The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, April 22, 1903, Image 1

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North Pole Owner Visits Property and Goes
to Portland to Hold Conference With
Jonathan Bourne.
Thoro haa boon much speculation
In mining circles regarding tho visit
of Alexander Baring, 'of Londou,
principal owner of the North Polo, to
tho property last week, and hit sub
sequent trip in company with his
manager Etnll Molzer to Portland
where he hold an interview with Jon
athan Bourne, owner of the E. and
E. Just what the purport of this
bmjt be la not exaotly'olear. It 1b
well known that the North Pole mag
nate la averse to public comment
touching his business affairs, and
therefore when he was,. here nothing
was elicited from him which would
throw any light on the situation.
When approached by press represen
tatives, tho Londoner assumed a
calmliko attitude, and questions di
rected to him rolled off as ineffec
tively as water on a duck's back.
He bad nothing to say.
The fact of his visit to Portland
and his conference with Mr. Bourne,
of the E. and E., however, makes It
look like there is much more to his
presence In the camp than a mere
routine trip of inspection. It is true
the North Pole is just starting up its
additional stamps recently Installed,
and It might be argued that Mr. Bar
ing wanted to take a look at tho prop
erty since tho improvements havo
been put in, but mining men are not
disposed to accept this view of tho
situation. They think tho Britisher
.has a "hen on" aud that his visit
either has to do with tho acquisition
of tho E. aud E., which has long been
talked of, or that he is gettlug the
property in ship shapo to uuload it
on the Londou market. Tho Bourne
couferomo, however, seoms to lend
color to the. former theory.
Tho advisability of tho North Polo
acquiring tho E. aud E. has long
beeu a matter of comment In mining
circles. In tho II rut pluco It would
add somo H,000 feet to its holdiugs
ou this world famous Cracker Creek
mother lode, and again it would pro
vide a mill sito aud treating appur
teuancos on the E. and E. ground,
thus obviating tho necessity of tram
ming the oro somo 8,, 000 feet as is
made necessary under present condi
tions, making at once two vastly Im
portant additions to tho property in
creasing Its valuo thereby mauy fold.
What over, tho outcome is however,
remains to bo soon. But Cracker
Creek proporty holders canuot help
being iuterostod in Mr. Baring's
movemonts aud tho possible results,
from tho faot that tho North Polo Is
recognized as tho biggest mlno, not
only in tho camp, but one of the
world's famous producers. It Is on
the same vein systom with the Uol-
conda, E. and E., Columbia, South
Polo, and other well known proper
ties. Interest naturally content
about it from the fact that it is a heavy,
dividend payor and othor properties
on tho same lodge would bo immense
ly Increased in valuo were thoro any
thing in tho rumored purchase of the
E. and E. An Increased output of
the North Pole or an Increase in Its
present holdings would mean much
for the Cracker Creek district gener
ally. While tho North Polo Is tho big
producer of Cracker Creek, It Is not
argued for a minute that tho other
properties do not hold out the same
possibilities. The fact that tho
North Pole is an oldor and a better
developed mlno alono accounts for
Its enormous value and productive
ness. It is hardly reasonable to
draw tho rnuclustou that tho richness
of this well known voin systom starts
and euds In North Polo ground, when
othor pronortios coutaln a continu
ation of tho same lodge, carryiug
tho same quality of oro throughout
in the same vastnoss of oxtout. Tho
South Polo, for instance, joins tho
North Polo ou Its ond lines and owus
with it undivided interests In over
three abbuting claims. It is tho
same proposition exactly,. If the
North Polo is tho big mine of today
It Is only bocauso It is bettor devel
oped aud has boon longer worked.
Tho ceaseless activity In development
operations which the South Polo peo
ple are carrying forward Is bound
ultimately to placo this proporty in
the samo catogory . And so with
othor properties in tho district. Tho
Columbia has beon one of tho well
known steady producers for a number
of years. Tho damago done by tho
roceut cave In of the shaft has been
repaired, and tho mlno will resume
its usual monthly output.
The Uolconda, as is well known,
has dropped into the class of divi
dend payers, and Manager Howard Is
making a big showing along the line
of development work.
