Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, January 17, 1903, Image 3

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A V.
y t
Dies Suddenly at Washington,
Remains to Be Brought West For Inter
ment at His Late, Home at
Wirihlmilon, Jan. rJ-Hoprctonlntlvo
Tontue, ul Oregon, In thu presence ol
hls ilnuxhtor Bertha and Itla Bcctelarj,
.Miis lluatio, died auuMuiily I his room
nt the hotel Irvlnuton In this city at
12:WHiiday ultcrnooa.
--w ' I
i I-.- ...i i..inr ). iiniinl fcwav
n IU1T Illlltiilvu ui..ww ,---- 1
ho lapsed Into unconsciousness and died j
without ft word and without any sutler-
jn(. I
Ills lon.Thomaa H. Jr., did not re-
sldo with lila father hut was notified p-'
. . . .
proachlng tho end, and hastened to mi
falhcr'd bcdrldo. but did not reach there
until after hu had parsed away.
Physlclanu woro summoned and tho
family physician. Ur. Dove, as well as
tho coroner agreed that death was duo
to acnto Indigestion which auporlnducod
paralysis of the heart.
mi if
Philadelphia, Jan. 10 Tho non-union-Into
closed tlwlr mdu of tlm cast) before
tho Anthriiclto Cominlusion and ttiu coal
tionipniih'N opened thulr ennu this morn-
!"' . . .'. I f
Attorney Torrey, of the Delnwnrn iv
Hudson gavii tho opening addrum. Tor
rey raid tho work wai not arduous, and
was inoro thnti ordinarily healthful.
No complalntH had over beon nu-u to
thu din'ctnra ruutiltiiir thu norking of
tho system. H aroused tho Miners
Union ol creating dlifuMnfactlun.
It wusnot tho CoiiijmiiIi'V fault fofow
hourfl wuro workud. Tho minora thiini
rulvu wuru ruHponr-lhlu. Mitehull In
crosn-cxaminint: vltmisr-ei, guvo Super
Intendont Roho. ol thu Dolawnro A Hud
rou, n bad hull hour. Ho iniulo htm
admit n number ol couilltions created by
upcniturts'AhUh demoralized tho men.
I'hicnKO, Jan, 10 Tho alleged rnnnnt
ratorH in tho roal comhlno faced thu
(irniid Jury tl is morning.
Kurty mlueru, operators of milieu, ami
ilunlurd, iiaoitli "I tho I'diinsylvan
la coinpaiiii'.n. wuro niihpnr-nled during
thu night. Most of thu wttiiestOH am
milliomiliiH, prominent phllanthro-
phhti', nut-Hi tn I'liuruumo worn, am
well asi ciiiiihinini: toiuieo tho price of
ThoAttornoy fionornl of tho Muto and
Htiiten Attorney, Deuiio, nro ussloliiig In
tho liivrotigutlnn. Tlio lormor Is Bald
to linvo pnullivo ovl.lonco that bltuuiltf
ohk coal now filling thu yalda In thu
city ooit, laid down In Chicago,! CO or
ton, whllo tuUhnu-l lentil per ton,
TIiorhirgn iiiulu to tho publlo nro
from $10 to 20 prr tr). renpccllvely.
A doxon mll'tiumlrou owners left tho
dtv during tho night.
During tho nilit two doutliB from
fiucKlug, dim to llu (niHielty of tho coil
hurroiin wuro rupo'tud tliia morniiiK,
Onu was nn old woman of 70, thu othtir
nmt mi Jiiiimt. IVlico patrol wacoms
iiud tuh wauoi'H uro di'liv-mn'.' Hmall Iota
of ooul to tho dostiliito lo'tay,
IComo, Jan, 10-OfllaiaI olrolea today
my It 'a probablu tho threu nlliea will
oiul Veiuv.uuhui trouhlu by practienlly
(.'iltriiHlini: tlio oiuiro i'imiiiiiiiuiii. i
till II Will). II lUiniUKb 11,1
.... i.. ,.!,,.... fnlriinuk !i!l Imvo comoletc
liiwo comploto
Mr. Tonguo bad been In Ms usuol
health except occnslonitl attacks of dy-
m 1 which ho liad been subjoct ol
Into yearn, and had not complained of
fcelltiK badly this winter. Hoconslder-
cd that he wag in butter health than he
liAn been (or vcara wist, In (act.
