Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, January 09, 1904, Image 8

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llttlUJ. .J..
I " .A-lsTX) LOCAL
From Wednesday's Dally.
1 North Bend has a new dancing club.
Clark Bunch of Fairviow is in town
ou busincse.
The tug Hunter came in from Gardiner
Tho Areata ai rived yesterday, and will
Bail from Empire at 10 a. m. today,
Webb Matt, one of the substantial
farmers of Lee, is a business visitor in
.George Black returns to San Francisco
on the Areata, after a brief Holiday visit
at bis home.
Epiphany services will be hold at the
Kpiecopal church today at 10:30 a. m.
and 7:E0 p. m.
The Aurelia will leave Ean Francisco
Saturday, sure, and is duo to sail for
Portland on Monday.
Carpenters are again working on the
front of Magnes & Motion's store, rank
ing a reressed entrance.
Mrs. Erickeon who has been running
the Palace Chop Houso at North Bend
has sold her business to E. H. Glenr.
Marshal Petitt's lectures havo drawn
big houses for two nights, and every one
eeina pleased with hs entertainment.
Eobert Kiuger is putting in sewer con
nections from bis residents to the sewer
on 4th street. A. Bridgea Is doing the
Chas. Jenton and Ray Golden started
yesterday morning for Port Orford
whore it is their intention to take up a
couple of homesteads.
J. W, Tibbetts received word yester
day that bis brother who has been in
Alaska for several years will arrive here
from the North on the Alliance.
Robert Harrison, of Libby, who had
his leg broken on Oct. 31st, !b etill con
fined to tho homo and it will bo sotuo
timoyot before be can resume work,
Mrs. W. C. Mueick is a paseenger on
the outgoing,Arcata, on her way to visit
relatives In Siekyou county, Cal. She
is accompanied on her journey by Misa
Mary Black,
Mr. John H. Cullom, Editor of tho
Gnrlouu, Toxae, rews, nos written a loi
ter of congratulations to tho manufac
tures of Chainborlain'fl Cough Remedy
hb follows: "Sixteen years ago when
our first child was a baby ho was subject
to croupy spoils wo would bo very un
easy about him. We began using Cham
berlaiu'a Cough Remedy in 1887, and
finding it such a reliable remedy for
colds and croup, wa havo never been
without it in the house sinco that tlrno,
We have flvo children and havo given it
to all of them with good results. Ono
good feature of this remedy is that it is
not disagreeable to take and our babies
really like It. Another is , that it is not
dangerous, and thero is, no risk from
giving an overdose. I congratulate you
pon(the,Me4MMyour remedy." For
The New CQuncy
At tln c.ty iMtmrll motlns Monday
evening Mayor Scmtttacken nml nil tho
ew' e5ecf.l iiicmhus wetc present
i I w m i'n':i.Mtl hiMeJllcc.
I't i' tu v tiV nil np lainnt (or tho.
. of ui.iiai; tho untter of appoint-
1 1 ul tltnt i llicer was taken umler m'-
i-eni ntril ilic next nteotlog. whtih
' rk- j4 jfe Fthluy t vcni.(
rti- tiirr ?!i.l was ordered to ha a' t) o
tree j cleared of rttbblh and ob:truc-
F I'. .VorSon was elee'ed president ol
the c uucll.
W'Mng On TcnMilc, o'r a Short
Tho blle of Coo C junty, Misa Albina
daughter of C. P. Coleman. was united in
murriago to ono of our most respected
men, J. S. Roberts, con of B. Robertson
Dec. .11 in tho town hall of Tompleton.
I gazed in silent admiration at tho
scene within the hall whon I arrived.
The artists bad displayed no little skill
in tho decorations which consistod of
tiowcrs and Oregon grapo vinos, white
living fashion plates in feminine attire
relieved (ho somber dress o( their escorts
and tested tho capacity c( the hall
The Marsbfield Orchestra assisted by
local talent then played Lohengrin's
wedding march. There wero many yard
long grins that night as Oregon's re
spected citizens with a sprinkling of
Californiaua were marching into the hall
as only those by artists trained know
bow. The reputation of this placo for
au old fashioned jolly good time goes
without discount, as all work harmon
iously for the Inst results. Yon eat each
dish without a Fronch name in com
pany with as happy a people as I havo
anywhere found. They even have their
own heaven.
