Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, March 26, 1904, Image 4

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Weekly coast mail
Esters in the Fostbfficc at MarshfieM
, as Second Clans Matter.
' i i ' i' ' "
'.V Editors aad Managers,
DAILY: By mall, fqr advane payment
only, 30 cents a month; 4 month for
Si.oo. Wliea not paid In advance the
price is 30 cents per month, straight,
issued every raoraiBg except Monday.
Issned Every Saturday. Terms: In Ad
vance, $1.50 a Year, 1.00 Six Months.
As tbe boiling o the political pot be
gins to be in evidence, the Mail will
suggest tliat the Republicans ot Coos
county manage their own affairs this
trip. There seems to be no good reason
why the Republicans who "have alwaye
been Republicans," who are Republi
cans "from principle and not from pol
icy," should not bo able to manage the
affairs ol the party without very much
assistance from ex-Democrats or ex
Populists, whoee conversion lies under
the suspicion of having been mainly
dictated by eelf-lntereet. The assist
ance and votes of all converts are wel
come and are highly appreciated, but
when it comes to the management of
party affairs, let them be attended to by
the "tried and true."
In this connection it nay be in order
to remark that the Republicans of Coo?
County need no advice from any Kansas
ex-follower oEBockles Jerry, who has
been in the country jutt long enough to
find out that the Republican party is in
the ascendancy and therefore desires to
pose as a Nestor inRepnbllcan councils.
Before any man attempts to discuss
he joint senatorship he should inform
himself as to the situation sufficiently
to know that the can.llcacy of Schiller
B. Hermann for the Joint eenatorship,
if Bucceesfnl, would be a etab in the
back for Bjnger Hermann's chances
for tho congressional nomination,.
Bo far as the ex-Pop reforred to is
concerned, his power for evil Is exceed
ingly limited, and the Mail only men
lipns the incldunt to illustrate the point
under dltcussion.
(Tulare Advance)
The advice contained in the headline
Is good advice for any people in any
community There is scarcely a com
munity that does not contain more or
lees of tho "knocker" element and dee
plte the good work the "boosters" of
tho community may do the "knockers"
spoil it all by their work. It Is Interest
ing to note thatOaklend baa founded what
Is known as the "boosters club" and
thoy propose boosting Oakand and that
city's Industries in good shape and will
knock the knocker to an unlimited de
gree of unpleasantness so long as he
continues bis knocking. May great
good result from the new organization.
At a recent mass meeting held uuder
the auspices of the Chamber of Com
merce and upon the walls of the hall
were tho following mottoes :
"Have you, signed-tho 'BOOSTERS'
roll of membership yet? Call an usher
and sign now."
"Everv member ' of the
Board ot Trade ,fe a JBoeeter inthe'.irott. So the Leglalatui
4,raUaal wW the Wi Aw fj&feper Wwch W
IW -. mn 11 ,
Xwjl on membership KVKR
BODY. Thftl'ajM,"
"If youcatmot speak well of Oakland
wlthotttJarrluRyour conscience, laea
tion that, fact to the Committee ot the
Rope. Thay have a lure cure for Inch a
It you did not enjoy yourself on the
trip to Lot Angelee.l Juit mention the
fact to the committee of the Rope."
Hooet-erBust." '
Tne by-law's of the boosters club aie
Interesting reading and are la part as
Artlclo I. Auy teiident ot 0.klnd
or v'clnlty. having the welfate of the
city at heart, may become a member ot
tho Oakland "Booatora" Club-if ap
proved by the membership committee
on signing the by-laws ot the club.
Article 2. Tho requlsltn riualtflca
tlons for membership shall be that tho
applicant can provo to membership
committee that he or she epcaka favor-
ably of Oakland whenever, opportunity'
Article 3. Any applicant for mem
bershlp in the Oakland 0!looster8" Club'
who cannot subscribe to the following
agreement shall be declared Ineligible to
I do hereby agree to use my voice,
services and means for the advance
ment ot Oakland.
I will protest against all defamatory
utterances when directed against Oak
land when spoken within my hearing.
I will not only "boost" Oakland
whenever opportunity affords by stating
its manifold opportunities to others,
but will myself evince a greater interest
:- , nmanorttv of Oakland than I
have heretofore.
Article 4. If I cannot 'knock" a
"knocker" either by a good tongue lash
ing or by an exhibition ol pbyslcial
force, I will hand his or her name to one
noseessina either a larger vocabularly
or stronger arm than myeelf.
