THE SUMPTER MINER. Wednesday, April 25, 1900 1 PRAIRIE CITY NOTES. MucIvActivity in That Camp and District. There has been considerable activity here sluce'tlie new townsite v;is surveyed. Atore people ;ire coming in :inJ interest is being taken in (lie prospects for the town, with t lie r'.illni.iJ heading tills way. Ar thur Philhrick.of Sampler, finished laying many streams anJ lots of timber In- the hills near by. : li. Chldsey, one of, the nkl residents and pioneers nf tills valley, a valued citi zen and postmaster of Prairie, died on tire seventeenth hist, after a lingering illness of several years. He was 64 years old. Many fraternal organizations turned out at the funeral to dohonoMo his remains. A child was born to Mr. and Mrs. I.ce t.aurauce here Thursday night. Mrs. I.aurauce is a daughter of the late lid ward Chldsey. Your correspondent, mounted on a thor oughbred cayuse, starts out tomorrow for Shauico, the present terminus of the rail- out streets Mocks and lots on'the section ro:,d- l "" from Vt! l" 'j!1" a general prospective survey of the valley and the prospects of continued railroad building up this way. W. T. M. ' Prairie City, April 21, 1000. secured west of and adjoining the old town by the promoters two weeks ago, and has about completed the plats. R. W. Waner, civil engineer, of Sumpter, took the work and has been busy fur three weeks running levels, grades, etc., on the townsite. I:d Hlewett Is his light bower, Spokane Syndicate the Purchasers Will Develop. SALE OF KEYSTONE GROUP. wlille young Rogeis also helped carrv the chain. The two latter, also from Sump ter, are so pleased with this place they have concluded to remain and aie already getting hold of mining claims. I'lofcssisual and business men are pros pecting lor personal locations. There are three general stores and two cigar and conlectiouery shops, three sa loons, one assay ollice, one hotel, one restaurant, one livery barn, one fk-ed stable, two blacksmith shops and one un dertaking and cabinet shop, one .Masonic hall and I. O. O. I:. lodges. The I'ralrie City hotel, long closed, as a hostelry, will soon be reopened by George Rose, ol Granite. It is said this house had made f 70,000 for one man during the first few years of Its career, when the camp was hi its hey day of prosperity In placer mining. There are between two and three hun dred Inhabitants within the corporate limits. Around Ouartburg there Is much in terest In Shehuudy's mine, which is un dergoing extensive development. Mar- V. S. Yearsley and associates, of Spo kane, have purchased the Keystone group of six claims, adjoining the Pulaski group, and carrying the same ledges. Incorpora , tion papers have been tiled under the name of the Sumpter-Keystoie Gold Min ing company, witli head ollice hi Spo kane. Development has been commenced with a small force of miners, until the property can he opened, when a large force will be added and extensive work will be done during the season. 'I he group was purchased from M. I:. Gallimore and Titus Davis and is only one and one-half miles northeast of Sump ter. It is stated on good authority that the Pulaski group, owned by the Glffen brothers, could have been sold for $75,000 recently. The e.xact consideration for the Key stone group is not known, but is away tip In the thousands. Copper King Ore Carrying $333 in Gold. Dan Reynolds came down Sunday from shal llauser was shoeing some very line . le ,JIxIe lUe bect 1Kir ,,ra,Ie cyi specimens at the assay ollice last weel llebioughtin one chunk of quart, that was sparkling with copper, gold and other values. Assays showed up in the hun dreds. There is an Immense ledge. The piece ot mineial lock now being displayed in town was in weight something like two bundled pounds. He Is satisfied lie lias sttuck it rich and plenty. The Cleavers, the townsite promoters, also have line ledges of copper and gold ipiait. I. on Cleaverls here looking after both the mineral and lauded pioperties of the brothels, hi refeieuce to the town lots, he iulormed