The merry-making lasted only ono
night to most of the guctts; many went
to bed ; I did not, which explains tho
tardiness of my report. All night I ate
and laughed, that was all that I could
do. Those who danced are many ot
them in bed yet. Thero was a surplus
of choice cookery and it rained aftor tho
music stopped. J need no music and
laughter had become painful; there are
no laughing hogs.
Next came ahnnt; ot duck wo had
had our fill ; deer was out of season this
morning ; to a bear hunt wbb proposed.
I havo a weakness for killing bear and
readily consented; we found two and
tried every plan suggested to get them
to como out, even to a Ten Milo invita
tion. I heard them talking about it as
I wai stowing away a generous lunch.
The names ot the guests are all on tho
Coanty directory.
The presents were tho beat and num
erous, from a Btftue of Diana in very
scant attire (these models are used by
amateurs and professionals) to a resi
dence lot in North Bend, It required a
two horse toam to tako them to tho
landing and from there they will bo for
warded to North Bend, where the groom
1b studying Physical Cultuio.
From Thursday's Dally.
Kmil Ogren, of Myrtle Point, was In
town yestcjday,
Marshal McLeod was Bweoplng Front
street with tho fin hose yesterday; a
good work.
Dr. McCorrnnc wisheH tho parties to
return the etretchor which was borrowed
from the Eldorado JJ'k,
Miss Marian Reedy was a passenger on
the Areata for San FranciBco, on her
way to Long Beach, Cal., whero sho will
spend li.o Winter,
Tho people of Rois elongh havo put
in a row boat lauding on Catohing slough,
which ia a great improvement on the old
Tho select few, who under tho law aro
allowed to vote at school , meetings are
likely .to bo well represented at the moot
ing tomorrow night, as 'matter's of con
siderable1 public interest aro oh the iapii,
Charley Bonnbrako bos a way of being
in nt the killing. IIo was tho llrst man
t'o pay a year in alvnnce under a special
o"tor wo ot co nuule, mid ho' was tho tlrtt
aVtn to got one of tho special tunnlors,
Fcuno Curo for Intllgostlon
l ufo Cli mberlalu'e Stomach and Liv
er I'uMol: lor Indigestion und tltid Hint
t'uy uit my cam) butter thnn any dyt
lii'p'in remedy I havo over tried iwnl I
iittvo used tunny difleieiit remudios. I
ami nearly tllty-oim years of ng nnd
hiwo MlfWetl n creat deal from indlget
lion, 1 cmi irl ulinn.t mu thing 1 nant
to no. Geo, V. Kmoty, Hock Mill.,
Ala. For sale by Juo. Pieuts.
Travel by Sea
Passengers from San Francisco on
Arent.i Jan. C: -C A Owons, Mrn A K
Huff unit 'A children, M A Hood, John A
tlanttuc. 11 lilbbnid. Mm U lltbbnrdaud
3 childien, 1 Palo, Mrs Luckelrom. K A
Following passengers left for San
Fraucisca on tho Areata yesterday : Rob
Huuton, J Domino, Miss Black, Mrs
Mustek, Miss Marian Reedy, M Yiosco,
0 Vfeeco, Miss Sears, Mrs McCormac,
M Oleson, Mr Dru, Mrs Way, T A Wag,
Mrs PenHeld, U A Crest, Mr. and Mrs
Buhl and two children, G steerage.
Coos Rier Ijems
Fred Wearer of South Cool River loft
en the Areata for San Francisco, Cal. to
lake up his studies at Heald'a Businots
Mrs. Maria Carpenter is having a larco
barn built on her farm on tho South
Geo, Tucker and family lelt (or Port
land on a two month)' visit with rela
tives. Captain Ernst returned homo after
an extended visit with friends on North
Coos" River.
Te nniile Lake Excursion
A very pleasant excursion was givon
tho people of Tenmila and vicinity Sun
nay Jan. 3rd on Ttnmilo lake.