--- .
Thero will bo no funeral services held
In Washington. The Tongue family and
congressional party Innvo with the re-
mains In a special sleeping car ovor the
IVinnsylyonla railroad this evening at
.. . ... . ii.i . rt... .i.
7:top m, rosuk irom vjucajiu iu wm..
oxer tho Chicago and Norlhwcstorn,
thonco by tho U. I'., 0. R. N. and
Southern Pacific to Hillsboro. If con
nections bit madfl, the funeral train will
reach lis destination Hatnrday night,
giving an oppottunlty for funeral tor
vices at tho Tongue homo Sunday.
Fortunes jn Imported Gems.
v.... V.lr T.n lOThn (rtrflnrilili-
ilUW IUK 1H " -..--.
ary proiporlty oj tho people ol tho Un
ited mates durimc uv.: is renccieu in me
henvv imiHirtatlons ol diamonds and
othor preclouc stones entered at Now
York. Iliocaienuar year oiiuuinnnn
banner year In tho Importation of poms,
but Uncial figures piepared by Oeu.
f :,.nn.i, W Mimltl. tlm Miirciftl lowvlrv
and diamond examiner at the appraiser's
wuruhouse, show Hint I-OoU.-ua.us more
precious Monrs, IncltidliiR pearls wore
rccidvM ilurini: tho twelvo months just
pnssud than in tho preceding mlendar
vear. It appears from Gun Minail f
rojiort that in 1002 thu Importations ol
precious stones, out nnd uncut, reached
thu hiiih valuation of I2.ri 112,765 75 com
psred with 2l.8UI.M7.Ot in 100L
I)y pome sudden sound she drops the
vase upon the floor. She ia nervous and
may Ik told that nervousness is a luxury
which omy n
rich woman can
nfTord to indulge
in. Nervousness
1ms cost many n
woman her po
sition. Some
times when wom
en run machin
ery the price of
nervousness in
mutilation, a
fuiKer lost or per
haps the whole
hand crushed.
Nervousness in
women is cqtii
mo uly hut a
h y m p t o in of
It is useless' in
audi canes to
"doctor" for tho
nerves alone.
Cure the diseases
which attack the
delicate woman
ly organism and
nervousness will
be cured also.
D r . Picrcc'fl
l'rtvoritc Pro
scription nmhea weak women strong,
nick women well. It estnbliahes regular
ity, dries weakening drains, henlB inflam
mation and ulceration, nud cuvca female
weakness. It trauquiUzea the nerves and
Inducefl refrebhinj sleep.
In ttic fntl of 1P97, 1 won troubled wttli lierv
imtiiei, heaitaclie, lifort trouble oml female
hrakiiFM," wtllc Mls Iltnttclt M. Jlrocey, ol
Mln, ()wcro Co.. N. Y, "Int summer I wrote
you ami you uilviteit me to try your ' IMvorite
Prescription ' oiut 'Oolilcn Medical Dlbcovcry.'
I tint i 11ml I began to improve mplilly. Con.
(Itiueil taUiiR the iiinllciue, liulf a ilottu ench of
'favorite PiecriitUm' and 'GolJeu Medical
Discovery ' for the pce of Ave months, nnd tn
Jes than n year had regained my former health."
Dr. Pierce's Ploasant PelleU clear tho
muddy complexion.
Harris Speaker the
House, .
i (
A '
Surmises as to Effect of Tongue's
Death on tlio Senatorial
8alem,Jn. 12 Tho first roporls from
tho Siinalu caucus prciaKcd a sur
loua flicht, thero hulnK a tlo voto
on candidates for President of the7 Ben
ate, with Senators Urownell and Smith
each receiving 11 votes. Kevon t Allots
woro taken with tho eatno result.