I hereby sucscribe my name to the
above and agree to speak well of Oak
land At all times and upon all occasions,
and to do all in my power to advertise
Oakland in eucha manner as will at
tract capitalists, home-seekers, manu
facturers, professional and business
men to become residents ot this cfty,
and, thereafter to join the Oakland
"Boosters" Olub.
(Salem Journal)
In the Coos-Curry district Hon. R.
D. nume is liable to prove, the strong
man for Joint-senator. He Is a man of
the right kind o ability to serve south
ern pregon well.
Ep far as tho rest of tho sUte Is con
cerned, it has a deep intarest In tho sel
ection of men like Hume who have con
victions that are not for sale.
He la a man who cannot bo terrorized
by Harvey Stott or fooled by any of the
ninrn nnlUMftnV. atiTi that kind of a
man can accomplish about as much for
bis constituents as those who are easier
to work.
Tho Republicans of that part of the
state "ill ptrengtbeu the Influenco of
their section by sending a man to the
Senate who baa had the experience that
Hume has, and whodon'ttake dictation
from any faction.
(Salem Statesman)
Asa wholly disinterested observer,
the statesman ventures to express tbe
opiulon that tho voters of Curry and
Cooa countiee, would do a very who
1 thing if they return Hon. R. D, humo
the Legislature tUje year, and to the
that pody, it 1b Of ko
taogaeeaeerato ataptv llla la this
pertlen of the state thati that the per
tonel el the law makia body ot our
state geyeraiaeat is a matter that affects
the entire people aad the" deelra to ite
Intelligent and effective neb seat there
Isgenerat. Mr Hume has" shown him
self to be a aide-awake legislator, ot
unusual force of characters, la a heavy
taxpayer and low men command a bet
ter standing among his fallow1 legisla
tors than he. Ha li a plonee buslaeM
nianolhlastcttcfcrand would make a
first date representative in' tho state
senate in every way. Ot course, there
are other good men in that part ot the
state hut the selection should be made
carefully, V
The above' disinterested endorsements
ot Hon. R, D. Hume illustrate the f
point already made by the Mail that
he is a man ot established standing and
Influence throughout the state. Tho(
utterance of ex-Goveronor T. ?. Ocor
should cortalnly have an Influence with
all Republicans, coming froaa the pen
of one ot Oregon's ablest Republicans,
one with national reputation and who
speaks his true sentiments at all times.
Ex-Governor Geer knows whereof he
speaks when talking of such mat
tera. ..
Another Precinct Heard From
To the Editor ot the Coast Mail.
Marshfleld, Oregon.
Dear 6r:
' I too that an effort is beltfg put fore
ward to enter Schiller B. Hermann in
the race for Joint Senator (or Coos and
Curry counties. The writer has always
been a staunch supporter of Bioger Her
mann and hd has done somo work (or
Coos County, but no naoro than his con-
stltuents were entitled to. I am In
favor of reluming him again. I may
be a delegate to the convention that
nominates the next Congressman, and
would be more than pleased to return
him to Washington. There a no reas
on however, that any other good man
could not serve us as well. Mr. Tongue
did much for Coos Bay during bis short
stay in Congress,
S. B. Hermann has served us one
term in the lower bouse of this state
audnowbe has announced himself as
aspiring for the position for Joint Sena
tor for Coos and Curry. This tslnot as
it should be as Mr, Hume has ;tbe floor
according to good politics. Schiller
Hermann, by doing this, injures bis
father's chances of being renominated
by putting at bey as true a friend as the
Hermann family ever bad, Rf D. Hume,
and who has probably dono ob much for
Coos Bay as any legislator ever has,
while acting as Joint Representative.
Mr. Humo has pjitmoro money Intq the
Coos County campaign, whenever bj
baa been a candidate, than all the rest
put togother, and helped the party wn
out gloriously during tho last election.
Now young Mr. Hermann should
stand back for one torm, accept
the nomination for representative to
our legislature, whore he can servo us
fully aa well, and not cast tho Btigma'yof
('bogging it" nponbimtelf. Tbe Her
manns aro all right but ought to know
when they have enough. Mr. Hermann
owes enough to his townsmen to not
stand in thoir way. Several good men
are seeking plums at the hands, of the
countv convention, which should at
least be given consideration.
Coqullle City. Ore. March 10th, 1004
Thore is much talk among the Repub
li'caufl, (more ot it to them than, by
them) aboit Judge Hamilton aad hta
good qqallttu a Jdg, and how much
moaey-ha savd for (th poo' "omi
trodden taxpayer of this dlslrlpt.