All heartily join In thanking Mr.
Hazulmeyer, Mr. Galloway and Mr.
Norris, the promoters of tbo excursion
whodisplayed such excellent ycamanthip
in the handling of tho steam launch
New Era owned by L, J. Simpson of
North Bond.
Following are tho names of thoao who
participated in tho many pleasant sur
Drlses aranged for their enjoymnnt,
Misses Edith Roberts, Esther Mormon,
r:saie Kaakel, Jennie and Henrietta
L:ar, Minnie and Hilda Peterson, Viola
Ruth, Alice Backus, Florence Potorson.
Mrs. Anderson and Daughtor Mrs.
John Peterson, Mrs. A. Olson, Mrs, An
nie Davis and Mrs. W. Backus. Messrs
John and Preston Moneon, Geo., Abe,
Allen and Joo Roberts, Da.oert Benson,
Hollico Olson, Andrew Olson, Sloven
Lapp, Fred bybark, W. Backus, Clar
enco Backus, Harry Whitney, Harry
Strowenjansand C.St. Dennis.
The writer is not endowed with poworo i
of description, sufficient todescribo the
many points of interest or the magnifi
cence of the scenery.
The many wooded hills and dales, tho
peaceful homes nestling in the valleys,
tho graceful corves and ruany glassy
coves of tho Lakes, aro a sight that
would enthuee the most melancholy.
Certainly to much cannot be said of
Tenmilo Lakes as a pleasure retort.
For natural ccenery wo havo never
tetln anything to surpass it, and it has
been my lot to gazo upon tho beauties of
natnrein many climes.
Of tho peoplo of Tenmilo I would eay,
that for open hearted hospitality thero Is
not their equal. You are cordialy wel
comed and royaly entertained by all.
For the sportsmau this tnnst bo a placo
after his own heart, clouds of Canvas
back, Sprigs, Butter Bali and other
variety of ducks, obscured tho sun, from
time to time in their flight at tho ap
proach of the steam launch. Bear an 1
deer abound in the adjoining forests, bo
well as grouse, pheasant, quail and
Tbo Lake is well stocked with tho ang.
lers favorit fish trout, ae well as Steol
bead salmod and many other varieties.
Space will not permit a longor article
but suffice to eay that I shall hail with
joy anothor invitation to Tonrnilo,
Mr. Wm. S. Crano, of California, Md
Buffered for veers from rheumatism and
lumbsKO, Ho was finally udvited to try
Chamburlain'n Pain Balm, which no did
ami it effected a complete euro. For
sale by Juo Preutu,
From Friday's Dally.
Col. Al. Rosa, o Bandon, camo over
on yesterday's train.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Collver wero in
town Thursday shopping,
Tho Flyer went on tho wsys yo;torday
to havo her rudder repaired.
The L. A. Club will meet today (Fri
day) at tho homo of Mrs. Condron on
r Dr. MuCormac performed an operation
y'estorday on John Colg'an for appendi
citis, In spite ol his, advanced ago, tho.
old gentleman stood tha operation well.
and his erudition: It very iatUlactory, J
Don't try cheap couch medi
cines. Get the hest. Aycr's
Cherry Pectoral. What a
record it has, sixty years of
cures! Ask your doctor if
he doesn't use it for coughs,
colds, bronchitis., and all
throat and tunc troubles,
"i hr foutnl lhl Axr'i Chrrry VNtnTt
It Ilia I'f t luiMlcltin I can irrirlln tar ('toll
cliltli. ItillU'iitn. rmiithi, ntnl hint rnlilt,"
M. UniKMAhi M.D.. tttiac. N. T.
Ilwull, Mh.
All iltiiniiim
Correct any tonrlonoy to constlpn
tlon with omnll dosos of Ayor's Pills.
Tho Aberdeen left Eureka at 10 a. m.
yesterday and is duo horo this morning
to tail for Portland tomorrow.
Tho now launch whloh Holland Bros,
tisvolxjon bnilding tor Anson Rogors Jr,,
was launched yestorday. Hho ia intend
ed to bo tho fastest launch on tho bay.
