Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, March 26, 1904, Image 3

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    C,VWwt;iHI ,Mrfrr
To be Resumed in
Washington April
Halt Lnko, Mar. 19-U, (?. MAreliAl
Jlt-ywooil (his nioriiliiK received a bunch
l U'cnly odil subpooniioj (or witnesses
in Mm Hinoot itivutlluullou, which la ID
ho KMimoil In Wuifilnsiton, April i.
Ho (li'cllnoH to nlvn tiNiiiuo for (ear ol
lliclr bolting. It In understood that Iho
witnesses Include; prominent Mormon
nml Uentlla politicians, nloo rcildonto
ol J.tlKliam City, tthoro tho iMormoo
church Is ultugoil U linvu Inttltuted n
boycott against a bits dunce hall started
In opposition to tho Mormon opora
house. '
Fourteen Hundred Men
Resent Company's
Bun Francisco, CM. Mnr. ID Foniteon
l.nndrcd members ol tho Can Makor's
Union, employed by tho Auioricau Cnn
Co . ntruck this Morning.
Tho tronblo is duo In tho company's
alleged refusal to abldo by nn agree
mont made with tho union eovcrM
month ago.
Ixiidon, Mar'. IU Tlio CcntrM News
St. Petersburg correspondent quotes tho
Russian Minister ol tho Interior Wc
lilvo as cxprcislng moat friendly scuti
montfl regarding Anglo-Rueilan rela
tions. No reason why uny troablo
should nrlto In English-Russian aspira
tions, as ono ia on tho oca mid tho
other on loud,
Washington, Mnrch 10: Uoforo tho
Ilouto commltteo, Admiral WMkor ex
ploluod that n lock canal will do tho
work nt i'nunma nnd that n sea lovol
can ft 1 can novcr bo built. It would tsko
twenty years to build iho laltor.
Rodding, CM., Mnr. 21Tho Bouih
bound Southoru raelflo train No. 15'
duelled Into a wrecking train at Cantora
lust nlKbt. Jobu Funsklv and Geo,
KuIcboii, car rcpnlrora wero bndly injur
cd. Fire mon BsrLMount of the passen
ger cnglno io mtsBlng.
Oil City, Pa. Mar, 21, A traln'on tho
Allegheny Yalloy railroad la reported In
Iho rlvor at Host Bandy, a hundred and
sixty nil leo soulb of lioro, Doctors hayo
been eont,
New Mining Contract Signed
f Indianapolis, Mar. 21 A Mining con
tract for tho Central competitive dis
trict, coverlug the-yvorking conditions of
177,000 miners for tho noxt two years
was signed by operators and miners this
Had Committed Mur
. der in Attempting
Olovolonil, Miss., Mar, l9:Two ne
grow, nnmed Bawyor hfld Harris, wcio
lynched Inst night by it masked tnob.
Christmas wo ok tltoy Itil.od tho ticro
parlor Mid nhni the comlnotor of n pass
ciJRcr train, in nn attempted hold-up.
Han Francisco, Mnr .10 Tho Demo
cratlu state oxccutlvn committee this
afternoon adopted a resolution Indorsing
Hearst's presidential candidacy ,
m i i
Deported Miners May
Come Back in
Tellurldo, Colorado, March 21: It is
repotted that tho deported miners nro
making preparations At Ouray lo inarch
hern accompanied by nn armod etcoit,
A pitched battle may occur, to avoid
which injunction proceedings may bo
sought to forbid Interference witb the
Miner's Union at Telluride. .
Bonlb Farmlngbam, Mas. Mar. 21
A feature of an earthquake shock which
was felt hero this morning was that r.ca
slcknota was felt by Iho pcoplo for on
hour after tho tremors paeeod,
Montroal, March 21 : A slight shock
ol earthquake was felt In tbo providence
of Quebec, also in Now Brunswick this
Bangor, Maine, Mar, 21 Profestor
Knight, a widely known scientist, saya
thoro wcro nlno distinct chocks of
earthquake this morning covering a pot
lod of two hours, Tho ecvorcst lasted
25 second). . .
A Successful Failure.
"So ho viih a failure Invbuslncss."
"No; ho wna n glittering success."
"Hut you aald ho fulled."
"Yes, for a million."
Lasts Forever.
When nil olso na an laauo falls,
"When ovary otlior subject pales,
Tho tariff wo may forward brlna",
Although shopworn, stilt In tho ring.
It has this thing: to recommend
Ono iIocm not luivo a year to spend
In hunting facta and lleurca new.
