Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, February 28, 1903, Image 2

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.i ,
. s'i
Fortunate Escape From
Serious Accident
Tho llcamor Flyer and launch Har.
nth catiio Into lltalon, alout 8:40
Saturday ovontntr, bolov Nirth Herd.
Tho launch was tolurnirg Irom Jtnrlro
having aboard, Ic'idoi Captain W. P.
V itoliir, Mrs. Whoclor and Key. Win.
Horsfull. Tho Flyer was bound for
Empire with nncxburaioi lo-tho mss
quorado. Tho collision oecurod about
150 yards below i ho ,an 1 point.
Alter tho collision became inevitable,
tho presence of mindoi'Cap'nia Pendp
grass saved moro a-rioj consequences,
llohai slowed down, but iceins tho
courso ot the launch would tako her
across his bow and that tho could not
clear, 1 o rani for full speoJ arid shot
ohoad b ) that tho launch struck the
stoamor on tlie starboard -bow about ten
toot from tho stem. Tho uppcj part
of tho stem of tho launch was shattered
and five of the otoamora planks woro
brokon, but otherwise neither boat was
seriously damaged) and ueithtr sprung
aleak, A'ter ascertaining the small
extent ol his damages. Capt. Whtoler
proceeded on his way. TI13 Flyen turn
on arouodlbut finding thu launch ap
parently uninjured also resumed Lerj
course "
It was very forlunalo that no more
serious results enruel,
Preliminary Move Looking Toward
(Gardiner Gazette)
Assistant U. S. Civil Engineer David
1), Odcen was here inspecting the bar at
tho mouth ot the river and looking up
tho Ururqua commerce and shipping
statistics this, week This is tho initial
step of the Government toward a jetty
for tho Umpg.ua River..- As to what Mr.
Ogdcfa's report will bee'aTe unabletoj
ear.-but if is safe to assume that he'
realize) tho necepity of dceptr water
at this port. Natural inlets on the
Pacific Coast are few and far between,
and ono of such posiiblities as this
should no longer be overlooked At J
preeent tho Umpqua erports are light,
uot nccestorily because of a limited pro
duction or the limited reronrces or facil
itios for producing, but bccauEe ol the
limited means ol transporting' them to'
ti market. This livi-r taps a large agri
cultural, timler and mining section,
and cerr.oi a better volumo of water
than any river v.ett of the Cascades,
end the advent cf n deep-vrator pet at
it's mouth-mould mead ' the opening
and development of a largo and pro
ductive terrntory, hitherto of small
consiqnenco in the commercial tcLoolo
ol the state.
From Inflammatory
Would .Have killed
Our Son.
Dr. Miles' AntWPaiin Pills
Saved Him.
"We began to ute Dr. Milei' Nen'e and
Liver Pills six years ago. My wife had lirer
trouble and a neighbor gave her come ot
our liver pills to try, alter which we bought
a bottle of them and my wife used them un
til cured. Sines then I have used them and
1 must say that I have never used any pills
that gave rne the satisfaction these have.
We alo use Dr. Miles' Auti-I'ain Pills with
greatest satisfaction. Three years ago our
ton Harry had inflammatory rheumatism.
bad not L-iven him Dr. Miles! Antl-Pain Pills
which relieved him almost iruttntly be would
liavedie'J. I am always glad of the oppor-
lie had suttcred so much tnai 1 ueneve 11 we
James Kvertt, Alton, Ills.
"I was afflicted with neuralgia for years
and never found any permanent relief till I
bjegan using Dr, Miles." AnthPain Pills.
They are a sure cure for headache and neu
ralgic pains. Only this morning I repom
mended them to a friend with a severe head
nche and in a halt hour he came into the
store smiling. The headache was gone. We
use them in the family and find them excel,
lent for the women folks. This high altitude
makes them very-nervous. Grandma says I
should tell Dr. Miles she could not live here
were jt not for the Anti-Pain Pills that she
takes occasionally." L. li. Morris, Helena,
All druggists sell and guarantee first hot
' tie Dr. Miles' Remedies. Saud for free book
' n Nervous and Heart Diseases. Addres
r. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind,
Why the Mall Was belayed So
Lon By The Late
Mail Pub. Co.
Marshflold Ore.
