The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, September 16, 1903, Image 1

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    VOL. V.
What Was Thought
Averaged $8.50 to The Ton Mill Will
Be in Operation October J 5.
The Dixie Meadows is showing up
one of the most extensive ore bodies
yet reported in the district. Accord
ing to recent reports it was thought
that the crosscut on the No. 2 level
revealed a vein of fifty feet in width.
This, however, was erroneous. The
vein is wider. It was found that
what was thought to be tho foot wall
averaged iu valuo 98.00 to tho ton,
therfeore contradicting tho thoory
that the opposite wall had been
encountered, and that tho vein was
fifty feet wide. Charles Thomas, of
tho Falrbauks-Mqrse company, which
is installing a 100 (on concentrator
on tho property, returned from tho
property yestorday. JIo says:
"It was thought that tho vein at
tho orossout on tho No. 2 lovol was
fifty feat wide, but whou it wnH fouuri
that what appeared to bo tho foot
wall averages 88.00, it was of course
concluded that tho vein had not been
crosscut. Its width is not known,
but Ih beyond fifty feet."
' Regarding dovolopmont work at
tho proproty, Mr. Thomas says:
"Work Ih now going on at a ralso
connecting tho No. 2 with tho No.
The Showing in the Face of
the Drift Never Better.
Captain Otto Herlocker, mauagor
of tho Highlatid (iold Mine com
pany, whh called up today at noon
aud was asked in regard to tho
progress of the work at tho mluo, ho
"Everything is moviug along
satisfactory. I havo completed nearly
all of our buildings and have most
of the timber brought to the mouth
of the Glasgow tunnel. At
present, I am enlarging the ditch
which brings the water from the east
fork of Rook Creek to the air blast
at the Ulasogw tunnel. 1 found that
to Be The Foot Wall
1 level. Sevonty-flvo feet of the
distance has been traversod, and
there is yet another seventy-five feet
before the raise is completed. Prom
the No. 1 level a raise was put in.
thirty feet, which ia in on averaging
tSO to the ton. At the point on the
No. 2 level whero the vein is being
crosscut, 300 foot of backs will be
"The main object of tho company
now is to provldo stoping ground to
supply tho now mill, and it is thought
that tho mill capacity of 100 touH
can easily bo mined iu twenty-four
"Tho company is rapidly Initiall
ing tho machinory for tho now mill,
and it is tho present Intention tn
havo tho plant iu oporatiou by the
middlo of October. Four oro earn
have been ordered, which will carry
tho oro from tho mluo, a distance of
2,000 feet, to tho mill, , on the
tramway, Tho cars are of nuo ton
capacity. Mulo power will bo uttod.
An electric lighting plant Ih to bo
installed, and all other necessary
machinory, for carrying on the work.
The Dixie Meadows Ih milking an
exceptionally good Hhowlng.
as the iniuorH were driving tho drift
along tho lead further Into tho
mouutaioti thut moro ventilation
was needed, aud It Ih for UiIh reunon
that I havo oulargccd tho ditch.
"Tho showing iu tho face of tho
drift was never any hotter, since I
took ohargo nf tho Highland mine.
I am reuHouably well satisfied that
I am entering tho lliinnoek Hum
shoot, even though It should not bo
tbiH shoot, I am cortainly satisfied
with tho oro bodies which I am now
opening up, as I havo from five to six
feet of very flno oro in the face of
tho drift this uilnuto."
Mr. Elmer, of Pivche, Opcot Office to
Hotel Sumpter.
W. W. Elmer, consulting engineer,
has oppened an office iu tho Hotel
Sumpter and will do consultation
work in mining, metallurgy, also
patent work and extended mine
Mr. Elmer is a practical mining
engineer and metallurgist of large
experience, having formerly been
connected with the Trade Dollar
Consolidated Mines compauy, In
Idaho, as metallurgist. He was also
late manager of the Uuffey-Ualey
California properties, and consulting
engineer to the J. Uuffey company,
before coming into this district,
dor the past soveu mouths ho
has been in active charge of tho
Psyche, and will continue as manag
ing engineer of this property whou
operations aro resumod after tho
present dlttlculltes are adjusted.
