Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, January 17, 1903, Image 8

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boon steady" enough, but after nvrhllo
nomotblng rattled Mm, and. ho bolted
flcrofis tho uwnmp townrcl Ih'o trees.
OIh mahout used every exertion to stop
or turn hltn, but tho old fellow wns tp
n panic. To the surprise of everybody,
the tiger followed nt hts heola, though
In n furtive way, ns If bent only on ca
en pp. Willi the cleplmnt making ft
mud rtudi for n low branch tree thai
lie might get rid of the burden on ids
back Lady Clifton took swift nlm nt
the tiger mul wounded hltn. The
(wound provoked his nngcr, nud he
sprang forward on the elephant's rear
Just ns the tree was reached and the
branches swept tho howdah to tho
ground. A second Inter nnd tho two
Indies lay on the earth among the rrng
luuntx, both stunned by the fall, nnd
the tiger stood with his paws uioii the
body of Ludy Clifton and growled aud
snarled nt the dozen spectators.
Fortune had given young Danforth
his opportunity. As n sort of terror
held overylwJy elso bolplcw, he flung
himself from his horse, grabbed a hog
ppcar from the hand of n chattering
native and advanced upon the beast.
tie had to cover sixty feet of clear
ground, and those who looked on said
that tho tiger's eyes biased tire mid ev
ery hair on his back stood up ns the
olUcer walked steadily forward. A
dozen voices called to him to look out,
but he mndo no halt As 'ho drew
nearer tho beast crouched for n spring,
and when he was within ten feet the
spring was made. Down went the
man on his knees nnd up went tho
spear, nnd when the onlookers glanced
again the man wnB on his feet nnd un
hurt and the tiger wns rolling over and
over on the earth with
the point of tho
Is back.
spear sticking out of his
The ladles had not been seriously
art, but at least one of them had been
saved from the tiger's maw. Young
Danforth was tho hero of tho hour.
Every officer lu tbo regiment took him ,
by tbo band and offered eongratula-,
lions, nnd his colonel patted him on the
shoulder and said:
"My dear boy, It was the coolest,
bravest thing I ever heard of, and It
makes us all proud of you."
"But the Sikhs sworo that as a leader
I got rattled and lost my bend," replied
the officer. "I was honorably acquit-
ted, but I have been made to feel that ,
I smirched the honor of the Tenth.
Until I can wJpo that out I am an out-
show his gratitude, and Lady Clifton
had influence sho wanted to bring to
liear, but the subaltern remained the
subaltern. He was biding his time, and
he had not long to wait. The dacoits
came down from the bills again, and
he was given tho chance he so longed
for Thltime his flfrs troopj?rs were!
au raJsHvumcn, ffniT he noT only at
tacked Mooltan, the greatest robber
chieftain of them nil, lu n chosen posl
tlon, but routed his force and captured
the leader. Thnt would have been n
deed to boast of, but tho subaltern was
not satisfied. Leaving part of his force
to hold the position and the prisoners,
he pressed on Into the foothills with
the remainder and attacked and cap
tured a camp and brought off the ser-
genut and corporal who had been made however, nnd I was honorably acquit
prisoners in the first nffalr. There was ( ted. I realize that I am tainted. There
n fcecond court martial nt AUwal on, are hints that I ought to transfer or re
tho return of the troop, and when thoj sign. With your permission I shall re-ucrgea-
corporal had proved that) maln,right here nnd hope for Bometblng
tho EJkJU; 3 llara and cowards the ' to happen."
old Tentii liln Jubilee nnd declared
tJhat iia hcar was never eo bright At
the Manas they, toasted "our comrade
Thu Spoke the Cynic.
"Curious thing about a man with n
watch is that If you seo him take it
out nnd look at lt and you ask him
two seconds later what time lt is he
never remembers. Ho has to look at lt
"Yes; I've noticed that he'll nlwayB
do lt If his watch Is a flno one."
Chicago Tribune.
Municipal Aid.
"Well," remarked Miss Innocence,
"tho government may not believe in
,womeu taking tho lnitiativo in matters
of love, but (his city certainly does." '
"I don't ceo how," replies Miss An
tike, -with more interest than might
imve been expected.
"It's plain ns print Tho city clerk
j Is advertising In the newspapers for
'sealed proposals.'" replies Miss Inno
cence. Cincinnati Commercial Tribune.
