1 THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, Septembei 23, 190$ 1 Jl CONCENTRATES $6,740 TO TON. position 11 nd will rioroto IiIh ttmo in tlio fiituru to otliot intcrcHtR. It 1h Htiited Unit Mr. CiirlHon will Hhortly K cunt 011 Home mitiiiiK 1ciiIh. Gold Bug Ore Shows Re markable Values In Gold. C. .1. CuiIkoii. fiirinnr mill Hiiiiiriiitiiiliiiil at tho (lolcoiulii. ox iiiiiIiiihI tlio (lold IIiik liiHt week for tho nllliioi-ri anil stockholders of the ooiiiiiiny. In IiIh roiorl Mr. Ciirlnon Htntori tlmt tint ilovloiiiii)iit work tluiH far Imih lioon iloni) in a thoroughly practlcul iiiiiiiniir and thut ho Ih con vlnciid tint (lold Diik will liccoiiiii u rich produoiiiK initio, part : "I took my own tho fnon of Ilin drift twntlty font linlotv nftnr riitiirnitiK TUNNEL HOUSE. Ill) HII.VH ill HiiinploH from tunnel, aliout tho Hiirfiico, mid to Similiter, ooiioontriitod tlio oroiilioiit thirty into 0110, mid iiHHiiyod tho Hiilphldim. I olilainod $11.7 10 In koIiI to tho ton, which nmiillM woro not fur almro my oxpootiitioim tiftor having provinntdy oxiiiniiMiil tho oro with a kIiihh. Tho result iiimv ho 11 littlo too IiIkIi for a gunorul iiviinign ax to what may lie oxponlod from tho oonrontrutoH nftor tho mill Ih in oporatlou, hut, having provloiiMly mado othor tests on (Sold ling oro, I am proimrod to Htato that tho Hiilphidorimid tlio froo milling 010 in HiIh mlnoaro of vory hlghgrndo, and wlinii tho mill Ih in oporatlou on UiIh oro, tho roHiiltH will coin paro niOHt favorably with those olitalnnd from tho oldor mines of tho Craokoi Crook dlstriut. Mr. CarlHon recommends for tho treatment of (lold Hug oro, ordinary Mtiiuip crushing, and tho use of iimnlKHiii plutos for tho pulp tako out tho froo Kld, and vanuorH for tho ooiicoiitratoH and tho cyanido process for tho tailings. CLOSED DOWN FOR SEASON. Smeller Brick Yard Suspends Operations (or Winter. Tho Hiuoltor Itrli'k yard Iiiih Ihoii tilosd down for tho winter, since freezing will lutorforo with tho iimiiuf suture of lirlok. Tho compmiy, liowovor, turned out 750,000 lirlok, which nro wild to Im) of a nuporior quality, lioforo tho yard wuh closed for tho nohhoii. It Ih uudorHtood that thoro in a doal on for tho erection of two big lirlok1 buildings in tho ulty, and tlio Hiuoltor lirlok yard will proluilily furniHh tho material, it Ih stilted. NolhiiiK dollntto, liowovor, could lio learned ax to tho location of thco buildings or the people who are lielilnd tlio movoiiit'lit. R. Hurl on Race Track. I). Wallace, a profci-Hlnual lironco lniHter, while giving an t Itililt Imi on the lace track Sunday aftoruou wan thrown and while not seriously wax painfully injured. Another horo on tho track liecamo uiiunutigciihlo and ran into that ridden by Wallace throwing tho luttor's mount. Ho received a slight concussion of the brain, and watt itt tended by Dr. Anderson. HIh injuries aro not of a serious nature. Milt Superintendent Resigns. C. J. Carlson, who Iiiih been con nected with tho (iolcouda for the pant eighteen month an mill superintendent, Iiiih resigned his Other Improvements Going on at the Standard Mine. Tho .Standard company Ih bitllditiK a tuiiuul Iioiim) on the lowest Standard level. A fit ore loom and blacksmith shop will also bo erected. A report from tho propel ty HtateH that tho roadwhlch Ih being graded from tho county road to tho iniuo him bcon practically completed. TIiIhwIII havo a distance of about four iiiIIoh. Dr. E.W. Muollor, general maiingor of tho Standard company loft yesterday to look after tho oporatlou of the mine. MACHINERY HERE. Alpine Twenty Stamp Mill to Be Erected at Once. Tho machinery for tho twenty Htiiinp mill to bo erected ou tho Alpine in tho Cable Cove dlHtrlct, Iihh arrived and tho contract for hauling it to tho proporly wan lot to McKee & Wain. Tho work of transporting tho consignment wiih begun