The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, July 13, 1904, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Development Company Files
Suit at Ganyon City
Thoro ia likoly to ho things doing
iu Morning circles in a few days.
The property will probably bo sold
several timoa ovor beforo au adjust
uinnt ia reached.
The oaatern Oregon Development
oompauy baa aeoured tho assignment
of a judgment amounting to 81,800,
belonging to Miller & Drapor, of
Whlttioy, and today through its
attorney, Fred Fontaine, filed attach
ment proceedings in tho circuit
court of (iraul county at Canyon
Thin, however, ia just ouo of tho
varioua acHons which havo been in
stitutod against tho company for tho
recovery of obligatioua, which it ia
stated aggregalo about 820,000.
Charlea II. Chance, attorney for
Peter Hasoho, of Haker City, haa
started an action in tho Haker County
Circuit Court for tho recovery of
?G,800, about 61,000 of which ia
due on a note, and tho reat aaaigued
claims from the Hascho-Sago Hardware
company. Somo of tho owners are
rcriidonta of Sumpter, and therefore
tho action waa tiled in the Maker
court, for the reason that service can
be tranaferred to Ciraut county action
against tno property secured in caao
of a favorable judgment.
David Wilson, of Spokane, who ia
largely interested in Sumpter. left
yesterday after a short visit looking
atfor business matters.
Mr. Wilson has ventured, into oil
iu southeastern Kaueut, and will
leave iu a short time for that local
ity, (lis faith In' Sumpter la un
shaken and he will probably under
take some building improvements on
bis return from Kansas. Bat jast
now be is devoting much of bis time
to Kansas oil.
Again J. P. Holland, tho Sumpter
commission man is suiug for the
recovory of 841)0, and Keep &, Com
pauy, haa instituted au action for
the recovery of a debt claimed
amounting to 8:142.70. Tho drat
sale ia set for July 10, in tho Instance
of J. P. Holland, and the second In
tho Instance of Koop & Com pauy,
July 2:i, both at Cauyou City.
What tho ultimate outcomo will be
and who will finally get control of
tho properly, aro iu a degree prob
lematical. The eastern Oregon
Development company has been try
ing for some time to purchase the
property, and haa even made a tender
of the first, payment, it is understood,
but this waa refused by the owners.
There were certain hitches to the
transaction not clearly understood.
Hut tho Development company has
decided oagornoss to get hold of the
proporty. T. W. Davilson, of the
Gaston; Oregon Development com
pany, while reticont as to the action
filed against the Morning people by
his company, stated to a Miner
representative this morning that he
found it absolutely Impossible to
effoct au understanding with the
owners, or to transact business with
them, on linos tending to the con
firmation of a sale.
Recelvor John Thomson of (ho Hod
Hoy mine was busy all day writing
choaka disbursing the 880,000 paid
in under tho confirmation of the sale
of the mine made by tho circuit court
Saturday. A large amount of money
has beeu put iu circulation in Haker
City, Sumpter, Granite and other
points in eastern Oregon wheio claims
were held against the property. In
a few days Messrs. Alexauder Prus
sing, John G. English, E. J. Godfrey
aud others will leave for Chicago
where a stockholder's meeting will be
held for the purpme of electing a
new board of directors and executive
officers. Thore will be some little
rivalry as to the naming of the
manager of the mine but it 1b not ex
peoted that auy difficulty will aria.1.
With the Red Boy mi no rehabili
tated aud with tho Iron Dyke aud
Cornuoopia well under way for the
resumption of work aud with the
Virtue now in full blast agaiu, not
only has confidence boon restored in
the mining properties of eastern
Oregou but a tromeudous amount of
practical good has boon accomplished
aud nearly ovorybody iu the com
munity Is feeling tho effects. Demo
J. M. Doyle, superintendent of the
Gold Coin in tho Cracker Creek dis
trict, was here, yesterday and atated
that his company was making arrange
mouts to install a compressor plant
at onoo. Tho machinery has been
ordered aud will be heio iu a short
time. Mr. Doyle expects to cut a
ledge 100 feet further In, aud he
thinks ho will tap all the ledges of
the property In about 4 fit) feet.
Tim Wheeling, West Vlrlgnla,
people who aro interested in the prop
erly and .who were here a short time
ago 'ire expected buck iu a couple of
O. C. Wright, manager for the
various Wheeler interests, returned
Jast night from the lilue Hird,
Huckhoin and the Gold Hug. The
latter, however, is not a heeler
property, but one iu which Mr.
Wright is interested with T. S. Van
Mr. Wright la miming prepara
tions to start work on the comple
tion of the Hlue Hird mill. The
repair material for the II luck Hutte
mill arrived this morning aud Mr.
Wright will send it out in a day or
so, but he will first inaugrate con
struction on the Hlue Hird. This as
remembered was started last fall. As
soon as Mr. Wright gets this started
he will move on to thi Hlack Hutte.
Lucky Haul Group.
Jerry Conn, who with Fred
Nortbup owns the Lucky Haul group,
formerly known as the St. Charles in
the Cable Cove district, is going up
In a few days to start work, Mr.
Cobn will take a force of meu and
start development on a good scale.
NO. 45
10.000 SHEEP
Herders Are Warned to
Keep Off if They Want
to Avoid Trouble.
John Tomllnaon, who was sent out
by tho Supiuter Light and Water
company along the new McCully'a
Fork extension to the pipe line,
armed with kovorumont notices to
serve on sheep herders, returned last
night. Mr. Tomliusou found about
10,000 sheep on the Hlue Mountain
reserve, this side of the MoCully V
fork divide, aud grazing on tho
waters which are to furnish the city
Its additional water supply.
Tho sheep iu the main are from
the vicinity of Jleppner. Mr.
Tomliusou says that several of tho
herders agreed to obey the mandates
of tho Interior Department and
move their (looks at once, but others
used profane language, and wanted
to know where they would go.
He informed them that this was no
nlliilr ot his, but If they didn't hit
the trail at once and vacate tho
reserve, they might expect a United
States marshal after them.
Tho sheep are ranging all over
Haldy and along McCully's Fork.
The houlkroH seen iu the vicinity of
Haldy last night, were made by tho
herders after they had corralled their
flocks to keep wild animals away.
If they venture very far beyond
Haldy they will be iu Grant county
and within the jurisdiction of 1'oiu
Giay, superintendent of the Valley
Queen and deputy sheriff of Grant
county, who from his previous record
in this Hue will make it extremely,
tropic for them.
If you contemplate visiting the St.
Louis exposition, to t-ccuro loliehlo
information as to railroad service,
the lowest rates and the best routes.
Also as to local conditions in St.
j Louis; hotels, etc., etc.
I If you will write the undersiguo lr
i stating whit information you desire,
the same will be promptly furnished.
I If we Co not have it on hand, will
secure it for you if possible, and
without auy expense to you. Addresa
Commorcll Ageut 142 Third street,,
1 Portland, Oregou.
R. L Keuuon, Whitney, Oregon
lumber, sash, doors, sbiuglea, build
ing material, mining timbera..