THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, July 9, 1902 SPOKANE PEOPLE BUY WIGMAN GROUP Located by "Monumental" Mil ler Twenty Years Ago. Klllcn, Warner & Stewurt lino nepe tlutcil the hiiIii tin i )4 1 1 1 it 1 1 Kninp, own vil hy "Mnuumeiitiil" Miller, toHioliiuo pnrtii'M, wlione iiiuiii'H nre withheld from publication fur the irceiit. Neither lire the terniH of the Mile liiiule pulilie. The Wlunm fonriMH of live cIiiIiiih, loeateil 011 the North Fork of the John Day, in the vicinity of the famon old Monumental mine, fioiu which Mr. Mil ler derived hi Milriiiict. Ah everyone InireahoiitH known, Mr. Miller Iiiih Imvii iHTitt inu in that diHtrict for more thiui a quarter of a century. He located tlici-c particular claiuiH twenty yeur up), and IniN done the iixt-erfini'iit work on them over hlnce. A lare p.irl of the ground Iiiim liccn wiimIii-iI off for placer K'dil, revealing: a nilinlter of ledu'eH. 'I'liin in in the heart of the dlxtrict, reunlin which Tun Mi.stii Iiiih M-UTiil linu'M Htated the ill-tun-Mint; fact that within u tadiiiHof live inileN there lire twenty-live almudoned uriiHtriiH. The whole hection weniN to ho nuclei IihhI with velnn that carry free Kolil 011 top, wlilcli noon chaiieH to re fractory ore, that can't he worked in the nriihtniM, whicli therefoie mhiii hecame UHclehH mid were difliiautled. All the low- Kniiiiiil win Mippliul with placer Knlil from thei-e ledeH. I.utp' aieax have heeu wai-hed and from thix Moureo and the free ioll Mirface ioel huuilreil of thoiiHaiidN of dollaiH have Ik-i-ii taken. It in a inoxt interccliiik' dlctrict, iih well in a 1 icli one. On thin proierty one of thene n rtii-t rif Mill MmikIm, all around which the gravel Iiiih Ih-cii hydraiilicked. In ext-imitiui; for a foil inlii I ion for the crude piM ex tractor, a lcdp of very rich hiicc ore wan uncovered. It carricH pilil, silver and copnr, a htrne per cent of the value lie liiK contained in uray ccipper, which in alMiut the neuter I appioach to pure di ver found in Nature. At thin place, practically 011 the curfiice, the ledge in two feet wide, with llfteeii lucheHof hiIiiI ore, which iihnivh from flWt to $:i7fi a ton. Higher up the iiiiuiutaiii fide, an n'ii cut lexealn another ledge, with two feet of ore carrying tlfly-fotir dollar in free gold. Mr. Miller wiih In town Monday, mak ing the timn-fer of the pioperty. lie hiivh liift twenty eaiH of um-cc i-ini'iit work aumuntH to IUO feel of working and i'iiiihMk of four tuunelH. One in thirty feet and another forty feet in, ImiIIi of which cut veiiiH at hIiiiIIow depth; another Ih a I'.M-fnot crosM-ut that gocH through nl iliMiut't ledgen, and the other goen in IN) feet on a vein. Kiicouiagiug value ate encountered everywhere. Work of dexelopiug thin pinieity will liegiu at 1111 eaily day. The plaiiHof the new owneiH are not deliuilely deter miuel at pro-cut. It in umlerMoml that Killeu, Warner i Stewart have an inter ent in the property, hut will not for the prfhcut take an active p.irl in itx uiiiiiHgeiueul. Vet Or Extraction Proem. Mining men are greatly intereilel in rumor which are current in lohhien of thehotelHof that city that a Denver man Iiiih perfected a wet mineral extraction procci-i-, liy whicli all the principal inin- eraln aie extruded from oren without the line of lire. The prKYi-, aivordiug to IiIiiIk that are current, wan the result of experiment Murlel for the piirHi.e of dixcoveiiug gold extraction, In the enurm of the iuvci-tigatioiiH the exjK'ri- mentor diHcovorcd a method of over coming the Hiilphur in ore without reNorting to the. furnace. The cont of the proct'HH Ih Hiild to Ihi ipiitu moderate, and minuralH are extracted in thu fol lowing erder: Copjier, gold, Hi Ivor and lend. Thu lead romeH lon in