Rusty Miko'a Diary, Jan. 8, 130 A
run down clock wou't ovor get anybody
up In tho morning any moro'n a worn
oat ady will bring people to your store.
A good houto greeted Marshal Pntltt
last evening and his Iccturo on "Love"
as highly appriciaten by both mon and
maids. Mrs. Potitt'i specialties aro a
very cutortalnlng fealuro, and tho pa
trons of their ontortaiument all scorn
well plcassed.
Tho A, N. W. club mot ycntorday
with Mrs. L. J. Simpson nt her elegant
homo at North Bend. The wero sup
orbla entertained by thoir hoBtoiu and
spent a vory pleasant afternoon. Tho
next meeting will bo with Mrs. J. H.
When bilious try a doso of Chmibor-
Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and
realize for onco how quickly n first-class
un-to-dnto modlcino will correct the dis
order. For aalo by Jno. Preuss.
Jolin Clinkenbeard Appointed
J. J. CllnkenUird hat boon appoinod
by tho county court to fill out tha unex
pired term of Donald Mcintosh, deceas
ed, as county commissioner. No better
soiectlon conld havo been made.
The Eagles
Tho Eagle, emblematic of American
Independence; tho bird that clutches
tho stars and stripes, and screeches de
fiance to foreign foes, if ono thread
that dag Is trod upon; may nover
a feather bo pulled from its wings or
a necessity for it to screech.
Married in Chicago
Friends hero havo received tho nowfl
of tbo marriago of Miss Allco Robortson
to Walter Law Campboll at Chicago on
Dec 21. The brido is a Coos Bay girl,
having beon born on Daniels creek. She
left horo about 8 or 10 years ago, but is
remomberd by many frlonda who will
wish her happlnoss.
D. of II. Officers Installed
Tho following officers of tho Degroo of
Honor were installed Tuesday evening:
O of H, Graco McCormac; L of II
Jeonotto Escotl; C of O, Borah Wilson;
Recorder, Fannlo Hazard; Financier,
Maagaret Motlin ; Receiver, Dora Cath
enrt; Uohur, Bertha Ferry; I W, Mary
Savago; O W, Ray Bowron,
A vory pleasant ovoning was passod by
tho members and invited guests, with
whist, Cdanclng and games. At whist?
Mrs. Nelllo'Oweu and Billio Smith car
ried oft tho prizos, whilo Mrs. A. R,
Tenbrook and S. B. Cathcart took the
boobies. ,
In tbo bean bag contest Jim Forroy
and Miss Runy.WoIder took first and
second, respectively-
fluooafaI Kiapnrtmanta of n Pwu.
tan fletatttl. )
A writer lu tho Itovuo Hclontllbjuu
nsscrts that tliu experiment of Dr.
Ilehrlng of tho liyHtmilc limtltuto of
Miuboui'K hiivcMlomotiHlruteil tho priie
tlrnblllty of viiccluiitluu iiinilnst tuber
cuIohI.i. TIioho e.pei'liiUMilH rvHtiltoil In
glvliiK yoiiuit eulven complete Immuni
ty nguliiHt Infection to which they
wore oxiKned for moro thnn n your, no
tuberculous lentous being discovered
when Uio iiulmuln wero iilaughU'rcd.
Tho vaccination wiih nccoinpllnliuil by
tho Injection of it very hiiiuII lunoiint
of vtriiH of humnti origin which bud
boon kept for night youm uml hud thu.i
lout much of Kn vlriilonco,
Tho wrltor of the lleytio nrtlchv J.
Ilerlcourt, aluo ivfern to the export
inontH enrrted out by hliu lu ciMtiptiuy
with Dr. Ittchet, lu tho cotiptio of which
It wiih diunoimtrntril to IiIh mittHfuo
tloti that iIokh could b6 rendered tin
luuno ngntiiMt consumption by luoculu
Uoiih with hitiuau bncllll "greatly dt
inlnlMlitHl lu virulence." t
It Is true," M. Ilerlcourt Ken on to
eay, "that thin sort of vaccination In
lnnulllcleut from tho point of view of
prevention, but lu experimental medi
cine It would bo considered an tncon
tcHtnhto vacclimtlou. It would Ihi auf
flcleut for protection ngalnat contnml
nation from tu gorms of dust. Tha
oxporlmoutA of Dr. llchrlng ncom to
prove that tho weakened cultured ho
employed havo real' vaccinal prormr
tleo, nnd hla plana for tminunlzluK In
funtB and young nnliunla appear to us
ncrfectlv feiialblc.". WM1 .