In your isiuo of Fob 5th you scoro the
mail contractor for uot gettlug tho
mail through during tho snow blockade
and say you liivo bad tho satno trouble
with former contractors. 1 supposo you
1avo and always will havo until you
make some provision for kcqplng tho
road opon. over tho mountain in tho
winter timo.
Now as to facts, on Saturday the
storm was very bad but wo got through
pretty woll. On Sunday mornlug wo
left Sltkutn about 4 o'clock and got
thiough to Boston at dark and the
snow and Umber wero falling very bad,
and tho men and horses woro complete
ly played out. I tiled to got tho C001
county judgo but tho wires woro all
dow.n,'and4fl Mr. Laird had notified
him, I took it for granted that Coot
county wonld bo at work on that end.
Instead nhon my crow got llo road
opened on Thursday thoy met tho
Coos county men just coming to work.
I uudcritand thoy could not got the
men out in tho storm.
Judc.0 Thomptou ol Donulai cjjanty,
told mo to send a man out and get a
crew to W4rk on this end. which I did.
aftsr r-romising to pay them (2.60 per
day, and they earned it, as ttcy went
from i to 3 miles from any house and
pat in all tho daylight there was, furnish'
ing their oWn horses.
I told the men not to stop when they
reached tho Coos county lino, but to
clear the road as quickly as possible,
and keep track of tho timo worked in
each county and I expect Coos county to
reimbuise me for money expended in
Coa rounty. k
) Now you peoplo seem to thin- when
a man takes a mail contraot ho must
carry it and fix his own roads. High
water and now cannot be helped, but
Coos county must keep the timber and
slides out of tho road if they expect to
get mail on timo.
I baro writton the P. 0. department
to send an inspector ovor the road, if
tbcro is ft complaint sent in, so as to de
termine where the fault lies, as I under
stand that they have decided to41iccon
tinue the service whero tho roilt are
not kept in a passable condition.
no not think there is a city in Ore
gonlftheaize of JlarslifisM that has
any better mail service. There was an
inspector hero in' January and ho said
there was tons and tone ol delayed mail
piled up in Portland which could not
all te coved ineide of three days.
Dorinc December and January, I
waited from 1 to 2 hours nearly every
day in order to get all of the mail, bb it
la just as disagreeable to meas it is to the
people to havo the mail corao all in a
a bunch, and I would like to) give tho
peop'o good service and havo their good
will in roturn.
Yours very truly,
C. P. Baunaiu),
Contractor route No. 73357
Itojeburg.Or. Feb 10, 1003.
Wo gladly give pnce to Mr. Barntrd'i)
communication. . The Coast Mail has
been throwing boqueta at (ho 'contract
ors all Wintor for thoir excellent work
in getting tho mail through on time.
Therefore, when they fell down so had-
y wo thought wo had a rlcht to thiow
a brick. W ' think so yet.
Wo think tho cmtractors who carry
over the mountain tnado a eeriouri mi
take in not bringing nt least thn loiter
mail through, instead of leHing the
wholo sorvice come to a Kandttiil for
four or Ave days while tho road wan he
iug opened, when the ropalrore of tho
telegraph lino could got .through with
their horreannd outfit, it would certain
ly havo been poeaiblo to fit tho lottor
mnilthrough, and tha lino wai repair
ed 'and w Iking over (ho niounUiri he
(ore the first mail wok brought over.
IW ,...;
pAonln hero do nol oxnoct tho Im-1
possible. Thoy havo been highly np
prcolatlvo of tho excellent sorvlco givon
by tho prosout contractors, with tho
exception of ono lapse, but thoy had a
right to protest In that oaso.
The veiled threat to havo tho in Ml
thrown back to thoqthur route, If people
hero daru to com plain will hardly hno
tho effect ot krvptug them quiet, if thoy
think they havo cause for complaint.
In spita of tho 0110 lapse, which Is
understood horo to havo buou tho fault
of a new subcontractor, thcto is no
doubt of Mr. Barnaul's sincerity in
dojirlng toglvo good eorvico, nml ho will j
rind that tho good will of tho peoplo
hero will dopend solely on his success
in achieving his desito.
Real Estate Transfers
L J Simpfon and wl to tlrst Presby
terian Church of Marshflold lots 25 and
2ll North Baud, (1. 4
Latnyotte Crouch to Perry Crouch stl
ot nw4 ne4 of Sw4, Etc 17 t2lr 12.
120 15 acres in sec 17 t 21 r 12. $ 100.