At tho South Polo, Manager Rab
bins is driving a crosscut to tap tho
vein at a depth of 750 foot. As tho
work goes ou It becomes moro aud
mora apparent that tho ledge will bo
reached any day. When the vein Is
reached It will bo drifted upon and
thoroughly crosscut, and at tho same
time work will bo continued ou tho
other levels. It is the purpose of
tho management also to move down
lir.O feet and start work on tho 1,000
foot level, which is ultimately to be
come tho main working level of the
Vein Crosscut and Big Body
of High Grade Ore En
countered. Fred D. Smith, managing director
of the Oregou Minos aud Exploration
company, operating tho Snow Crook
mines In the Uroonborn district re
turned from a trip to tho proporty
this week. The vein ou the west seventy-foot
levol was crosscut last week,
showing a width of from eight to ten
feet lu good ore, samples from which
assayed as high as $115 a ton. A
small stringer of from twelvo to
eigbteon inches from tho majn lodge,
of exceptionally high grade oro was
Manager Smith la now drifting ou
tho lodge and blocking out oro pre
paratory to tho installation of the
mill which is mentioned elsewhere In
this issuo. Ho is woll ploased with
tho present state of development and
feols confident that Snow Crook will
boforoloug drop Into tho list of divi
dend payors. Tho proporty is situ
ated lu tho conter of the famous
Uroonhoru district, surrounded by
such operating properties as tho Don
Juan, Pboonlx, I. X. L., Illuck Hawk,
Virginia, Psyche and other woll
known properties. Tho ore In the
course of development work is being
placed lu blus and will be ready for
the mill whiuh is to bo Installed this
,Bood on Eldorado Group.
The Eldorado group lu tho Green
horns, whiuh was bonded six or seven
mouths ago by Morris Sullivan, has
beeu robouded to custom parties.
Their representative Is in tho ulty
and it is understood that the bond
is to bo taken up at once, aud opera
tions curried ou this summer.
Croucut From Old Drift oa 380-Foot Lcvtt
la Py Ok Too Early to Determine
Site or Rlchnew of Shoot New Line
ol Development Inaugurated BoUett
Outcrop on Wide West Claim.
Tho congested condition of tho big
mines Is being relieved by tho Im
provement in tho roads and their out
puts of ores nud concentrates arc
agulit arriving at tho Sunpter frolght
depot regularly.
ThotlnlooudalH shipping this week
ten car loads of ores and concentrate,
to tho smelters. It is understood
that somo of tho highest grade oro
that has evor boon shipped from this
camp Is Included In this shipment.
It is reported from tho (lolcouda
mlno that tho crosscut recently start
ed from tho old drift on tho .100 foot
level to the cast for the purpose of
picking up tho rich shoot of ore here
tofore disclosed lu the levels above
has already reached pay oro, but It la
yet too early to determine the alzo
and richness of this oro shoot on that
levol. As soon as it has Iwcii dem
onstrated on tho 200 foot level, a
crosscut will bo started in tho samo
direction from tho '100 foet level for
tho samo purpose.
The now Hue of development, re
cently Inaugurated by the manage
ment, whereby It will drlvo tho pres
ent drifts, which havo already devel
oped tho (lolcouda claim to the south
and under the great outcrop of tho
Wido West claim, Is being vigorously
The to is no outcrop whatever ou
tho (lolcouda claim, although all of
the work heretofore done by the (lol
couda company lias been done on that
claim. On the Wide West claim oc
curs tho boldest and best outcrop
found on tho mother lode and yet no
development has ever beeu done lir
that ground.
It Is coiilldontly believed by tho
management of tho (lolcouda, as well
as by all mining men familiar with
this district that tho best part of the
(lolcouda mine lies in the Wide West
ground aud under this great outcrop
and, therefore, great things are ex
pected from this new Hue of develop
ment. The face of the drift, which la
being pushed south, 1ms already puss
ed the south and center of the (lol
couda claim and Is lu Wide West
ground. It Is showing low values In
ore uud Is steadily Improving as it is
being driven Into the mountain. u