THE SUMPTER MINER. ''''V''4 Wednesday, September 13, 1899. SRsffw?6-ss,a8fsss3a,ga,ss!5 Mi Sumpter Building Notes. - - - - Sumpter's greatest, most crying need at present Is more buildings; new hotels, Is more lodging houses, business blocks and res! deuces. E.xtravagantly high rents could be secured were there here any houses to let, but there are absolutely none. THE MINOR was forced to go Into an old shack which was until ten days since used as a hay barn. An army of carpenters are, however, working from sun up till dark In a vain effort to supply this demand, and the writ er can not here resist the temptation to ring In that hackneyed expression about the "hills resounding with the music of s:iw and hammer." There are a score or more of buildings now In course of erec tion, but In every Instance they are being built for a special purpose; In most cases tlie owners themselves will occupy them. Contractor 1 N. Larsen, recently from Spokane, is erecting two business houses. One is for Mr. Montague on the corner of Granite a id streets, 25X60 feet, t.vo stories nig.i, to cost $2,000. It will be occupied as a saloon lodging hoase. T.u ot t: U f'jf Ar. Klel.i, 0.1 Cracker street, 24X50 feet, t.vo stories, to Cost 1,500, to dc occupleJ by the owner. .irs. I:. V. Stanley is having built on Nortli strerta 15 room lodging house, 26X 50 feet, two. Tories high, at a cost of Si, 000. iJ. H. Walton Is the contractor and Mr. U. U. Schrleaer tlie fortunate tenant. J. ,tt. l:rj titic L- oullding for himself, on Auourii street, a t.vo story 24X40 house, which he had intended to use as a black Miiitli shop, but listened to money talk and was Induced to rent It temporarily for a feed store. Resides his own labor, he is investing S700 in the enterprise. Two lots west of this, O. Rruhtel Is hav ing erected a S400 house, 20X20, which he will use as a bakery. It Is as high as a church, but only one story. S. H. Sum mers Is the contractor. On the same block, corner of Mill street, H. I). Griffin Is having built a two story lodging house, 16x74 feet, at a cost of J800, Z. Arnold, contractor. Mrs. B. E. Britten Is having an addi tion to her Mill street lodging house con structed, 20x24 feet, to cost S400. Contractor A. H. Shortridge Is doing the wook. At the corner of Granite and Mill streets, l:. II. Neil Is having erected onthe lot for which he recently paid S3000 a building which he will occupy as a gen ii.erchandise store. It is 25x50 Irct, t.vo stories high and will cost Si 500, Jacrt llalcwood, builder. Contractor J. C. White Is building for C. J. Johns the lirst private warehouse to be erecteJ in Sumpter. It is located near the railroaJ track at the Cracker street crossing, is 46x70 feet and will cost S600. I lie stone foundation has been laid on Mill street for the first brick block to be constructed in the city. A. P. Goss, of St. Paul, Minnesota, will be the owner .111 J will occupy it as a bank. The build ing will be 25x50 feet, and a letter iM.n Mr. Goss is expected every day by ills agent here, Attorney C. li. McCul inch, Instructing him whether to let the . omr.ict for one or two stories. There is already finished a solid rock foundation lor the vault. Tne building will be trim med witli grey stone and have an artistic u.Mt, wit.i large plate glass windows, lo cated on Mill street. Though the above Is the first brick on which work has been started, it Is still an open question as to which will be the first completed, as the Hasche Hardware Com pany, of Maker City, which recently nought the business of W. R. Hawley, together with his building and lot, will let on the 16th Instant the contract for erecting where the frame building now stands, a brick 26x100 feet two stories ''.' ' high, to be completed by the middle of November. Claude C. Rasche Is the local manager of the business and will attend to the construction of tills building as well. Mr. Cowden, a recent arrival from Salt Lake, an old time Nevada miner, has had the small cottage on the north east corner of Mill and North streets moved one block east, to Columbia street, jacked up twelve feet and Is remodeling it Into a commodious two story residence. On the site formerly occupied by the cot tage he will build a hotel 40 by 70 feet, two stories and a stone basement the en tire length and breadth of the building. It will be steam heated, electric lighted, plumbed for hot and cold water and con tain a dozen bath rooms. Work on this house will commence as soon as it Is definitely settled when the water works will be completed. D. A. Walton has just about completed for II. W. Sloan an attractive residence 28x50 feet at a cost of S600, corner of Crocker and Sumpter. It has already been rented. Mcliwen A Sloan have decided to build a warehouse 24x100 feet near the railroad crossing on Center street. The contract will be let In a fe.v days. The towiislte company has sold two lots on Mill itreet, 100 feet square, the provisions of the deed to which provide tnat tlie purchaser shall build thereon a fifty room modern hotel, with all con veniences, and that work on tlie house shall begin not later than October 1. The name of the gentleman who bought the lots the syndicate does not at present de sire to divulge. There are a dozen or more handsome little cottages being built in all resident porlions of the town. The compiler of these statistics being a comparatlvestrang er here, has found it next to impossible to secure in tlie limited time the names, facts and figures connected therewith. In sev eral Instances the men In charge of the work confessed that they didn't know for whom they were doing tlie work. Rut we will all be better acquainted with each other later on. This is one of the regula latlon features of a rapidly growing town. Purchase of the Intermountain Mine. One of the Important mining deals which have been consummated here re cently and of which little or nothing has been said, Is the purchase by B.C. Pinch, of Itossland, H. C.,and W. C. this city, from William Schnarrand A. J. Malin of the property known as the Inter mountain, located in tlie Green Horn mountains, 28 miles from Sumpter and one mile from the Little Giant, which property is under the management of W. L. Vin cent. The lutermountain Is known to be one of the best in the district, tlie ore being ol so high a grade as to justify ship ments under the unfavorable conditions of the past ten years. Messrs. Pinch and Calder will build roads and put In ma chinery this fall, make further develop ments and shipments this winter. There is now a large quantity of ore on the dump. The price paid for this mine is not known but it is generally believed that the former owners received a good round sum. The Union Bargain Store will carry In the future a line line of ladles' walking and sailor hats. They will arrive In about one weeks' time. Save your orders until you see these goods. Case & Co. Ruy your furniture at home. We sell at Raker City prices (freight added) and keep your money In Sumpter. Our line of carpets, mattings, liuoliums, shades, wall papers, etc., Is complete. Pine job printing done at THE MINER office. WE BUY ALL OUR GOODS IN CARLOAD LOTS C. J. JOHNS 1 1 CM "I Our Fall Goods have now arrived, our warehouse is about completed and we are pre- pared to fill ail orders of any size or character in the line of MINING SUPPLIES. Our stock of cloth ing, Furnishing goods and Dry goods is full and complete. $ 1 GIVE US S3 i ir 88 C C. J. JOHNS &??& 55: First Clan in Every Respect Newly Furnished t Rooms .4 I ..STAR HOTEL J. O. Conned, Prop. SUMI'TEK, OltBGON. Our Rates Reasonable With J Free 'Bus and Baggage Service. J 3? Sumpter Livery Stable McEwen & Sloan, Props. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL A CALL Sumpter, Oregon yS S3 I Mining & Commercial Men's Home. Our Table is Always the Best. r'E Stages For All 'Interior Points and Mines Leave this Hotel Every Day. J First Clas Livery Rigs and Saddle Horses ALWAYS ON HAND. MODERATE PRICES Experienced Guides to all the Mining Camps. Your patronage solicited.