Groat Central Land Co. to Thos VI
gars lots 1, 2, 3, block io, Piatt A, Ban
gor 100.
Win II Sohrocder and wf to David J
Smilley nw4 sec 21, e2 ot swl sec 1G t
29 r 13 210 acres. $1200.
John F Mumford and wf to C Smaller
7 01 acres In sec 11 t2Ur 13110.
I. B Fetter and wf toG II Bethel sel
secl4t20rl5 1C0 acres. i700.
Chadwick Lodgu No 68 to John Yo.
kam ne4 of se4 sec 20 t 27 r 13. 40 acres.
W N Jones and wf to Fred A Kribs
a 3 sec 17 e2 of swl t3 of net, sec 33 t 30
r 11. 6-10 acres. 10.
Or and Cal Br Co to W N Jones, b 1 2
sec 17 f2 ot en t 2 of not sc-1 sec 33 t 30
rllGlOacrci. J2720.
Fred A Kribs and wf to Alfred F lll
bury 2-3 Interest In t2 ot ic4 sec 2 n?4
of ne4 w2o( tec 11 s2of s4 ot net e4c
34 nw4 of fi4 ?tcM t 20 r 11. 2 ot nt!l
icc 3 s2 of sic 17 n2 ot ecc 10 n2 ot aw4
swl of sw 1 sec 10 ; t2 of bw4 sic 0 n2 of
nw4scc2:)sclolne4sec 3Sw2of no2e2..ly. 93- J.T. aiici4i Kgiur. a-ai-p
sec 33 t 3i) r 11 cw4 of n 4 soc rul of
set sec G n2 of nit roc 7 t2 of foI snl of
se4se4ot swi, seuS, lots 1, 11, II, am! 10
sec 11 t 31 r 12 u'J of a 11 t SO r U iocs 1
and 15. 1 30 r 0.
FroJ A Kribs and wf to John ? IMIs
bury Jr. and Clue S Pillahury 12 part
of sol rec S n2f awl swl eat: 10 ne4 (2
of nwl swl of nwl nwl of nw4 11 w I we 10
t M r 8 hc 10 t 21 r 0 sol of n 1 yc 31 :
s2 ef nw4 sec 32, t 23 r 9 tcl w. 31 2 of
nw4 nc 42,12'. r 11 n2 of net set of
no4 rc2tt3Jr 12. 10.
Fred A. Kribs und wf to Mahala F,
and Alfred F Pillahury, Sarah P tiao
a..d Fnd B Snyder, 11 part ot land
abovo do-cribtd i dvodud to John $
Pillahusy Jr. nnd Chas 5 P.IIihury. f M. '
p. T. Bender and hus to John lUrUll
strip ol land 8-1 feet long by 70 hw-t wH?
in tiol nwl uu: 14 1 20 r 12. W0.
It B Dcyoo to W W Duyo 2 of lot b
blk 1 Smith' tdd Myrtle Point. 50.
r. N i-mith and r.f to W W D-oj lot"'
'Oand 10, Ilk 1 Sn.ith'd add, Myrtm
Point. t20).
C J Tibltt to Sarah A Kdirtuml loty
3:and::l blk 22 IfaWroad add Msrih
fieid $100.
I S to Porter Summsrc w2 of ncl, 2
of nw4 lota 7 and 10, 2 of ua'l tic
t3')r 14, lfiO acres.
Win J Jack-ton and wf to Chas Thorn,
nwl sec 20 t 2'J r ICO acres. ?7'X).
Chas Tho. ti und wf to Mm W'm J
Moorheaa nw4 sec t 25 r 0 FQ actus
John N I.an;loio and wf to O Ledger.
wood ew tot ne4 ttA of nwl lo'.ul.-.ft
ima u Eec I " -J r " V
W C Dcuhnor and v.f to Klizl5ih K
Rogers lot 1 blk 25, Clcrncnt'd Plat
MaMifiold. $1200.
, L J Simpson and wf to. Altti Kington
lot 12 blk 27 North Bund Jo.
Chaa MathiHon to W O Chnso lote 7
und 8, blk 14 Klliola add. C'ujuillu City
W C Chaeo and wf to Chaa M:ithLon
loti 2 and 3 blk 38 Klhot'd add Cwjnlllo
City 1000.
