Wednesday, October 25, 1899. THE SUMPTER MINER. TELEGRAPH SERVICE. CONNECTION.W1THUTHR OUT.ER WORLD SECURED. . Inland Telephone Company Will Put Telegraph Instruments in the Sumpter , Office in a Few Days. Its Long Dist ance Wire to Connect With the Postal Telegraph Lines. While In Portland last week, W. C. Calder closed a deal with the Inland Tel ephone company, whereby Sumpter will secure in a-few days telegraph, connections with the outer world. ' The plan Is to put In telegraph Instru ments here and -use the company's long distance wires for transmission of dis patches. The Inland Telephone company sustains "cordial business relations with the Postal Telegraph company, and the business of the former originating in Sumpter will be delivered to the latter. The two companies have offices In Port land, Spokane, several Intermediate points and In all important towns on the Pacific coast, so there will be no difficulty In getting a wire Jq any desired point. The Sumpter,Townsite syndicate guar antees the Inland company to do a busi ness amounting to 3oo a year. As the syndicate's necessary telegraph tolls will undoubtedly amount to far more than this, the service Is In reality costing no bonus. The telegraph instruments have been ordered shipped here, and the company will be ready for business at an early'day. In the meantime General Warren has received an. official reply, from the West ern Union company, accepting his prop osition to construct a line from here to Baker City and connect with that com pany there, on condition that it wlllliot parallel the line for tfiree years and then buy It at-cosh. To'strlng this wire Would cost about 75o which expenditure the arrangement with the Inland company obviates, and the deal with the Western Union has been declared off. Sensible Sheepmen Have No Trouble. Taylor Hill, of Prlnevllle, who took 6,000 head of sheep to Pendleton for ship ment to British Columbia.tells the Times Mountaineerthat,,grasshas been unusual ly fine this year, because sheep were sold down so close last year," and ndds: "I want to say that, although I heard about trouble ahead from people who would shoot sheep being driven through the country, and was naturally on the lookout for some trouble, none of It was met. I could not ask for better treatment from people anywhere, and nnu inclined to think that If sheepmen in passing tlirough that part of the country south of Pendleton will strive to regard other men's rights, they will avoid most of the trpuble of which we hear so often. No one offered to molest me at any time or place, and, In fact, showed a disposition to help, me rather than to hinder me." Mr. Hill stated that prices were on the iud uuiLii'nuw. niiu inni rvrii ;u a.z lur lambs and $j for ewes,. buyers archavlngj difficulty In securing any more than are; called for In contracts made some time ago. Meeting of the Sumpter Club. J Owing to the fact that none of the re-j cently elected officers were present, the meeting of the Sumpter club last Friday evening was adjourned until Tuesday" evening, without transacting any busl ness. The matter of the proposed pur' chase of the opera house block was not considered and this Is ,4so," not especl-j any Decause you see u m. irikMiNbK,, but because circumstance's chanced to' shape themselves that way. Notices were Issued yesterday by President Vln son announcing that the meeting which was intended to be held last evening would be postponed, by request of a num ber of members, until next Saturday even ing, when organization of the club will be finally perfected. At that time the oppor tunity to become charter members will be' closed. A full attendance Is especially desired. ' I Smelter Gets Fifteen Acres of Land. ; Last week THIS MlNliR .quoted H. Meinhard, as stating that the smelter which he propose's to put'fn here will re-j celve only five acres of land as a bonus. In "another column today Is published among the court house records an agree-! ment whereby A. W. Ellis promises tof deed to H. Meinhard fifteen acres, sltuat-, ed south of Mill addition to tills town, on. condition that the smelter Is erected on that ground in one year from October 2, the date of the agreement. How this discrepancy in the amount of the laud to be given as a bonus occurred, will prob ably be explained later. The smelter is now calling for bids on 200 cords of pine wood and 1 8,ooo bushels of charcoal, to be made of green black pine, and deliv ered at Sumpter, time not stated. Bids should' be submitted to P. R.' Bishop, at the Climax mine. Sale of the Red Boy Mine. "The famous Red Boy mine in the Sumpter district has been sold for f 3,000, 000," is the message which is telephoned, up from the Sumpter district. The mat ter has been kept quiet, but we have it on good authority, and there is little doubt but the sale has gone through. The pur chasers arc said to be the London parties who have been negotiating for the prop erty for some time. The price, f 3,000, ceo Is a large one, but not In comparison with the value of the property, the mine being considered one of the greatest in the section. The Red Boy is a free gold proposition with ore bodies of immense magnitude, although' , the average values run about $1$ to the ton. Spokane Stock Report. Fine job printing only at THE MINER office. C. Y. BURR... . DEALER IN Common brick, fire brick, fire clay, lime, cement, plaster of Paris and hair. Cellar and flue build ing. Setting boilers and furnace work a spec ialty. Prices moderate. SUMPTER, ORE: w. s. ABSTRACTS Real .Estate, Loans and Insurance. Mining Patents Obtained Years of experience In Baker County Records. No. 2104 Court Street, Baker City; Oregon. NEILL MERCANTILE COMPANY MEN'S FURNISHERS ONE PRICE TO ALL Clothing. Boots and, Shoes, Duck and Rubber Clothing, Underwear, Mack inaws, Gloves, Mittens, Hats and Caps, all kinds of Rubber Footwear. Alio Complete Line ol UiltV, Miss rs anj Children's Shots nj Leg-Kings, NeillBlockrCor. Granite and Mill, SUMPTER, OREGON r THE TRIUMPH CIGAR IS THE WorkTs Best HAVANA CIGAR. Their Excellency Cannot be Excelled. Convince yourself by giving them a trial. For Sale Everywhere. Insist on Having One. i FLYNN & MORTON, - Manufacturers I COLUMBIA rpcwcpv AND SALOON -l-' Extra Pale and Pilsner beer. First class wines and liquors. Wholesale and Retail. JOHN ROHRMAN, Proprietor SUMPTER, OREGON Sumpter Livery Stable & McEwen & Sloan, Props. First Class LJvery Rigs and Saddle Horses ALWAYS ON HAND MODERATE PRICES Experienced Guides to all the Mining Camps. Your patronage solicited. ajmmwmm m m m wm mimm The Wonder GEO. W. WIEGAND, Proprietor, '3 Gonorsk Merchandise ', A complete stock of Dry Goods, Ladles and Men's Furnishings, Boots, snoes, nais ana looming. The Wonder, BOURNE, ORE. I 72UIUUMUUU UiUiUiUiiU UlUUttlttK