" .Tho Chicago Record-Herald says
that Captain Anson, tho ex-baseball
Jilaycr, Is going Into politics. The cap
tain used to be regarded as a pretty
afo bitter, but hero Is whero ho may
otrlko out
This has been a bad year for tJnclo
Russell Sage. Ho has had to dock
himself for being off eight days from
ono cause or another.
Mcdils mul Heat.
Brass reflects bent better than any
other metnl. Silver comes next, then
tin, Htcel nnd lead lu the order named.
Grafting or budding merely multiplies
tho particular variety, whatever it may
be, without milking any change in it
.New varieties nro produced by plnut
ias seeds and growing seedlings.
prlvllcgo than to be 'ncnt out nt ll'io.
head of n detnehtnent to. glv the da.1
colts n whirl. When the ttmo enmo
that the colonel could do young Dan
forth this fnvor, ho had a long and
Mulct mil; with hlni. He posted him
ns to the olmrhcterUtlcs and tactics of
tho foo and warned him of the pit
falls that even veteran olllccrw might
fall into, lie was. to find the enemy
r.lifl destroy him, but ho wns cautioned
against liupctuouslty nud useless sac
rlllco of men. This expedition wns to
be tho young oillccr's "try out." Ho
had never been under lire, nnd he could
not claim full kinship with the rogl
input until he had.
They gave young Danforth n Ilrittsu
sergeant mid cortiornl nnd thirty-eight
Sikh troopers. Under an olllcer In
whom he has confidence there Is no
tetter soldier that the Sikh. Ills only
wean point is mat lie must have iiisl
foe In front of hltn. Danforth had the
luck to strike n band of robbers within
twenty miles of the post. They had
captured a vlllngo and were pillaging.
It wns testified to by n dozen Sikhs
thnt ho was ns cool ns an old veteran.
Ho sent scouts forward to ascertain tho
strength of the enemy nnd the lay of
the land, nnd nt the bend of his forty
men ho charged Into the village and
routed out the band of 150. He lost
two men nud killed a doxen. nud It was
n little affair to be proud of. He held
his men well in hand and wns on the
watch for trickery, and had Till the
troopers becu Europeans nil would bavo
gono well. As the robbers retreated
over broken ground men were Hung off
from cither flank to create nn nmbush.
lialf hearted, but as they opened tlr
the Sikhs bolted. There were confusion
"; " - v v iu uuujuu .urn vuij
and n rout and the pursuers became In
turn the pursued. When the flight end-
ed. the sergeant and corporal were
nfG,Ing- t
court martial was demanded by !
i.iuiuiui. ou Soulier nau wie
detachment returned than the remnant
of the Sikhs began to whisper about.
Incompetency and cowardice. They
praUed the officer for his tight at the
village, but they declared that his cow
ardice when he found himself lu a
tight place had brought about disaster.
Ills defense wns straightforward and
clear. There wns not nn officer who
doubted one of his statements, and he
wng honorabiy acquitted of the charge;
.. ..... ........
T1UO 11.11. Ul UiL'U &1A1L1 UUlLLiS II1UL IU 1JIT
smirch on the name of the regiment. It
wns agreed that the Sikhs hud lied to
excuse their own cowardice, and there
was the Tcrdlct of the court martial,
yet tho cloud was not dissipated.
loung Dauforth could not fall to no-
nctMne change In tne Attitude of his
brother officers. They did not cut him,
but they had to make an effort to be
friendly. Pretty soon hints wero
thrown out that It would be well for
him to transfer or leave the service.
Then ho went to the colonel and Bald:
"I wns charged with cowurdlce by tho
Sikhs. Had my sergeant and corporal
llred to come back with me I could
haro had witnesses to prove to the con-
tnirr. The court martial took mvironl.
"I bellcvo that tho Sikhs perjured
themsolvee," quietly replied the colonel,
"and perhaps it will be the wisest thing
you can do to btay on."
Tbe words were kind aud fair, but no
grip of the hand accompanied them. In
his heart of hearts the colonel had
hoped the subaltern would go away,
though at tho same time he realized
that only an Innocent rann would hnvi
cared to remain. Young Danforth I-vd
no more expeditions, nnd months r'.-l.cd
away before unythiug happened is put
hla case In n more favorable llgn?; Then
a number of dacoits were captured.