Eontlor Fulton, chairman of tL ctiu
cur, roprcfcnls tho Urownell fiction
Thrco candidates for Speaker inpstcr
uJ nearly equal strength in tho tlouso
caucus, which convoncd Imimdlatoly.
fultowinR adj'jurnment. Bevoral siccobs.
ivo ballots found Davy leading with 17.
Kddy and Harris earn had 15. 21 votes
nere necessary for tho caucus nomina
tion, and 10 was tho grcatoit number of
votes reclovod.
Thero are 8 rival candidate. D&vy ro
cleved tho Kastern 'Oregon vote, which
added to his strength, As a politer on
senatorial matters, nelthor 5f tho
caucutes proved anything excett that
there will bo a fight, such as has novcr
been known before.
Tho sudden death of Congressman
Tonguo also eliminates elomentt from
the senatorial slate, which had bgun to
bo portenttus. Many, think til's will
line Dinger Hermann up for Congress
nd removo his Immediate influenco far
bobs tho tonatotshipia concerned. Many
nleo suggest that tho vaccnt seat In con
gress may in taomo mcasuro influenco
(lovornor Ueor'a actions, and may pos
sibly provo a solution ol tho senatorial
Dut tho sanio conclusion can bo drawn
regarding any othor senatorial candi
date from this congressional district.
Fulton Is tho only avowed candidate for
Senator who will not bo directly nffoct
ed by tho cad event.
Senator Fulton, by vlrtuo ol having
been president of tho Senate last session,
called to ordor at 10 o'clock promptly.
Senator Booth placed in nomination
Senator Daly for Umporary chairman,
and it carried wlthont diseent. Ex-
Chief Clerk 6. L. Moorohcad plaood in
nomination Senator McGinn and he was
elected. After appointing committcee
on credentials composed of Senators
Booth, Hobson, Mulkoy, Hunt nnd
Waro. tho 8onato adjournod for caucus
at 10:30.
A, 0. Jennings clork of tho 1001 Houso
railed thu seeslon to ordor. llobort K.
Kmmett was placed In nomination for
temnorarv stnfiker and elected by ac
clamation. Kddyof Tillamook 4noml-imti-.l
A. 0. Jenulnas for temporury
nlork and ho waa elected. Shelly of
La no moved for a committee ol five on
credentials, aud Judd, of Marlon, did
tho sumo for t committer of five! on rules.
Both motiono prevailed. Shelly, Bur
uess Halo, Clay, oml Pool woro appoint
ed on credentials and on rttlon, llilyou,
Hawkins, Heed, and Miles. Both ea'u
cuses canto to 11 ruddon closo at U:30,
choosinu. Drowuoll president of tho Sen
atoand Harris eponkor of tho House,
Coming on Areata
San Fianoleco, Jan. 10 Following i8
tho puseoiiitAr list of tho Atcatn, which
nniled at -1:110 p in today: Messrs Bdy
dnr, Ivnano, J Roditers, J Proctor, Wm
Ford, J Sullivan, V llughoj, F ltrttso, 0
.lonun. W I.eltuiO .1 Buchnor, It Marr-
Inn. I-'. lMnrnn. W Llltio. .1 Melvtu. L
fit,,,i,r. P. T.lnir. .1 Clark. T Kl!v. K
ICnltn nml wlfi. V O Dalton nud wifo.
Misnca Mcintosh and ltowoll, Mrs O
Blaecn, Mrs M Itabb, Mrs H McLcqJ,
Ulno flteeraso pasaougerB.
Various Resolutions
in Congress
House Committee Will
Washington. Jan 12 Tho Houio to
day without opposition pass:d a res
lutlon authorizing the committee
Morchanl Marino to Investlgato the
question of coal transportation and
ascertain tho reason for tho coal famtno
In tho North Atlantic states.
