' 'J V. '. r .i r ' .7S - ' ; n v ',J , --r ?, ,, MARSHFIELD, COOS COUNTY, OREGON Jan. 31. 1903. MO. 4 VOL XXII, W V' p?k Jffi " '"SEP" (P i $P? W w Y"ffi. 'W' TOT BF mjp j. 4 - ' II ' ' " ' ' f - - - ' " 7" f 7-7-- WLL vZ-SZgrrrtrt 76y?r'' -. vsy k( j - 15 10 17 18 j9 20 2k K-&MJjj I GOOD SUM RAISED FOR FAMINE. SUFFERS Four Hundred Dollars to Buy Food For Starving Fin- landers, Tim committee liavn cotnploioil tlio canvnHR (or countrlbutlona for relief ol Urn fBniliio-atrlckon people ol Finland. All but one ol thu mib-cominittucB havo reported nml the, amount aggregates f3S-l,15, leMiMU-enta lor ux-clmnge, 1383,. 06, It Ih expected Hint tlio lum rntfi'tl by tlio BUb-commlttee which Tina not vol reported will ralso tlio nmount to $100 or ovor, TIjIb Ib nn excellent showing (or this community. It Is tlio lorgost Bum re ported Irom nny ono pnco, Inrgo or amall, in tlio United States, tlio noxt largest hohiK 1221. Tlio commltteo fool highly gratified at tlio rcBUltot tlu-lr efforts mid wish toor press through tlio Mail tholr npprecla. tion nml thanks to tlio pcoplu of this community (or tholr littoral reopoiiBU to tlio call-for nBBletnnco. They also request us to oxproes their thnnka to tlio sub-coin mlttoon (or tholr w6rk; to E. h. O. Farrln (or lilu kind. neoB In preparing tho heading (for aub acrlptlon hats; to tho Flanagan & Bon nutt Hank (or granting a epecial low rato of oxchmiKo; nnd to tho Dully Coaht ftUu,nnd tho Nowb (or tholr holp, TIiIb monoy wlllboforwnrded, through llornburfj & Co. ol Now York, and should reach Its diatlnntiou In about U w'ooke, whuro it will do uood out of nil proportion to the encrlflco of tho donorB, The list of contributor, eo (nr report' cd, is nB followe ; Albort Wikluud $ 2 00 Fred Holm 1 nn Kmcl Wlttlck 2 00 Alox ilnuBtrom 1 00 Wm Hnsaviat 1 00 Vlotor Mollor 1 00 Krod'Btouo 1 50 John HollbackA 3 00 .Bwonbook , 8 00 50 2 00 2 00 50 50 i 00 no i oo co 50 50 60 I 00 1 00 1 00 60 1 00 1 00 100 (oo 1 00 1 00 1 60 50 1 00 5,0 50 50 25 J O LiDKnnrthy Mra W P Fox Jncob Anderson Hugo Carlton Wm Llndatrom Iturn HftKKlmui L A HaKclund Otto l'ttloreon O J KKord Victor Stauff Mra M Klocknra C I Bmith C O Johnson Mrs A Wlkmnn Anton Andoraon Mra J A I.onnati J McCullon Olck Mnrahall It E Rli I no Mr Flanagan Mr Johneon J CCook 1 Roberta O II Sutt B I) Jonea Jnck Farloy A W Oleon Mra J Morgan Win Klnhn A Friend Joo Yonker Poior Olton J A Thompson John Potoreon 8 Anderson Nnrmnn Nelflon, Victor Wlkmnn Ohna Kondatrom Mnt Audurson Ilormnn HongoU, Henry BJorkavlit Klunr Btora 1 00 50 50 25 GO 60 60 . W ' 50 50 I 00 1 00 3 50 200 2 00 2 00 1 00 100 100 50 2 00 2 00 2 00 I 00 100 1 8nn,ori1 Hongell uuurm uuaiiuut HTI. WAnlV111 Ohae McCulloch Fannio RoaamuB John Bllbm John Kaatmtin A Jncbson II JohnBon John llrodd E G Audureon I)r Straw August Farloy 260 i 00 1 00 1 CO "'if 00 l'OO 50 1 00 2'00 Too Clniit h'olnudur Ficil H dander Arthur Selnndcr MutlMntwn Mlkn Hoglund John llnulund C Ihtcrhcck John Mnttcon Amlniw Ilongolt I, Klotio A Sitdiirlutid Curl Joliniton( Victor Carlroa Alfnd B or.i A'bt-rt Wililiind Fred Jtrur.ell Cnil Curl-on Andrew I.ui.iliivltt Maty Juhuioa Itnon Andcrton Dun MnlUon Kitrl Andorion Mutt Mtttteon John Hetiricksca Wm Stranjc Andrew Ktr'ann Victor Wlttlck I 00 1 50 I op CO . 