The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, September 16, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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    Wednesday, September ifa, 190$
Shipments From There Be
coming; Numerous.
Tbo sbinieuts of gold from
Australia to San Francisco aro becom
ing numerous. Tbo reason of sucb
shipments is a subject of much
curiosity. Why should gold be
.shipped via San Francisco? The real
reason is that it is less expensive to
ship gold from Australia to New
York or London via San Francisco
than it is to ship it dlrcet to either
of those cities. Of course, If the
ireo telegraphic transfer of the metal
from San Francisco to New York,
through the sub-treasury, were elim
inated, and the Ave days' interest
for the time required to transport
the gold overland from San Frnaolsco
to New York, wero taken into
account, Asutralia would probably
not send gold to Sau Francisco.
The reason for these Importations
of gold from Australia is the primary
fact that Australia owes the gold to
Englaud. Australia only sends gold
to England or to New York when it
is the cheapet form of remittance,
the principles being tho samo that
govern the export of uold from New
York to England or "any other coun
try. These transactions are usually tbo
result of a joint operation between
the London and New York and
Australian bankers and their agents
At San Franolsco. The merchant In
Austarlla with remittance to make
buy bis banker's draft on London.
The Autrallan banker covers the draft
or his balance thereon by a shipment
of gold to New York via San
Franolsco, or to tho latter place,
and the New York banker, in con
junction with bis San Franolsco
correspondent, arranges for Its trans
fer to New York. The New York
banker pays for the gold by remitt
ing sterling oxchango to Loudon, as
ho is doing at prexeut. If sterling
exobaugo hero is at tbo shipping
point the New York banker ships gold
to London to pay for the gold from
Australia. Thus it may happen that
exports of gold to London or Paris
may occur simultaneously with the
receipt of gold here from Australia.
But actually, in effect, the Importa
tions of gold from Austrlia are
precisely the samo as if they wero
recolved from Europe.
The gold from Australia is received
in tbo form of Australian sovorelgus.
They aro melted up iu San Francisco
and turned iuto United States bars
or coin. Their value Is telegrapbod
to Now York by tho United States
treasury. Thus the government is
enabled to iucreaso its gold boldliigs
at that point without expouse.
Mlniug News
Will Work at Storm King all Winter, Say
Manager Cotlcllo.
T. J. Costollo, general manager
of the Forest Mining company,
operating the Storm King group in
the Cable Cove district, has let a
contract for 10,000 feet of lagging.
The contractors started work today.
It was the intention to start several
days ago, but the recent storm
delayed matters.
Mr. Costello states that he will
have all bis winter supplies at the
property by October 1, and that work
will bo carried on uninterruptedly.
Prof. Eberman was at tho mine
several days last week gathering data
for nu export report
Work U to be Started on Th!$ Property
October I. ,
It is uuderstood that work will bo
resumed at the Red Chief, in tho
Cable Cove district, on tho 1st of ,
October. I
This property is ownod by Now .
York people, and It is stated that tbo -present
purposo is to dovelop it as
.Ml.. - It.l- Ti I.. 11. ...... 1. 1 , !
rapidly as posaiuio. it ib iuuukhi iu
have tho Alpiuo lead.
The Transfer of Several Min
ing Properties.
The Red Bird group of mines in
Grant county have boon sold for
11,000. The deeds were died last
week In Grant county. Tho old
owners wero R. J. Davidson and
others, who transferred the group to
Fred D. Smith and R. L. Farmer.
Another Grant county deal last
week was the sale of tho Messner
placer diggings near Prairio City,
ownod by J. W. Messuer, to the
Juniper Gold Mining company'
owrJer of the Prairio Diggings mine,
for 9100. The placers consist of
thirty-five acres.
Still auother deal in tho nolghbor
Ing county was tho sale of a three
fourths interest In the New Era claim
to M. L. Hasrouck, of Comer, and
the remaining one-fourh luterost to
Eva O. Hubbard. Tbo grantor in
both instances was tbo New Era Min
ing company. The consideration was
meroly nominal, $20.
...Tho California Mountaiu Con
solidated Minlug comauy has pur
chased from Henry Cabol and others
a three-fourths interest in tho Nevada
quartz claim on California mountaiu
The deeds for tho transfer of tho
proporty wore filed last weok with
the county Recordor of Grant county.
One instrument transferred tho claim
from Henry Cabol, et al, to J. L.
Miobaels, tho consideration being
92,000. Michaels In turn deeded
the claim to bis company for a
nominal sum.
Timber and Homestead Filing.
Timber and homestead filings, as well
as final proofs, can bo mado before
Charles II. Chance, United States Com
missioner, office in First National Bank
of Similiter building, Sumpter, thus sav
ing applicants expense of a trip to la
l-UK l'Um.llAIIUN.
United States Land Office,
La Grande. Orceon. Sept. u. toot.
Nolle li hereby riven that In compliance with the
provisions ol the act of congress of June I. i8j8, en
titled An act Tor Hie ie ui iimrcr landiin we siaici
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory, as cxtendedlo all Iht Public Land states by
act or August 4. )'
of Whitney, county of Baker, state of Oregon, has
this day tiled in mis omce nr sworn statement no.
1ti, tor the purchase of the s w U 1 e K
;-. Nn ts and n w M n a V and e H n w M
of section No. to In township No. 10 south, range
No. jo EWM, and will offer proof to show that the
land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her
claim to said land before Chas. H. Chance, U. S.
Commissioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on Tuesday, the
Ith day or December, ioi. .. ..
She names as witnesses: Marshal K. Young,
Roy Chlttendon, Alfred H. Huntington and Lewis A.
Albee, all of Whitney, Oregon.
Anv and all persons clalmlne adversely the above
i4rrltJ tanJc are reoutfttf d to file Ihetr claims In
this office on or before said 8th day of December,
E. W. Baruett. Register,
E. P. Bergman &
Mill Street, New Building.
9 iftMIVil AUU I I All Aft IIAIII
Jobbers In
Wines, Liquors and Cigars
Sumpter Bottling Works
a All rutins ot inrnniiiueu wrniKs
Quartand Placer Loca
tions, Tunnel Claim and
Water Right Locations,
Proof of Labor, Affidavit
of Discovery Work
Mining Deed, Option to
Purchase, Quit Claim
Deed, Lease j j j
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