Among them wtre two or thrco who
had fought him t)iat day. 1'Iiey boast
ed of how they had drlv.si his Sikhfl;
they praised the couracs he had exhib
ited lu seeking to rally them. TJVero
wns au Increase of crvdlality after hat,
but the subaltern jive no sign tat he
uoticed it or was pleased over it.
A few mouth' later there if rived a
yarty of civil officials and tlJr wives
who were on n Junket. Tbc hnd sev
eral elephants with them for tiger hunt
ing, nud within twenty r lies of tho
post wnB the game they -were after.
Young Danforth wns one of the three
sfllcors detailed tooi-rangc and inanrfgc
ilw hunt. With tho civil commissioner
o Ncjnl and his wife was Lady Clif
ton, and the two ladles were by nc
.means novices In tho sport of tiger
minting. When tho hunt had been fair
ly entered upou, they occupied a how
dah on the back of a big elephant to.
gether and would not admit any one
else. A tiger had been driven by the
f boaters Into a swamp u mile long by
half a mllo broad, and into this spot,
grown up to reeds and bushes until the
tyes could searccly penetrate, crashed
the olcplmutK and horses,
to drive thu tiger out
Tho Idea was
upon clearer
ground to tho west where ho could bo
reached, und everybody made as much
nolso us possible. Ho was n enrKy
beast, and for two hours he refused to
break cover.
Tho elephant on which the two ladlea
wero mounted had taken the., leau aud
Tho flrit shlpmotit, 10'toni, ol froieu
atoolhcua tnlinon wns sent to Portland
on tho rretuitfl from tho Ico nud Cold
Storage plant,
K, A. Hoohtio nnd sjn of Hanson,
Nebraska, are among tho' new arrivals
lu tow n. Those gentleman are favorable
impressed with the country mul may
locate here.
John Blo3tr.iu!tt went to San Fran
cisco on Uiu South Co.st. Ho will pur
chase tho machinery (or HI n ford Davis'
new hunch mid soinn for his new thop
. to bo used in Uiu boat building biul-
TheMUk Maid, Cant. Harris' boat
was disabled and will have to bo beach
od for repair. Sho will be oti; tho run
agiin tomorrow Cap.. Harris thinks,
Fioil Wilson ot Sutr.uerj was lookjinj
for eomoono to pull him o Sumner yetr
torday. ;
i "
Tho Kasoburg Itavlntr issued a very
cretHtablo special nutuber for tho lioli-
. . ... ,
. ,,nV8' B,v,n ft vbr" conc'8a wrltc-MP o(
Douglas county in general, Uoscburg iu
' parlicuiBr. lt wa8 w ell printed nud the
"bjccl matter was rellabto information
'on Southern Orenon. The Keviow docs
, nolhllJC bv ......,., aMj tLu cilS2.nB of
D0U'UK by ,mU . . .
lu" toaran leel prouu oi meir nomc
.. , . . . ,......,., ..iit
, h -"u, r TeTtlZS .!;
tjon H chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets." vava Me'ard F. Crsiir. ol
Middlesrovc, N Y. "They work like a
charm and do not gripe or have any uu
peasant eff-.ct." For sale by John I'reuie
ThoWomans Club will meet with Mrs.
A. 11. rienlls this afternoon. Subject:
How Can Wo Make Work ritfasant To
Our Children,"
Departures to Tortlcnd on'rthePrcntiss
Jan. 1G: J II Snyder, W CJ Illack nnd
wife, J M llunuell. Tho.-e' wera other
passengers, but as they went aboard
without tickets a full list as not ob
tainable. Representative Hume, of Coos and
Curry, lias been in n San Francisco
hospital, but it reported that he is cou
valitcent midnill report for duty in
Salem within efcht days.
Good Idea
Xicholton Is circulating n peti
C. E.
tion, which is beicg numerously Eigned;
atklnj the legislature to extend the op
en season for tteclhcad taltnon to tho
loth day of March. In nearly nl)
counties the soacon extends until that
date, aud there seems no good reason
why Coos county fishermen should ndt
get tho bsiu-fit of the same provision.