1 00 1 60 2 W 1 00 1 OD 10 1 00 i oo 1 oo 100 oo 1 00 2 00 Too 1 oo 1 00 1 00 J 00 i oo 1 00 Mntt A Frcdrickson John B Frcdrlckeoii Ktuel Halund Hoiuhold Helkkila 1 Va.iio Itori: Julius Hncvlt Attaint Btohl Atijjnst Stono i 1 00 i co 1 CO 'lOO vl 00 1 00 tioo Arvid Ar.dela Kvert Btono John Mntta -John Wik Heiirlck Fora Victor Atidcreon Mat 8lor COiknr Nyluhd AiiKuet Ty Icrjj Otto Wuk John Hill ' Johtinlo Anderson II E Kronmnn Albert Anderson Alex Audureon 81r Hancon L F Falkonstoln W M Lawlor Jr Wm VnuRhn I .3 UU i 100 1 00 I 00 i oo 1 00 tlOO 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 I 00 Frank Sleeper J O Toello Jonn Henrickeon 1 00 i 12 60 LOO 1 00 1 00 I 00 1 Ov) 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 I 00 1 00 i oo 1 00 ' I 00 2 50 pr 1 Ed StranR . Fred Hlllatrom '- Uichard Fouel . Arvid Forrell Love Forsol Victor Fredrickeon Miko Bonglund John Sandln Androw J Frcdrickson F II Look wood Chaa Kaiavir C M Bylor ObMiiDbard , 1 1. Carl L Albrccht II A Nabb John Freelund ! 200 v. 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 50 I 00 1 00 I 00 &00 i oo 00 JOO 1 00 "LOO 75 50 - Fred J Toolle Teter Logglo Courad Haggviit T T Golden DrKMingus EERigga. Ohna Martinson L J Simpson Tom Ronnu C J Anderson Ux Stora ' Kfrnim Enogron Carl Enojfron E J Cof(oUt JWCofTolt f i. II II Rogors Loto Jonoa " II E Bessy Anson Rogers B 6 Rogeri 50 52 1 oo S.00 2 oo 11 Dimmh-k rito W Bual 0.) ilillatrorn Hall h Hall W A Toyo C A Johnson Krtiru & SUtiff A It I'renlip W U DouKioa -J T McCj rmac C W Tower' J S Coko .1 W Bennett Wm Hurtfftll Cnth Andrew AnJcnori II- Flncll 60 CO 3 iT(co ' CO 5 00 200 1 Of) 200 6 00 2 00 200 ii 00 r o.i IA) 1 00 6 CO 2 00 1 00 2 00 2 CO TOO 1 00 200 2 00 50 1 00 5 00 1 00 3 00 2 00 200 2 00 2C0 '2 00 00 1 00 30 lu 2 00 j 00 1 00 tr (A B Campbell Gow Why John Carleort Bwuti N'clton Del Cathcart Rob Starkly Wm Bjorkivlat John A Carlton Mrs Mary Kalno WT Merchant 1' L Phelan liana Anplund Ernat Llljfcborg AKrfd Jcobs0U Alex Johnron Wm Aiplund J C Johnton Alex Anderson ChacCarleon Fnd Holm Blneinn Choir John Hillstrom Emil Foreell Cba lowland Erick Johnson Jnmca W Rooke 2,00 Too 1 oo 1 00 1 00 1 00 200 1 00 1 50 1 00 1 00 2 00 2.00 200 2 00 2 00 2-00 50 25 200 2 00 1LO0 5.J0O 1 00 2 00 3.00 1 oO I 50 1 50 1 00 200 J 00 1 00 2,00 -50 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 .- E A Anderson J H Millner Henry Holm Gee Fee" John I'roufa W B Curtia F A Bncchl B Lnudo W P Murphy 11 Sencstacken E Flanagen J A Matpon Charley Georgo Norli Jensen Thos Howard Johnnie Matson 0 W Tribby A Birch Matt Stcnholm Alfred Hnglund John Bear Mra J W Rooko Chaa F llacgvist W O HarrS M Hirst C H Lbx Alex Fast W H B Hyde Mrs B M Roorko MieaSelmaMattson Alfred Soderlund Alox Hongell John Haglund Otto Hill Mra J W Carter John Grant a. s. Emel Stono Chaa. Bnlin Ernest Whittick Androw Wiklund John Saudoll Hugo Kotka John BerR Emel Anderson Alfred HaBsin John Snyddr II. 11. Mcl'horson A. Mnrkiuvitch Fred Johnson A.Gustafson E. B. Seabrook Wm. Nasburt: J. 11, Flanagan (Special) Exchnngo 1 00 - 2 00 50 25 100 60 1400 3 00 50 50 2 00 2 00 2 50 331 15 50 363 66 Bad