Tlio onos our irrauOslrcs used will do.
cum: lfon
Ely's Gro'am Balm
Eay and iiUasitntio
mi. ContAiua no in
jurlooi driic.
aivltllf at oricts.
It Opens tm vlwiiiiea. , . I f p a nl
llculi nd Protects the Utmbmne. ItMtorM ,th
UnircllU or by msllt Trial 8lx, lOcwti br msIUI
ssihP it i iCiiB
'''' i U'aHr
Vj BUvart Edward If7is
ITor n moment 'Iliorpe dtnrea at mru,
"Toll Carrie," iwld IllK JunKo,
Thou thoro beneath tho Bwlrling gray
slcy, tinder tho frowning Jam, in tho
midst of Hood wiitoni, Thorpe bud hi
aecond great moment of declfllon. IIo
did not pauso to weigh rcaaona or
chance, to dlscuw with blmsolf oxpe.
dloney or tho mornlltlca of failure Ilia
nclloiw wero foreordained, mecliftnleal,
All at once tho great forcC3 which Uie
winter hud been brlngin'K to power
cryaalllzcl 4nto aomethlng bigger than
hlmxelf or bl ideaa. The trail lay be
foro him; there wan no choice.
Now clearly, with no almdow of
doubt, ho took tho other view: There
could bo nothing better (ban lovo. Mon,
Uioir work-, tuelr deals, wcro lltUa
thing. Bucccm wna n llttlo thing, tlw
opinion of men a llttlo tiling. Instantly
ho felt tho truth of it.
And hero wna lovo in danger. That
it hold lt moment habitation iii clay
of tbo conraer mold hud nothing to do
with tho great elemental truth of it
For tlio first timo in his lifo Thorpo
felt tho full crashing power of nn ab
Btrnctlon. Without thought, instinc
tively, ho throw Iwforo tho necessity of
tho moment nil that was lesaor. Ikwas
tho triumph of what was real In tho
tnnn over that which environment,
nllonatlon, dllllcultlca, bad raised up
within him.
At Ulg Junko'a words Thorpo raised
bis hammer nnd with ono mighty blow
severed tho chains which lound tho
tmds of tho booms across tho opening.
Tho frco end of ono of tho polca im
mediately awuhg down with tho cur
rent in tho direction of Dig Junko.
Thorpe, llko a cat, run to tho end of.
tho boom, seized tfie giant by Iho col
lar and dragged him through tbo wa
ter to safety.
"Itunl" ho aboutcd. "Run. for your
Tho two started desperately back,
skirting tho vdgo of tho logs which now
tho very seconds nlono necmed to bold
back. They wero drenched and blind
od with spray, deafened with tho crash
of timbers Battling to tho loop. Tlio
men on shoro could no longer hco them
for tho smother. Tho great crush of
logs had actually begun its first majes
tic sliding motion when at last they
emerged to safety.
At first a few of tlio loose timbers
found tho opening, slipping quietly
through with tho current; then more
Finally tho front of the jam dove for
ward, and nn instant later the smooth,
ewlft motion had gained its Impetus
uud was sweeping tho entire drive
down through tho gap.
Hank after rank. HUo soldiers chare-
, "Jluitf" he shouted.
ing, "tlioy rah. 'Tho grea't Uerca"wlrid
caught thorn up ahead of tho current.
In n moment tho open river was full
of logs Jostling eagerly onward. Then
suddenly far out ubovo tho uneven
tossing sky lino of Superior tho strango
northern "loopi," or mirage, throw tbo
specters of thousands of restless tim
bers rising and falling on tho bosom of
tho lako.
mllEY stood and watched them
"Oh, tho groat man! Ob, tho
great ruauiv murmured the
wrltor, fascinated.
Tho grandour of tlio sacrlflco had
struck them dumb. Thoy did not un
derstand tho. motives boncnth It nil, but
tho fact waa patent. Wg Junko broko
down and sobbed.
After a tluio tho stream of logs
through tho gap Blackoucd. In n mo
.mont moro. Bavo for tbo Inevitably
Btrauded fow, tho booms woro empty;
A deep .sigh went up from. tho utten-
tlvo multitude
t'tthjJ Umiiia
r v-'
ompMsis of a novel Mrv7, hm
groaned. Mr. -. ..."
TtMfa tho awe broke from about their
mtMds, and they "iupblMJtois&y opinion
and speculation. Tliorp had disap
peared. They rwpscled bi emotion
ami did not follow. Ww.
