The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, August 26, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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Wednesday, August 26, 1903
The SumDter Miner
t. r.. nwvNNi:.
fcnterea at the pottnfrlce In Sumpter, Oregon, tur
trantmllon through the mll a, tecond clatt
One Year...
Six Month
It Ih to ho hoped tlnit every delegatu
iiiiiiiliteil hy Governor Cliiilnlierliiin to
tlm American Mining CongrexM at Dead-wood-1.
end will atlenil tlm meeting.
(JiifHtlniiH will urine which ilally con
cern every mine owner nnil operator in
thu cniinly and KnHrru Oregon, one of
tint greati'Ht olil IIcMh in the world,
rdiould Imi Willi reprecenled.
Am a safe and profitable investment
the mining Industry offers a better Held
today than any other. There Ih more or
less chance in every business. Hut the
until who Iuih a good mining proposition
encounters less chance, less liability of
failure than any other that can Imi
named, lie Iuih little to fear from line
tuatloiiH of the market, there in a sure
and steady demand for his product and
110 fear of over-production or panics
Improved machinery and scicntillc
knowledge have placed the Industry on
n basis precluding uncertainty, and the
element of coniH)ti tiou does not enter
into It.
A great many people are of theopiuion
that the average man who Invests in
mining stock is a sucker, pure ami sim
ple. It is Hirhaps true that fake min
ing propositions have caught iih many or
more suckers iih any other fake scheme,
lint It docs not appear that the class of
investors who have visited the Sumpter
district this summer and invested their
money livar the remotest resemblance to
the individual known iih a sucker. In
tlie first place, acting on business prin
ciples, they have come here and made a
thorough investigation themselves, ami
in the next, many of them, fearing to
trust their uwu Judgment, have brought
with them exMirieui'cd mining men ami
engineers on whose judgment they could
rely. This plan of procedure ia not only
(lie proH.'r one ami satisfactory to both
the operator ami the investor, but it ia a
vast help to thu district in general.
These eoplo go back witli good rexrts,
they advertise it to their friends, who
also in turn will become interested.
Speaking of the coming meeting of the
American Mining Congress, the Mining
World says: "The greatest gathering
of mining men ever assembled in the
western country will convene in thetwiu
cities of Deadwood and Lead September
7, 11K:, and continue in session there
after the 8, t), 10, 11 and 1'J. During the
stay of the delegates and their friends,
attending this important meeting of the
American Mining Congress, cery effort
will be made by the citizens of the Twin
Cities and tlm state of South Dakota to
make their Uh one of Kith protlt and
pleasure. Many magnillcent features of !
entertainment have been provided for,
among them excursions oxer grand
scenic ionics. A visit to the celebrated
llouicstako mine, wlieio an opportunity
will Ihi gien those who desire to avail
themsehes of it to ius cct its woikiugs
from grass roots to and through all its
levels, cuts, stupes ami mills. Then
there will be a nip to the llattle Moun-
tnin hot springs thu sot where the
United Status government, after u most
rigid text of it climate and healthful
water, located a sanitarium for disabled
HoldiurH, and congreps appropriated over
half a million dollars for its construction
and when finished will !r thu most com
plete iiiHtltution of thu kind in thu world.
A tdiort drive brings you to thu famous
'wind cave, tliu only underground tin
Minimi park which thu I'nited States has
1 in itH collection of pleanuru grounds fur
I the people, thu most fii'cinatingly won
derful natural curiosity in the world.
TIiIh wouderlul cave, and Sylvan hike,
another excursion in storu for delegates
' attending tliiH coming session of the
American Mining Congress. Besides
the many attractions in and surround
ing this great gold mining center, thu
program iih prepared hy thu program
committee in one of rare interest to
everyone at all interested in mining.
Visitors will be well repaid for attend
ing the next meeting of the American
Mining Congress."
Aims of Meeting Set Forth by
Secretary Mahon.
The sixth annual session of the
American Mining Congress will con
vene in the cities of Dead wood and
Lend, September 7, 1!MKI, and con
tinue thereafter the Hth, 1Kb, 10th,
11th and llilh.
The American Mining Congress Ih
a permanent mid representative or
ganisation embracing not only those
engaged in milling and treating met
als of all kinds, hut also those in
terested In every allied industry.
The mission of thu organisation la
u thorough huslness campaign of
education, ami to this end the eirort
is made to bring together all clauses
of people interested In mining, or
who desire reliable Information re
lating to this luiportutit Industry.