For a bad tatto in the mouth take al
few dopes of ChnmberlHlrrs btomacti anil
Liver TnblntH. Pri".o S." centH. War
ranted to euro. For talo by John Prouss.
qf the
VMl, h'J
A. N.
Tho honor of tho Tenth had been
unlrched. Tho rank and HIo growled
It out lu barracks, tho olilcers whis
pered It to each other, und ns the colo
nel sat on tho vcnuidu of his bunga
low and admitted it to hlmsolf ho laid
much of the blame on his ov;i shoul
ders. Tho robber bauds of India, known nn
dacoits, had been busy around Allwal,
und squads of Hrltlsh cavalry worn be
ing tent out every fow days to dt-Ktroy
them. Your true dacolt Is not only u
robber, but n lighter as well. lie roba
his own raco whenever opportunity of
fers nnd fights tho llrltlsli whenever1
.'nnd wherever he meets them. Ho Jh n
good shot, n bravo foe, and there nro
honor aud promotion to bu had In wip
ing him off tho face of tho earth.
Young Danforth had lately Joined tno
Tenth. Ho had family und political' in
fluence and a fortune behind hlni, und
ho had a personality , which mndQ
friends. There .could .bo no neater
Arrivals from Portland by Prenltii
Jin. 15: -Mrs Johnson nud child, Mn
S 11 Hnuvrd, F 11 McDounld, M Andor
son, Mr 0 F Hoffman, Mrs floo Holstor,
II Karn, Mrs A 0 Fngnn, 11 0 Fnsnii,
1' L Johnston, Win MUW, Win Holster,
and Hovcntcon metubora ot tho Mm
Wiarcto Fischer Company.
. Don't Worry
This is easier paid than done, yet it
may bo of come help to consider (ho
matter. If tho cause is somothlug over
which you Imvo no control lt Is obvious
that worrying in ill not help tho matter
in tl.oluaut. On the other hand, II
within votir control you have only to
act. W hen you lmvo a cold nnd fear an
attack of pneumonia, buy n bottle of
('liainbHnln's Couth Komedy and ueo
11 jiuliclomdy and all enure for worry m
tcvtlio otitcomo will iitlckly disappear.
I hero is no danger ot piiuuuioniu when
it is used. For tale by John Preusd.
Tho holiday edition ot tho Dally Const
Midi reached us yesterday, though u
little Into it mndo up lu excelioury.
Tho Dally Mall has now pma.'d lb first
milo'post, and is still in tho ewltn, with
all tho predictions thnt less thnn n year
would ceo its demise to the contrary
notwithstanding, You should got ono
of this number to tend to your friends
iii tho cast. Coquillo Herald.
Might Have Been Worse.
Wm Martin who has been break man
on tho Daniel Creek railroad had tho
inhfortuuo tohavo his toll hand soverly
uinngacd Thursday whllo working be
tween tho cars. Mr. Martin enmo to
town and Dr Horsfal reascd tho
manglod member, lir. Honfal tliiuka
the hand will bo saved. iVhilo this It a
Virions losi to Mr. Martin ho is lucky
that ho creaped with his life. He hopes
for tho comploto recovery ot his hand.
First Rock For the New Hospital
Abo Tctilrock loft for tho Coos rhor
qnarry with a scow to get out rock for
the hospital. This is tho first of the
large contract which Mr. Patcrson has.
Tho work will bo pushed forward as
soon as tho rainy weather nabsidos and
Mr. Patereon expect to comploto the
stone foundation as soon as possible.
Afternoon Party
On Wednesday afternoon tho Motho
dist Ladies' Aid Socio ty and thu Woman
ot Woodcraft wero entertained by Mrr.
Olo Hansen nt her homo, tho occasion
being her fiftieth birthday. Mn. Han
sen's guests turned tho affair into some
thing of n turprieo party for her, by pre
senting her with a nico rocking chair
nnd a handaomo ealad set, tho former
from tho Society and tho latter from tho
Circlo in appreciation of hor valuable
work in thoto organizations. A number
of other preentr, beautiful and ueoftil,
wero leceived from individual friends.
Delicious refreshments wero served by
thoihappy hojtcss and tho afternoon
passed very pleasantly.
Thoto present woro:
Meedamcs, Abbot, Itooko, Hear, Kd-
mon, Peck, Harkns, Brown, Smith, Kna-J
muteion, Kelly, Langworthy, Leo, Mc
Carty, JoeuphtCi). J'rontlp, Lando,
Weider, Murphy, Motljn, Lovi Smith,
Chapman, Heluner, 'Fellows, Haneou,
Mitres Itoto ItcokVncd' Mhry Metlin,
Mnntur IIiniio Hane'on.
