Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, January 09, 1904, Image 4

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Entered In the Posffice. at MarthfUtd
as Second Class Master.
tail . 1 w- " ' '
Editors and Managers,
Issued Every Saturday. Terms: In Ad
Vance, $1.50 a Year, St, 00 Six Months
., a Tro(r Stornlnjr.
I love tlicso frosty mornlnps,
"When nil the outer nlr
It tlnsUnp with a freshness
Ami vlra beyond compare.
The norllnvlnd In the tree tops
Proclaims the coming dawn
And sends- the crisp leaves rattllni
Acres the trescn lawn.
From tome' adjacent farmyard
A watchful chanticleer
"With raucous, Joyous crowing
As&alLs the atmosphere.
Then, nearer home, a watchdog,
Awakened from his sleep,
Gives voice to his resentment
Jn tones prolonged and deep.
A wagon, bound for market.
Goes creaking down the road.
I hear tho axles groaning '
Beneath tho heavy load.
The light grows nt my window.
And on the pone I see ,J
Jack Frost has limned a picture ''
Of silver tracery. ;
Now from the servants' stairway
Slow feet descend the hall.
And then a kitchen sa'uttct.
Bangs out agslnit the wall.
I love, theso frosty rnomtngsU
To note these things and then
To draw tho bedclothes closer
And go to sleep again.
Catholic Standard and Time,
At tho rchool meeting which is to be
held Friday night, one of the matters to
be acted upon ia the question of what to
do about the colored childreu wbo bavel
applied (or admiteion to tho school.
While tho Coist Mail docs not with
to pojo as the nl!wIeo menfor, to tell
this community exactly ;hnt to do in
every case, it will suggest that tbia is a
question which ehould Lc met openly
and oo a basis of modern Americanism.
Not only by tha laws of Oreeon, but by
the lawa of justice and hnmanity, theie
children are entitledto the benefit of tl.o
public Ecbool. If this district wante to
bear the added expanse of bing an ex
tia room and extra teacber, for the col
ored children to avoid Uip possibility of
' 'T'
Eomo of the color rqJjinif off on tho
other children, well and good; but let
something bo donelbonettly and, above
board, and et us not try to shirk or
imotbor the responsibility.
A T TfcLI'iJrS ivT. .
1,UDDia '''i?v
OopvrtoU. tso, fcy T.-a'tfcCkure
ill t'jB
Abby Bat -rocking by "tho Boutb TVln
flow, listening reelgnedlyto her moth
er's Inmentntlons and reproaches. She
had assumed about oa awkward and
.Uncomfortable a 'position as alio coakSl
well havo Invented, witli One foot
drawn up and her bands clasped
around her kneo. '
Tbo old rocker lurched and grum
bled querulously. Her best blue lawn
tfoees woa tumbled nnd.crumply. Her
list plus and tho miniiner breczo bad
conspired to muss ber hair and mako It
untidy. It Btraggled unbecomingly, be
hind her cars nnd at the iiapo of her
"Another unsuccessful quest," sold
Roger Sterling to himself, with a sa
tirical smile. Prom hi cool library
ocroas tho hall ho could Bee 'Al
tho utrong light pelting in over her
at the worst posalblo angle. He could
also hear inotit of Mrs. Gardeucr'B re
marks, for, m that matter of fact ma
tron Mid ah waa so used to her liter-
art boiMr ab didn't mind him aboull
Snlv v Sts 1 Vonth- I nonths "for '"flensed 'MCC u,er moro I,NM; cw 'K after like a lapwing nnd nr i Orcconian I am led to think
S?&.3 wffi not tSd'in advSS the '"B tlia 1,er llous harangue had rlvi tint at the goal, with a new anil : nVOn , , W , . , ,hu
Jjg'hli'ceS ?cl nwi. "Slghl been- Abby arose with a patient sigh, bewildering display of roses in he, that llthl, itmtter wm irmuhl I. 1 -
Issued everv moraine execot Monday gathered up her hat, gloves and para- cheeks. attention of tho proper ofllolnlo our rlKhts
T 1 T T TT. a II A nfr aJ.IMAA ft Jt t 9 . . ...
attain a, .cat.
'(jro-rfl get a o!
nml Mob'," Mrs. "UniitPiiors
.crpctlc vWA jproolnliued, "hut it lit-
(.Id district school lll:e tlmtl I won't
linnlly poo how yon could hnve helped
totting It If you tried to."