It alms to do for the milling indus
try of nil America what the agricul
tural department at Washington haa
done for agriculture; tho commercial
museum of Philadelphia for com
merce mid trade; tho Southoru In
dustrial association for progress of
southern advancement; ami what tho
manufacturing interoata of tho
country now propose to do for manu
facture iu the establishment of a
permanent exhibition in the city of
New York of nil American manu
factured goods.
At the coming session It Is bo
1 loved that we will bo honored by
the chief executive of every state aud
territory in the American union, mid
t he most distinguished men of tho
The assembly will I o a most im
portant and interesting one, and you
most cordially Invited to
Ih i
Any further Information desired
will U cheeifully furnished on im
plication to IKW1N MAHON,
Sec. the Ameilcaii Mining Congress.
Only the uest brands ot liquors and
cigars at Duuphr's "The Club."
Cut Rich Stringer at Gladstone
Last Week.
W. II. Mead, superintendent of the
Gladstone, near Itonanza, states that
his crosscut tunnel Ih now In 1155 feet
and that indications point to the near
approach to the vein. Last week a par
allel stringer, eighteen iuuliPH wide and
carring good values, wns cut just an the
contract was completed. Mr. Mead lias
let another contract and expects to en
counter the ledge within twenty or
twenty-five feet.
The ore is very similar in character to
that of the Bonanza, and Mr. Mead
thinks, beyond question the property lias
this lead.
How the Expert Described a Receoi Strike
In the District.
loo Miller, who works tho day
shift at tho Club, aside from his
accomplishments iih ii high class
mixer of toinporiinco beverages, ia
perhaps one of tho most colobratod
mining exports in tho district.
Sometimes, however, it would scorn
that in describing a property ho
gets hia terms u little mixed with
other Ingredients, but ho usually
arrives with the goods. Here Ih the
way ho discoursed to an audience
lined up against tho mahogany con
cerning a recent strike:
"Have you heard of the striko
made it few days ago at tho Wild
Cat Consolidated? No? Well,
gentlemen, it ia tho most colobratod
which haa ever boon mado iu tho
district, aud no mistake. I am re
liably informed that a body of oro
was encountered on tho 15,000 foot
level whilo an upraise waa being
sunk to tho vannors, which showod
bouio of tho moat remarkable valuoa
over hoard of. Tbo rock la a con
glomeration of ryollto, condallto,
Issreallte, aud you may uot credit It,
but I am told that thoro waa alfalfa
oreopluff out at the crevices. The
assay valuoa go high In pyrites of
hopo, aud tho company seriously
expects within tho next few shots to
break Into tho epiglottis on the eaat
wall of tbo lumbar vertobrao. It's
a groat mine, follow citizens."
Visit Golcooda.
Judge Hubert Eakiu, of Union, of
tho circuit court of this district, ac
companied by Mrs. Eakiu aud son,
left for homo today after epeudlug
several days hero. In company with
Otto Herlocker, general manager of
the Highland, they visited the Ciol-
coudit whilo here. Judge Kaklu Is
prominently mentioned as a candl-
date for state supremo judge.
General Stewart Returns East.
General II. 1.. Stewart, of New York,
vice president of thu Killen Warner
Stewart company, left Sunday for tho
Yellowstone Park, where he will meet
Charles Sieg, director iu the company,
aud after spending some time there will
return to New York.
Gun Club Gold Medal.
Dr. Edwards has received a handsome
gold medal, to be shot for by the Sump
ter Rod and Gun Club. Tho first con
test will bo held Sunday, the trophy
going to the member scoring the high
est. The winner retains tho prize,
however, only in tho event he is not
bested in the shoots from week to week
during the season. Butting on the first
winner is about even between Dan Jae
gor and Tom Gray.
Physicians and Surgeons
sumpter oeneral hospital
Sumpter, Orecjon
, . (Office, Main 8i.
Telephone hospital Main lj.
Civil and Mining Engineer.
V. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor for Oregon,
(Inter lor the City ol Sumpter.
Unifren mi Patent Sireeyi.
inl Driaktln.
lea Printing.
City Atterney U. S. Cenmliilener
Rooms 2 and j. First Bank of Sumpter
p A. E. STARR.
Center, cor. High St.
Sumpter. Oregno
Ofnce I'hone No. jot Residence Phone No. ti
Physician and Surgeon.
Sumpter, Oregon.
I am now prepared to receive nj treat patients
both medical and urglcal, In the beat equipped
private lanltarlum In the country Nice quiet home.
with trained and ep rlenced nurse always In at-
endance. Up-to-date surgical work a specialty
E. P. Bergman &
Mill Street, New Building.
. THE , , ,
Butcher and Packer
Fresh and Cured
Meats and
Sausage of all Kinds