Wednesday, December 6, 1899 THE SUMPTER MINER. Ti ii j lie oUmpier I liner 1 ()lliclal Paper nf the Town of Sumpter. I'UIILIMIIII IVIPV U I DM MIA V II V t. II. MARSH ami J. W. CONNELLA SUIIM.PIMIIUN WAIls One Year Sl Months ALUAtS IS AIIVAM.I. I nlrfrJ Hi Ihr itnftke In Sumplrf, Oregon, tin 1Mnmltlon through Ihe malls srconj Class tnjitlrr I'HAT Governor Mackintosh's connec tlun with the Sumpter town and district H, In itself, a henclit, cannot be doubted. Tills fact alone will induce many men and much money to come here. II IS announced that ex-Senator John II. .Mitchell will locate in Maker City at an early date and there practice law, in partnership with Marlon I- muici, 1. 11c I )...!.... !..! ol Pendleton. Mr. Mitchell has some i tfarm political friends In this county who w ill weUme him as a litien. i Al.l. of eastern Oregon should congrat ulate itself over the published statement that President Atohler, ol the O. R. .V N., will remain with that company; that the r.irller reports that he had resigned were iiolouuded. No man has done more for this section of the state in the past, or would or will in the future. K)lt two weeks past there has been a toiuplete lumber famine In this camp, due to the unexpected large demand. I hen, too, the continuance ol mild weather m ilk ti longer than is usual, has something todowitli the creation of this condition. Itiiildiug operations will not be entirely suspended this winter. ONI; newspaper has the "front" to vol uiit.nily oiler to write up Sumpter for the small consideration ol Xoo. Papers that .tie looking tor the news arc spending money to get Information legardiug the camp, which Is not being boomed on the old system of newspaper pulls, employed hy those who seek to create an artilicial business activity. Sumpter and the sin louuding mines stand on their merits, anJ are doing falrlv well, thank you. I'MAT long waited forplan of developing ' this district, from the proceeds of the sale I ol treasury stock, has been fairly Inau-' glinted. 'I III: MINER is getting out a I h.ilf-dueii or more sets of stock certiii-1 cates, prospectus and other mining com pany stationery. Some ol these proper-1 ties are good and will make the owners and those who buy the stocks rich; others will not un out so proiitably, hut all will I aid in the development of the district, I and that will be a net gain to the dis trict, state and the world at large. The tew losses by Individuals are Inevitable, not only In mining ventures, but In every oilier business, and he who cm see only ilils side ol the picture would lie more or l;ss a failure in any sphere. He is particu larly out ol place In a mining camp. OVI.R at Port l.i 11 J tnr Telegram Is mak ing a strenuous effort to awaken the sirepy citizens ol that luck number camp t ) the fact that the Sumpter district is a uurteloi mineral wealth, and that Port land, in some vague, undefined way, night to endeavor to reap some benefit therefrom. Hut instead of urging its al leged wealthy readers to invest some of their hoarded coin, rusted from long dis use, in the rich mines surrounding Sump ter, and dig the gold from the rocks, thus adding to their own, the state's and the world's wealth, the burden of Its song Is thai some concerted movement be made to sell more merchandise in this section of the state. Even to accomplish this last 'object; the dearest known to Portland heart, the best method would be to win me goou win 01 me uisuicr, oy neiping in its development, but this idea apparently never occurs to the Portland mind, which seems to be exclusively and narrowly commercial. Had the district relied on tnc men and money of that would still have I'. ecu In the dormant condition in which it remained for twenty years, and the people here are cognizant of this obtrudhiKly conspicuous tact. But lortunately men of enterprise from Mon tana, Washington and Hri bh Columbia learned of the gold deposits here, are re vealing them to the wind and reaping rich rewards lor their enterprise. Freight rates, however, favor Portland and if the business men of that town will handle the proposition with ordinary Intelligence, stop treating every man who goes there with a mining deal as If he were trying to sell a gold brick, they may yet dispose of their wares in this market for, un fortunately, there is no sentiment in trade. If there were, Portland could sell no goods In Sumpter. Till: MINER has been expecting and. mOfJiimKlv InnUlnir tnr vitmt ri.1v-rvH commml m Sumpter and the surround- ) , rS bu, ft0 ,.,r ,m f0UIId only the raicllmlsy( transparently lalse article 1 punlishrd some time since In the Hutte Inter Mountain. Sixty days or so ago, It Is true, some of the mossnack papers in eastern Oregon, notably the hast Ore gonian, shied a few sneers and rocks in j this directions, aimed more particularly at the enterprising men from other states I ll'liu rirn liitil.lliiir lift til., .vimit fiitil .I..1..I oping the mines, but more recently noth ing lias appeared In the columns ol even these bile-livered publications except words of wonder auu commendation. That this proposition Is a several times winner there is not the shadow of a doubt. New Bakery J J J ANDCONPECTIONERY All kinds of Flesh Fruit in Season. O..HRECHTEL, Proprietor Opposite S. V. Hy. Depot. SPOKANE Drug Co. Only exclusive whole sale drug house in the state. We sell only to merchants. Make the best prices on min ers and assayers' sup plies. Freigh no higher than from Portland. Write for quotations. Spokane Drug Co. Spokane, Wash. - -- Nm P. MURRAY, Asuyer and Chemist, I am prepared to make, tests on free milling ore. giving the per cent ol lt value thai may be extracted by the tree milling process, alio the Jegree to which ore may he concentrated. MImi Inmlnti' in Reitrttt' on. Results o( assa eked only to the peron leaving work or on their written orJer. SUMPTER, OREGON p E. POINDEXTER, MINING OPERATOR, SUMI'TER, ORE. Mlnei examined and rerorteJ on. Reference, any business or mining man In Sumpter. STOTT & SHELTON, VLto?."" Attorneys at Law. SUMI'TCR, ORUJON W. A. SAMMS, ARCHITECT, lUKEH CITY, : OMIOON Reliable plans, specifications an J estimates lurnlsheJ QHAS. E. ROHLIN, ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW Notary Public Rooms 6 anJ 8 Nelll Ulk. SUMI'TI.R. OR. QARRIi: I.SI'ALDINIi, Stenographer and Typewriter. LncateJ with Crwln ft Co. SUMI'TCR C STUTLN. Justice of the Peace, Sumpter District. (ieneral Conveyancing L, T. BROCK, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Sumpter. Oregon. Special Attention (ilven to Surgery anJ to t)li eases ol Women. Office anJ residence, Nelll lllock. QHS. TAPE Si PEARCE, Physicians and Surgeons C. M. I'CABt.C, M. II. I). W. TAI't, M. I). Telephone Main iv SUKI'TIH, OULOOS. DRS. HENDRY & BROOKS, DENTISTS. Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. Olrke, Center Street, opposite McEwen ft Sloan's Livery llarn, Sumpter, Oregon. FIRST BANK OF SUMPTER (iaciiafc) Capital Stock (20,000 , omctts. J. H. Robblns President J. W. Scrlher Vice-President J. W. MeaJ Cashier UIIICTOUS. J.W. Scrlber R. II. Miller J. W, MJ Clark SnyJt J. H. RobNns ' .' 't ,. 1 Transacts a General Banking and Ex change Business. No Interest I'aU on Deposit. Basche Hardware Co. Successors to W. R. HAWLEY Sumpter, Oregon. GENERAL DEALERS IN Shelf and Heavy Hardware Iron and Steel Pipe Mining and Mill Machinery Agents for " HERCULES " Powder Fuse and Caps & . t C. C. Basche MANAGER ( 4