"It wall Just plain fooltehwHK, but
It was grerir," said aiearer, ''That no
account Jackass of t Ulg Junko ain't
worth as much per thousand feet as
good white pine."
Then tlioy noticed group of men
gathering about tho office steps, and
on it some one talkhsg.' Collins, tho
bookkeepor, was making a speech.
Collhis was a llttlo hatchet faced
man, will), straight, lank hair, near
flighted eyes, a timid, order loving dis
IKMltlon and a great suitability for his
jH-ofessIon. IIo was accurate, unemo
tional and valuable All his actions
I wero an dry as tho sawdust In the
burner. No one had ever seen him ex-
I cited. Hut ho was human, and now
bis knowlcdgo of tho company's affair A
showed him tho dramatic contrast. IIo
know, IIo knew that tho property of
I tho firm had been mortgaged to the
I last dollar In order to aslst expansion,
bo that not another cent couhl bo lor-1
rowed M tide over present difficulty', and Barely punished ; then, It may .res-He-
know tlat tho note for , 160,000. son ably be supposed, they vrontd'de'
covering Iho loan io Wallace Carpenter crease.
came duo In threo months. lie knew t Tnwo ..Ccldenle," which ooglit to be
from ;the long (able of statistics which tno c,iroes 0, foo,9 not fit to at ,afKe
be was eternally preparing andcom- alllrt nf t ...-, ,t,t nf it, t
paring that tho season's cut would
bavo netted a profit of $200,000, enough
to pay tho interest on the mortgages,
io tako up the notes nnd to furnish a
working capital for Mo ensuing year.
These things ho know lu the strango
concrete arithmetical manner of the
roatino bookkeeper. Other men saw
a desperate phase of firm rivalry. lis '
snw a struggle to tho uttermost Oth
er men cheered a rescue. IIo thrilled
over tho magnificent gesture of the
gambler scattering bis stake In largesse
to Death.
It was the simple turning of tlio hand
from full breathed prosperity to life
less failure. .
Ills view was tlio lnrcrso of hla mas
ter's. To Thorpo It had suddenly be- j
como a very llttlo thing In contrast to .
tho great, sweet, elemental truth Umtj
tho dream girl had enunciated. To
Collins tho affair was miles vaster than
the widest scopo ot his own narrow ,
The firm could not tako up lbs notes
when they came due; It could not pay
tho Interest on tho mortgages, which
M'ould now be foreclosed; It could not
even pay In full the men who bad
worked for It that would come upder f
a court's adjudication.
Ho bad therefore watched Thorpe's
despcrato sally to mend tbo weakened
chain in all the suspense ot a man
whose cntlro unlvcrso la In tho keeping
of tho chanco moment It must be re
membered, that at bottom, below the
outer consciousness, Thorpo's final de
cision had already grown to maturity.
On the other hand, no other thought
than that of accomplishment bad even
entered tho llttlo bookkeeper's head,
The rescue and all that It had meant
bail hit him llko a stroke of apoplexy,
and his tblu emotions had curdled to
hysteria. Full of tho idea he appeared
beforo tho men.
With rapid, almost Incoherent speech
ho poured It out to them. Frofcsslonal
caution and secrecy were forgotten.
Wallaco Carpenter attempted to push
through tho ring for tho purposo of
stopping him. A gigantic river man
kindly but firmly held htm back.
"I guess It's Just as well wo bears
this," said tlio latter.
It all came out tbo loan to Carpen
ter, with a hint at the motive the
machinations of tho rival firm on tho
board ot trado; tbo notes, the mort
gages, tho necessity ot a big season's
cut; tho reasons tho rival firm had for
wishing io provent that cut from ar
riving at the market; the despcrato and J
varied means they had employed. Tho
men llstcucd, sllont Hamilton, his
eyes glowing llko coals, drank In every
word. Hero was tho master motlvo ho
had sought; hero waa tho story groat
to his hand. .