NrwM Trollr Cmtt Mka 181
Mil ip Hour.
An claboruto scrlea of experiments
rns undertnkon In Gormany tindnr tho
auspices of tho omporor over two ycnra
ago to solve noverul problums comx-ct-Hi
with electric traction. Alttiongu
thoao wero tried on a short Wt ot rotul.
renchlnir from Marlonfeldo to SSotven
aud about rourteon mlieu long, iney
bnvo nn Important bparlng on tho huu
illtutlon of electricity for steam for
trunk lino aorvlce.
In the earlier teats n speed of nearly
100 mllvn an hour wan reached. It
was then dlacovcrcd that tho rnlln
wuro not heavy enough. A long Inter
ruption ensuod to admit of reconstruct
ing tho track and tp mnko other prop
ortions for getting valuable Informa
tion. Shortly after the rvnumptlon of
theso oxpctimenU tho cable dUpatdiei)
nsoonD noi43wa tbolutt caju
reported succsilvo spoeds of 100, 114,
11 T, 120 and finally 181M mlloa nn hour
for prnctlcally tha wholo length of tbo
Tho lino baa be-on equipped with tho
"tnroo phasu" erstcm and btu throo
ovurbcad vftres, on above anothor.
Apparatus for taking off tho current
rUs from each end of tho car and
preiMoa sideways against tho vlrvA
Tbo car Itaolf U exceptlonalb stont
and ntrong sinco It has to enrry not on
ly four heavy motoni undorneutji, two
ou each truck, but also on onormoua
burdon peculiar to these tecbi and nc4
found on other etoctrtc corn. Tlw
coach Is seventy-two teat in length.
Tho Interior U divided Into throe
compartmanta, with crota eaU nccorn
modntlng sixty paaMngora. Tbo :n!d
dlo room la twcnty-tlvo feet long, nnd
tho othurs havo only barf that length.
A vesUbule at each end accommodate
tho inotormon and a part oftho aulp;
mont nnd takes off fully six foot from
tho avallAblo length of tho coocUi
1 if-
Ilecoamlaed It,
ThlB," Hinllcd tho fond young wlfo
as Hho passed u pinto of dessert to her
huHbnnd, " Is cottago puddlug. X mado
it uiyself."
Tho mnn tasted of It.
"I'd huvo known It wnu cottngo pud
ding," ho asserted.
"You would?" Hho nuked, delighted.
"Yph. I can tusto tho pltiuter nml tho
will paper. Whnt did you do with thy
nhlnglcM nnd tho brlclui of. tho chim
ney?" Judge.
The HiTcot Girl.
Kittle Paul told mo hint evening X
Wufl tbo prettleHt girl ho over snw.
BesHlo Ob, that's nothing, IIo unld
tho immo to me lust year.
Klttlo I know, dear, but blu tnsUi
may have improvod sinco thon, you
lenow. Boston Transcript.
Mrs. Nuritch-I think I'll tako thla
bmcclot. Arc you wuro it's inudo of re
fined gold?
Jowelcr Oh, yes.
Mrs. Nutitch Bccauso I do dotcst
anything that Isn't rofincd.-Phlludel.
phln ledger.
' Work jls, tho soup.'famo tho. entree,
(ortuno tho roast nnd. oblivion tho doi-Wi-bf
most ilvws. Thsxoia no-fconllal
, - 4
TIip IuvMrl (lueiit h -Wu Cnllea
llo'torn tli I'ennl.