Marv 0 Corman nnd hua tq Nancy
J Wnrfluld ijof lot 1, blk 2.1, Brown'b
mid Myrtle Point $ 50.
itoncbronko s2 ol rei
not ol sol sec 32120 r 12 120 acres,
Win 1 Bonobroaliu and )vf to 1. J
Simpson s2ot net ncl ol sol boo 31! 1 23
r 12 120 seres flKO. , ;,
Z T Hiiliu to Chns Adams lot tl blk 23
Brown's add Myrtle Point 1 100.
T J l.ltllo to A1111I0 M I.Ittlu lot I l)lk
ft original town Coqulllo City f 10. ,t
II M. Fish nml wf to Laura M Kd
puiuda lot 0 blk 4 Woolen Mill ndd
baudon 120.
. Myra J Knymoml to Ida II Vaughn,
blk 10 Steamboat ndd Yarrow f20.
. A S Dlbhlo and wf to M II Whlto
Jiouee, lot S blk 12, Belmont odd Um
pire City $112X0.
U S to Thomas V 8tlllwl e'2 of sw I
n.id v2 ol ael sec t 28 r 13 IbO acre.
W J Fairman and wf to Warron I.n'rd
lot 12 blk 31 Fallot's add Coiulllo City
$tC0.' f
Allrod Flaudors and wf to It S Knowl
ton 15 ncros in sec 3 t 28 r 13 J825.
Allied Flanders and wf to US Knowl
tou, 0 ncrcs in lot I, soc 2 t 26 r 13. $275.
M II Border nnd h to Mnggio O Stra
lion lot f, blk 2S Border it Bender's Kx
tension Myrtlo Point f70.
II W Dunham and wl and T I) Whltu
and wf to T J I.ittlo lot 3 blk 0 Coquillo
City track in Klliol's add Cotjuillo City
TlMBF.lt LAND. ACT JUN'. 3, 187S,
Unllctl Statei U-xml Ollicc, Uuiburg.Ori-oii.
Feb. 17. mjj. f
Notice i hereby qlvrn that In coinplMtKc
with Ui (rovtalont)l ih uci ot Coutrrji o'
lime 3. I&7. i-htilltf.1 'h Ut (Jr ihtf vile ol
tinilxr Until in iIh SMtvs ol ' California. Oir
gon. NVml.. rtiil W.itlunKion Torfitoi)'.'' h
UndJ to nil Itw I'ut.iii. Uiml Sutn by .icl (
Augutl 4. ii.
of RoMrtwrg. county of DoiikUu, sUle of ( re
Kon. Im tliitil.iy Uil tit ihM ollke bit mii
lUtenHrnt No 4 17'. Ir the 'Hirilmv: of the
KH el NK1,'. itibii No. 38. 'loiilil No. 14
South, Kant;.- No. 11 Wet. ami will olli- iro;i
10 show th4t the lind mucht , nvoie taliMbk
for 1 tinitwr or ioim thin for jn;(kultiirl ur-
I .r, .:.! Io rt,Ubth bi chlil 10 S-Uil Uml
lutfrnu im lihtifr nnil llmvltfrr (tr 1I1U mlc.
jut Kus-uurtj. Orgcn, wi Tutwliy. die laibUy
of M.i). nyi
lie iuiiot at utihc"t. lolin Civeni. Clmitc
Ihoni, John l'hoii. Jvsrpb Waithcrb), .ill of
. I Koteburtf. lfeitOn
1 ,nv ."! itviiii rltmilng nJert!y th
Uave-(!crilW Until ate ie(imMtul l fil tlwtr
cIhjiii it, thuolttcnon or b tare nilil uthiUyOf
riMBF.I. LAND, ACT JUNK 3, 1878.
Ur.iUd Sut-: UiiU 0c. Hrnarf,, Ofon.
I cli. . I''J-
Notice i lKfby givf n lht In emplin:
uith the ufutiofi of i he irt nf C'cmnit-M of juiir
t. i27''. .nt.''l "An .ui lor tli tab of umlf
Und. in lit-1 .Sute of t aliform i. Ou-Knn, Nc
v.,l. and Wa-lim-fton Trrritory." m et.lnrlrd
to Mil lb 1'hIiIk; l-iid Swt by au of Aiuju't
.1, i&t.i.
of Manhflcld. touniv of I oo. Slit.? f Off
gun, ruk tins i lay hietl in tin, ofiicc h sworn
naUmenl No -n'o. frr lh; pnrcbav? t
the .sj of SH .Ns-iion No. . in lown
tin;. No. 7f South, Rangf No u Wi, and
will offer proof to show that the kind soqkIiI it
more v.ilu il.ie for IW tunUr or stone tfuir for
MgrkulmrAl (MiriKHO. nnd to Klnbli.sh hw cliim
toauid landtxfoie W. V. Uomtlu, U. -S. Coui
mitttoner for 'rcgon, nt ,l.irlnird, (Jreon, or.