"That's what wo ought to get!" cried
Collins, almost weeping. "And now
wo'ro gono and bust Just becauso that
infernal river hog bad to fall off a
boom I Ifs a shame! Thoeo scalawags
bavo dono us after alll"
Out from tho shadows, of tho woods
stolo InJm Charley. Tho wholo bear
ing and aspect' of,Uie man bad chang
ed. Ilia eyo gleamed with a distant,
farscclng tiro of its own, which took
no account of anything but some ro
moto vision. Ho stolo along almost
furtively, but with u proud, upright
carriage ot his neck, a .backward tilt
of his fluo bead, a distension of his
nostrils, that lent to bis appearnnco a
panthcr-llko prido and ste'althlness, No
ono saw him, , . Suddenly ho broko
through tho group and mounted tho
steps bcsldo Collins.
vi'ho enemy of my brother is gonet"
Continued Iu'Siipplement.
fvmor lu
mLZMK&mFiw77mvm.M;M sra
. Mormpo BtlShpps' HU(al'Mq4iluM30erMjtaTOUytU9kwn'Nolh Mnrinon
Church ttiirtlenrfglKn.r. .pVrlttvvlycurtii the wont cwiuo)l U jounir rLI;r from
offcUot,eltbui,UiMljtlui, ojcjei,orclg&ruaimoltlti?. Cure Lost Manhood.
IrnpoteiicW.Lost Power, Nlght-Uosae3,Spermatorrhoa.liiRoiTinl,rTniJ
Haadaohe. UnfltHasstoMarrv.
Stlpwtlon, atom rrematurenoss. stopa Nerv
yeljde. tteut ralituJut.Ttmnrt viior mill
BMnuMihn,'InkBaiinrectitrii.MNftbu(.SrdrSi.ia.bymMI. .Writ- " tsfFot,t-ocflror
swat rttua .vo, wUU bux, Cirvaian tit. Alra, lshop Remedy Co., mn KranUae Rl,
rSMft( v John Pruss:
.! i unaii iiuNtiai 3'.
Ill IUU MSI .UAUIfcHi.&t !
CaM of WrHs
V4 4f MereftMtc'.SaeiwMf
Stripes F(r A Fool's lack.
(Portland Telegram)
No Law, nor system of laws, can be
devleed that will entirely prevent the
fatal folly of the bomlclde.by.accldent
o?l, nor rid society of hlrn completely
but a law can and shonld be pa wed that
will pu.nleh him tomewhat In propor-,
lion to tho meaeiiro of his reckless foil) ,
makiog it criminal to the extent of
manslaughter at least, with n view to
decreasing the number of thete shock
ing tragedies by which innocent and
worthy people are accidentally killed by
Uieir fool friends, 8uch ''accidents"
iboald be aa4e oriraw, aad ttvereli
.W..... U. ...UU..U .... U. ... .....
who mistakes his companion ior a deer
or other four-legged animal, and tint of
tho foe!, usually a boy fool, who pMtil'
a gun at another "in fun," tiiiukiui; i
unload!, and pulls the trlger. One ol
the latter fools turned bis murd?riour
trick in Astoria yesterday, and now i
extremely sorry, of course. He should
bo given a flrstclaes opportunity to re
pent by sending, him to the peniten
tiary for a few years, both aa a proper
punishment and as a warning to other
fools of tbo same ilk.
R-I-P-A-N-s Tabules
Doctors find
A good prescription
For mankind .
Tho 5-cant packet ia enough for usual
Mna.tn, Th famllv linltlrt (ftf ftknim
Contains a supply for a year. All drug-
j gists sell them.
The Senator Told Too Much
(From the Kansas City Star)
Senator Knute Nelson went to Bam.
moro some ten days ago and addreeeqej
a meeting of bankers, and merebantt
who were giving a banquet,. The Minn
esota sonator recalled in happy fasltien
how, during the civil war, he. raarclud
through the city as a private soldier
telling in a bumoroae fashion how bo
captured a horse not far from Balti
mrro. These experience famished
much amueenient, but a couple of days
after Mr. Nelson returned to Washing
ton he was given a chance to see th
othet sldo of the medal. The man who
owned the horse wroto, demanding pay
ment (ot the property which bad been
approriated so many years ago. Tho
letter gives details which convinces
Senator Nelson that the writer' waa In
deed owner of tbo captured animal.
Drying preparation shaply dTe
on dry cctarrk ; they dry up the secretions,
which sdhero to the membrane and d com
pose, casslng n fax more serious trouble thast
tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry
fog iahalants, fumes, smokes and snuffa
and use that which cteaases, soothe and
heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy
and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head
easily and pleasantly. A trial size vrlll be
mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the
COa. size. Ely Brothers, CO Warren St., N. Y.
The Balm euree without pain, does not
irritate or eansa sneering, it spreads iUu
over an irritated and angry surface, relion
ing immediately tho painful inuammatkm.
'With Ely's Cream Balm you are armed
against Nasal Catarrti and Hay Faver.
