enterprise
just as aoou as they oau arrauge to
leave their private business.
The Columbia mine aud mill re
sumed operation Thursday, after a
brief shut down, ordered by Owner
Uaokus and Geuetal Manager Uaillie
as a result of the issuance by the cir
cuit court of Uaker county of au in
junction against the Columbia com
pany, restraining it irotu further op
eration of the Tabor Fraction mine,
owned hy the Goi ler-Heudryx Iu
veBtmeut compauy, aud turned over
to the Columbia on a royalty agree
ment. At the time of tho issuauce
of thie injunction, the official au
ununcement was mado by the Col
umbia company that all operations
would cease until aucb time as the
matter iu litigation whs 'settled.
Thunday's resumption leads to a
belief that some sort of an agree
ment has been reached between the
contending parties.
The following instrument were
filed at the oourt house in Baker City
for record yesterday :
S. 32.
to Wni. Poll
acres iu S. 22,
New Machinery for the Standard.
A shipment of maohiuery, consign
ed to tne,8taudard mine, at Quartz
burg, is somewhere eu route between
Denver aud Sumpter. The shipment
consists of a gaseliue augiue, dynamo
aud four electric drills. Their ar
rival is daily expected.
Jnu. W. Mitchell et l! to
Gray, 40 acres in N.E. ,
T. 7, R. 4G;l91100.
W. II. Gilbert et al to Wni. Poll
mau, undivided j interest in 130
acres lu 8. 10 and 22 T. 9, R. 40;
Chas. A. Frederick
man, J4 interest iu 50
T. 0, R. 40; 1280
U. W. Leveni aud wife to Mn.
Laviua Shiuu, fractional Jots 0 aid
10, blook 15, Leven's addltiou te
Uaker City; 910.
Laviua Wisdom to J. T. Wisdom,
same; 9250.
W. J. Patterson et al to Walter V.
Uurue, 382iaorea iu S. 35 aud Ht
T. 8 , R. 40, and in S. 1, 2, 11, lkv
13, 14, 15, 22, 23 aud 24, T. 9, fc.
40; 919211.
More Elmer et al to W. J, Patter
son. S.W. H S. 15, T. 0, R. 40; 91
A. H. Phillips aud wife to Zack
Morris et al, S. E.
00 acres in N. K, S.
T. 7, R. ,38; 9100.
C. L. Palmer and wife tc
Foeter, 1st 0, blook "N."
Place's additiou to Baker
W. W. Stalker end wife
City.; .91.
to Nane.y
Paooeke, 13200 square feet iu N. ,W.
tf, N. E. H S. 17, T. 8, R. 6;
J W. Stucbell and wife to D. O.
UouDdf,J'ot 4, blook 8,J. 11. Parker's
addttlc to Baker City; 91.
D. O. Bouuds et al to J. W. Stucb
ell , same; 91.
John ilendersuu and wife to Frank
MoAllieter, 8. W. 4 S. 27, and N.
E. H S. E. , S. 28; T. G, ,R. 39;
Our aprlug stock la arriving
day now. Cone In aud
linei at Johns' store.
Fine priutiug .at The Miner office.
, iinTBy1
rfwM&b- A. anAa.tiSai