SAtur.Uy. the 3d diiy of M.ty. ic3
Ha nrniMri a Hit.!--; Iir Smitfi, IeK
Smith. Alvin imltli, William lknebr.il., all ol
MariAfill. Or.xon.
Any and .ill xrjns cUimlng adwrx-'y lh
abttv-decrit'd lnds arc rriieslil to file tin ir
lUnns hi lljn oAkt- on or Iwlori t.ild wl (1.1)
of Mny, 1003. J. 1. HiiiOOU. Ktisier. 3-ji
UnitMl State Land Ollicu. Kueobtirg
Oriion. Jan. 10-1003
Notico in hereby glvon that in cun
pUarieu with 'hi provi'lona of the net ol
ConuruiiH of Jumiii, 1S7K, tuititlid "An
ict fur the f-aliM.f tiiiiler lainSa In Hid
Static of Ciiliforiiin, Orcaon, Nnvniln,
arid Wiihiiii!tiMiTi'riiory,"urt(;j.tuiiiled
to nil Ihu I'ulilfn Land Slntua by not of
Augiifctl. lhi:
uf Mnrshliold, county of (.'ooh, SlnU of
Oregon, .a- ilii day (lied in thin ofikn
lii rworn i"ii!i'i'iiit No. 4321, for ihu
j.uriiliustt ol tint Lot 'i .11.il LI 2 ol hill-1
Section 27 nml N 11 ol HU 14 of
iiectlou No. 2 13 TowiihIjIji No. 21 i,
Itiingo No. II W, find v. ill ofrur irui( to
t.jiow ilmt tin hind coii;ht in moro
vnlim!,!c ,'ur itt tin,htir or btonu lliun for
riU'h'iilliual pniii'ii nml to utubli-h
Harlaim to raid Und twf.ro W. U.
DoiiKlft". U M, O'liiiiiUsiniier for Oregon
.11 M:irfrliliilil Oroifoti, on Muiuhvy, 'tho
.'iOthdayo! Murih, 1003. '
U. KHioib iih HilurfCHH: A A A 11 dt' r
fcoti, Allfitfa'y, Or., F A llclly, Marli
llttld, Or , Ind Noah, Alli-tjuiiy, Or.,
Siluu Npjli, Mathhlluld, Or.
Any atid all pi'inoiiB clnunliiK ndvuiar
,ly tliu uho'.o-tlonirihi'il landn nro ru-
rji.uiitt-d to lllo their cIiiIiiih hi thU olliiu
011 or h( tore btiid KOth day of Mnr, Wf.l
1-21 J T, i'mnoKs, Itcj-later.
e ......... ..,..r. ... ..,.,...... t
fj 4UIYIJi;KU rti All nam
0 Coll in or Writs
1 64 & 6a Alcrchanto' Gxchanco
U B to Win I
U tilled Sl.vics LwndOlllcc, Mowliurj;, Orrjjtn).
J nn. 117, lyoj.
Noihe I Iterchy kWni ilmt m iompll.im'
utiti iiin niovitlont of tho Act of l.'oncrt' (d
jiiMc i. 1B78, cnttilcd, "An ncl for thtt U n(
tltidK-r l.titU in iN !$i.tie of Ciillfiunlii, Ou'Coii,
Nrviut.1 nml Wajlilnulon Trrritory." ns extend,
rd In all the I'ubllu l.tnd.SlnU'i by uct ol Ad
,''' William r. s-iui...
of Marshllelil, County Iff Cn, S111II1 ol OrcRon
Inn this d.ty Hint In this oillca till iworn M.m
mrnl No. 4373. '"f". die puiilitt'i of ili
SW)f of NKim. NWho( SKt-t. I'.i-a of HW
t-4 ol See. No to, In Ti No jj S, It No 1 1 .
nml Hill oflrr proof to show thai the land
soiij-bt It nunc TnUitbln for In timber or staitu
ili.tn for uriiliulliiral iniriKiv nnd to fM.iblMi
bit cbiiiii 10 said Innii lfnie W. V. DoiikUi,
i S. rommitalniier for Oircon, nt A.tthlicUI.