From Saturday's Daliy. ,
Chas. Jensen will return next week, to
San Joro, whuro, ho wll resume hie
L'tiidlos.lii n commercial college.
U. Hongetackon.haa dJpon(.ed with
the almond-eyod cook 'from" tho Oriont,
at tho Forty camp, -fitul hao Inanlled a
white lady in tho culfiinry -dopartinonl,
wli'ch ia highly approved by tho crow.
John Portor, ono of tho cubfltantlal
farmers ol Allegauy, was in town on
- -
Mre. S. II. Hazard hns rotumod from
a visit to hor tifitor Mm. G. W. Logglo,
at now Whnlcorn. .Wnnli.
B 1
Tho Czarinn arrived, from. Kan Fran-
cltco yoaterdoy, for a load of coal from
Heaver Hi!l.
' Public Installation.
Tho Modorn Woodmen ol America
hold ft publlo Installation Tiiosilny night.
Uotidos a splondid lltornry mul muslonl
program i lovely hocIhI iimo wns liml
mid n lino lunch was sorvod.
Iniprovlfijr Cliurcli Edifice
Lutheran KvaiiKi'licnlOougrdRntlon nro
making soiuo very flno improvoiiieiiti in
tliolr churcji. Tho tutorlor in bidng
thoroughly ronovntodnnd a now dressing
of paint ttdorna tho Interior, while now
doors and Mops and other Improvements
nro bolng made, nud whon the work
now undof way is con plot ml this Church
will bo, not only noal nud hnmUmtio
inside, but a plneauru to its memblrs.
ns It is tho work of thuir own hands, in
sisted by their dtlllgont pastor, Itov.
Hengfteon, They may wellboprotidol it.
Lodijc Uoliijrs.
Doric Chnptor Ordor K.utern Star
No. 03 initallod tho follow Irg ollkom
Tuesday ovoniiig: Mis l'lorenco Nns
burg.Wor'hy Matron; 11 C Loo. Worthy
P.torn;Mra Anulo Wollcot, AseoMato
Matron; Mrs LUxle Merchant, Conduc
trees; Mrs Ida Douglas, Associate Con
ductrcss; Mrs Mary Doimoud, Adah;
Miss Klslo llounott, liulli ; Mrs Oussto
Iloclion, Kblhors Mrs Mario Taylor.
Martha; Mra K litis (loldon. Electa;
Mrs Mary Hofor, Wnrdoii; E A Ander
son, Sentinel; Mra Miry Smith, Ohaplln
Tho officers woro InsUllod ly Pt
Worl'iv Matron Frlcdborg, wsiited by
Grand Marshal Mra Ad.i Dnnuau.
Aftor tho regular work a number ot
tho mombcrs friondi wore invited to
partako of n banquet of lucious letrosb
tnotits, then several hours worn spent In
nmueomontsnnd games. Tho evening
was much enjoyed.
From Friday's Dally.
John Coke, James Flanagan aud John
Proctor went to tho Mao for n fowdays
trout fishing returning Saturday,
A now sjsn i "el"? Pitwl on tho
East end ot the Mnrsh'tklds water Co'a
R. II, Amateln hna tho foundation for
hla now house on tho -1th Street Hrldgu,
about completed and v it 1 bejln tho
erection immediately.
Mra A. D. Uoono returned to hor
homo nt Sumner yesterday, after a
short visit with hor daughter Mra, Wm.
JCurdoll, anb other friends.
It. J. Coke took n run up Coos river
Mrs. Ca'pt. Doomo of Sumner has
been spending moral days visiting hor
daughter Mrs. William Kardvll.
A rcow load of land enmo up from tho
onnd hills yesterday fur tho Uoaver Hill
Mines, to bo used in making a concroat
foundation for tho now engine to be er
oded at tho mines,
Tho Slmkospoiroan Club mot with
Miss Foaliny Wednesday uYonlngi a
hplondid timo was had. , Tho noxt moot
will baut tho homo of Mlia Clara John
ton. Tho Btenm schooner 1'runtUa arrived
yestordny nftornoon from Ptrtliuid,
brijgirig freight nnd prsdimijer.i, In
placool tlio Homor. Sho will sail from
Empire for Portland nt -' p. m. loday.