Monday. Colouol John Temple Uriiysou,gonoral manager of tho company, wrh in the city thin weok conferring with Superintendent Reunion in regard to eroding buildings at ouco for tho now mill. Tho Hawmlll recently iiiHt ailed ou tho property Iiiih cut practically a Hiilllcieut ainouiit of lumber for the now ImildingH, and tho contract is to bo lot at ouco. Tho plaim may be neon at Judgo Xowhorry'n olllco, and liidriwill bo received by Suporlnteu dent Itoardou, at Cablovllle, up to October 10. It in tho purpono of the company to got everything in shape and have the now mill, running at tho oarlloHt date pohhIIiIo. Ice Creaml Ice Cream! On, and each day nftor May 1st the renowned Hazel wood Ico Croani and Ico Cream Soda will bo hud at Sturglll's. 10 contH a dish, 25 coutri per pint. Timber and Homestead Filings. Tlmlier and liomeHtead Mings, iih well iin lliml proofs, can bo mado laifore CharlcH II. Chance, United States Com missioner, otlico in First National Hunk of Suniptor building, Sumpter, thus sav ing upplicantH expense of u trip to m Grande. Shoes of all klndH tit Neill Mercantile compan.v'H. riMIIKH UNI). ACT JUNG . 1878. I OH 1'UM.ICATION. NOTICE UnltrJ Suto LnJ Olhcr. Lj (itjnJc Oregon, Srpt. 14. ioa. ( NulUr It heiebv Klvtn thai In compllaiur with the I'tmklom ut llic net ol consmtol June 1. 1878, n llilrJ "An act (r thr ale nl timbrr larUtlnthetlattt ol Calllmnla, Orreiin, Nr vaja and Waihlncton Tfr cllot),j fxlrnjfj to all the I'uMIc LanJ ttatct by act ut Augutt 4. i8gj, MAHV YOUNCi, ol Whlmry. county ol llaktr. late ol Oregon, hat tlil Jav liffj In lhl ottice tur m ttatcment No. 1871. lr tht purchate ot thr s w 1 t V tc N11 18 anj n w ( n U anj e H n w j ol vrcllon No. ig In lownthlp No. to joulh, ranee No. )6 I.SVM, an4 will oHr rtikit to vhow thai the UnJ Miucht li mote aluable tor Itt timber or none than lor agricultural purrmet, anJ to ettabllth her claim to aM land belote Chat. H. Chance. V. S. Commlttlonrr, at Sumpter. Oregon, on TuetJay, the 8ih Jav ol December. ioo. She namet at wlinettet: Marthal K Young, Uo) ChlitenJon, AllrrJ H. Huntington anJ Lelt A. Albee. all ol Whitney, Oregon. Any an J all pertont claiming aJtertely the above JctcrlbeJ lanjt are rrquetteJ to tile their clalmt In thlt omce on or beiore tali 8th Jay ot December, isk'I E. W. IHHTLtTT. Regltter. Vq granite street fnnnnnrnrrf MOUNTING BOARD MOUNTING CARDS OFFICE SUPPLIES STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS ..iJ.ATl,,,l fiercer Drug Co. SUMPTER. OREGON M99w9wWvw9ww9w9ww999999ww1EwJi 1 nc ounri CeKriruiiuMu TESTING WORKS Phono Main tl SUMI'TKR, OREGON P. O. Box V. McEWEN, ARTHUR fie McF.WEN PROPRIETORS Samplers and buyers of Ores and Bullion in any Ouantities. Assaying and Milling Tests. Stamp Mill Concentrators and Cyanide Plant in Con nection. Mail orders promptly attended to. WRITE FOR TERMS. KftSWItelWIWi The New Olympia E.E. HAUSER, PROP. FINE OLD (1884) HERMITAGE WHISKEY FINEST BRANDS OF WINES, ALES AND PORTERS. OLYMPIA SEER, BOTTLED OR DRAUGHT. FINE CIGARS. CLUB ROOM IN CONNECTION, CENTER STREET, OPPOSITE P. O. SUMPTER, OREGON MMtttoMlttllfcltatfttfctnifcM IF YOU WISH TO Either to buy Gilt Edge Stocks, a Prospect that is "the Making of a Mine," or one that is already made, write me what you want and permit me to submit a proposition. ADDRESS SUMPTER, MINES AND MINING STOCKS OREGON Msass J- Mllf, RID GRAND r uinifci'frsrai THE SCENIC LINE Through Salt Lake City, Lcmlville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver, and the Fiuiiouh Rocky Mountain Scenerv bv Daylight to all points East. 3 FIST TRAINS DULY BETWEEN OGDEH MID DENIER 3 MODERN EQUIPMENT, THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOUR IST SLEEPING CARS AND SUPERB DINING CAR SERVICE STOPOVERS ALLOWED For rates, folders and other M. C. M'BRIDE, Gen. Agent, information, address 124 Third St., PORTLAND, ORE. .