Wednesday, September 2j, 1903 THE SUMPTER MINER LIMESTONE LEDGE SHOWS HIGH VALUES. Bear Gulch Vein Crosscut And is Sixteen Feet Wide, Carrying Remarkably Good Ore. The Limestone ledgo nt the Bear Gulch proporty, owned by Wade & Camp, near the Sumpter cemetery, where a rich strike was recently made, was crosscut late last week, showing a width of sixteen feet in the lime formation. Besides this, there were two feet of gold bearing quartz frozen to the ledge on the hanging wall, and four feet of overflow matter from the vein alongside the foot wall. The entire distance carries the same uniformly high values which were shown some time ago when the rich strike attracted such widespread attention. Free gold appears abundantly throughout the lime, and tbo quartz frozen to the ledge is especially rich. The overflow which consists of broken and decomposed quartz and lime also carries good values. Seven tons of this matter wero recently treated at the Sumpter Sampling aud Testing works, and notted $50 to the ton. Tho presont crosscut 2s a continua tion of an old crosscut which was carried in a distauco of 180 feet during a former ownership. It was driven about thirty feet further by the presont owners before encounter ing the lodgo. It gives a depth of about fifty feet on tho Jodgo, aud is some twenty-tlvo feet below tho old shaft. The owneis state that it has been demonstrated beyond any questiou that whllo it is porhups true that the frozen quartz and tho quartz seams carry tho highest values, the llmo formation is also rich in freo gold. So far this is tho only iustauco in the district where any gold do posits to spoak of havo occuirod in lime. DEAL PENDING. Negotiations on for Sale of Climax Group. G. V. Grayson, of Snu Francisco, accompanied by bis son-in-law, V. C. Ralston arrived here last week to look nftor his mluiug interests. Mr. Grayson owns tbo Climax group in tho Cracker Creek district near the Columbia. This is an old aud valuable proporty, but It has not beeu worked auy to speak of within recent years. Mr. Grayson states that negotiations uro pending for the sale of tho group. If tbo deal Is uot consummated, ho says ho will start work on tho proporty hlmsolf in a short time. Tho present work i on the Climax represents over 1,000 leei in uruiH mm erutwcuiH. Mr. Grayson is one of tho pionor minors of Eastern Oiwgou, havlug been ouo of tho owuerH and operators of tho Virtue in I no in 1809. Ho also hiiH cxtonslvo mineral holdings in Iduho aud Nevada. Ho visited the latter stato before coming horo to look after his properties. Both Mr. Grayson aud Mr. Ralston loft Monday, tho latter going to Seuttlo where ho is interested with his father-in-law In West Seuttlo real estate, and Mr. Grayson returning to California. is being oncountorod which is n suro indication that tho ledgo is being neared. Thoro is mineralized matter present which shows freo gold iu tho pannings. This will mako tho second lodgo cut on tbo proporty. Tho ouo previously cut showed a width of twelve feet with uniformly high values. BLUE BIRD MILL. Machinery Now Being Hauled To Property. NEARING LEDGE. Thought That Second Vein is Bring Ap proached at Buekhora. O.C.Wright, general manager of the Buckhorn, a sister property to the Blue Bird and operated by the same people, states that from the appearanco of the formation he is led to believe that another ledge is being approached in the crosscut. Wuter President Wright, of the Blue Bird, roports satisfactory progross toward tho erection of tho 100 ton concentrator on tho proporty. Tho grading for the buildings uro well under way, aud much of tho framing has boon douo. The machinery is boiug transported to tho mine, and Mr. Wright states that practically all tho material is now on tho ground. All olforts are being turned toward tho spoody erection of the plant. Tho Uluo Bird mill which has boon fully doscrlbod hitherto, when completed will bo ono of the most modern and extouslvo concentrating plants iu tho district. PHILBRICK Sr FENNER MINING 4 CIVIL CNCINECRS U. 8. DEPUTY MINERALSURVCYORS EXAMINATIONS AND REPORTS ON MINES ROOMS 2 4 4, SANK OF SUMPTER LOO. SUMPTER, OREGON. IUESSEN A CLARKE MINING & CIVIL ENGINEERS SPECIALTIES- expert fcAminiiv. nrfunuii mining i iupvnii Designing and Installing Mill anj Power I'Lnu. U. S. Mineral anj UnJergrounJ Surveys Management of Mining Properties. Ctiurifuri ribrinv iV"i fcx wn-w EVERY INVESTOR SHOULD KNOW That the West is the place to buv Western stocks, I don't care if it's Golconda, Red Boy, Cracker Jack, Cracker Oregon, or what is it it stands to reason that I, being right in the heart of the Northwest Mining Dis trict, should be able to supply you with any stock desired. This business is done through my brokerage department, which, by the way, handles more stock than any other firm in the West. I want to place the name of every reader of this paper on my mailing list. A postal card will do, requesting my market letter regularly. YOU HAVE READ Of the development of the Victor Group, in the Cracker Creek District, in the recent issues of this paper. Same has been bought by a strong Eastern company, and the stock will shortly be put on the market by the CRACKER CREEK GOLD MINES COMPANY An elaborate prospectus in now in the hands of its printers. As soon as it is off the press you should re ceive a copy. Drop a postal to me today, and I'll rriail you one in due course of time. I shall act as the Company's Fiscal Agent. ADRIAN G. HANAUER BANKER AND BROKER p. o. Drawer 1726 Spokane, Washington L'li T7I7 A Beautifully Illustrated jriyPjl j Pamphlet of 16 Pages Showing d j OREGON'S Great Dividend Paying Mines Any pernon contemplating u minliiK in veHtiwiit should not tw without tliti Information contained hi thin valuable iiiinhlit. WRITE TODAY (Mention No lit) unil it Mill 1u promptly mulled you.) WHEELER & CO. 32 BROADWAY, N. Y. THE GEM SALOON A.J STINSON.Prop. (Successor to Snyde & Stlnson) Only the Best Brands of Liquors Served Over the Bar SUMPTER, OREGON Books and Stationery I have added to my Mock of Clears itnd Tolmccoes a lareo number of popular novels, the leading oriodicalsaml a complete line ol stationery ....The Elite Cigar Store... L. HARRIS, Proprietor