Tho Houso committee on Ways and
means will tako up tho coal question to
Various resolutions plarlna coal
tho (rco list and applying similar remed
ies will bo dUcustcd.
Tho first bill to be considered Is the
ono fathered by Hill, Republican of Con
nccticut. It will be amended so as to
allow n rebate on coal for six months,
placing it virtually on the freo list, and
In this form it win bo reported to the
In tho eenato this mornlog, Mitchell,
chairman of tho commltteo on Pacific
Islands and Porto Rico Rico, aonounced
that his commltteo was unanimous up
on all sobjects except the admission of
Chinese into the Inlsnde.
Foracker gave notlco that Wednesday
ho would speak on tho Statehood bill.
Vest's Anthracta resolutions were
taken up.
New English Contralto
Ixindon. Jan. 10 Miss Ada Croasley.
on linglltih contralto, sailed today for
her first concort twir in America. Bhe
will bo heard in all tho principal cities
caet of tho Missouri river.
New Governor For Soldiers Home
Washington. D. C, Jnn. 10-Bydi
rvtlrm nt tlm Pri'nidont. Brltsadler Gen
eral Ha -nHton 8. Hawkins, retired, to
day assumed the duties of Governor of
il.n Cnlillora' llnmn npnr tliiiritv. Gen
eral Hawkins succeeded Brlgadlor-Gon-
cral Goorgo V. uuggles, rottreu.
Bnrlnefield. 111.. Jan. 10-An entirely
now method of reaching tho coal com
bines has been dlecovered which may re
sult In tho dleolutlon of the charterb of
tho Wabash, Burlington nnd Northwest
ern coal mining coal buslueis. They
can mine for their own use only. Th
Attornoy Geuoral's office today com
menced to conduct an investigation cov
ering tho companies.
Population Of t)reom
Oregon's population today is porhaps
450,000. Accordinc to tha Government
ceiiBiis It was lia,fi3(J In 1000. By 1005,
when the explorations of Captains Lewis
ami Clark will be commemorated with a
Centennial Exposition in Portland,
thore will bo not lens than half a million
peopln in Oregon.
Oregon's luereaso of population since
1850. when its BOttloment by tho whites
practically began, Is shown by the fol
lowing figures:
Fopula- No per
Yuar tlnn tq inllo
1830 13.21U 0
1800 52.4116 55
1805 03,000 3
1870 0 023 INI
1871, 104,003 1 09
IKS') . 17LT68 1 85
18S: 187,096 1 04
18U) 31S,77 32
1895 32.513 3 77
hum 413 5!I2 4 30
UVW 450.000 4 70
Tho taxable property of Oregon today
nui;rcjatu9 perhaps $ 1115 ,000,000.
' Tho oultmt of lumber over tho Co
' nuilli lur plueo Dcromhor 11,1a hhout
12,000,000 foct. This is -tho greatest
mnouiit ovor towca out tuone, tuontu.
'Bmidon ltecordor.
rnimWw lift fls HTnt
Our Monthly Publication
will keep you posted on our
-work and methods. Hailed
Free to the
of any responsible house.
Boston's Mew Steamstip Line
Boston, Mass., Jan. 10 The new
steamship service between Boston and
Manchester, England, was inaugurated
toJuy with tho sailing from this city of
the steamship Caledonia. Iho cow lino
is under tho control of tho Morgan syn
dicate, or the International Mercantile
Marine, which has completed plans also
for tho establishment of a now steam
ship servico between this city and
Will Deliver Railroad
Great FallB, Mont., Jan. 10 Tomorrow
is the date set when tho Great Falls &
Canada railroad is to be officially turn
ed over to the Great Northern Railway
Company. The namo of the lino will
ho chauged to the Great iNorthein &
Montana. Through thu acquisition o'
this road President J. J. Hilt of the
Great. Northern will tap the vast coal
deposits in the Crow's Nest fklds and
seenre fuel for the lines of th Northern
Securities Company.