the liquid iih a white )wder, hut Ih rapidly con verted into common lead. The proccHH may do away with the neceHHity of large plantri mid expennivu furnaceH. Any mine owner with moderate capital can erect u teaching plant, if ho Iiiih thu privilege of the proccHH, and work out IiIh own Hitlviitlon. regiirdlecH of the tniht. The iiiohI nhdiirutu Hiilplilde orcH urn Hiild to yield ipiickly to the treat ment, and a eoiin-c of hix mouth in ex KrimentH Iiiih detuniiM rated that thu priMCHH in one of the mont remarkable dlncovurieH ever made hy any miniuu man. A hviidicnte of eimtern cniiltaliHtH in now in Deliver invcMtigiitlng the pro cehH for thu (inrMiHo of cecuring riglitn in the I'uiteil State. Why Go East (her the iin-hiiriied agu hruh and alkali plaiiiH when you may junt iih well take a delightful, cool and eouifortahle ride through the heart of the Itocky mountaiiiH in view of the grandet ccen ery on the Auiericaii continent? Thin you can do hy traveling on the Itio (irande ytein, the far famed "Scenic Line of the World," the only traiiHcouti Denial Hue punning through Salt l.uke City, (ileiiwooil Spring, l.endville, Col orado Spring mid Denver, en route to eiiHteru point. Tluee daily expre truitiH make clone connection with all train cant and went and afford a choice of live dlntinct routeH of travel. The eiiiipmeut of thene traliiH Ih thu hent, in eluding flee leclluiug chair car, ntund aril and tourinl leeH., a erfeet dining car nervlce, and alno cronally conduct ed exciimiou cum, each in rharge of a coniN'teut guide, wlione liuninen i to liHik after the comfort of hi guentn. No more pleanauliiud liii'xpennlve meiilinof cionniug the continent can Imi found than i provided hy thene excurnion. For additional detail nililrenn .1. D. Mann Held, general agent Itio (irande linen, No. I'.'l Third ntreet, Portland, Oie. Leave your mciiMiru for a null of clothe at Neill Mercantile company'. Something to depend uhiii (iiiiut Hiwder. ...J. W. COWDEN... HAS A FINK UNI: OF PHOTOGRAPHIC VIEWS OF ALL THK MINHS AND PROS PECTS IN THK SUMPThR G O 1. 1 ) FIELDS 255555555 MINI: VIFWS ONLY Addien.). W. Cowilen, Sumpter, Or. C. F. RAW Assaycr and Metallurgist OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE SUMPTER, OREGON OREGON MONARCH GOLD MINING COMPANY Offers Stock again to the readers of THE MINER mJBm ryMB SINCE our last offering a great deal of permanent work has been done at the mine which, as will be remembered, joins the great Red Boy on the South, and carries its richest veins. The Stock has advanced to 25 cents per share, and is moving rapidly. We want you to write to us for a prospectus which will tell you all about the mine and its plans, and which shows photograph and map of both the Monarch and Red Boy mines, j j j j KILLEN, WARNER & STEWART if. j AGENTS j J & Sumpter, Oregon. i CODE BEDFURD-MCNEILL IIIIANCII IIPt'll'KH New York, Huston, Hultiiunrc, Philadelphia, Milwaukee VW BvBPBvwFw wwgw BB BBBB B BBBBB J. P. HOLLAND inrroiro 0 00 0 0 0 tit ttoji Wholesale and Retail Commission Business No. I liny, Oatu, llailey, Kmu, Wheat, Klour mill Pntntoo Curloail IiOt 11 .Spocinlty Special Attention Given to the Mining Trade Ollti-e: Jolui'rt A CoV WnrelimiM!. Phono 'J8I5. .SU.MITKH, OREGON GRIZZLY STOCK... 33,166 lmivs at les than ground floor price. You can have it for '2h cent in one lump, or it cents in broken lot. 166,666 SHARES OF TILLAMOOK FOR $150 lloth lire pMiil liny. Write fur partii-ulnr to BERNARD FLYNN sumpter, ore. IF YOU WISH TO f.V.'iNVEST S' 'mSSng""I Either to buy Gilt Edge Stocks, a Prospect that is "the Making of a Mine," or one that is already made, write me what you want and permit me to submit a proposition. ADDRESS i'SrSANDERSONSMTH'! SUMPTER, MINES AND MINING STOCKS OREGON