The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, April 22, 1903, Page 9, Image 9

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sen &. Clarke, has immediate chargo of
the survey. The power plant will
probably be located on tho West Side,
but the exact sito will not bo decided
upon until President Strnhoru arrives.
Tho object is to have all the neces
sary data in hand when ho arrives so
that aotlvo construction may proceed
without delay.
Prostdout Strahorn sailed from
Liverpool ou tho Cedrio which ar
rived In Now York last Sunday. Ho
is expected hero about tho middle of
New Pbotogrtph Gallery.
B. D. Postlothwalto, of tho firm of
Reed & Postlothwalto, llakor City,
photographers, was in tho city yes
day making arraugomouts to estab
lish 'a branch gallery hero. Tho
brauch will bo located ou Mill street
opposlto the Uoldeu Eagle.
Site for New Plant to Be Selected When
Prei. Strebora Arrive.
W. E. Weed, foreman of the Eleo
trio and Water companies, is con
ducting the preliminary survey this
week for the now power houso soon to
be built. Engineor Clarke, of Juos-
The celebrated Guild's "the beer of
good cheer" always on draught at Dun
phy'a The Cluli.
Dr. Greouleo, dentist, over Bascho
llardwaro store.
Wednesday, April 22, 1903
Big Mill Will be Built on the
South Pole This Year
You all know the N orth
of the world's greatest gold producers.
le mine is the great mine of Oregon and one
The South Role mine joins the North Pole at its end lines and owns
jointly three claims with the North Pole, and has in all, 4986 feet on the North Pole
vein. The North Pole is valued by this camp at $10,000,000. Don't the South
le look as though it ought to he good at present prices?
There is over 2.500 feet of development now on the great North Pole vein on the
South Pole ground. Tons upon tons of ore above the various tunnel levels.
The great North Pole is over 1200 feet deep at the very end lines of the South
Role. Is this not a legitimate mining proposition? The one ore shoot of the
North Pole mine is valued alone at $5,000,000. Do you suppose this stops at the end
lines of the South Role, because there is a different ownership of the ground?
This stock will advance in price and its advance warranted by the additional ore re
serves blocked out. The South Role should make, next to the North Pole,
the greatest paying mine in Oregon.
This mine is being steadily worked and will continue to be. The mining is not
done on paper.
For Prospectus and Farther Particulars Apply to