Hotv to Item or Mold.
Mold that settles on wooden furni
ture or woodwork in the cellar or any
damp lace Is best mot by kerosene oil.
Sometimes n vigorous rubbing Is neces
sary to destroy Ihc pest. A coat of
whitewash applied to n damp cellar
will completely dry It out If In spite
of this prccautlbn mold appears la
spots on tho floor of tho cellar, set
boxes of unslacked lime about and
throw a little of ft over the patches of
tnold that hare appeared.
rioTV to Clontt a Felt Hat.
A. light colored felt hat gray, or
fawn, for Instance may be mndo as
sood as now by being carefully cleaned.
Mako a paste of fuller's earth or pipe
clay that Is, mix tho powder Just
enough with water to give It the con
alstcncy of thick crenm. Lay It over
the hat nnd allow It to dry, then brush
It on? afterward, nnd It will nnswer
perfectly. Tho whole process must be
gono through as neatly nnd quickly as
possible, care being taken that not
more water than la absolutely neces
sary bo used, so that tho hat may Uoep
Its shapo Intact-
lloir to Make Toilet Powder.
Uero Is n. rcclpo for n good toilet
powder: Take half a pound of ordlnnry
starch, crush well under tho rolling
pin, mix It with four ounccH of freshly
Mwdered orrlu root, then put through
an ordinary sifter nnd afterward
through a muslin bag.
! I hsvt had occasion to use yc
BUck.Drouaht Stock sad Poultry Me
diu and sm pleased to say tlist I never"!
used ny thing lor stocK tlwtgavt lull as
good utlslactloa. I heartily rtcom.
mend It to all owners of stock.
J. B. DELSHER, St. Louis, Mo.
Sick stock or poultry should not
eat cheap stock food any mora than
irlr ncrsons should expect to bo
cared by food. When your stock
nnd poultry are sick givo them med
icine. Don't stuff thotu with worth
less stock foods. Unload tho bowels
and stir up the torpid liver and tho
nninml will bo cured, if it bo nossi-
blo to euro it. Black-Dmucht Stock
and Poultry Mcdicino unloads tho
bowels mid stirs up thu torpid liver.
It cures every mttlady o stock i
taken in timtf. Secuio a 25-cent can
of IHack-Pntuuht Slock and Poultry
Medicino and it will ray for itself ten
-. r
time30ver. itorsoaworKUetter. towa
tjivo inoro milk. Hogs cam II03I1.
And henr lay more eggs. It solves tho
urobilin of making as much blood.
ilesli and ehergy as possiblo out of
tho smalloBt amount of food con
sumed. Buy a can from your dealer.
bk , -'.4. ;.'Air-'"' 'n '!ait',i I
Unlled States Land Office, Rojcburjr, Oregon.
Nov, r, 1903.
Notice Is hereby clvrn that In compllaheo
with the provisions of the net of Congress of
June 1, 1873, entitled "An net for the sale of
Mmlr IniuU In iheKl.ttci of California. Oregon,
Ncvatlrt, nnd Wmlilnginn Trtrltory," as ex.
irnileu" to nil thu Public Lund Swici by. net of
of NUrilifield, county of Coos, Slato of Oro
con, lias thr d.iy filed In 'this olTicn hll worn
i.nirmcnt No, 306t, for the ptirthnto of tho
NWJf of SWi-4. Sec. aO. UK ''' '
of Sc 97. Tp 34 S, R No n W. nnd will offer1
r'-of to show that the land amiht (i morn
valuable for It linr or Mono limn fur nprlcul
nr.d purposes, nn'l In eitatilhti hrt claim lo
Mhl Innd leftirc W. V. Dotiglm. U, S I otn
nihsioner for OrrRon, nt Multifield, Oregon, on
Mi'tirditv. the 10 dav of January, 1003. p
lie names wltnwses: Charles lgnnl,
John Micrielbrlnk, Fred Nonh, of Allvcrty, Or.