a MINI H representative that as soon as the plats were received he would designate the blocks the railroad company will claim. At piesent he did not know It it would be 011 the north or south side ol the John Day river. They will have a choice of thirty acres on the uoitli or .o acres on the south side ot tile new town. Dr. Cleaver also stated that as soon as tile plats were received town lots would be on sale. They will range hi price Irom where he has been engaged In the exam ination of properties hi the interest of outside investors. I le brings reports of a rkh strike in the Copper King mine of the Standard group, owned by United States Marshal Zoeth llouser, of Port laud, and a company of Pendleton people. In tunnel No. 1 of the Copper King a 2-foot vein of rich ore was struck, which assayed an average of Jj3 5.50 per ton In gold, with good silver and copper values also. The roads between Sumpter and Prairie City are now in tairly good condi tion and the travel is heavy. Sixty Dollar Nugget From Mule Creek. The liagle was recently shown a beau tiful nugget, valued at about 56o, recently taken from the Mule Cieek placer mine, which Is largely owi.ed by W. II. and C. P. Johnson, ol John Day. This placer property is near Spanish gulch and is In-. cited on deeded laud owned by V. H. Johnson and others. They have about i three-fouiths of a mile of tills gulch on tlipir I in, I Mini If .-ill at' It U -is ri.'h : III.- to 1 250 for business and from J.oo to ,.md are . workillB ,t ,s ,,,. i 50 h. esldence lots. ' deed a bonana.-IUue Mountain bigle. Dr. Causey and Hillie Reese, of Gran , Jte, weie down here last week looking Obituary oi LaGrandc-Granite Read. over the country. They went as far down What has become of the committee ap- ' 1'ie valley as Spanish gulch, which place pointed a few weeks ago to look after the was attracting the notice of mining men. Granite road proposition? This committee1 Jno. C. Young, who seems to be in Was appointed in good faith at a public touch with both the railroad and the town-1 meeting at which a large representation' site men, has been here for several days. 0( citizens were present. It was then and , Christian Anderson, one of the chief (s sti the sentiment of the people of this ( engineers of the Columbia Southern, re- community that a wagon road to Granite. cently spent several days in the valley in Is an undertaking of prime Importance. I Is this project to be allowed to die in the hands of the committee? The committee . should be heard from in one way or .111 other. 1-aGrande Chronicle. the interest of the company This is a fair farming community, good sto;k raising section, and is surrounded by mountains containing all kinds of val uable minerals. There are many good prospects and a few mines within a radius Go to Fenner & Worthlngton for all of ten miles. There Is plenty of water in j kinds of engineering ' STARR-& ODELU MINES BOUGHT AND SOLD 1 We are fully, equipped to make reports on mines, and can handle-prospects or developed mines. Main ollice, Sumpter, Oregon. Mranch Offices, Spokane, Washington, and Portland, Oregon. Cor. Center and North Streets, Sumpter, Oregon. Telephone No 131. Plrst and Always a PIRST-CI.ASS HOUSK. Newly Furnished Throughout. Only White Labor F.mployed. All Outside Rooms. Only Half Block North of Depot. . THE j Golden Eagle Hotel BRUCE & FOWLER. lill Street, Sumpter, Oregon THI: M:ST APPOINTED. & & Pharmacy IN EASTERN OREGON. No prescription too difficult to fill. (Service day or night.) A complete line of druggists sundries, stationery and toilet articles. The Sumpter Drug Co. L. C. EDWARDS, MANAGER. SUMPTER, OREGON. Capital Hotel THOS. KILPATRICK Proprietor I Centrally Located. Electric Lights. Newly Refurnished. Free 'Bus and Hag gage Service. Headquarters for Commercial and Mining Men. Passengers Waybllled To all Points on Stages. SUMPTER, OREGON. Bousum & Spalding CRYSTAL ICE Company Free delivery of Pure Ice. Leave orders at office of Columbia Brewing and Malting Co., next door to MINER office.