Slide Thoro ia a bad elido on the railroad about half way botweon tho Junction nnd Codnr point. Tho track ia buried 1 and tho dirt koopa alldinp, in, so that it j will bo eevoral daya beforo tho track ia I cleared t6 Oedar point, and it will prob- 1 nuy uo n woolc or ton t3sya l)oforo trains j vr 111 bq running to Coqullla City, Y0UHG PEOPLE'S WHI&T CLUB IS ENTERTAINED One of the PIoa3ante3t Social Events of The SeasonHighly Enjoy ed by All. One of the leading m c!a) cv -nts of the season took placo Inut ftentntr ht-ii the Young People's WhiatUlub" wat inMt fittingly received and entertained by tin .Mimtti Mcuormac, at the I omu w Ui-i parentis Or and Mrs. J. T. McOorniM:. The decoration wens very elaborate and ttiiklui:ly unique. The uonernl ru e of the game was deviated fr- m In de elarlng the diamond tlif trrimp lor the eveurng. Tliid gave the key nqjo (or tint dicuratiorm vihich comprfted fet- tociiH itnu purtlercs ol red liinmoiirW :v- lieved by gnrUndi of ivy. Ovor oidi table was suspended n lam diamond with tho number of thu tublii upon i'. The prizes for whist u'c won by Miss Euyn Atidcreon and Alton HcnK staoken, lot priz-; Miss Maud It.td end Chas. McKnlnlit booby. After the usual twenty haudriof whht, a pnz-j was offered (or tho beet and moat original pin or cotinumdrtirn. After careful contiduration, the prize naa awardod to Miss Evalyn Anderson. And now, when we ask one of our most charming young ladies, by what name, la your luturo liusband to audroas you I Ehe answers, with her daintiest emitc, Ma honnv ' The next to attract the attention ol the guest was an announcement, dear and aweet: "tiring or your nortea lor tlio two year old cako walk." Some, wero bashful, some were tired, und some wero hard to L'ontrolo. But at last, all wcro in readiness, and at the signal of tho judges, each and every one moved under tlio Hire together, ilitlr ancclic forma g.ided gracefully to and angelic lur ilia g iueil gracelully to nnu iro, as u guiueu oy some mpernamrai, and in nearly eery case induce someone to power. The race was hard and furious, , try your remedies, and the remits are so sat nnd it seemed that no human htnd , htactory that they continue Jc take them. could pick the winner, Until Rill Dn-1 One recent instance I recall. I was in i.aur gan"nnd his fair hrido turned tho la-tj ease nnd called tosesafnend whowasvery eighth on the homo stretch. Then .H . Sk!uSL" eJ2i fnThl hope vtilhd, (or "Dugan'a" eyes can tered on tho enke, cud they won by a length. A most delicious nnd bountiful rep&et wns then served. Each and every one partook, as If, "Tomorrow wo die." After numerbu toasts to the "lair daughters, their happy parents, and the eventful evening, tho party adjourned to tho pallor whoro thoy had tho privi lege to enjoy some choice selections of music. The beautiful decorations soemed to vthisper words of love, and unconscious to all the early hours of 'morn had come and Bono unnoticed. Only to soon tho partinir hour arrived, and with a morr7 good night, each ono seemed to say, "To this bleat evening with its joys, Our thoughta shall turn with thoughts of love." Tboao present were: Mr j. Dungau, Misses Agnea Hutcheson, A llco