S. W. Noah, of Mnrshfield, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ntcrscly tho
nbovcdescribetl lands are rrnucstcd 10 hie th Ir
hlrns In this officr on or I cforc nld U day
of an, K03. J. T. IIRILCCH, Itejilslcr. if3
United States Land Office, Rosehurg, Oregon,
Jan. ,.. 93
Notice I hereby given '.hat in compliance
with thcprovUiontof Ihe act of Congress or
unc 3, 1878. emitted "An net for ihc sale of
ilmbei lands In the Slates of California, Ore
n. Nevada, and W.uhlneton Territory, nn
extended to all the Public Und States by act
of Ausuit 4, taos,
of Marshfield. county of Coos, state ol Ore
gon, has tMs-rfj--Hied In this office, his
vorn statement N0.4249. for the. purchase of
the Southeast quarter, of Section No. 4,
in Township No. 37 S, Range No. n
West, And will offer proof tn show that the
'and tcught Is more valuable for lis timber or
.ten ih.in list ntrrlriiltttrnl ourDOses. and to ev-
i-ihiuh his claim to said land before W. U.
Douglas, V. S. Commissioner for pretre-n
.t.iMhfMd.Orecon, on Saturday, the atst
of March, 1903
lie namniii witnwe: 11 iihrhi, u.
trhf.eld Or.. VJl Taylor, E Whitley, Lee
Nerlry, of Falrview, Or.
Any rnd ail persons claiming advenely the
iboc-d scribed lands are requested to filo
their da mi in this office on or before said aist
day of March, 1903. ,
10 J. T. Dkidgf.s, Register.
Flanagan & Bennett
. Bank
DIRECTORS : T. R. 8hori
tlan.J. W.Bcnuctt; TRES.;
ami. II. Flanacan. VICE
PRE8.: R. F. Williams,
Capital, $50,000.
We promptly obtain D. B. and Foreign
Bead model, sketch or photo ol Invention tor
! freo report on
For free book.
uotr to eeearo
IDVO write
Patenti and
visit DR. JORDAN'S an cat I
iiMiiuniTMUirzmiKo.eu. 1
World Vl&kn4 sr y couracid '
sposuiM mm m (.. iuc f yuu
NVPHILIKthMmnlklr .ftdfcal.d ,
rvw tjivm wiiw,i IB. . .iJasrAarr.
11 murm It nar. A. enUk .ail I
TruwaattlwSruesiMlt. Ball-
1 riUlcml nt r rll. run ul
riilikh b IX. terdu. ictlil uk. i
ttM tlt4k '
ComsIuUm ft u4 MrictiTptlnlm. TrUumt of i
aaajw M r Ittt.r. A "Ml tin CW. U n.nr cu. I
,und.iuit wctu ret Bak rwiaiorav r.
' aaKMpi.maw tcuuo rsma. (A tumwiwii I
. ixm. laiiwiu
OX. 1M0AH C91M skvcit A,. f.
i in newspapers!
Call oa or Writ '
S 64 & 65 Merchant1 Exchange
Nasal CntniTli qtdokly yields to trcaU
raont by Ely's Cream llalm, which la ogreo
ahly ara-natio. It ia roooived through tho
nostrils, cleanses and heals tho wholo eur
faco over which it diffuseo itaolf. Druggists
Eoll tho GOo. aizoj Trial aizo hy mail, 10
conts. Test it and you aro suro to coutinuo
tho treatmeut. . "
Announcement, -r - , .
To aocoiumodata thoso who aro partial
to tho u3o of atomizers iu applying liquids'
into tho nasal passages for catarrhal trou
1U3, tho proprietors prcnars Cream llalm ia
liquid form, which will bo known as Ely'a
Liquid Cream Balm, l'rjo iucludiug tho
spraying tubo is 7? cents. Druggists or by
mail. Tho liquid form embodies tho mod
idnal properties of tho solid 'preparation."
psjwniVv to '.
Opposite iLatonTOfnosi !
f '
i. 1J''
' t.