1'ie'oii, on SatnnUy, the it d.iy of April, nxii
I!-' nnmot i" Aitnesirn! l-'lo)d f'olli'lt, C" I.
.Sin.tli. I'd Colli It, 1C ColMt, ull of Marsh
field, Ornioii,
Ahy nml nil prrjoiu claliiilni: ntltciyly the
iiIhivi- drtiiilbed litids 1111) reiicdcd t'i Ale df'lr
clalmn In 1I1I1 office on or iH-foie mil 11 d.iy
olApill, lyoj.
1 30 J.T. lltilDtiui, Iteclilrr.
United htnlcsUind yilice, Kuwlmrt:, Oreuon,
" Jan S. 1003.
Notice Is hereby Rbrn 'hat in compliance
mUIi l1icim.itlMom.of ilia net uf fotiKiiHi of
Jtinr 3, 187H. rnllllfd "An net for Ihn r ol
llmbei I nidi In (lie .Sulci' if Culifornla, Ore
Kn, Nevad.i. and Wa.hmi'toti 'Irrrliory,"
I'tlrndi'd to all the Public liiud M.itct by nit
c( AtijjuM 4. 1893. , ''
of Mai-Iifielil. county nf Coos, sl.iti" ot Ore
Hon. hat this diy Iflhd 'Jn llils ollicu hit
oiiiM.iteinenl No 4H0. fyr ihr tMirelmio id
the SouititM't ijn.tr ter,' of N-tilun No.
in Tovtiulilp No. 37 in ltai'K No 11
Wisl. ami ttillnlfer jitoof In show thai llw
Und souchi l nioip valiubli for Its Umber or
stone lli.in for tirlciilturiil ptlipoici, nnd if' it
ttltliolt his etiiin lo suiil land Ik-'om- V, U.
Douglas. U S. Commlttloncr for Orcstn at
.l.utlitirld.Oo'Kon, otiHuuidiiy, the aitt ilay
of March. I90J
He n.uiw u ttltnrte: V II .t,Hin.' of
M.irtificM Or. Kit l"u)lor. I'. Whiikty, Lee
Nrr!ry. of Palrvlrur, Ur, "
Any mid ill pcrwint ckilmlii advertrly Ihr
tibo-dterilHil himli me tr(iiittil tu hie
ibrir elaini in lint othveon or twfere Mid aitt
i) ol iUrch, 1 10 j.
1 10 . T. IlKtMir.s, Kciitlrr.
UnlleU .Suits I -ind OllKr. tiMcburi;, Orgnfi.
Notice libeirby Kiren lint In coiiiplliintu
Hi llir tMov. lions l lllr.ut iilLolL'fr ol I lint-
. 1B90. rniltll "An ut lor tin- side of timlH-r
faiid 111 ihe M.itei of CmIiKmii... Oipoii, NVt.t
itn, Hint WiolniiKloil Irl'iioty," .it ettendetl In
4ltbcl,uUilatndM.ilribyHltofAtl'Utt , 189a
J MaiMifirld. county of ( x.t. Su.tr ofOirjdn.
hat ihuitn fdnlin Ihit uihctr hit uoru tliu.--incut
No m-i. foril.e Mii4.itof lliflit 4 Sc
3i,Tp6N, K 11W, und I.0M 3 nnd . ol Srt;.
No. ft. in I'oMrpihiii 7 tMiih, ol K.ingR '11
Weil, and will olirr proof u. tl.ow that tin kinrl
mukIh it iiMMf valuable lur iwaiml-cr or sloni
(lain (or "ctkultu.itl miet ', ami to ci-.UItl
In. cUlm 10 uld tend Utvie W. V. l)oitj;'.'t,
V. S. ConiiH.Mlonr for (Jirji n. nt M.irilili Id
Oft-iron, on 1'riil.iy, the iM ! of May. IfyOj
HenirtHtits witiietv. W II Morgan, of
Mar1.hM1l.Or ,l.-- Nrelv. 1 K 'laylor, John
Hartl). of IdUvit'H. Or,
Any ami .til itorwrtM aUlHiB Udvtnrly tt;ji
abuv.-iteterine'l ImimU my re-inttrt to file thHr
claims in this omce on or btforc said lit d 1
of.Jay, lyoj.