Tho uit'inlniiiuy hud Unlwhid bin tnlk
to the irowtl of iK-rolleM In a MiAvrry
nilHhion nml wiit iiromwl U" in f
hIiiiUo them b. tho ham Tlieio wnil
ono lllllll Hlttllltf mi n ben li whw fnt'd
wiui no utterly loiilllMoni" Unit the mli
hloiiury'H oio 1 010 in Il thnmt, mil
bo wiih compelled to piihi htm by. Tim
iiiiiii'h dulled eyo inniliul I ho loolc.i.f
UlHKiiat, nml In toim of mingled llA
Jectloii mill leseiitmeiit lie erlnl btlt!
"Kny, mlHter, why don't you hIiiiI.o
bmiilri wld iiioV
Tho youm: inlHslnuiiry tinned, eon
Hcleneo Hlrlekeii, looked luiii tho Un
eicmred feiitiirort mid gniHped tho iniin'i
"Ileally, brother, you iiiuit fornix o
me." he Htmiiinered. "l-l eOilldli't help
It when 1 hiiw yoii-your fnee, Hut I'll
iiiiiKo miiemlH. You uiimt titlio dinner
with mo toiuorrow iihiht."
The biolieu inmi gliiiieol at bin rngn
lu coiifUHlon, blushed lll.u n girl und
"Wotl Mo tnko dinner wld youl Mo
Ko to your botiaol Mol"
"Vei, I iiiemi It. I'll oomo tomorrow
night mid get you."
Trtio to bin word, tho mls'iloimry pro
minted liluiHolf at tho lodglii); houso
tho next ovonln and Inijulred for tint
man. A curpvo was lying on tho table,
ii handkerchief uprcml ovor Itn Cnco.
Tho cleric Jerked his thumb lu tho dt
root Ion of tbo body.
"Tlmt'H Wilson," ho Biild. "IIo had
flxetl lilmxclf up nud wim wultln' for
you; dropped deiut linlf nn hour uko."
New York Press.
TVasrh Coiil 5Tr.
"Snlvntioii Heeiiis to bo mighty cwtly
to some, while It's frco to other,"
growled tho man who was asked to
contribute to tho church.
"Of courtie," replied tln dencon. "It'ii
a Mgger ob to Havo hoiiio peoplo thnn
It lu to suvo others." Chlcui;a VwiL
CO LEMAN-ROBERTfi-At Temploton
Hall, Tonrnilo on Doc. 31, 10fU by tho
Rev. Thomas It vino, James S.Roborts
aud Iulsa Albina Coleman both of
Coos county, Otpgou a very largo nt.
tondanco of frionds,
River, Or. Jan. 3, 11)01, CieorgoMagary
and Miss Ruth Stubbs, Pov, Daviq
Jackson officiating.
FLITC'ROl'T-NORRIH - At Crviulllo
City. Or. Jan. fl, Otis Flltorofl and
Miss Mnlllo Norris, County Judgo
Hrtrlockor olliclatiug. '
Tho brido is tho daughter of Mr, and
Mri, (loo. Norris, of Pairvluw and a
very popular young lady among those
who know hor. Tho groom Is tho on of
Mr. and Mrs, Edw, Mitcroft, of North
Ilend, and Is n promising young man.
'I ho wedding wsh n ipilet ono in tho
pretence of a few of tho relativos. Tho
youn couple will rnsldo at North Bond,
HODBON In Rumnor, Qr. Jan. 4, 1001,
Mrs. Msgglo Hodson, aged 32yoars3,
months, and 18 days,
Tho docoascd, whoso maldon nnnio
was Magglo Lawhorn, wns born in Mont
gomery county, Indiana, Sopt. 10, 1871.
She camo to Oregon with hor parent?,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Lawhorn, fn 1888,
In Octobor, llj9 she wan married to
John II. Hodson, who died at Myrtlo
Point May 10, IBM, Mrs. Hodson had
boon sick for n long time, and bedfast
aboutayoar. Sho leaves flvo children,
Lulu, Mary, Georglana,Lourin and Vir
gil. Tho funeral will tako placo at tho
Coos rivor comotory nt 1 p m, today.
.i:"i-. .
Cholco fc'ulectlon of Muslnl flood:-
Musical Albums
IVIitslo Rolls
Solo Agnntfl For The
- Kimball
Voso ,
-And 28 Olhor Maltcn of High Grade
0 OFBIdgMarshfield
iT-r KBlt..