Butler, Alice Aiken, Maud Reed, Annie Biesen, Gertrudo Engle, Maggio Anderson, Era Anderson, Susie Elck worth, Edna O'Connell, Mamie Ma- IllHRIIIillllUlllltMllUlllllllllllUIIIHIIlHI SHOE I N buying shoes DON'T got plucked. If yon buy a $3.60 or m Jr"-"JI2r $4.00 shoo at a store where $U to $8 Bboes; are Bold you do get plucked nearly every time. : : ; Satisfactory nhoes for Winter shoea that please tho people Bhoea in which tho ahapo will hold- won't "squash" out, or tag in the Bhank, or get ebabby.looking in a little whllo. ::::::: : ; : Bhoea that hold out because they're rightly ouilt not a akimp any where, inBido or out TIJAT'S the Walk-Over Shoo . : : : Must bo right or wrong no middle ground ov we couldn't ovorlastlngly preach Money-Back Shoes good wear or a new pair. : : ; : ; ; Why pay f 5 and $0 for let-woll-enoughalone ehoee Tom, Dick nnd Barry makes that havo boon folBtod on a long aufforing public with soarcoly a nor in shape (or tho laat ton years. MAGNES OUTFITTERS (honey, Let Ml Howard; Jotlic Wh'Si-i. (ir.U'ti .UcUoniiHC, ,viiuo .'in nine Mr. Imrmitii; M?r Harold lliun.i.k Ottn BcliHtttsr, lr. ..Susiw, Dr. A)'0i-". Charl'.o btnuff. Chnrlii .ilc.lCiryht. L. K Kicholf, Alton tienifstnckuti Wntaou Snort, Jarne lliitchernu, Friink. Uano, Jnck FlniiRKUt, .I'))ni krouliolm, Atuti o Jlirusc, Tom (lo'd'ij. .) In My Heart I Could. Not Lio Down. Was On The Verge Of Insanity. Ch oiling Sensations I Was Afraid to Sleep. 'Tor yean I wa troubled with pair around the heart, fluttering and chofcinfr lensatlon part of the time could not he clown. In short I was a nenrn-oa WTpck; tuch violent jerking of the arms ur.d hrnbj; tirrvrv.it nroitiation In fact wai on the rerce of Injanlty was afraid to sleep for fear I would never awaken. I aaw.aresti- menial in our paper from a man almllarly afflicted. Jjnd an account of the help he dc- rived from the ue of Dr. Miles' remedies. By the persistent use of the Heart Lure, ner ervlne, and Pain Pills 1 toon felt like a rer woman, l am never wunoui wese remcuiei now. In writing the above I feel that the half haa norbeen told. No one who has not been throuch it knows or can know what 'on the verce o f insanity' means. Your remedies vrr fiir1w n fnrl.iend to me. There is tcaVceJy a "but what I recommend them nearly crazed with pain and had cien the- money to my mother to ecthersumemor- pntne to quicc me pain, i toiu ucr your Pain Pills had done for me and finally persuaded her to send for them. She had only to take two ofthe Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills and she was free from pain-' Mrs. Arthur Osborn, Decatur, Mich. All druggists sell and guarantee first bot tle Dr. Maes' Remedies. Send for free book, on Nervourand Heart Diseases. Address Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, lad. Pesbyjerian Church. Sunday School at 10 a. m. U. E. meet ing at 6:30 p.m. The pastor will preach ai 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. ra. Subjects: Life, Saved lyan Offorod Life," and "Tho Christian Endeavor Movemont and What It la Doing." Coma and join witk na in the worship. TALK change in quality $j-s aaa $.eo never ltis & MATSON & FURNISHERS Pain r- l -lr h wtita' trwinMiwa