Judge Hamilton has, qnly done his
duty as any Judga should. Granting
all his "friends say ttr him is true, the
fact does still remain that thero are
good, able and consolantlons, legal
lights In the district, who are Republl.
cans, and as well qualified to, be Judgo
as Hamilton.
As Republicans we do not owe a
Peuiocrat our support when a Ropubll
caifwho Is qualified to.flll tho olllco in
ou the ticket.
There is no good reason why In n Re
publican district there should he found
enough Republicans to elect a Demo
cratic judge.
In Coos county tho majority ot the
attorneys are Democrats and Judge) most of hla knowledge of tho nlnon In
Hamilton has boon prM.od to the Jtry from a little hook written by
1 .. ..i.-tt t
....Ml. h,Mm. bv them, while ho has
only been an ordinary judge. . His
praises have been sung so much by his
Democratic friends that even many
of the Republicans are talking Hamil
ton. Ono of the most prominent attorneys
lu Oregon was heard to ex piece his
views not long slnco. Among othor
things ho said "H'a reputation was
mado by the pralco of tho Democratic
attorneys in his district."
Republicans, pull yourselves together
and stamp out this policy. Dp not
allow hot air to perpetuate a Democratic
Tho good Republicans who talks for
a Democrat has a motive other than
true Republicans. Surely no good
Democrat would do as much for a Re
publican jadgo, and to elect a Demo-
cratlcjudge In this district It requires
Republican votes.
In sizing up the qualities of a judge it
la well to remember what he is there
for. Courts are supposed to bo estabr
lisbed for tbe administration of justice ;
not, primarily, to get rid ot the busi
ness that may come before thorn In tho
quickest possible manner
The head and front ot Judge Hamil
ton's excellence seems to be that ho ia a
"rusher" that ho pounds business do urn
tho lino, making the terms of court
abort, and thus "saves expense."
Those. who laud Judge Hamilton to
tho skies for this quality seem to lose
sight of tbe fact that courts aro estab
lished to administer Justice f not,
prlmarly, to save monoy lor tho tax
payers. Litigants aro entitled to have their
cases tried In a court of justice, not in a
sawmill. Tho face that an attorney
happons to incur tho displeasure of an
extreamely Irascible judge Is no good
reason why hla clients should not have
at fair bearing.
It is true that tho goneral public are
highly edified when a lawyer gota eat
upon good and hard, by tho court. It is
also true that lawyers aro hard people
to elt upoa, and aro amply able to fight
their own battles. At the eame llaie,
when an attorney is not allowed to
properly present tho caeo of his client It
is a rank injustice 'to.tbo cliont, and this
no Judge has any right to perpetrate.
Grand stand plays aro out of place on
the bench,
On an interest of vital importance to
this section, tho fishing industry, this
part of the state is much indobtod to R.
D. Humeaa tho father and principle
promoter of the canning business.
The fishing bill of 1001 contained a
section of especial importance to the
people of 0o county, m It prevented
the destruction ff young salmon la live
tide waters, and was in rasponw to the
petition ol the people ot Coqttllle.
Much contd ba ald of wlmt Mr. Hume
has dona for Carry hut that better be
left to'tlmRepub'lleanB from iero who
will give their own verdlot. Tie slate
at large oweq a debt of gratitude to Mr.
Hanie for what he hna done in the way
ot the proportion of salmon, besides
having written and talked on tho sub'
ject for thirty years, and not always
from a selfish standiotnt nrt la Intimated
by tho Orpgonlan. Hot aiono Oregon,
but the fishing Industry of the wholo
Pacific coast and Alaska has received an
Impetus from his efforts In that direc
tion. The Klsh Commissioner of Wash
ington elated before a joint legislative
committee that hn had received the
Representative mime ou tne suojcci
Another Republican Speaks
Editors of tho Dally Coast Mail.
1 Marshfleld, Oregon.
Reforrlng to the nitlcio from your
life long Republican friend at tho
County scat, I do uot fully concur with
the entho argument, yet I am witling
to admit that somo ot his points aro
well taken, It Is a recognized fact that
In years past the republican of Coos and
Curry counties have always been in
lino for tho lion. Dinger Hermann's re
tention as a representative to tho lower
house of Congreis, it Is bIso a realized
fact that the aolld dolegatlon from tho
above named counties havo stood solid
ly arid voted for his advancement to tho
position ot United 8tatefl Senator. We
all recognize that ho haa been tho bst
friend that Southern Oregon has ever
had, haa worked harder and accomplish
ed more than any other man that we
could havo sent, thero la no queston but
what, It left to this portion of Oregon,
would always bo solid for the Hon.