."My dntca.pi wronir," confessed Ab
by meekly. "I'M committee said that,
nccordlhj: to iny Information, tlie Dec
Juration of Independence must havo
boon plgtied several years before Amer
ica was discovered."
"Well, 'tnln't any ue to say nny-
thins more. . If a body an't Rot a
brain you can't glvo Vm ono.1 You bet
ter gather up your muu ana pm em
away. And I don't know as It's worth
w.jjtf 0 bunt another place for you.
1 reckon you was cut out for a fall-,
Gardener settled back Into
sol n ml traltiMl llmnlv nwnv. I
Roger Sterling looked after her with
more pity nnd less tunusement than
"uni.vo TiUT uot WATnn doitlu, and
she usually excited In his mind. Ho
was accustomed to taking Abby, with
hjr awkwardness and angles and ber
perennial and futile search for posl-
! ffnnc no cAlnntlilnt nt n l., ,i f
least, material for humorous short
storied. Just now be was wondering
if there were no angular, three corner
ed niches iuto which such women could
bo made to fit.
As for Abby, she went Into her own
room and snt down on n tall, strnlght
chair, pondering. There was nothing
for ber to do about the house. Her
mother was a hearty, capable woman,
whose pride nud boast it was that she
chose to do all her own housework
nud allowed no assistance from her
girls or any one else.
"If Bho would only let me stay quiet
ly nt home nud help her," meditated
Abby, "I wouldn't always feel so su
perfluous and guilty. We don't need
the money, and I'll never get a posi
tion In a century. 'Well, if I am a fail
ure, as mother says, I might as well
make the best of it and be ns good n
fnlluro as I can, bo I guesi I'll go to
work nnd darn my stockings."
Roger Sterling, passing down the
walk on his way to town, saw her at
to window rocking nnd darning.
Toor girl!" he thought, with care
less compassion. "Of nil dismnl nnd
disconsolate beings I think nn Incapable-woman
is the most hopeless."
The afternoon wns growing Into
when be returned by wny of the back
porch, as he was privileged to do.
Something unusual seemed to be trnn
spiring. The footsteps tripping about
tho kitchen were not those of weighty
Mrs. Gardener. He looked in the door
trnd beheld Abby poor, limp, incapa
ble Abby but she' was neither limp nor
incapable now. nor face, which usual
ly wore nn expression of amiable dis
couragement, was beaming rosily
through the hazy steam of some fra
grant beverage she was brewing over
tlio gaa stove. Her slim figure, nl-
-ways at a disadvantage In lawn and
lace, was shapely and trim in a tidily
bnttoned cooking apron. She was sup
ple and springy and alert; she was
brisk and alive with, purposo nnd en
ergy. 1 ' r
' Sbo eawKogcr all of ri sudden gaz-
r Trig" "at'h"er bwoHdeF"Trou'gh'''th1l
Btcamy mist
"Mother has a chilL" she explained
concisely. "I've got to fix her up nnd
then get supper for you." In spite ol
her 'filial anxiety, her eyes uhooe,
lie came fprward na she atartcd
away like a rexjy, spirit in n cloud ol
vapor. "Can't I help you somehow"
"Yea. Bring that hot water bottle,
nnd come quick."
"Jerushai Hho didn't ask mo; eho or
dered," said Roger to himself, with a
grin of amusement, na he .tagged along
after the skimming goddeas-llkc-form:
"More hot stuff I" groaned ,MrB. Gar
dener as the odor of Abby's brow smote
ber from afar.VTm warmor now, Ab
by, in this mountain of blankets you
- at over me;and with the hot iron. 1
think I'm irettlmr over tho chill, nnd
I'll try and get up after a llttlo and Bee
about" '
'.'Not a bit of rt you won't." 'Abby's
.voice -was iow ana tranquil, out uoget.
njnrke(l ?tlw flrra undorcttrrent- 'VYoti
' Ura not. going to do on tbiivtday not
Muitwoti mtrmacumrtm. t JWOKUH
Of v 'f
Tmiirf I
drink this hot lemonndo ami go to nlep' fort,0 f ACtt In Uipcaiu but as yet lirvvo
If you can. Give mo the hot water but-. , l , brwl ,nform
tie, Mr. SterlliiK. Theiv. now." rccuiviu hu iu, 1.