3-21 . T. Uiix:k, Hlitvr.
U mtetl Sutes Lind O.tice, Ko'btiif;. Oregon,
I'eli lulli. iiioi. '
Notice is hereby R'V.-n lint In ooinpluno
huh me provitKin 1.1 trie act 01 congr ni
June 3, 18711, moiled An uct lor tin
limit :r lands 1.1 tle !iaia of ( allfornl
ttn, NevMdri, und W.ttliniKton T
.ifiidrd to all the I'iiMIb I -mil Siutet, b) net ol
aug.Jta 4, 1 Boa.
r,f lUrriMti, loimiy of KiKi'in.n, tiu ofldi-
h0J1.1t ibis day AhNl In lhi ortitf liU twirn
sbiletiMiit No .I-IJJ 'or th.jiiribrjm of ll(u
NKi-j of hlCi-t ol Sficio, Hnd Sli nf SWi',
ItWlMU NWl-Ol.. o. II. Ill I. wo 3.s,
It 11 w-i. nad ndit.f.r p oof in timw 1i1.1t it-
UndMMiKliiliiiioo'VAhmi.i- lu; in innljr ir Mi.tw
i' .in for Hg'foiiltuni .in !)'... .t 10 1 M.ii.'nh
liMiLnni 10411! Imd M'.ic I.. II llini,
i.'.jiini) ('-rkl l.oo'. f '.iray. Ooyoii, nt 1.
rpldW, on lirtibu, tbp I'.ii .Iny of (unc, 191.3
!! miuitf wlincti.. J'.tm I. MriKiie), of,
Hainan, Iditw. . ;Joi M. i.-brink, lUnry
MiclMlito.ik, !' I' Fu.hr. ol AlU-Kuny. ur.
Any .ind nil pvftoiu iLiiioliii; iiUurlv lha
Uiv.-drserllnil lands .um retU.-4rl , tu (tie
llMr nlnl.ii. l.i link iJtUM nil llf lu Ifll.f .1lll tf'itll
day ol I une. 1003
,... v...-., ..-,.....-..-..-.. r...
j 2i " . T. 'Iluutiivs, UoKitttr.
united at ties latiiu wnuc. Kowiniu: uri'i.'oi.
.V.i.mI hereby ..n Ihn In cai'ipiJaiiiri
limn. 1B-4. mulled An ti for Urn wl ll
i trni. i i.uiiinii tim hiuii'f 01 iHiiiurni.i, urcgoti,
U......I.. ...,.l' H' 'I.,,..,....," .., .
Ncvulii, mid Wnsh.iiL'iin Tirritory," ;i. rv
ifii l 1 10..II Ui l'uWtt.Uin4 Status by net ol
AiL-tnt.i, iftrw,
of Murslif-I), (iiiiniyol Cm., rt.ite of (lu
(on, I ot thtt iluy li1' il in ili$ 0I1I14: hur moi
.i.iii iii'iil ,'(o. .jt, for ili" tur.b,ui' of tho
Sonlheutt (Mliur 11. S.VH011 S, 3, Tinvinlil)
37 .Souili, cf Kini;i)N''i u Wmi, nnd will
Olffl proof to .II. A lll.'tt II I' lilld tmvlil Is moiu
vjIm iiile lur In. iinil. . or sii.'i ih.111 far ncrki.l
tii.nl .ijrvl, unit 10 vtilui li tier rliiim lo said
l.uwl licleie W.U. I)c,ii(I.ih, I,- K. (.oiniiilkilon
ri for (JiKijon, nt Mtirihhi-ld liuuon, on Milur.
d iy tin' 3d d-) of ,1ay, 1703
hl.e iiiiiiii 111 vmtneitis; K II N11I1U',' W II
Ni Lie. V V Noble, Chin NoWe. nil of .l.uili
heW. Or. ,
An mid 11II irr!i ilahidm; iiilcrioly Hie
nl.ove ih- xiiIhhJ l.indi .irn iciui'ird to fllu tin ir
i.Unii in thu olficu 011 or If I ' s.iid ad day ol
M.i.v, 11.3, J, I'. ISKiiJOi'.-f. l!o;iiir. a-ai
R-I-P-A-N-s 'Tabules
Doctors find1
A good prescription
ror mariKJfiCi
1 Tho Tt cont picldit h ioi.iiii;ii for lisunl
occnffonii. Tho fninilv bottln (1,0 cctitH)
coritnhin 11 mjiply for linear. AH driij;
yieta etill thorn.