Boy Overboard
A reccurrence of the Jt.ck Murphy
accident camo near taking plate yester
day on the water frort. While playirg
with some boys on tho unfinished wbari
at the new warehouse, Walter Jensen, a
ladof 11 years fell into the cbauuel, and
being unable to swim, bad quite a etrug
glo and would no doubt have been
drbwued had it not been for the aseist
nuce of llttlo Hans Kruger, who tlir:vv
blm a pleco of. board just as he was
about to Bink for the third time and
bad been pulled athoro young Kroger
rolled,' him over a kwg to reaovo the. salt
water, and then some of tho boys brought
mm home, a wetter but wiser boy.
parents canuot be too persistent in
warning their email boys to keep away
from tho water.
Loss of Samen
nwrruun uhumuji
varlacoele.or Con
oua Twltenlnjt f
ioy to st fun
u4vAftd arnn.
IO MtlU)
L t I Jul .Ll.lllllfl lllllll 111 lifll III 1 !!!' II '" ' Jl I'l ' '
J.;T. MsjCormnc, MyD'.i .' . . .
Pliyglriari anK Saffjedn ., 'l, 't
JSIdomlo Building, , vfmmi, .'..".
fAItflIlKIELD :: I ORlWCn.
1 ,. -.-' .i!l '
......... - , , r--M- I, miiirwi" i -
Wm. Horsfaf M
norland Building TliohoOCt
Dr. Haydon,
Ofllco opposite Union furniture etord "
IlotiW, 10 to 12 and 2 to ? ,
Special attention paH to diseawof Skin, '.
Urinary anil Digestive OrgamJ, . , . '
Lr. B. renslon Examiner. Phone. 263; ,y-
E. E. ttraw, M. D.-
v Physician ajw Surgeon.- " "tt; ;.i
ipecwl'attesttloa' given -to tttaeasea ef .,: '
the Eye, Jfcr,,Xe,.and Throat.
Ofllco In Sengstacken ?mitk Kldg. .
R. H. Walter, D. D. S. '"fu
Rental Surgeon ami Mechanical DentW i .
Ofllco Nasburg Building, A.St, , w'"
Phono 381. f - .
W. A. Toy
Eidoretlo BtilldlHg; " '
PllOMlilJ '
McKnight & Soabrook
f fl;
Upstairs Bennett & Walter Blocku
Rfarshrleld Oregptj ;, -
g. L'. C. Farrln
r ,.'
Office Lockhart's Building '
j Phone 791
J. W. Bannett .-. . v
...... " ' -.&&
Marsufield. , Oregoi;-,
?- . ,,WW' .
f!nba M. ClnVm s r 1 '
rfivw. .;. ' :,.:t
,...,.., ., ,.r ,iv. .v ,:
Attorneys at Law -v -., ;
Marsufield - Oregon' .
W. U. Douglas
Attorney at Law and U. S, -:r
t ) - 1
Marsh field Oregon
Business Cards ' :
'Make a Specialty of Real Estate :'.
Brokerage, r ' "rM"Jfc.,
Offices. .MarshSeld ever SengstMren's, :
Drug Store. North Bead,' Simpson v .'
block, : : : -;.'
D. D. Camnbell, Prop
Wood and Coal always on basil, an.d.
promptly delivered to all parts of town
Front Street Marsufield
1 ' ' ' Hi-
Coos Bay Steam Laundry;
Amsteln & HIbbarc!, Props;',
All laundry work goaranteed flrst-ciats.''- -
VA11 white labor.
Street, Marabfield, Q: '"
.1 All white laboi
Foot of street, M
v M
t- inri! o -fj
j S . l-.sx-rwi-.-s-f
Express at."d delivery' toany"partof tl:
city ou short. notice
Team always on the street j ,
General Blackstnithing qnd , .'.
repair work. Horseshoeing .
and woodwork. First St,
Marshfield, Oregon v "'
Kenps the latest in rubber heels, Ke
pairing bopts, Bhoes, rabbers and .ha j. ''( '.
ness neatly and quickly; done. All !;lndi t ;' r
of blather for mo. 8o bjmj nt'r'5
door to Songstackou's.
All kinds of Harness mid' xty'S"
Saddlery work protnptlr. -jwfe '' , .
executed.. ,;,.. ,.,.Jt;.- . hVM''fev-.,. '
Opposite I. .0. O, ,F. h5U .i.-:-? 'VfJ&
't .1
' !Tf
.1 !' '
S If.'-'
.' x
V .
"a1 i.' .
1 1
it 1 1
. .. ,.-.J.
"t ..' Ill l .IIW...ll.,.IWWWIP.M t
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