As Abby tucked down tho blankoii cd by partita who do mt vvili uicir
nud patted them Mrs. Unrdencr settled luunr8 mentioned that my lottr worn
tubmlsslvely and sleepily Into her pit- ... 1 timt' tli.v wbto
lows. "If you think you can get sup- received, ol conreo, and tlmt tl, wow
per"- idlscusnedj that I was uvon tiivi'Kt-
"111 help her." shouted Roger eagerly ' u. lml iTthor thnii thin nothing u
"Shan't I, Miss Abby? Whnt'll I dc , . , ..,..,, I.,,!.,.
,lrst?., boon done to my know lodfce.
"rill the teakettle," directed Abby UellovinR in the purity nnd Jimllcci ol
"then I'll let you set thu,, table. Hut
111 1 ti it vnn. ilnti't iiuililli with Hint inv
.r.,.,,1 i..,.nn ..t. ... i.n 1L1...1 ......,
shelf, right hand side."
"Glad you told mo exactly vher II
wns, so slick. I shall have It for tnj
supper." announced Roger, traveling on
kltchenwnrd with alacrity, while Abby
After n week of Abby's care and cvmV
dling Mrs. Gardener was allowed to sir , , . , .
up on the shady porch. She loaned! ministration of tho schools tho laws an.
back In her big rocker with n delight-' tho regulations relating to Ihoin-J llnu
ful hcihc of some protecting Inlluencc' QHr clllMrcn ,icecendnum ol bravo wl-
" "Ilowilhv It It to think thetv'H Homo iliers who have fouht In every war Ircm
one to depend on In n pinch!" she said' u,0 ftoetonTcn party toSan Ju.,11, would
to Roger, who was making a lattice fori h, , t u ,, lhu Joor ,
Abbys late (lowering bean vines. ""'"
"Who'd ever thought Abby M turn out I hope closed In their faos being disbar
such n gixvl nurse nnd housekeeper nft-j rej (r0m public tchJoU of learning uvon
er all her failure at everything else? i' lhe v of Mfthfi(,,d lUlJ u,c COunty
shall Just keep her now to help me with
tho work."
"Oh, nc-you can't, ma'am," snld Rog
cr, pausing suddenly In his tnsk, "be
cause, you see
"Hoy!" gasped Mrs. Gardener blank
ly. "Abby-n position!"
"Yes," returned Roger calmly, driving
In n nail. "I have engaged Abby my
wlf." Qnletlitir ti llnllr.
A tnhn was brought up in n pro
visional court on n charge of stealing
n sack of Hour nnd was very severely
handled by the prosecuting lawyer,
who had once made himself notorious;
by going Into bankruptcy, which was"
tho only menus by which ho could es
cape his debts. ,
"You admit that you stole tho pack
of flour?" questioned counM?l sternly.
"Yes, but I took it honestly nud in
broad daylight to save my children
from starvation," pleaded the prisoner.
"You call that honestly, do you?"
feneored the lawyer. "I call It amaz
ing impudence. Stealing Is stealing
from whatever point of view you care
to look at it"
"Just so, mister, but it don't nllun
bring the vamo punishment," retorted
the man in the dock. "I-'or Instance,
I shouldn't have been hero now if I'd
done ns you used to do bought, or or
dered, the flour nnd never paid for it."
And even the magistrate chuckled
behind his papers at tho bullying law
yer's discomfiture. London Tit-Hits.
An Oriental Lore Letter,
English Is put to strange nnd eloquent
uses In tho orient, nere, for instance,
is n letter addressed to a native gentle
man by n youth seeking the hand of
bis daughter:
To Baboo , Paternal Father of Miaa
;Dcar Sir It la with a faltering penman
ship that I writo to have communication
with you about tho protpcctlvu condition
of your damsel offspring. For nomj re
mote tlmo to pant n secret passion had
firing my boom Internally with loving for
your daughter. I Ifave navigated every
channel In tho magnitude of my extcn.ilvo
jurisdiction to cruelly smother the grow
ing lovo knot that Is being conHtrijctod In
my wlthlnnldo, but tho humid Inmp of nf-
fectlon trimmed by Cupld'a productlvo)
hand still nourishes my lovo sickened
ocari. necaicuu wogiu u uu jur me in
numerically extemporize tho Kreat con
flagration that has bcon generated In my
head nnd heart. Hoping that hnvlni; do
bated this proposition to your pregnant
mind you will co'ncordantly corroborate
In espousing your female progeny to my
tender bosom nnd tnereny acquire me into
your family circle. Your dutiful non-ln-law.