Itcml wlmrovnr tho ICnwlIih LutiKtinuo
In Spol;iu
Thtt Tlirl'Jii'A'Wiiik World, wna rt
hrlllliiut siiitkhi In tlin IhiuIiiiiIhk nml
linn hci'ii ntfuillly urowlnit ovor ylnni,
Timo hi Ihn Inst ot nil thliii'P, nm linn
not Itn nml ol npiirovul 011 thu Tlirlco-if
Wm-k World , whlt'h l wlduly olraiMloil
In uvirv Htntii nml lVrrltory ol tho Un
ion, null wllniuovtirtlu'ro nroimoplti who
ciu roml our inotliiT toitit).
TI1I1 pai-r for thu cojiiiiiu wlntnr nml
Ihoyunr lOIIII, will mako In nuwn iti-r-vir,
( pdtmililn. moro cxttuitlvu than
iviir. All oveiitiiot liiiporlniiro, no mut
ter whi'M thoy hnpniii, urn ro
jiorled niTtirnli'ly nml promptly.
IhoHtibmlbiT, for only mm dollar ij
year, Kid.i tlri'o impi'rn I'Viiry wrd and
tiiii r tt uuvt it nod Kuuornl ri'tuliiiK thiid
most ureal ilallloi. can inrnleh 'it live or
nix tlmi'ii tint jirlri
'llio Thricu n-Wi'ok-Wotld In abso
lutely fair In Ih political iiimvm. Pur
lien 11 blnti It nnwir rtllowi-d to nlTvot ItH
ti'wa roliiniiiri, and Doiitccrnt nnd Bo
initillo.111 itllkocau obtain In Itn pnudn
truthful arcotttitN ol nil the xrrat polill
cut rnuiimlmiN.
In addition to nil thn non, Ihn
i'lirliTn-Wid:-World (iirnlshus thu
bnjt rlnrlnl fiction, rlahnraln iparkut
roports ami otlur fimturra ol liitoriist.
The 'Ihilci'-it-Wiifk World's regular
sulin'rljitlon prlco la only 1.00 per v'ur
nnd this pays for 1 .10 papnrs. Wo ptfor
thin ntH'(Hiliil nowspnjicr and Weekly
COAbT MAIL toj:ulhir onu year for
Tho regular anbucrlplloii prico ol tho
two imperii Is l'i.50
- 1
C. II. MnRCIIiNfflSffiS2E5
Ih constantly iitldluj; to its
pIock of fjniicml Mcrclian
.liii', iilrciidy 'tlto hrjjeat in
Miirhhliuld. Wlioti you buy
nt tho Mill Htoro you know
thu k"oiU nro first clans aud
the pneu is nil riht .
A.11 kinds of lumber and
building material,
feed and sup
plies 1,
at; wholesale and retail.
i Commodious'"
1 - --- - -"- , '.-
.,-,-.,,,..., -
- - -
,, , , , . ,
alHltPi rr(nlnr trlin bolwcnn Ban Pran-
claco nnd I'ortmnd via Iluinholdt
nml (Tooh Bny, cnlllnt nt
nbovo ports each
. ..,,',..,., ., . , !
' ho ALLIANCL Is n (lrnt-clnoi passen-
i;ur boat, and Iiiim nil tho tnod-
urn conviililoiici's, anil isouo
..t.l... I.......... ... A .
ui inu iiiuii'tti. nii-nmura
ot hur clnts
I.1-, fr.tl.1tl n.,1 n.,.f,.n.,.,.M .rtla n mII
I . .....i. ..iM. inuu,ui iiivvn ui oiiir
ni; ...Mur, nppiy IO
' -Vl fc.R CH ANT Agt
. Xi:J.xOX,.Wttitc.
XTitl .ISuUu dtu'rulisr 'rrlp
san fr Accused
Orofjon Uoal k Navigation Co.,
F.S.UOW, AKont, Mnrnhflold, Orogou
H.Q, CO, Aucnt, JCmplr'o City, Oreuon