Tlio P.roilor treated itRolf to a binnd
now linoleum floor covering which
mukos thu dining room quite cosy.
Dislocated Her Shoulder
Mrs. .Intuition HoJorholm, ot Fergus
Falls, Minn, fell and iliulocntod hor
Miouhlor. Kho had u mirgeoii got it
back in place as toon us posHiblo, but It
waiiquito ooro nnd pdlned hor very
much. Hor eon inontlonud that ho hail
teon Chnniborhdn'H Pain Halm ndvorlis
id for Hpnilnii and eoreneBu, niid ehe
asked him to buy hpr a bottiu of It,
which ho did. It quickly nd loved hor
iiml miahlud hor to oloup which uho had
not donu for eoveral days. Tho non wab
jo much pleaHed with thu relief it gn,vo
his mother that ho has ulnco rooom
mended It to many others. For talo by
John Prouta.
From Thureday'a Dally. . -)
Flno Stationery at Nor't m'.
HnstyMiko'n V tt, Jnn. 19, 1903
Some inuiia ido.i ol ""i0Qr U tfllnjtlu
debt for ovorytliiii. -.r .- mpM
Tho nowbollom ura rl--otl, at ihHiy
city mill, nnd tin wrk of eontitetih
Ilium up in nenly cnidplr'nl.
Mr. and Mrr. II. N. Hlack woro down
fr.itu their Catching cIoiikIi (arm yoitot-
Coquillo Hurald An wo go to prrsa
tho dry-hottno in onnuntinn with thu
furniture factory nt Thorn in Krowaon
took tiro and burnod down.
W. C. T. I'. will hold i special, moot
ing nt tho homo of Mr?, F, (J. Strange
this afternoo i nt'J:.1)
Coiulllo Herald Superintendents. I).
Hourc, of tho C xpilllo C'o'o. mlno at
Ulvorton enmo up this morning nnd
con ll run tho report wo gnvo Inst week to
tho effect that tho Mandnlny would not
como to tho rivor nuy more, but that
'ho steamer Uhico U duo thh wroV,
Coquillo llornld Thofitiamur J. War
ron broke hor crank-pin whllo making
her run on tho North Fork ono day last
week and will bo obllgrxl to miss a fow,
runs. Maslor J. M. Ilrllit Is lioro get
ting the repoira mnde nt J. 0. Wilson's
machine shop.
Joo llus'el of Porthinh ia rustncntlng
in MnrHhtbdil. Ills health has not been
good ot Into nnd lid many (rleuiU hopo
our son breeM will bo a great benefit to
him. He camo ovoalnud via Dralnsand
oxpects to roturii by Mo.imor. Ho is tin
gucatof (iua GuIjveoii nt prcsont,
Coulllo Hornid Mossrs. Louovo and
Komnuder having secured a alto for their
creamery nnd cold storago, from J, A,
Collier, and hnvo or dor o J thuir mnchin
ory and n lot of lumber for tho founda
tion of thu buildings was put on tho
grounds thu last of tho wook. Thu now
institution will occupy n nito dirostly
liotwcon thu now depot nnd tho rivor
a very convenient place for such n busi
noes, bolng handy to uhip)iii by livor
and rail.
Au oiithuiinitic mooting of tlio farm
era intorcfitud in dairying was hold in
Modford Sntirdiy. Addroisos woro do
llvorod by ProJespr Withycombo, of thu
Sttito ot Agricultural Experimental
Station; IV h Louiubury nud W. Ii.
Cnlomnn, of tlio Southern Paul flu traffic
department, in which tho ad vantage j to
bo derived from products woro outlined.
It wno shown that tho Htiitlatici guthor
ed rolativo to tho numbur of productive
cows at prcsont iu Jackson County
would warrant tho extension of Invest
ment by every farmer iu tflo Valloy,
ScIidoI Mcclitij'j
At thu tcliool mooting Inut niglit tho
voters decided to levy n U mill tax or
school ptirpotbu which, wan done by
unnnnmouu vote.
Tho tcliool board levied u 2 1-2 milt
tax to pay intoroit on bonds,
TUOKEIt-On Coos rivor, Or. Jun.
11th, to tho wifoof Goo Tucker a boo.
-f ,
4 r,fv