Dinger. Wo all aro freoto recognize
his worth and certainly must appreciate
what he has done for thla section.
Now concerning his son Hon 8. B.,
he also has been Identified nnd a staunch f
worker in our ranks. As a member of
tbe lower house of the legislature was an
honor to his constituents. Wo all feel
proud of his record and fully appreciate
tbe fact that Cooa had furnished
such material. I appreciate tho fact
that every Republican voter in this
county recognizes his ability, yet the
question arises, do wo wish to jeopar
dize his father's chances in tho coming
district convention. Thore can be no
doubt that the voters of this county
woud gladly and willingly consent to
his renomlnation, which would guarn-
tee his re-election. The question arises
would it bo in keeping with party
principles to advance tbe young Jraan at
thistlmo, whoroby ho will probably
antagonize bis fathers Interests.
Another Lira Long Rei-dm-ican.
flnr nRtflamnd rnntnmnomrv down the
p.rmaV. malcoa the ntatomcnt that tho
Mail censured R. D. Humo for his at
tack on Judgo Hamilton. Our files are
open and we will give 5 to tho first
man wno will noini out uio -censure
reforred to. Thero la no more truth In
tho assertion than In somo sworn circu
lation Blatemcnta. Daily Coast Mail,
Mar, 17.
Our contemporary in beginning states
that wo accused them o( censuring
Judge Hamilton, and liberally offers
five dollars of boodle money If Bome one
proves such to be true. Our Esteemed
Contemporary down the creen,
Waht's tho nso of arguing with a par
son who can't underatandEngllsh oven
though he haa run for county school
superintendent in Kansas on the Pop
ullst ticket.
A bitter and lying personal attack on
R. D. Hume appears in tho columns of
our esteemed contemporary down the
creek, It appears aa an editorial, but li
ibe product of some other, pit than,
that of the editor, the only thing about
the article originating with that former
leadlag edupatlonM light ot Kanti tin
itjBthfl manner of spelling "paid"-
"payeuyt He always spells It that
As for the article of Unknown (?) au-
thorehlp, it Is so welt answered in a
communication Just received from a'
resident ot North Bend, which will ap
pear tomorrow, tnat 11 neeu not ue uis
cussed here.
Ten to Six Odds Offered
By Backers of
San Francisco. March St -With both
men in grand ahnpe,though a tow ounces
over weight but little work remains for
Corbett and Brltt boforo going Into the
ring tomorrow night.
Tho little fighters wore up early this
morning, both anxious to take advan
tage of ovory mlnuto poealblo and work
themselves Into better condition it that
Is possible.
After breakfast, which was a hearty
one. Corbett loaded down with sweaters
aud blankets hit tho road for a ten mile
run. Mentally and physically his con
dition conld not be better and ho Is
more ardent, Corbett's chief worry
seems to bo (ear that ho will go Into tho
ring a heavier favorite than he is today.
He thinks that oven would be about
right. Ho's a ten to six favorite this
stciulng and bolting men predict that
the odds will be two to one before tho
men tret together.
Brltt could go Into the rlcg tonight
prepared to put up tho fight of his life
He will be down to weight before going
to bed tonight. All hla hard work is ov
er and from now until tbe hour of the
fight tomorrow night he will take only
sufficient exercise to keep from becom.
(ng stiff.
For, .False Swearing
in Fair Will .
Paris, March 21: Tho court, hearing
cvldonco in connection with tho Fair
case today, condemned Frederick Masso,
and Louis Mnranne, the cyclists who
gave (also evidence at tho hearing in
New York, to three years in prison and
a flno of fifty franca ouch.
Tho men testified that thoy had eeon
tho Fairs klllod, and that Fair was tho
first to oxplre. It was proved that tho
men woro not at the scene of the acci
dent when it occurred.
Three Asphyxiated .
Now York, Mar. 23-rOtto Grossman,
aged 05, Minnie, his wife, aged 35, and
Rosa Longseldon aged 33, were fquud
doad in tholr apartment in a tenement
this morning exphyxlated with Illumln.
ating gas, ,
Thirteen Killed
Borlln, Mar. 21 The Flora Yarioty
theatro, which was being demolished,
collapsed today and thirteen men wore
kllledi ;
s 1
.. v
v 4
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