Operations to Be Resumed
Shortly at The Prop
erty. Work is to bo resumed at tho lilg
Four iu tho lted Hoy district in a
short time. W. C. Itutter, of Seattle,
president aud general manager of tho
Klttauaning Mining company, was
at tho property this week and states
that ho has made arrangemeiitH for
resuming operations very soon. No
work has beon done on tho Dig Four
for several mouths.
Mr. Kutter took Warren Cable,
Hupnrlntendent of tho Adolcuo, with
him to examine the property, and
advise as to tho plan for future
development. Mr. Cable recom
mends driving a 1,000 foot uroHsinit
which will give a depth of over TOO
feet on the vein. Tho 111k Four Is
located between the Iie:l Hoy and the
Cougar, on tho mine rein system,
aud Mr. Cable states that ho regards
It as a very prumlHiug property.
Considerable work has already been
done. There Ih a 1100 foot crosscut
to the main lead with over 1100 feet
..I .l.lflo .....1 ,... . I...I.. .. ..! 1 I
ii laiittr, i,iii, inn nimiin ui iiuij- iiiiii
nlxty feet on tho vein In a good grade
of ore. There are three veins on the
location, tho main one of which, Mr.
Cable states, averages between fifteen
and thirty feet. Tho locations gives
:i,000 feet on tho lead with side
claims which afford an excellent mill
Accompanying Mr. Iiutter was
William Shryer, of Terra Haute, In
diana, one of the stockholders In the
compauy. Ho was well pleased with
the Hlg Four aud with the district
generally. Ho visited the lted Hoy,
Alamo aud other neighboring prop
erties also, and thiukB tho camps
presents a most encouraging outlook.
NO. 2.
Lumber Scarcity, the Great Drawback, hat
Been Adjusted, and Development Will
Continue at Pearl Camp Sawmill,
Men ill go Beck to Okt Price Frt
dy Piecing Order to Retlnber tad ,
Reopen Shift.
Tho management of the Friday
mine, located at Pearl, Idaho, in
forms The Minor that it has been,
decided to sink tho present ahaft 100 ,
feet deeper mad then drive drifts,
both waya on tha vela attar tba abaft
shall have reached the 230 foot level,
aud there to commence the stoping
of ore instead nf extracting tho ore
reserves from (ho present levels.
This was decided upon after it waa
learned that tho long looked for
adjustment of the lumlier scarcity,
which has been one of the greatest
drawbacks to the development of the
various mlncH in the IVarl Camp, Ih
now finally being fixed, so that
It will lie possible for all of the
milieu iu tho camp to get a fair
supply of lumber at reasonable pricea
from the sawmills close to Pearl. Ou
account of scarcity of lumlier the
Friday aud various other mines in
the camp have not been developed as
rapidly as the owners or companies
of these mines desire A few dnj'H
ago the sawmill men announced to
the mine operators that they would
be able to furnish them some lumber
at the old price, and that If all of
the mlncH Mould send in their orderH
for all of the lumlier which they may
need during (lie winter they would
endeavor to fill all of these orderH.
to the best of their ability, iih they
were iiiixIoiih to keep all of the iiiIiich
running In full blunt mid not havo
them continually shut down ou
account of the mi re 1 1. v of lumlier.
Tho Friday is now placing no order
for suillcienl lumlier to letlmber and
repair the shaft w filch gave away at
the bottom some two months ago on
account of not having euoiigh timber
ou hand to fully piotcet It.
When I lie mine was draind about u
year ago it was noticed that tho
shaft had weakened mid that it
should bo retimbered throughout, but
ou account of the dlttlculltes of gett
ing lumber it was postponed, and
work was carried ou iu the east drift
until finally the shaft gave away aud
the work stopped.
Since this the timber situation haa
been somewhat overcome ui:d it waa