. 9 . Harper's Weekly.
From FriJry'a Daily.
On the Question of School Privileges
for Colored Chllren
The followiug letter haa bun received
by Mrs. Trolllngcr, mother of tho color..
ed children who have disturbed tbo
placidity of Marahfleld school affaire,
from a Portland attorney;
To the parents and Afro-Amorican Citi
zens, Mnrehfleld, County of Coos, Oregon,
Having seen eomctlmo ago in tho
morning Oregonian a clipping from (he
Roeeburg Review giving an aceount.'of, a,
color discrimination In that Negro chil
'Or en had been denied admission in tho
pnblie ichoo'le of Marehfleld by tbo pririot
pal in charge I, wroo to tho poBtmaster
of tho cam said illace for information;
wrote principal of f.clty ichool? find,
the districtuporipjendent trying to as.'
' ...,L ,'. ' .. J,A'J . .., S. . '
noriam 11 in report-wiii iruo; wroio aiso
the pastor of tha bading church taking
the judicial and executive dii.utini'iita
ol tho state;
belluvlng that they, "i'1
or fairness, thu equality ol opportune
ftnj jneUco duo all eltisens In matters of
... . .,,. (i.a, i,mnd.
public concern; bcHovlnB In tho broad
nea ol mind which chnriicuuuuB uiu
'.., i.i i, 1,n,n,ti,.,.d liv a nroner ad
0! Coo.
Thcro nro Colored men 111 coos cotuily
- -." "" a--"
nivitiu taxes on nropuiir, o hivd
aro paid into ono common treasury for
tho welfare and maintanco ol tho govern
ment. White people who object to tending
their children to mixed school should
send them to private institutions.
Tho Colored pcoplo are to bo com
mended for tho etand which they have
ttken and I Hereby tender my servicer,
and stato that I um at your disposal in
waging a Unlit for liberty those prlv
clediie duo us under tho article! of our
Majjna Charta. Wo ehould not give up
our struggle for absolute freedom, When
wo aro denied book and pen at the hands
of, tho Btalo wo nro not free. Thu man
who demauds respect and if ncccossary
fights for it is generally respected.
Yours truly,
McCanth STKWAnr.
About Admission of Children to the
Public School
As the question of the admleiipn of
colored children to tho school is to como
up at tonight's meeting, tho voters may
be interested in knowing exactly what
the law oi Oregon says about it,
Hflbdivlsion 18 of Section 3:i8'J, Cotton's
Code, touching tho duties of directors
iaya: "Thoy shall admit freo of chargo
to tho schools of their districts all por-
,nni hntn-K-n ll'it nvoa nt sir nml luenlv.
" '
no years residing therein, and nil other
poreous may bo admitted on sUch t'.'nna
at tho dletrict may direct."
Sections 3ll!l-i-5 mukolt cnmpultory
that "Kvery parent, guardian, or other
person in this Btnto having coutrol or
chargo of a child or children butweun
tho age of eight and fourteen years shall
bo retjuirod to send such child or chil
dren to public school for a period of at
least twelve weeks in every echooj yor."
Failure to comply with this provision
renders a poreon llablo to a flno Jf not
loss than 5 nor moro than f 25 .for tho
l.flrst offonBo, and not less than (25 nor
mora ttan $00 for tho second offoneo.
Thoroia noquostlon vtlmtover;but this
ecbool district is required to admit tho
Trolllpeor children to ecliool prlvilCbs.'
It may bo a matter of opinion as to
whethor they should bo placed irftho
srimo room with tho white ch,idfoti ' 91,
wbatbor tho taxpayers ehould bo cinch
ed to provide a separate room arid touch
er; but tlio taxpayers themeolve's will
havo a chanco to voto on that question
thiaeraning. 1 "' 'n '
It should bo dcbldaM, oncfoldr all,' and
no further delay uiiould bo, tolerated.
This commutnity does, not -want to bo
;piucad id tho position .of dqfyjng tho law
ot tbo stato, from moAt jignqblo motivm.
Vox ehould itlio open to tbo Recusation
q! trying by tioJaj jo kJUjp,tho
tohlch It lachi'lLo'codr'hgo to,
. ., . . . .
lor an isauo
tittht taxpayari turn out and settle
the cjuJation definltily
iIm iiiiii i
For all subscribers, old or now
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